He's the One

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He's the One Page 8

by Jane Beckenham

  He walked away, his back hunched, hands deep in his pockets. Taylor stared at his rigidity and tried not to think about what that taut denim outlined.

  She failed.

  Heat curled through her veins, blood pumping at a furious pace.

  Unsure what to do, she scooped up the remains of their meal and looked round for a rubbish bin. There was nothing in sight, so she headed for the door, about to exit the building when Cade called her name.

  "Taylor, don't go. I'm ... sorry."

  Her hand dropped from the door, and she turned to face him, surprised he stood so close.

  Too close.

  So close, she could reach out and touch him. She wanted to. Wanted to ease the pain she saw etched in his darkened eyes and brush away the furrows in his brow.

  Instead, she balled her hands at her side and did nothing.

  "I'm sorry,” he repeated. “It's all this questioning. I'm not used to it."

  "You said let's go slow, I was doing that,” Taylor informed him.

  "I know. It's not you. It's me. It ... oh, hell, Taylor, it's you."

  Taylor's heart thudded to a halt.

  "You walked into my bar, and everything went up in smoke. I want you, more than I care to admit."

  "And that's a bad thing?"

  "Yeah. Sad, but true. Okay, I admit it, I'm screwed up, but I don't want commitment."

  "We've gone through this, Cade. Neither do I."

  He reached for both her hands, fingers snaking around her wrists. The room seemed to have shrunk. It was just her and Cade. One on one.

  He looked at her mouth. “I know."

  Kiss me. Go on. Do it! Please.

  Taylor fought for sanity. “It's only once. A one-nighter."

  "Teacher and student,” he replied with a hint of humor returning.

  A shuddering breath rippled from Taylor's lips, and she arched toward him.

  "You are very beautiful."

  She tried to breathe. Nope. Not a hope in Hades. “Every woman loves to hear those words."

  "You wanted fire, sweetheart. You've got it.” And with that, Cade's mouth claimed hers. Hot. Demanding. And very delicious.

  He pressed his body hard up against her, and the door claimed her back. “So beautiful,” he murmured as his lips slated over hers, his tongue dancing a sensual tango with hers.

  She could feel him. All of him. His broad chest brushed against her breasts, enticing her nipples into rock hard nubs, and when his hips pressed against hers, his arousal rubbed against her belly.

  Oh, God, she wanted him.

  A sound rippled through the air—a sultry cry of need and Taylor realized it was her own voice. She fixed Cade with a direct gaze. “Is this that mood you talked about?"

  "Sweetheart, do you doubt it?"

  Heat rolled through Taylor at breakneck speed.


  She had none.

  Cade's lips sealed over hers once more, his skillful hands spanning her waist, sliding upwards in a teasing path. He reached her breasts, and his thumbs circled her nipples, tempting her beyond endurance.

  Her head rolled back and exposed the gentle curve of her neck, eliciting a groan of pleasure from Cade's chest. “I've waited for this. Now I know,” he moaned.

  "Know what?"

  "What you'd taste like,” he murmured as his lips sought solace along her neck. “It's true. Necks are oh-so-very erogenous."

  Seeing her surprise, he chuckled, his dark eyes shrouded by long inky black lashes. He looked dangerous and very sexy. Just looking at him fired Taylor's emotions, emotions she wasn't sure she understood.

  She brushed them aside. She didn't want to think. Simply feel. Feel Cade's touch. And she wasn't disappointed.

  He found the zip of her dress and effortlessly slid it down.

  "You've had practice."

  "Makes perfect. And you, sweetheart, are perfect."

  As he eased the straps of her dress down her shoulders, anticipation fueled her senses, and her mouth went dry. Her eyes widened as she watched Cade's burning expression focused on her.

  "Well, well.” He grinned. “Miss Prim is a real surprise,” he said as one hand traced the lacy outline of her bra.

  Lace and silk. Sexy and sinful. Her secret.

  "Who would have known that you wore such tempting concoctions beneath your prim little clothes."

  Cade stepped back and let out a long wolf-whistle as his gaze slid down her length. Slowly. Hungrily. It was as if he ate her up—whole. “Baby, that sure is something.” His gaze slid lower—to her thong—and Taylor's body zinged alive. Hotter than hot.

  She should have been embarrassed. No man had seen her this undressed before, and swimwear didn't count.

  Cade liked what he saw. Obviously. His arousal pressed hard against his jeans, and his heavy hooded gaze burned with desire. Just the thought of it made Taylor feel—powerful. She'd never felt that before.

  A slither of devilment tilted her lips, and her hips tilted forward.

  "If you keep looking at me like that, I won't be able to stay in control."

  "Who said I wanted control?” she countered.

  A flicker of surprise passed across Cade's eyes seconds before he pulled her to him. She came up hard, all oxygen stalling in her lungs.

  Then, he kissed her. Again.

  And again and again.

  On her lips, her eyelids, her cheeks. Everywhere.

  And Taylor kissed him right back. She wanted his kisses. Lots of them. Every single one. And more.

  She wasn't sure she could breathe. But the moment Cade's warm fingers unclipped her bra, the scrap of garment falling away, she knew breathing wasn't important.

  He cupped a breast in each hand, then lowered his mouth and sucked one, then the other. Back and forwards. Over and deliciously over, while Taylor floated in a glorious heaven and swallowed a throaty cry of sinful pleasure.

  Scrambling through eyes that could barely focus, she found the hem of Cade's T-shirt and burrowed beneath, rejoicing as her fingers trailed over his slicked skin.

  Ridges, angles, his wiry hair slid beneath her fingertips. Everything was new, a sensory exploration that delighted her. She wanted more. She wanted to see Cade, just as he saw her. “Take your T-shirt off."

  A broad grin lit his face. “Anything you command, sweetheart.” He dragged the T-shirt over his head, and Taylor held her breath.

  Skin. Dark, tanned, hard and sprinkled with wiry hair that glistened an inky black under the glare of the incandescent bulb. Cade didn't disappoint.

  "If you keep looking at me like that, I'll think you want something."

  "I do. I want to touch, too,” she whispered into his mouth.

  "Go right ahead."

  Again her voice sounded sultry. Sexy even. Taylor wondered where it had come from. Was she this woman all along, simply suppressed? Or was it Cade's doing?

  She splayed her hands across his torso, feeling the rise and fall of his ribs and the thud of his heartbeat pounding beneath her fingertips. That simple action elicited a smile from Taylor. That Cade's heartbeat raced like her own delighted her.

  Empowered, Taylor tugged gently at his curling hair, across his nipples, wondering at their darkened texture and color. She stole a tentative glance at Cade. Suddenly, she wasn't so sure. “Am I doing this wrong? I've..."

  "Sweetheart, nothing you do could be wrong,” he answered in a voice laced heavy with desire. “Don't stop. You have my permission to take as long as you like, and then some."

  Temptation proved too strong and her fingers began a dance across his skin. Everything was about the senses. The touch of his skin against hers, feeling the rise and fall of his chest, his breath warm and teasing and the tiny groans she elicited from him as she found each pleasure spot.

  She smiled, filled with joy that she could cause such rapture.

  Then, there was taste. With her eyes locked on Cade's, Taylor wiped the tip of her tongue across her bottom lip, saw his gaze follo
w her every movement. Her vision blurred, a virulent heat coloring her cheeks as she focused on the thrust of his arousal.

  AAA single drop of perspiration curled its way down Cade's chest. Taylor leaned forward.

  She inhaled. He smelt so good.


  All male.


  The droplet inched its way down his abdomen—lower—until it circled the dip of his belly button.

  It was hers. With the tip of her tongue, Taylor slaked over the droplet, licking it, tasting it, relishing it.


  A thick throaty moan of rapture ripped from Cade's throat. “Ain't that the truth."

  Taylor smiled. Cade was definitely struggling for control. “This is better than chocolate,” she laughed, licking his skin. “It tastes salty, hot, and...” She purred and looked at him through the veil of her hair. “Very sexy."

  "Enough! My turn.” Cade gripped her wrists and pulled her bodily against him, hooking one of her legs over his hip so that she was spread wide. With one hand cupping her bottom, his fingers kneaded her flesh. They were warm and teasing, inciting a need in Taylor so strong she thought she would burst.

  The moment Cade's fingers grazed across her thong, feeling her wetness, her excitement spiraled and her eyelids fluttered closed. Cade's tantalizing touch was sending her to another world.


  Taylor nodded. She couldn't speak. But, oh boy, she could feel. Backward and forwards Cade's fingers brushed her secret place, a place no other had ever touched. It felt so right, and that it was Cade somehow made it perfect. She lost all sense of time, every part of her centered on one spot.

  "I didn't know...” she moaned as the pleasure intensified."

  "Know what, sweetheart?"

  "That it could be so...” Her mind in a hypnotic haze of lust and need, Taylor struggled to find the right word. Any word. Then, she knew exactly what it was. How it was. “Exquisite."

  "It only gets better,” Cade informed her.

  And it did. His lips trailed down her neck, dotting butterfly kisses that were so gentle, yet sexier and teasing than anything she had ever experienced.

  Then he slipped a finger beneath the thin sheath and glided it across her moist core.

  Taylor's breath stalled in her throat and her eyes flashed open, speared by Cade's dark, heat-fuelled stare. Her stomach clenched and a strangled gasp rent the air.

  Her sound.

  Cade instantly stilled and retreated. Taylor went to speak, a silent plea—don't stop—but Cade stepped back and the moment, the beautiful, delicious moment when her body hummed with need for him, his touch, his kisses, the way he played her bringing her alive, disintegrated.

  And Taylor had never felt such a sense of abandonment.

  With a face flushed and eyes hooded, Cade dragged a hand through his hair. But he couldn't dilute the desire she saw still mirrored in his narrowed gaze.

  "Cover up, Taylor,” he bit out curtly.


  "Please.” He turned from her and stalked to the other side of the room. Half-dressed and vulnerable, an icy slither of sadness slid down Taylor's spine, her body suddenly frozen to the core.

  Quickly, she hooked up her bra and dragged her dress back up, but as she went to pull the zip up, it snagged.

  She yanked at it. And again. It wouldn't budge.

  Cade stood a few feet away now, but the distance could have been miles, his expression clear that he was lost in his own world of recriminations. He didn't look at her.


  "Yes.” He sounded so weary. He turned to her, his expression guarded as he kept his gaze focused no lower than her face.

  "I have a problem. My zip is stuck."

  For a moment, he looked at her as if he didn't understand. Realization colored his darkened eyes. “Turn round,” he instructed sharply.

  Hugging her hands across her chest Taylor did as she was told. And waited. For several long drawn out moments Cade didn't move, remaining silent.

  Goosebumps skittered across her bare skin, and she shivered. “Cade?"

  "I can't."

  Taylor frowned. “Is it broken?” she questioned. “Blast, the dress is fairly new."

  With a gentle tug, the zip slid up effortlessly, and Taylor turned to face Cade. She stood so close his body heat wrapped over her. She hugged her arms around herself tighter.

  "Can't what? You've fixed the zip. Thank you."

  A hint of a smile teased his hard face, then disappeared a second later. “We can't,” he reinforced.

  An arctic chill iced Taylor's veins, understanding instant. She stiffened and pulled away. “I think you've said enough."

  She hurt. Damn it. Deep down inside. A place where no one could see, except her. Mortified at her stupidity for letting go, for being such an easy target, Taylor gathered up her bag and folder of notes and walked to the door.

  "I'm doing this all wrong."

  She spun round on her heels, fury firing every part of her. “What's wrong, Cade, is that you are a tease. You stop and start at will."

  "I just said not here, that's all."

  "That's all? That wasn't exactly what you said. What you said was—you can't,” she parroted with sarcasm, fingers gripping the door handle with knuckle-white intensity. “Once again you've started something you didn't finish."

  Several, loud harsh seconds ticked by, and with each one, Taylor fought to harden her heart.

  "You think I don't intend finishing what we started?"

  "You have a habit of that where I'm concerned, it seems. But it's okay, I'm letting you off the hook.” Taylor yanked the door open. She had to get out of there.

  Damn, damn, damn. She'd been stupid and let her emotions get the better of her, trusted herself. How dumb was that? She'd trusted her emotions once before, only to realize she'd been making a huge mistake.

  "I'm not putting myself through this again. I can't. Too bad if my clients want to know about orgasms and sexual positions. I'll refer them to the library."


  She held up a hand to stall him. “I don't deserve this."

  "No, you don't."

  She squeezed her eyes closed and battled to hold back the tears, but failed. One after another they cascaded down her cheeks, an unstemable flow, which only intensified her anger—at herself.

  "You deserve better, Taylor. You don't deserve some derelict building and a stack of dusty cushions on a rubbish-strewn floor.

  She opened her eyes and roughly brushed at her dampened cheeks. Cade stood in front of her. She could lean forward and kiss him. She wanted to. Very much.

  No, you don't.

  Oh, yes, she did.

  Her jaw stiffened as she held firm, confused by the intensity of her feelings for this man, a virtual stranger. Nothing could douse the heat and lust and ... yearning she felt for him. She still wanted him—so very much. Yet inside, her brain warned her to tread carefully. Not to get hurt.

  Too late.

  Cade finally spoke, ending the silence “You asked something very special of me the other night, Taylor Sullivan. A privilege most men never get asked. I don't want you to remember your first time surrounded by dirt and debris. I want you, Taylor. My body is in a constant state of arousal. Don't think this business is finished."

  "It isn't?"

  His fingers cupped her chin, tilting it upwards, and he speared her with a blistering gaze. “Far from it, sweetheart.” He slid a hand over hers, linking their fingers. “Come on. Let's go."

  Taylor stalled. “Where to?"

  "To unfinished business."

  Chapter Seven

  "What is it they say about best laid plans?” Taylor chuckled as they exited the building.

  Row upon row of vintage and classic cars lined the street, with their owners and passersby who obviously couldn't resist the urge to view these beautifully restored cars meandering along the sidewalk. Taylor witnessed the glimmer of admiration sprint acro
ss Cade's eyes. “Go on,” she urged.


  "But nothing. They're beautiful."

  Cade gave her a quick smile. He drew her towards him. “Have I told you you're beautiful, too?"

  "A few minutes ago,” she said and gloried in the desire she saw mirrored in Cade's dark gaze. “But I don't mind if you say it again,” she answered truthfully, and laughed aloud, surprised and delighted to hear her laughter. She couldn't remember the last time she'd felt so relaxed, so joyful. Cade's mouth found hers, and she leant against him, amazed at how a mouth could feel so delicious and give so much joy as Cade's did to her.

  "The cars,” she reminded him.

  "Hmm, but this is yummy."

  "You make me sound like chocolate."

  "Yeah. Rich, caramel chocolate, the Swiss kind, the stuff that melts in your mouth. Far too good to miss."

  "You won't miss it,” she said pulling back. “It's just on delayed time, that's all."



  "I'll hold you to that."

  "I'll make sure you do,” she countered. Yep. She sure would.

  Hand in hand they strolled along the sidewalk, Taylor leaning into Cade's embrace as they viewed the long line of cars. It felt so good to be with him. Normal in fact. All around them people talked, admired the cars, the atmosphere almost carnival-like.

  "Oh, look. Cotton candy,” Taylor's mouth watered as she pointed towards a group of stallholders selling the bright pink confectionery along with toffee apples and hot fries. “We could call it dessert."

  "And here I was thinking you were dessert,” Cade said, kissing her again.

  "Do you want whipped cream with that?"

  Cade let out a low belly rumble. “Don't tempt me.” He bowed regally, humor dancing across his expressive face. “Madam, dessert waits.” Leading her by the hand, they moved towards the closest stall. “Two, please."

  The vendor passed over the cotton candy, and Cade paid. He held them out. “You've a choice. Pink or pink."

  "Oh, pink, I think."

  Hand in hand, they carried on through the crowds, Cade delighting in informing her about each vehicle, it's make and year.

  "You're a mine of information, aren't you?” she said truly impressed.


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