by Daniel Ruth
"I'm a bit worried that the map was damaged in the fight," I sighed. "I know a few of the walls have holes in them."
"You fought with the Baron in his headquarters?" Jeremy asked with a raised brow, questioning my sanity. It's okay, at the time so was I.
"Well, for a short time I did," I replied with a shrug. "But most of the structural damage was done by cannon fire."
"Cannons?" Beth asked, her interest peaked.
"Cannons," Jeremy echoed. "In the mansion?"
"It was a spell the gargoyles were programmed for. Some sort of magical stone projection. It went through the wall, then the next wall and then... well you get the idea. I never really got a chance to see if it affected the projection."
"That seems pretty important," Jeremy said.
"Yeah, but last month was brutal," I complained. "One emergency after another. I had to go and rescue the council members. What a waste."
"Why was it a waste," Jeremy asked.
"Eh, it turned out that a lot of them were part of the Dark Guild," I waved my hands spookily. "They interrupted our date and Maribel killed them."
"She ate them," Beth asked in horror. Maribel had really left an impression on her.
"No, of course not," I denied vehemently. "I'm sure she likely crushed them to death. Or if she bit them in half, I doubt she swallowed."
"Well, as long as she didn't inhale," Jeremy muttered to himself. Beth looked ill.
I can't understand the appeal to eating humans. A pig or a cow tastes so much better. It's not like we got to kissing or anything but if Maribel was eating humans that would just be gross. Even smoking would be better. That would at least burn up in the fire breath. Blech.
"Okay, let's go," Jeremy said. "Can Beth come with us?"
Beth and I stopped and stared at each other. "I am not sure that would be a good idea. Her identity is not really that established. We were lucky they didn't investigate the damage to the room the other day."
"What damage?" Jeremy asked. I naturally ignored him and continued my train of thought.
At this time there was a knocking at the door. I looked at Beth. "Are you expecting Sentha or any of your minions?"
"No, not at all," she said, her brow scrunched up in thought. "It might be the deliveryman. Since you woke... er, I mean finished your library research, I had the food service quintuple the food orders. I also ordered another food storage container."
"Oh, right I think those are fantastic," I interrupted her eagerly. "I think we need to look into more of those temporal magical constructs so I can study them..."
The door boomed with a more strident knocking. "Hold that thought," Beth said. Remembering the last time, she answered the door by herself I subtly glanced over to where I had engraved the ward against undead and ghosts. Yep, still there. And active.
"I am here to see Duke Ponzi," an elderly voice came from the hallway.
I froze. Duke Ponzi was the identity I had appropriated when I joined the academy. I immediately concentrated and my form shrank into that of an older child. I now wore the face of the poor unfortunate victim of the hydra. Adjusting my robes with a thought I stood up and walked up behind Beth.
She was talking to an older gentleman wearing the clothes of a manservant. He was extremely well dressed for a messenger.
"I am here," I said with a superior expression. I didn't really know that much about Duke Ponzi but most of the documentation showed him to be a bit of an entitled jerk. I could do that. "I have many, many things to do that are more important than standing here. State your business."
"Ah little Albuthy," the man smiled kindly. A bit more familiar than I would expect a manservant of a spoiled brat would be. I activated my telepathy. It was weak and only relayed surface thoughts but it should help me out a bit. "We haven't heard from you for months. Your Father is here to meet the prince and sent me here to make sure you're in good health. There seems to have been a mix-up. You are registered as Derek Ponzi"
Hmm, despite his smile the man loathed little Ponzi. Hmmm, his first name is Albuthy. It would have been good to know that while I was registering. Oh, there is a secret code to show I wasn't under duress.
"The goddess gives and the gods take," I smiled again. "I am as well as can be expected surrounded by fools." I stared at him conspicuously as I said this. No one likes to be around annoying people like Duke Ponzi. I figured if I was massively unpleasant, I could shorten this unfortunate episode from the past.
"I don't see your servants. Are they in another apartment?"
"Um, no," I said in embarrassment. "They got eaten by the hydra. Fortunately, I was able to replace them with better servants."
I felt a pang of discontent. I was worried a moment that he was friends with the dead servants, however, it seems he was more annoyed that I was the sole survivor. Hmm. I had wondered how a Duke had ended up wandering through a hydra infested forest with just a few guards. In fact, if he had been a few days earlier he might have even been caught in a bit of nuclear fire.
"Anyway, tell father I am fine and to send me more money," I racked my brain to think of what else the boy would say. "I spent all of my allowance on prostitutes and alcohol and I need more."
I heard coughing from Jeremy in the living room.
"I see," the manservant nodded slowly. "I'll have it done immediately. Since you didn't send any messages, we weren't sure where to send your allowance."
"Just drop it off here," I waved airily. I pointed to Beth, "She is my new maid. Leave everything to her. If I am off... doing, um noble things... just leave a message with her. I'll get back to you if I feel like it."
Okay, a feeling of irritation but no suspicion. Awesome. On a side note, Duke Ponzi must have been a pretty horrible kid if he was expecting this. I wonder if he gave the hydra indigestion.
"It will be as you say, Duke Ponzi." With that, he bowed and left.
As I closed the door I grew to my teenage form and resized my robe. Walking over to Jeremy I plunked back down in my chair.
"Anyway, I registered as Duke Ponzi and Beth as my whipping boy."
"Study partner," Beth said firmly.
"You've seen what Duke Ponzi is like," I looked at her with piercing eyes. "You know you’re a whipping boy," I said superciliously. "I wouldn't mind bringing her to the Principal's mansion but why would Duke Ponzi's whipping boy..."
"Study partner!" Beth stubbornly interjected.
"Be hanging around 'The Professor'," I continued, ignoring her. "Beth likes learning here and although I think it’s a waste of time, it's as good as anywhere."
"I already told you that once I learn everything, we can just take the tests at the end of the semester and in a few years, we'll have the credentials to get real spells."
I snorted. "By the time we get the credentials, I won't need them."
"By the way, the tests I mentioned are in a few weeks."
"Great," I replied with a lack of enthusiasm. "Since I am here anyway, I'll take them. But I'm going traveling soon so I may not be around for the next set."
"Are you not taking your studies seriously," Jeremy said with a mocking smile. I started to ignore him too. "Okay, this seems a pretty safe place. She can stay here and we can head over."
Chapter 12
The principal's mansion was on the academy grounds. The academy was fairly large but it was still only a few minutes away. The first thing I noted when I approached was that all the damage was repaired. Looking at the roof I could see that even most of the gargoyles had been replaced. There may possibly have been a few less.
My fight had destroyed the windows completely and put a few holes in the walls. It all looked brand new. This was to be expected. The Repair spell was apprentice level magic and these types of societies never lacked good workmanship.
Knocking on the door elicited a maidservant opening it. As I recall the academy services were available during the days and only the people that lived here stayed during
the night.
"Tell Diego that the Professor is here to meet with him."
"Come in Professor," the maid smiled at us politely. "Principal Sembling said you would stop by. There is an amulet hanging by the study that will allow you access to it."
"Great," I said as I followed her in. The mansion had been redecorated and there was barely any sign of damage except a few spots where the boards looked newer than its neighbors. Diego sat in an elegant leather chair.
"Professor, good to see you," Diego said as he looked up from a book. It looked like it was local history. A cozy fire was burning in the fireplace. "Now that I have talked a bit with Mr. Sembling I realize you’re a bit of a local celebrity."
"Not so local," Jeremy said. "The Professor has a habit of saving the day throughout a few dimensions."
"This is Jeremy," I introduced them. "He may be the last detective in his world. He is very good at his job when he is not getting shot at."
"I haven't needed to be revived yet," Jeremy protested. I snorted in response. I had healed him so many times it had been a miracle he hadn't needed to be resuscitated. The hospitals of his world could heal almost anything except destruction of the brain. And that was more for legal rather than practical reasons. I myself could almost do the same.
"This is Diego de la Vega," I turned to introduce the new fellow. He wasn't wearing his mask or flamboyant costume this time and was instead clad in a casual robe. He didn't seem concerned about a secret identity. "You both seem to be from Earth analogs so you should have a lot to talk about."
"I have already been told a lot about your world by the lovely lady," Diego began. I heard footsteps behind us.
"Jeremy! Derek! I didn't expect to see you until the dinner party," Mei said exuberantly. She was a small slender Asian woman. She also turned into a giant supernatural tiger and had a mean rune blade that she was presently wearing on her back. It looked odd since she was wearing a silk dress.
"Actually, I didn't know you were coming at all Jeremy," she continued. "I assume you’re here to be with Beth. She's been a naughty little girl."
"She has," Jeremy agreed. "Hopefully I can reign her in a bit. She tends to be a bit free with her abilities."
I was still stating at Mei. Her presence didn't compute. I opened my mouth to ask her a question, reconsidered and then opened it again. "How?"
"You mean how am I here?"
"Yes," I answered in confusion. "I mean I was going to bring you over when you were done... with whatever it was you were doing. But, how?"
As far as I knew the network of circles the demon lord put in place isolated these ten little worlds and prevented anyone from teleporting in or out. For the portals linking the world, only mortals could freely cross. Supernatural entities and magical beings were blocked. Only the demon lord, Vatapi, was the exception since he had inscribed his name before the circle was activated. I had been unable to destroy or halt the circle activation but I had highjacked access to it by placing a drop of my blood next to his true name inscription. This pretty much allowed his blood or mine to be used as a skeleton key.
"You know that Vatapi had... an unhealthy obsession with me," Mei said. A look of distaste crossed her face. "I was curious how the barrier felt. Imagine my surprise when I found out that there was no barrier. Once I was free, I came over. By the way, Conrad asked me to drop off a replacement terminal." She looked at the device on my wrist. "Apparently you don't need it anymore."
"He must have put your name or blood in the master circle," I paused and looked at her. "You lived in a world that used to be pretty devoid of magic. Chances are he got your name from Jin or something." I shook my head in dismay. "You should guard your true names better. I mean you're not a demon but it still leaves you rather vulnerable."
"Magicians can target you around the world," Diego said somberly. I looked at him curiously. I was pretty sure he wasn't a mage. "I've been around," he said in response to my look.
"Well, since you know all about Jeremy's and Mei's world," I started. "Can you tell me a bit about yours? I was only there for a few seconds and was molested by an alien."
The other man stared at me. Finally, Diego said, "You must mean Starman. I am surprised you knew. He's an exile from his world. Very, very durable, can fly and move faster than the eye can follow. He's also my teammate."
"My condolences," I nodded to him. "He's pushed Faramon out of the position of my least favorite person. By the way, where is he?"
"Who knows," Mei snorted daintily. "He's probably wandering the city, trying to find a trace of Stella." I pondered if I should mention that I thought Stella had stopped by their world on the way to the elemental promised land. Tempting.
"Tell me about Starman and the star bangled man," I prompted Diego.
"Well, they are my teammates," Diego began. "The red, white and blue fellow was 'Patriot'. You had comics? Think Captain America."
"Normal guy trained to the peak of human ability?" Jeremy asked.
"Well, he's slightly stronger, excellent martial artist and a genius with technology."
"Earth tech or alien tech?" I asked.
"Both. We are the Confederation of Justice."
"A bit derivative," Jeremy said.
"True, the others take it very seriously so try not to hurt their feelings," he frowned. "Assuming I can get back. Patriot has been trying to get the rights for another group name but hasn't been able to get the owners to sell. It would be silly to change it at this point anyway." That was a bit more information than I wanted.
"There are only ten worlds," I said. "With the map in the study, we should be able to figure out how to get there. Hopefully before the demons attack."
"You may be too late," Diego warned.
"What? There is no way," I paused and started again. "It is very unlikely that he has been able to reform his body yet."
"Regardless, their world is under attack and it's definitely demons," Diego said as he gestured to the maid to refill his drink. "I have a bit of experience with monsters in general. Mostly undead but if its evil I have likely fought it."
"But you haven't seen twenty plus foot tall Rakshasas and thousands of demons pouring through the portals," I probed.
"No, so far its small-scale attacks," Diego acquiesced. "We have the beginning of a shifter gang problem; an elf infestation and a few supervillains have popped up. So that’s muddied the waters a bit, however, the demons are unmistakable."
"I can see that. As a Rakshasa lord, he likely has a lot of Rakshasas under him. They can be mistaken for shifters if you don't know any better," I nodded. Mei curled her lip in disgust.
"I haven't seen the Rakshasas. The ones' I have seen are all lesser demons. Starman has it the worst," Diego said. "He simply doesn't understand magic or magical races. Even the most harmless makes his skin crawl. However, he is the most powerful so he usually deals with the powerful threats..."
"Considering a glancing touch would probably kill a normal human like Patriot, I can see that."
"Well, magical attacks can actually hurt him to some degree. It's not nearly like a normal human or even the standard supernatural but it has made him a bit bitter and defensive."
"And paranoid," I added wryly. "So, something like say, a psionic energy flamberge wouldn't hurt him but a punch from a shifter would," I said thoughtfully. That would explain a lot. When I had been careening out of control my blades had obviously hit Starman, yet had done no damage. I had thought that meant he was impervious to anything I could dish out. I should have just punched him.
"That is oddly specific," Diego said. "What exactly happened on the other side of the portal?"
"I got thrown into Starman," I admitted. "Didn't hurt him with the blades I was holding but I think I made a poor first impression."
"He can be rather..."
"Then he was standing... um, floating between me and portal..." Jeremy's eyes began to widen as I saw understanding enter his eyes.
"Is he alive,"
Jeremy asked. Diego jerked in surprise but then seemed to remember the attack that almost bisected the Vampire Lord.
"I'm not sure," I said uncertainly. Looking at Diego I continued, "Can he survive with a hole about this size in his chest? He certainly looked lively."
"Oh, my," Diego moaned putting his head in his hands. "I knew he would bring misfortune on himself sooner or later. Still, he may be alive. His race is more durable than you would think."
"Anyway, we may be able to help one another," I said, moving past my little faux pas. "Once I find the path there, Mei can bring the gangs in line."
"I've done it... so many times," Mei sighed tiredly. "Conrad would likely be better at it but I can do it."
"Once they are no longer causing mayhem, they are actually very good at keeping the dinosaur population down and can probably be relied upon for basic demon defense," I offered. "I assume Durmont mentioned our budding alliance?"
"Against the demons. Yes."
"The supervillains thing," I glanced at Mei and Jeremy. They looked back and shrugged. "I haven't a clue. They created a department called AEGIS back in Arc. It pretty much organized the vampires and shifters into a task force." I turned to Mei, "How is that going?"
"It's going pretty well," she nodded. "Now that the vampires aren't going insane, they are joining up more. Vivian seemed to be encouraging them. They seem to be able to mob the few... um, 'super villains' we have."
"Are they Vatapi's minions that he empowered and left behind?"
"There's not too many. But about half are. The rest are a mix of mystically empowered people and mutants. No one knows why there's so many all of a sudden. Relatively speaking."
"The last thing you mentioned were elves?" I asked and received a nod. "That’s odd. Are they wizards or something? Generally, elves are just long-lived mortals. Mostly harmless."
"They seem to be some sort of branch of supernatural elf," Diego said with a curl of his lip. I had a sense of trepidation.
"Like Norse elves, the Álfar," I asked warily.
"I'm not sure," Diego said in embarrassment. He should be embarrassed after just going on about knowing so much. "They are fairly good at stealth so we only hear about kidnappings, curses, and other mischief. Some of it pretty gruesome. They are the meanest elves I ever heard of."