Theirs To Defy: a Reverse Harem Romance

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Theirs To Defy: a Reverse Harem Romance Page 23

by Stasia Black

  She didn’t hesitate. Her pelvis drew toward his cock like it had a mind of its own. She hiked one leg up on the rock seat where Eric sat and kept the other on the floor.

  And then she sank down on the most gorgeously fulfilling cock. It felt like everything tonight had been leading up to this moment. Eric’s lengthy, fat cock filling her up felt different than Billy’s long, thinner pole. Both felt delicious but in this moment, Eric’s was perfect.

  She sank down, inch by tortuous inch even though all she wanted to do was slam down and impale herself on him.

  Even now she felt it—how close she was to losing all control, losing all of her damn sanity over this man. Over these men. Over all they were asking and all they were giving to her.

  The alarm bells kept ringing in her mind, too much, too much!

  While the louder voice kept screaming for MORE.

  In the end, Eric made the choice for her. He must have gotten fed up with her slow slide because he grabbed her around the waist with his good arm and yanked her the last few inches down his shaft.

  Oh God. Drea cried out and dug her nails into his scalp.

  The orgasm was already there.

  No warning.

  No precipitation, it was hitting.


  Oh, oh—

  She grabbed Eric’s head and slammed it against her breast, not caring if her nails were cutting into his skin. This was what he’d wanted. For her to lose it. For her to become a sexual beast with him. She lifted up and then slammed back down, lodging his cock up against that spot so perfect deep inside her.

  So deep and so perfect and oh— She did the hip twist and slam down again. Oh God, right there, the wave was hitting, pure fucking light—

  It crashed—

  A million needles of light prickled all down her hairline and exploded outward from her every nerve ending.

  And through it, even through all of it, as she cried and shouted and as tears streamed down her cheeks from the pleasure, she felt the fullness at her ass change.

  David’s cock.

  He’d removed his fingers and now had his cock there.

  Right at her ass.

  There was barely a let down in her orgasm before it went swooping up again.


  This was her darkest desire. The one thing she’d never asked for from any bedpartner before. But David knew. They all knew how much she wanted it.

  No, how much she fucking needed it.

  And she was an animal who didn’t think. She was instinct. She was pleasure. She would be led where her masters were taking her. Just for now. Just for this one fucking second she wouldn’t have to be the fucking responsible one. She could just want and then take what she wanted.

  So with one hand still digging into the back of Eric’s neck, she reached her other around to her backside, holding open her ass cheek as wide as possible. She didn’t know if it would help David in accessing the hole any better but she wanted him to know that yes, yes she welcomed everything he wanted to give her.

  She squeezed around Eric’s cock in her pussy and continued rhythmically moving her hips on top of him even as she dropped her chest against his, forcing him to lean further back against the damp cave wall.

  She kissed him then. Or maybe it’d be more appropriate to say she bit at him. Nipping and biting at his lips until he captured her in a devouring kiss that had her lips softening against his. But only until she remembered where she was and pulled back with another sharp love bite.

  Maybe it would always be this way between them. It would always be a contest. And love-making would be their battleground.

  If he thought he’d won because he had her in this position, right where he thought he’d wanted her, well she’d show him.

  “Lean back more,” she whispered low in Eric’s ear. “I want to give David the best angle to fuck my ass. He’ll be the first, did you know that? The first to have his big cock up my dark, private little asshole. You wanna feel my pussy clenching on you while he takes it for the first time?”

  Eric growled into her mouth, reaching around and tugging on her dreadlocks so she was forced to bare her face up to his.

  “I wanna feel fucking everything,” he said, “just like I want you to feel everything.” Then he crashed his lips onto hers again.

  That was when the pressure at her back grew even more insistent. David was there, right at the edge. Pressing for entry. She only had to relax and let him in.

  I want you to feel fucking everything.

  Again the warning bells rang: Too much. Too much.

  Eric was asking for everything.


  And if she let David in, they’d have it. Her everything. Her front and her back and her insides and her outsides.

  But at this point, there was no choice. Or if there was, she’d already made it.

  She relaxed her sphincter and gasped into Eric’s mouth as the head of David’s cock slipped past the ring of muscles in her ass. He swore and wrapped one arm like a handlebar around her waist, massaging her breasts with his other hand.

  She squeezed her eyes shut even as she kept kissing Eric.

  It’s not real. It’s just bodies. Her mind still rebelled even as her body gave in, went liquid. It’s not you. You aren’t here. You can’t be here.

  Sex is just for release. It can’t mean anything.

  “Jesus, Drea, do you feel that?” Eric barked at her like he could sense her trying to pull away. “You can’t run from us here.”

  And dammit, he was right. Because every inch deeper David slid in her ass, she felt the wall she always kept between herself and everybody else around her slipping.

  The further David drove in, it was like she could see it in her head—the reverse of continental drift. Continents she’d tried to keep separated by oceans were suddenly rescinding and colliding. Collapsing all artificial barriers. Becoming one land. Laid bare. Laid so absolutely fucking bare.

  David thrust his hips forward the last inch and Drea was speechless except for a long, moaning hiss of air that she expelled through her teeth.

  And together the three of them hovered there for what felt like an eternity, no one moving, connected more intimately than three humans could even normally conceive of being.

  Then—and this was what took it over the edge, what washed away any last flimsy barrier Drea’s mind might have been half-heartedly still holding up—Jonathan came on one side and Garrett and Billy on the other side of them. They touched her wherever they could. Like they were laying hands on her. Like it was a religious ceremony. And it that moment it felt that way—religious and holy.

  Drea certainly had no other word for the unearthly pleasure and swamping absolute joy that rose up and swept over her like a tidal wave.

  And every single one of her clan held her as she came and cried and came some more and cried some more.

  All she knew was that when she spiraled back down to earth who knew how many minutes later, it was to Eric’s voice.

  Eric’s hands cupping her face.

  Eric’s blue eyes piercing hers.

  “This isn’t a marriage where each of us get a sliver of you. No, baby, that’s not how this is gonna work. You have to give every one of us all of you. Pour it all out. Every single fucking drop of yourself and trust that we’ll fill you back up.”

  His grip on her cheeks tightened and the vein in his neck clenched as he searched her eyes with an intensity that, only half an hour before, would have terrified her and had her pulling away. But now she only looked back with all of her self.

  “Because we will fill you back up. That’s what we vowed today. We’re your husbands. For richer or for poorer. In sickness and in health. Where one of us drops the ball another will pick it up. We will never leave you. Never forsake you. We are yours until the end of time. And baby, you are fucking ours.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Some part of Billy thought everything would
be the same as it was when they all woke up the morning after the wedding night. Surely last night had been some sort of withdrawal-induced hallucination, right? Drea had been so… At the end there when Eric and David were… and the rest of them all came around and they were all together and—

  Well fuck. That had really been somethin’. Something crazy he still wasn’t sure he could wrap his head around. Cause the way Drea looked— Okay so he’d only known her for a total of what? Not even two weeks?

  But she looked destroyed.

  Like absolutely fucking destroyed in the most beautiful way Billy’d ever seen. Cause Billy had seen that look on people’s faces before. Maybe it was a messed-up analogy, but it was the same face addicts who’d been without got once they finally got that sweet, sweet hit again. That moment of being totally blissed out and yeah, just destroyed. Problem was, it never lasted. Give it half an hour, hell, sometimes ten damn minutes, and it was gone and you were left chasing it like it was never there.

  But Drea?

  After they finished, cum spilling out her front and back, she let Garrett pull her into his arms beside him on his sleeping bag. When the rest of them crowded around, she flung her leg out over Jonathan and lifted her arms overhead to make contact with David and Billy. Eric spent a long time at her feet, massaging first one and then the other like he was her servant or something.

  And her face just stayed like that. So open it was like you could see through to the very center of her. It was the first time he’d looked at her and realized, Christ, she must have been a girl once. Like a girl girl.

  Before then he guessed he’d sort of seen her as this bionic woman who’d popped out full-grown. Like maybe she was a runaway from some pre-Fall secret government project because surely no one could be that badass in real life? An exaggeration but ya know, she was just so on all the time, so hard, so fearless.

  But here she was, this beautiful girl. Bare in every way. She slept surrounded by the five of them, nestled alternately against Garrett or Jonathan or Eric. Christ, he even saw her cuddled against that massive, muscled automaton, the General.

  Billy hadn’t been able to sleep.

  Because while Drea had laid herself bare, Billy had more to hide than ever.

  The angelic creature on the cave floor beside him could never know.

  She could never find out what he’d done.

  Who he’d been.

  So part of him had waited anxiously through the night hoping against hope that when Drea woke up, her armored shield would clang back down into place. That she’d be hard and aloof and yeah, just a little bit mean. It would mean the natural order had been restored to the world.

  But he woke up to find her kissing Jonathan. Or really, being passed back and forth between Eric and Jonathan. While David and Garrett watched on, hands on their dicks.

  Billy was only fucking human so of course he climbed over and joined the fray.

  Shit got heated again after that.

  When Billy entered Drea, she reached up and cupped his cheek. And that openness that had been in her eyes last night absolutely gutted him.

  She gave a playful little smile and then rolled them over so that she was on top, riding Billy, her perfect plump little breasts swinging in his face. And God damn him—and fuck it, hell was a certainty at this point anyway so why not go with it?—Billy didn’t push her away. He dug his fingers into her hips and dragged her up and down his cock.

  The other guys were all around, too. Pulling her hair back and sucking on her neck. Tugging at her nipples. Pinching her clit.

  And Billy might be bound for hell, but Christ if her body didn’t clench around him like sweet, sweet heaven as she came and shuddered above him.

  Okay, so she was soft in the bedroom. But surely once they got back into the main cave and started planning the mission, Ms. Hard Ass Give No Shits would return.

  But she didn’t.

  All throughout the day, she was constantly reaching out to touch one or the other of them. Little things. Billy noticed her hand overlapping Eric’s as they laid out a road map on the cave floor and Drea pointed out the best way to get around Houston on back roads, theoretically bypassing the nuclear fallout area to where it should be safe. Then she dropped a casual hand on Jonathan’s thigh while David laid out the strategy they’d use once they got to NASA. Where the building they’d infiltrate was. What the strike team they’d be bringing with them would do if they ran into any trouble along the way or at the Space Center itself.

  But while she might be a softer, gentler Drea, her iron determination hadn’t wavered any.

  “There’s no reason for you to risk yourself by going,” Gisela said, pulling Drea aside after lunch.

  Instead of the ice-cold look Billy expected Drea to respond with, though, she just reached out and took Gisela’s hands. “I’ll be fine. I know the area.”

  Gisela just leveled her eyes at Drea. “Don’t pull that crap on me. I grew up in Sugarland, right outside of Houston. I know that area the same as you. Better probably. I should be going. Let me—”

  “No,” Drea cut her off sharply.

  Aha. There was the iron back in her voice Billy had been looking for all day.


  Drea’s finger shot up between them, a warning clear in her look. “Gisela, leave it alone. The girls need you here. You were voted their leader and representative. So go lead.”

  Billy watched Gisela’s jaw lock.

  “I thought you rescued us so we could fight back.” Gisela’s words came through gritted teeth and any other day Billy would have said she reminded him of Drea herself. But Drea’s eyes went soft as she reached out again and squeezed Gisela’s upper arm.

  “I didn’t rescue you so you could join an army.” Drea shook her head, obviously disconcerted. “I wasn’t trying to get recruits. I did it so you could be free.”

  “And you think any of us will ever be free of that place without fighting back?”

  Drea was clearly about to offer another rebuttal but this time Gisela cut her off.

  “No. There are two transport vehicles going out on the mission and I’ll be on the other one. If you get separated you’ll need someone else who knows the area to get the second vehicle around safely. Maya here will be fine to lead the rest of the women until we’re both back home.”

  But Drea wasn’t having any of it. She stood up taller, gaze hardening. “You are not going and that’s final.”

  Gisela’s mouth dropped open in outrage. “I’m just as much a part of the counsel as you are. You can’t just—”

  “Oh yes I can,” Drea said, eyes flashing. “I took you out of that prison and I can just as easily throw you into another one until we get back. And those trucks you’re talking about? They belong to my husband. He’s letting the counsel borrow them, but he has the final say who gets to ride on them. And believe me, you are not going anywhere.”

  “But that— That’s not—” Gisela let out a huff of exasperation and then threw her hands in the air. “That’s not fair.”

  Drea stood unmoved. “It’s the apocalypse. Nobody said anything about fair.”

  Gisela stood, fuming but obviously having run out of things to say against logic like that. Then she spun and fled down the hall, people turning to stare as she went.

  Drea immediately slumped and her hand went to her forehead as she watched Gisela go. “God, don’t tell me that’s what it will be like having a kid one day.”

  “You want kids?” Billy asked. He couldn’t help it. It was that cognitive dissonance thing again. Drea plus pregnancy and kids? Even two days ago he woulda said, nope, you’re crazy to anyone who brought up the idea.

  But this Drea? The Drea after last night? Even the way she was looking after Gisela. Christ, the girl wasn’t much more than six or seven years younger than Drea herself, but Billy couldn’t think of any other word than maternal for the way Drea was looking after her.

  Then again, Billy didn’t know why it surpris
ed him. It was sort of Drea’s thing. She genuinely cared about helping people.

  Billy wasn’t stupid. He knew she used people to accomplish her goals and that she was probably even using him. It was handy to have a doctor around. She’d certainly been open to the same sort of logic when Billy suggested bringing the General into the clan for similar reasons.

  But the thing was, even if she was using him and the others, she wasn’t doing it for herself. Everything she did, she did for others.

  The reason she was so hell bent and determined to redirect these satellites and get into San Antonio? It was all so she could free the women who’d been with her back in Nomansland. She was fucking unreal.

  Which is why she’ll hate you once she finds out the truth.

  Billy squeezed his eyes shut, swallowing hard as he pulled Drea tight to his side and pressed a kiss against the side of her temple. “I’ll see ya later, babe. Gotta go prep for the mission.”

  He started to pull away but she grabbed his hand before he could go.

  “Hey.” She linked their fingers and stepped closer. The intimacy of the small gesture made Billy’s insides roil. He wanted to go find a knife and slice his own guts open for all he’d done. He wanted to grab her and thrust her against the nearest hard surface he could find and fuck her until she was walking bowlegged for days. He wanted to drop to her feet and beg her for forgiveness.

  But they had a mission and Drea didn’t need to get distracted by his bullshit right now.

  “You want one of the guys to go down with you to get supplies? You’ve been doing amazing but there’s no need to tempt yourself for no reason.”

  “I won’t get in the stash,” Billy promised. And he wouldn’t.

  Because the way she was looking at him right now? With those bright blue eyes so soft and full of concern?

  He’d never give that up.


  Not for pills. Not for smack. And certainly not out of some misguided moral principle that said he needed to come clean about his past.

  Drea was his new drug.

  And she was an addiction he’d take to the grave.


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