My Boyfriend's Best Friend

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My Boyfriend's Best Friend Page 15

by Pixie Perkins

  He shrugs and continues to drive while I try to figure out where the smell is coming from.

  It has to be in the car. It’s pretty strong.

  What if it’s his cologne?

  Yeah, Britt…because guys wear: “Buttery Chocolate Delight.”

  “So was there something specific you wanted to talk about last night?”

  I turn my attention to him. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you specifically called me and specifically wanted to talk to me,” he states in a matter-of-fact tone. “I didn’t press it last night because I knew you were trying to sleep, but what was it?”

  That’s right—Liv and him!

  How could I forget?

  “It’s about the girl you like.”

  He stiffens some. “What about her?”


  “Has she shown any new interest?” I tilt my head. “Have you seen her recently?”

  His eyes don’t leave the road. “Why do you ask?”

  “No reason,” I reply, trying to keep my voice light, “just curious.”

  I’m pretty sure we had this same conversation last week.

  He sighs. “It seems like she might be interested, but then—”

  “But then what?” I cut in eagerly. “What happens?”

  “Nothing.” He shakes his head. “Don’t worry about it.”

  My shoulders drop.

  I was so close, then—BAM!

  The balloon of possibility just pops…explodes really.

  Why would she be interested and then not interested?

  What throws her interest off? And why do I keep smelling food?

  Maybe hunger’s getting to me. Yeah, that’s probably it.

  I should’ve eaten lunch.

  “Here we are,” Derek eventually announces, stopping the car.

  I look around the familiar landscape.

  His place? Why the heck are we here?

  I thought we were getting lunch!


  He pops his seatbelt off and gets out, shutting the door behind him.

  “Here we go again,” I mutter as I unbuckle my seatbelt and get out. “We’re not going for a hike are we? ’cause I’m not dressed for a hike.”

  Plus, I suck at hiking.

  I hear one of the car doors open then close and I carefully walk around the back of the truck. “Derek? Did you—”

  I stop when I see a checkered blanket on the ground with a picnic basket on top of it.

  What the—

  “Surprise,” Derek says with a grin. “What do you think?”

  I motion to the blanket and basket. “What is this?”

  His eyebrows crease. “It’s a picnic.”

  “No.” I shake my head. “I mean why. Why are we having a picnic?”

  “Oh.” His face falls. “Do you not like picnics? I thought—”

  “It’s fine,” I interrupt him, “just unexpected, that’s all.”

  I really am okay with it…I mean, come on! It’s food.

  “Surprises usually are,” he comments before sitting down on the blanket. “Come on, I’m starving.”

  I sit across from him as he opens the picnic basket and pulls out two plastic zipper storage bags with grilled cheese sandwiches in them and a container of brownies along with two bottles of water.

  “I knew I wasn’t crazy!” I take one of the bags from him. “You should’ve told me!”

  He opens his bag. “That would’ve ruined it.”

  I don’t waste any time in opening my bag and pulling out the sandwich so I can sink my teeth into it.

  I am so hungry. I hold back a groan as I take a bite out of my sandwich: perfection.

  But I find myself thinking about Derek and Liv.

  I should just ask him if I’m standing in the way of his chances with his “mystery girl.”

  I’d rather know now than—

  “You okay?” Derek interrupts my thoughts. “Is there something wrong with your sandwich?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “The sandwich is fine.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “The problem is me!” I blurt out. “I’m the problem!”

  “What?” His eyebrows go up. “Why are you the problem?”

  He looks at me in confusion. “Wait, what problem?”

  I exhale in frustration, why can’t he just catch on?

  “I’m the reason why the girl you like seems as if she’s not interested.” I point to myself. “It’s my fault.”

  His eyebrows crease. “How is it your fault?”

  “Because I’m in the way,” I inform him in a “duh” voice. “I’m the reason why she keeps stopping herself from showing her true feelings.”

  Looking interested, he asks, “And how do you know that?”

  “It’s pretty obvious, Derek.” I roll my eyes. “What other reason is there?”

  “Her ex-boyfriend.”

  Liam? He’s not even in the picture anymore.

  “She still has feelings for him,” Derek says, not looking very pleased by this, “I’m sure of it.”

  How can I tell him that Liv’s moved on without letting him know that I know that his “mystery girl” is Liv?

  “Well,” I start in a hesitant way, “what if she is over him? Or she’s trying to get over him?”

  “Seems unlikely.” He laughs some as he runs a hand through his hair. “But I mean…I wanted to take her to the Spring Fling, so I hope she gets over him.”

  Wait, does that mean I’m going with Derek to the Spring Fling if Blake doesn’t take me back before then?

  That wasn’t in the plan.

  Was that in Derek’s plan?

  He didn’t ment—

  “What are you worried about now?”

  My eyebrows crease. “What makes you think I’m worried?”

  He shrugs. “It’s pretty much written all over your face.”

  “Thanks,” I tell him, not masking my sarcasm. “I’m not worried though.”

  Obviously the last part is a lie—hopefully he believes it though.

  He looks unconvinced, but doesn’t say anything as he resumes eating.

  After we finish off our sandwiches and almost half of the delicious brownies, Derek insists that we cloud gaze…so we both lay on our backs, side by side.

  “You see that one?” He points to a fluffy, white cloud. “That one’s an elephant.”

  I wrinkle my nose. “They all just look like puffs of white to me.”

  “It’s ’cause you’re not looking hard enough…try again.”

  I stare intently at the sky and then look at him. “Now they all look like pillows.”

  “Look harder,” he urges. “Use your imagination.”

  I sigh and look back at the sky.

  Cloud, cloud, cloud…

  “Is that—” I sit up some. “That cloud looks like a dog!”

  “Hmm,” he hums, “looks like a dingo to me.”

  What the—

  I give him an unimpressed look. “A dingo is a type of dog.”

  “Whatever you say, Grayson,” he drawls, “whatever you say.”

  Chapter 25: Let’s Just Say We’re Frenemies


  After our picnic, Derek dropped me off at my house and I spent the rest of the afternoon doing pretty much nothing…well, I painted my nails.

  And now I’m finishing getting ready for Del’s party.

  I apply a little more mascara to my eyelashes and then nod in approval at my reflection. “Good.”

  There’s a knock at my door and I set the mascara tube down on my desk. “Come in.”

  “Oh, honey,” Mom gushes, coming into the room. “You look amazing!”

  I smile. “Thanks, Mom.”

  “My little girl all—”

  “Mom,” I cut in, laughing some, “it’s just a party…not Prom.”

  “Still,” she insists, “Derek is very lucky.”
  Oh my—

  “Speaking of…” she trails off, “he’s downstairs.”

  “He is?” My eyebrows crease. “But I didn’t hear the doorbe—”

  “Come on.” She nods toward the door. “You don’t want to keep him waiting.”

  I grab my purse and Del’s present, then follow Mom downstairs…where sure enough, Derek is.

  While Del wants all the girls wearing party dresses, she wants the guys dressing more casual—hence Derek’s black, button-down shirt and jeans.

  “Hi,” I greet him with a smile.

  He returns my smile. “Hey.”

  “Okay!” Mom singsongs, pulling her phone out. “I want a picture of you two!”

  “Mom,” I groan, “this isn’t—”

  “Picture,” she commands with a slight glare, holding her phone up. “Smile!”

  I regretfully stand close to Derek and smile as she takes who knows how many pictures.

  “All right,” I say, pulling away from him. “We’re—”

  “Ooh, how ‘bout a kiss!”

  Mom’s request is simple and innocent, expected from a mother (well, my mother anyway) but there is no way that I’m—

  Derek’s lips are suddenly on mine and it’s the cafeteria all over again…except Mom’s here watching and taking pictures, so I kiss him back while trying not to gag.

  “Got it!” Mom exclaims. “How cute!”

  I don’t hesitate in detaching our lips and Derek clears his throat some as I awkwardly look at my nails.

  “Okay.” Mom lowers her phone with a content sigh. “You may go.”

  I kiss her cheek. “Bye, Mom.”

  “Tell Delanie happy birthday from me,” she says as we walk out the front door. “And Dad said to tell you to behave!”

  “I will,” I assure her before closing the door behind me and I turn my attention to Derek. “Sorry about my mom…and all.”

  He shrugs as we begin walking to his truck. “No biggie.”

  While he continues to walk, I find myself stopping…because it is a “biggie.”

  My family thinks I like this guy, maybe even that I love him.

  I’m lying to them—to everyone.

  “Hey.” He walks back over to me. “You okay?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “What is it?” His eyebrows crease. “Do you—”

  “Doesn’t this feel wrong to you?” I cut in. “Lying to everyone? Acting like we’re this happy couple?”

  He sighs. “You’re having doubts again.”

  I mutely nod.

  “Brittany, I—” He runs a hand through his hair. “I’m being selfish. I’ve been so worried about impressing this girl that I’ve been totally ignoring how you feel.”

  “You haven’t been ignoring how I feel,” I assure him, “it just seems like you don’t mind lying to everyone.”

  “Well, I guess it’s because I know that everything’s going to work out,” he says almost carefully. “So I figure there’s no reason to get worried or stressed about it.”

  “Okay,” I agree, hesitant with my reply, “that makes sense.”

  Kind of, not really…I still don’t understand how he’s so sure about everything.

  “So we’re good?”

  “Yeah,” I lie, “we’re good.”

  We are so not good…

  The ride to the country club (where Del’s party is being held) is quiet.

  Not in a bad way.

  Just in a weird/awkward way.

  Which is exactly why I waste no time in getting out of Derek’s car and heading over to the “party-decorated” section of the building—not caring if Derek’s behind me or not.

  Being that this is Del’s last birthday as a high school student, her parents went all out.

  Balloon arches, ice sculptures, loud music, confetti, refreshments, tons of food, fountains, laser lights…everything and anything.

  “Britt!” Del exclaims, coming toward me. “Finally, you’re here!”

  “Happy birthday,” I say, hugging her. “You look great.”

  “I know.” She laughs, pulling away and her eyes land on her present. “My gift?”

  I nod and start to give it to her when she motions for some guy to come over. “Put this with my other ones, Mick.”

  Mick takes the gift from me and Delanie sighs. “Where’s Connors? Decided not to come?”

  “He’s probably still in the parking lot or something.” I wave behind me. “I don’t know.”

  “Whatever.” She rolls her eyes. “So what do you think about the piercing? Isn’t it sexy?”

  “Uh.” My eyebrows crease. “Yeah, sexy…”

  “Doesn’t my baby look hot?” Darren asks, appearing beside Delanie.

  Delanie scowls. “I’m not your baby, Darren.”

  “Come on, Della-Bella,” he urges in a teasing tone. “Let’s dance.”

  Del flips her blond waves over her shoulder. “Dance with yourself.”

  “I’m going to see if I can find Derek,” I say, deciding that I’m somewhat curious concerning his whereabouts. “I’ll be right back.”

  Without waiting for a reply from either of them, I go outside where I’m basically shoved aside by new party guests.

  “Derek?” I call, walking around. “Der—”


  I turn to see Blake walking toward me. “Blake…hi.”

  He looks so—

  “Something wrong?”

  “What?” My eyebrows crease. “No, nothing’s wrong.”

  “Where’s Derek?”

  “Well…” I laugh a little. “I don’t exactly know.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “You don’t know where your boyfriend is?”

  I mentally cringe at the word boyfriend…it’s even worse when he says it.

  “He’s probably on his phone or something,” I reply like it’s no big deal. “So where’s your girlfriend?”

  Nearly choked on the word…

  “She’s got a cold.”

  “Oh…” I trail off, “well, I hope she feels better.”

  Okay, so maybe not.

  He nods. “I’ll let her know.”

  I awkwardly glance around. “Yeah…”

  “You look beautiful.”

  My eyes widen in surprise. “I—um, thanks…so do you.”

  Yeah, Britt…he looks beautiful.

  He laughs a little. “Thanks.”

  “Not like in a girly way,” I blabber on, “like in a guy way. You know, like in a—”

  “Britt,” he interrupts me, “I get it.”

  “Yay,” I reply weakly, “I think I’m going to go now.”

  But he steps in front of me. “Wait.”

  I hold back a sigh. “What?”

  What does he want? To tell me off again about Derek?

  Make me feel even stupider?

  “Walk with me.”

  I blink at his request.

  He wants me to walk with him?

  Why on earth—guys are so weird…

  “Please,” he adds as if for good measure. “Walk with me.”

  I lick my lips. “I don’t know…”

  I should find Derek.

  He’s supposed to be—

  “For old time’s sake?”

  How can I say no when he’s looking at me like this is the most important thing in the world to him?

  That’s just it.

  I can’t.

  “Okay.” I slowly nod. “I’ll walk with you.”

  Even though I’m wearing heels and Derek’s technically missing.

  Why not?

  He offers the crook of his arm, and as hard as it is for me not to eagerly thread my arm through it—I control myself and just walk beside him.

  He obviously gets the message, because he slips his hand back into his pocket. “I’m sorry for flipping out that day in the library by the way.”

  I shrug, not wanting to make a big deal of it. “It’s oka—”

/>   “It’s just that I was surprised,” he cuts me off, “you know? I didn’t know you had…feelings for Derek.”

  Play it cool, Britt.

  You’re in control.

  “Derek’s a great guy,” I admit in all honesty. “I’m lucky.”

  Which I am, I didn’t see anyone else stepping up to try and help me.

  “Yeah.” He runs a hand through his spiky hair. “He is.”

  “Are you guys still friends?” I blurt out.

  His eyebrows go up and I clear my throat some. “It’s just…hard to tell.”

  “It is hard to tell,” he agrees. “Isn’t it?”

  “I told Derek I didn’t want to ruin his friendship with you,” I state with a shrug, “and it feels like I have.”

  “Let’s just say we’re frenemies.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Frenemies?”

  “What’s so funny?” His eyebrows crease. “Isn’t that what it’s called?”

  “Uh-huh.” I nod, still laughing a little. “I just never pictured you using the word frenemies.”

  “Well…” He shrugs. “That’s what we are.”

  “But I want you guys to be best friends again,” I say after calming down. “Don’t you miss hanging out and making jokes—”

  “Yeah,” he cuts in, “I do…with you.”

  Chapter 26: Moving to the Music


  I stop walking and turn to him. “What did you say?”

  His eyebrows crease. “I said ‘I guess so’?”

  I shake my head, trying to focus.

  It sounded like he—

  “Are you sure?” I press.

  “Yeah,” he drawls, looking at me as if I’m crazy. “Is there a reason why I shouldn’t be sure?”

  “Yes,” I’m quick to reply, “I mean no. Yes?”

  Maybe I am crazy.

  His eyebrows rise. “Are you okay, Britt?”

  My genius answer is, “I hope so.”

  “Do you want me to take you inside?” he asks as I try to figure out just what the heck is going on. “Are you dizzy or—”

  “I’m fine,” I snap, feeling irritated. “Let’s just stop talking about if I’m okay or not.”

  “Brittany,” he says in a cautious tone, “there’s something I want to clear up between—”


  I turn to see that Derek is coming toward us. “Derek! Where have you been?”

  “Looking for you,” he replies before turning to Blake. “Blake.”


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