Theirs To Defy: a Reverse Harem Romance

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Theirs To Defy: a Reverse Harem Romance Page 31

by Stasia Black

  “How do you want me, gorgeous?”

  “Do exactly what I say,” she growled, leaning up and grabbing his hips as soon as he got close.

  “Exactly as you say,” Billy breathed out.

  Eric couldn’t see much, but he saw the way she wrapped her legs around Billy and knew by seeing the blissed out expression on Billy’s face over her shoulder he was entering her.

  Soon he felt her tightening impossibly around his cock and knew Billy was inside her, too.

  Does that feel good, baby? he wanted to ask. Feeling so full of both of us at the same time?

  He knew she loved it, the way she’d sought it out with David and Jonathan. Though he didn’t miss that she hadn’t come when they were fucking, though she’d been close. Why hadn’t she gone over the edge? More like, why hadn’t she let herself go over the edge?

  Eric shifted his hips, the little he could, trying to give her some friction. She immediately moaned.

  Oh yeah, she loved it. Maybe she needed it right now, even. Maybe she wouldn’t let herself have pleasure without pain’s biting edge.

  He pumped his hips again, jerking back in the chair and then thrusting up. Her hiss of breath was his reward.

  Apparently Billy did something wrong, though, because Eric heard the telltale slap of her hand against skin.

  “Did I tell you to reach for my clit?”

  “Um,” Billy said in the tone of a chastised kid. “No?”

  “No, I didn’t. Now pull your cock out of me.”

  Billy must have complied because pressure on Eric’s shaft lessened slightly.

  “Now fuck my ass.”

  “I am,” Eric said.

  Drea whipped around and glared at him. “Did I look like I was talking to you?”

  The next second her head was turned back around and she was repeating the command. “I said to fuck my ass.”

  Wha— Eric tried to sit up in the chair but Garrett only held his arm tighter.

  “Bu— But—” Billy stuttered.

  “Are you a fucking liar? You said you’d do exactly as I say. Step closer and give me your cock. I’ll fuck myself with it if you won’t.”

  So they were dildos attached to bodies after all.

  Eric breathed out, trying to fight his building fury. This was Drea. Of course she’d push it to the edge of going too far. And really, wasn’t this better than her driving a goddamned death-cycle recklessly during a car chase when there was gunfire and bad guys trying to drive her off the road?

  “But I won’t fit!” Billy was still arguing. “Not with him in there.”

  “You’ll fit if I fucking say you will. If you don’t get your dick inside me in the next three seconds, you’re done. I’ll call Garrett and he’ll do it.”

  Eric looked over his shoulder, though, and Garrett looked just as wigged out as Eric was. He was opening his mouth like he was going to say something, actually but Eric shook his head. Garrett frowned down at him.

  “I’ll always give you what you want, gorgeous,” Billy said, finally stepping closer again. “I just don’t want to hurt you.”

  Billy let out a sharp gasp and stumbled a step closer. No doubt Drea had grabbed his cock just like she’d threatened to.

  “Sometimes it needs to hurt,” she whispered, and then Eric felt it, pressure of a different sort as Drea crammed Billy’s cock right beside his at her ass.

  Maybe it won’t fit, Eric thought hopefully. Because Billy wasn’t small. It was hard not to catch an eyeful when they all had their dicks out around Drea all the time.

  There were no two ways about it. If she actually managed to get Billy past that first ring of muscles, it would hurt her.

  But she was Drea and she was determined and Billy was equally as determined to please her.

  So they managed it.

  Drea let out a guttural, anguished cry when Billy’s cock finally made it in.

  “Now fuck me. Jackhammer me with that fucking cock.”

  And Billy did what she asked, ramming all the way in.


  Every nerve ending up and down Eric’s spine lit up.

  Never so tight—never had tighter in his whole fucking life. Never dreamed of so tight.

  “Harder,” Drea demanded through clenched teeth. “Goddammit, Billy. Fuck me like a goddamned man.”

  Eric opened his eyes to see her grabbing Billy’s hips and dragging him closer. Every time she did, the friction and the pressure against Eric’s own shaft was fucking insane, almost unbearable.

  And at the same time she was tearing him apart on the inside—why? Why, baby? Why?

  Every command for harder came through gritted teeth. She was in pain. And it wasn’t like with the hair pulling. She wasn’t finding any pleasure in this.

  This was only punishment.

  He saw it clearly now. This wasn’t for catharsis like he’d hoped. She just wanted to punish herself.

  Suddenly the grip on his right arm disappeared. Eric looked behind him surprise to see Garrett stepping back, expression disturbed as he watched Drea.

  “Fuck me like you fucking hate me,” Drea cried, and he meant cried because there were tears in her voice now.

  She was breaking Eric’s fucking heart. Maybe she always would. Maybe she could never accept the love he wanted to give her. Because goddamn it, he did. He fucking loved her. And she was broken. Shattering to pieces right in front of him—right on top of him. And he refused to let it happen for another goddamned second.

  “Garrett,” Eric growled, “bring our wife to climax.”

  And then he wrapped his good arm around her, pinning both of her arms to her chest.

  “What?” Drea’s head snapped back around and immediately she started fighting against his grasp.

  Billy moved back and Garrett stepped into his place, dropping to his knees.

  “What are you—?”

  Drea continued thrashing but Eric held her firm to his chest, occasionally thrusting his cock still buried up her ass as Garrett ate her out.

  “You can’t—” she screamed, furious as she turned her head Eric’s direction. “You fucking bastard. Why do you always ruin everything? You’re such a conniving, controlling, fucking sanctimonious—” She seemed to lose her train of thought as her eyelashes fluttered, Garrett’s ministrations obviously getting the better of her.

  Her chest heaved and her mouth slackened as pleasure overtook her. She clenched around Eric’s cock up her ass probably unconsciously but Jesus, yes.


  This was what sex was supposed to be about. They could angry fuck to Drea’s heart’s content.

  But he needed there to be some sort of connection. He needed her here with him.

  And now that she was, he fucking let go. She wanted hard? He could give her hard. She wanted to ride the edge? He’d fucking give her the edge.

  He pulled out and thrust back in with as much force as he could. Without the second dick in her ass, he knew it should be just enough but not too much.

  From her escalating cries of pleasure, he knew he was getting her just where he wanted her. So he kept at it. With his arm around her, he could really maneuver her, too. So he dragged her down, reaming her the fuck out. Then he lifted her while he pulled his hips back. Then down again, with all his might. It jarred his broken arm. He didn’t fucking care. Garrett followed their movements. Eric could hear him with how fucking sloppily the man was eating.

  And always, Drea’s pleased noises like she was just infuckingcapable of keeping quiet. That was exactly where Eric wanted her. Out of her mind. In touch with the very bottom of her emotional well. Pouring it all fucking out. All her hurt. All her pain. All that anguish that would fester for days, fucking years if she didn’t deal with it one way or another.

  “Give it to us, baby,” he growled, ramming in up to his balls again.

  And he felt it in a way he never had before because he’d never been so in tune with her body as right now when she was so raw and v
ulnerable. He felt her every twitch, every inhale, every gasp and breath.

  Her ass tightened on his cock and her breathy whines notched just that much higher. She was coming. She was about to blow.

  “Fucking give it to me,” he shouted. And she did. She threw her head back against his chest, screamed through clenched teeth, and he pumped his cum into her as she came all over Garret’s face. She came and came and fucking came, squirting, until her legs were shaking, fuck, her entire body was shaking and tears poured down her cheek.

  Even after she was done, all three of them just sat there like that, Garrett with his head resting on her inner thigh, her with her head dropped against Eric’s chest, his cock still hard up her ass, heart thumping like a runaway train.

  It was only when David and Jonathan came over and helped them to their feet that they made their way over to where they’d unrolled several sleeping bags.

  On the way over, Drea reached for Billy’s hand. “I’m sorry,” she whispered and he immediately pulled her into his arms.

  They fell asleep, all cocooned around her.

  But when Eric woke several hours later as the sun was beginning to set, Drea was gone.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Drea walked outside and held her hand over her eyes, looking up. It was still hot as fuck but there were big gray clouds billowing in from the north and in the far distance she heard the rumble of thunder.

  The sound sent a chill down her spine. She’d always hated thunderstorms, ever since she was a kid. She didn’t have many memories of before she went to live with Dad, but one of them was crouching under her bed, holding some dumb stuffed animal that was missing one of its button eyes, and wishing her mama was home.

  Naturally Mom thought nothing of leaving her fucking six-year-old at home alone during a storm when she needed to go get her next fix.

  Drea stomped her boot in the dirt. Then she looked over and saw a group of soldiers smoking. Fuck but she could do with a smoke. She walked over to them and plucked the hand-rolled cigarette out of the closest one’s mouth right before he could light up. He held out a lighter and she gave him a wink. He’d probably soil his damn fatigues these boys were so hard up for a woman. But they were David’s men, so she felt safe enough.

  She lit the cigarette, took a long, satisfying drag, then tossed the lighter to the guy that had handed it to her.

  Then she turned and walked away, back to her lonely outpost outside the store where her husbands were sleeping.

  She cringed even thinking the word. Husbands.

  Fuck but that was a mistake.

  What the hell right did she think she’d had getting married?


  She sucked in another long drag and then flicked the ash onto the cracked concrete underfoot.

  She’d had the dream about Mom again. She’d been having it more and more lately. Well, if it was a memory, could you really call it a dream? More like it was just her subconscious fucking with her.

  Although, this time it was two memories morphed together. She was back at NASA. David had just thrown the grenade and they were running down the stairs. About to escape.

  In the distance, Drea saw the man with the rifle.

  Except the dream fucked with time, so she saw him cock the rifle. Saw the bullet explode from the barrel. Watched it flying toward her.

  It would have hit her right between the eyes.

  That bullet had her goddamned fucking name on it.

  But Gisela. That stupid fucking cunt just had to— She just had to—

  Drea tried to suck in another draw on the cigarette but she couldn’t. Because she was fucking crying too hard.

  She spit the cigarette to the ground and stomped on it. Then she swiped furiously at her eyes. Oh, cry for her. Yeah, cry for her, Drea. Like that will do her any damn good, laying with her head half blown off back in Houston

  Drea slapped her own face. Once, then again, harder. Then harder still until the tears stopped.

  At the end of the dream, she’d been sitting there, holding Gisela uselessly in her arms, weeping like a useless little bitch, and Gisela had twisted and turned her face toward Drea.

  Except it wasn’t Gisela anymore.

  It was Mama.

  She wrapped her hands around Drea’s throat.“You’re the devil’s child. Satan came and raped me one night. You little demon hell bitch! You’re poison! POISON!”

  Thunder cracked in the distance and Drea jumped, hand flying to her chest.

  The chest with her still beating heart.

  Because she was alive and Gisela was dead.


  Drea jumped again in surprise at the voice coming from right behind her, swinging around to see Eric looking adorably rumpled from sleep.

  “You disappeared.” He reached out for her hand but she turned away from him, facing back toward the storm clouds as they rolled in.

  “Couldn’t sleep.”

  What she wanted to say, no, what she wanted to scream was, RUN. Run the fuck away from me!

  But Eric, Eric fucking Wolford, of course he just stepped up right beside her. The man had no fucking instincts for self-preservation.

  She turned her face away from him.

  “Drea. You know I’m here if you ever want to talk.”

  She huffed out a harsh laugh, finally turning toward him.

  “Since when have I ever wanted to talk to you? But you’re good to keep around for a fuck, I’ll give you that.”

  It both hurt and pleased her when his jaw tensed at her remark.


  “Don’t do that.” He moved in front of her so that mere inches separated their chests. “Don’t push me away. You know I care about you.”

  She shoved his chest and took a step back. “Well maybe that’s your mistake. Sorry I’m not the person you want me to be. But hey,” she shrugged, “that’s not my job. Don’t put your shit on me, man.”

  He stalked after her. “Don’t fucking do that.”


  “You know what.”

  She shrugged again, looking down at the ground and really fucking wishing she hadn’t stomped out the rest of that cigarette. It would look desperate if she got down on her hands and knees and tried to scrape the little bit of tobacco into another paper so she could smoke the last little bit, huh?

  “I saw you,” Eric said, getting in her face again and taking her shoulders in his hands. She tried to shrug him off but he just held her tighter. “Drea. Drea! Stop it. Stop pushing us away. I saw you when we were having sex. I saw you. Your friend died. You’re allowed to be upset about it. To grieve her.”

  If he kept talking, she’d scream. She’d scream and scream and never stop screaming until she was fucking dead her throat would be so raw.

  So she jerked back from him and shoved him in the chest again with all her goddamned might.

  “Gisela wasn’t my fucking friend. She was a pathetic, fucked up girl who died for nothing. The only reason she got on that fucking van in the first place was because I thought I could be something I’m not. I gave all those girls fucking delusions about how they could leave their pasts behind. Become fighters. Fucking bullshit. They’ll all be broken till the day they die.”

  “Just like you? Is that it? You think you’re broken?”

  Drea took another step back and started to clap her hands. Slowly.

  “Bravo Dr. Wolford. You’ve got me all figured out now. Give yourself a pat on the back.”

  “Goddammit, you are the most exasperating fucking woman I have ever fucking met—”

  “So leave!” Drea said with an exasperated shout. God, just please go. Run. Fucking run.

  “Drea—” he started again, breathing hard but with a conciliatory tone.

  “Jesus Christ!” she swore. What would it take with this guy? “I’m tired of people seeing in me what they want to see. I’m not the savior Gisela saw. And I’m not whatever damsel in distress or what
ever the fuck you want me to be.”

  “That’s not what—”

  “I don’t give a shit,” Drea cut him off. “I’m done with all of it.”

  “So, what? After this mission, you’re just going to go off into the woods and live alone?”

  She nodded. “Sounds like a plan to me.” Then she walked off.

  “Drea.” He grabbed her arm to stop her but she yanked it away and spun on him.

  “Don’t,” she spat the word. “Don’t fucking touch me.”

  She glared at him. Run, goddammit! Everything inside her screamed it.

  At the same time, she wanted to reach out and claw at his clothes with her fingernails, clinging to him. To fall at his feet and beg, stay. STAY. Be my home forever. Please God be my home and save me from the nightmares.

  But she’d already killed one person she loved today. And it was with Gisela’s face in her mind that she uttered her next words:

  “This kind of shit is exactly why I told Sophia she had to go off on her own to discover who she really is, away from you.” As out of it as she’d been on the ride back from Houston, Drea had heard Eric telling Jonathan about his phone call with Sophia. Nothing would drive him away quicker than making him think she was the reason for Sophia fleeing, even if she’d never said any such thing to Sophia. But it didn’t stop Drea from pressing on. “You fucking suffocate people and call it love. You’re a fucking leach. I told Sophia to get away from you the earliest chance she had and for once she fucking listened.”

  Finally, fucking finally, Eric stepped back, eyes wide like he was looking at a stranger. “You told her wha—” He trailed off, blinking in confusion and betrayal. “You know how dangerous it is out there. How could you?”

  Drea’s insides were being shredded through a cheese grater but she forced herself to shrug noncommittally. “She’s stronger than you give her credit for. She’ll be fine. Plus, if you were so worried about the well-being of women outside of your precious little communal bubble, I guess you could have lent me some help to go rescue my girls a helluva lot earlier, huh?”

  His mouth dropped open and he took several more stumbling steps back from her. “Jesus Christ.” He gave the bitterest laugh she’d ever heard. “All this time, I thought, if you’re just patient enough, Eric, eventually she’ll let you in. She’s been hurt before. She’s worth the wait, worth the effort.”


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