Tearful Reign

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Tearful Reign Page 15

by V L Friends

  Chapter 10 - Return of My Guardian

  The next morning, there was still no sign of Caleb. As I did my usual morning jog through the woods, my mind fell on Caleb and Lucian. What did my future hold now that my new reality was surfacing? Last night’s party and conversations with Lucian, and then later with Julian, had brought me more questions than answers. There was one thing I knew for sure about my near future: I was not going to leave with Caleb after all. I never thought in a million years that Caleb and I would be at such odds. Guilt filled my mind as I thought about how he was feeling about me right now and how he had gone to such lengths for my protection, only to have me thwart his plans by saving Lucian’s life. Not that I regretted saving Lucian’s life. I just couldn’t help that feeling in my gut that I was really their enemy and I would always find myself with odds with my uncle and father. I had undone Julian’s job as well, only he did not know it yet. Was this to be a regular thing now? Would I always be undoing their plans? Probably, if I was really being honest with myself. The thought that I would become the enemy of those I loved the most tore at my gut. Lucian’s words kept haunting me. “Go find your own kind. Your place is with the angels.” Sure, they were supposedly friends with my mother, but I had never seen one. I didn’t think Lucian knew that. His words just seemed so strange to me.

  For some reason, I found myself looking out above the waterfall again. My mind was wandering so much to the events of the last month that I didn’t even remember how I had gotten here. A small part of me wondered if I would run into my panther friend but there was no sign of them, of course. Even if he was still alive he did not want to see me again. Both relief and disappointment washed over me at the thought. I gave a heavy sigh and smiled at a memory of his blond hair and how it would sometimes brush in his face, and that smug mischievous grin he would give me. Yep, he was dangerous… for me, at least. I hoped that Lucian was alive and well but glad he was likely far away from me.

  Jogging my way back home, I jerked to a stop when I had that feeling in my gut that someone else was there, watching me.

  Realization struck me that I probably should have kept running because if anyone was there the chance of them not being friendly was good since many paranormal still considered me a threat.

  “Is anyone there?” I called one last time before I continued home.

  Even before I got to the house I smelled the intruder. The air smelled of expensive cologne. As I neared, I noticed the circular drive had a limousine parked there.

  “Hello.” A slender well-dressed man in black slacks and a crisp, white, short-sleeved, button-up shirt stepped out of the limo and was calling out to me. I think his dress shoes cost more than my entire wardrobe.

  It took me a minute to realize that I actually knew this man. His tossed tawny hair, somewhat bleached from the sun, and tan skin helped to show off the brightness of his white teeth as he stood giving me his classic dashing grin. The thing that threw me off was the glasses. Louis looked very different with glasses. More innocent and thoughtful. There seemed to be no trace of the vicious walker lord that ordered Lucian’s death. He held out a yellow rose to me as I approached him. Had he known the mages he and Caleb hired tried to kill me or worse, and had he ordered them to do so behind Caleb’s back?

  “Truce?” he said with a look of sweetness. I imagine he had used that look on many women.

  “What are you doing here?” I said, ignoring his rose.

  “I came to finish that kiss,” he laughed softly with a sparkle in his eyes that I decided to interpret as teasing. I winced, remembering what he had compelled me to do. I knew he had only done it to infuriate Lucian, at least I hoped. The strange thing about it was that I actually thought of kissing him again. Shouldn’t the spell have worn off by now?

  Louis was not what I expected him to be. For being a man that had lived 300 years, it was odd that he had this strange boyish nervousness. He was completely different than the overly confident man surrounded by guards who laughingly rejected Lucian and threatened to kill him. I also never noticed his accent before. He was a walker who had seen more than anyone I knew and he was a mystery to me.

  “What is that accent you’re using?”

  “I’m Australian. Are you disappointed?” His eyebrow raised with humor. There was that boyish smile.

  Of course, the blond hair, tan skin, and accent all seemed to fit. What didn’t seem to fit was the fact that he was here, talking to me now.

  “It seems fitting,” I shrugged.

  He interrupted my thoughts of wondering why he was here to answer them. “I needed to apologize for my deception with my identity last night and… he trailed off.”

  “And?” I asked, clearly feeling he had a lot more to apologize for.

  “And I was worried about you,” he said with a serious look. “I heard about your unfortunate accident. I must tell you how relieved I am at seeing you are okay.”

  Hmm. I was not sure I was buying this innocent act, if it was one.

  “Thank you for your concern,” I said, looking at him politely. “As for your deception, no need to apologize; you all seem to do whatever you want with us whenever you want.”

  I may have gone too far with that comment, because his mouth fell open, stunned for a second before turning to a half smile.

  “I suppose I deserved that.” His cheeks tinted a little red.

  “Sorry, I’m just a little on edge this morning. Bad morning,” I tried to apologize.

  I shrugged, starting to moved past him towards the house but he touched my elbow, indicating he was not done with me yet.

  “Can I help?” Louis seemed unfazed by my mood. “I have an idea. I know we just met, so I understand if you’re reluctant, but how about a drive? I could show you a beautiful waterfall, maybe some hiking. It’s only about 15 miles from here. A new place to explore.”

  Why did I want to go with him so badly?

  “Come on… it’ll be peaceful.” He looked so sweet and harmless. He was charming.

  I nodded and said, “I’ll just go change.”

  Okay, something had to be wrong with me. Why was I so eager to get away with him?

  When I went inside I was immediately greeted with a confrontational Julian just inside the door.

  He was doing the creeper spying thing again so I guessed he was back to his usual self. I sighed heavy at the disappointment as I pushed my way around his towering form.

  “Well, well, well, aren’t we the bad little girl?” Julian said in his way that sounded teasing but hid the clue of something else in his tone. Was that anger?

  “What are you talking about?” I wanted to get away from him.

  “You’re not going anywhere with that walker!” Jules hissed with a stern look of disapproval as he leaned in close then pointed at me accusingly. “Something is wrong with you!”

  Now that I was away from Louis, I was having second thoughts and for a split second I actually considered sending someone out to tell him I changed my mind. That is, until Julian showed up and started with his creepy controlling self and now I just wanted to do anything to defy him.

  “Stop it! Nothing is wrong with me.” I felt more agitated than usual with him. “What is wrong with you? You and Caleb wanted Louis and I to get acquainted, so what the heck is your problem?” I was giving him an unusual amount of sass. I could not help myself. I was feeling a pricking under my skin at his very words. It was almost painful to stay and listen to him.

  “What’s up, my dear, is that he is up to something and I don’t like it! I don’t trust him! If you go anywhere with him, you are to bring a chaperone and that’s final!”

  His words, “That’s final,” caused an enormous bout of anger in me. Who the hell did he think he was?!

  I hurried upstairs and changed quickly and ran back down. “You’re insane!” I said with defiance seeping out through every fiber of my being as I stormed out the door, giving it a slam for effect.

  “Let’s go!” I jumpe
d in the car with Louis.

  Just as Louis was pulling out, another man stood in front of the car.

  Oh my God! My heart leapt…


  “I almost hit you!” The limo driver yelled out the window at him as Louis jumped out of the car with a look of restrained anger.

  I could hardly believe my eyes. It was really him! I was so startled I didn’t care about anything but jumping in his arms for a hug. I hardly noticed the weary look and unshaven face. I couldn’t let go. I just started to cry. I really needed him now more than ever.

  “How did you know I was here?” I said finally, stepping back to look up at him.

  “A little bird told me.” Shane smiled down at me with tears in his eyes as he stroked my hair. “Let me get a look at you!”

  “I am so sorry for leaving you.” Tears were coming again. “I missed you so much!”

  “I am here now.” Shane reached for me again to hold me.

  The joy seemed to dance in his eyes as we walked and talked in the meadow in our back yard. Shane had stories of his many places he had traveled since we had last seen each other.

  “Three nights ago, I got a call from Caleb to come and that you needed me,” he said. “I have to say, Anaya, I really hoped you would stay away from this place. If there is some way I could get you to come back with me, I would.” He looked at me with a hopeful look then continued, “I guess that is out of the question now. First things first, though, let’s get that out of you,” he said, turning to me.

  Apparently, I still held traces of influence from Louis’s spell and that is what was causing me to submit so easily to his suggestions. I had no doubt it was from the other night at the party and must have been lingering there when Louis showed up today to finish what he started. Louis had left in a hurry after Shane showed up. When Shane lifted his hands from me, all was clear. Thank God he came when he did or I don’t know what would have happened.

  As for me, I had to apologize to Julian for calling him insane and storming out when he was right after all. He claimed that my quick defiance to his authority put me in danger. He claimed that even if I was under a spell, if I had any kind of respect for his authority, I still would have listened to him when he warned something was wrong. Of course, it made things worse that Shane agreed with him.

  “There will have to be some changes around here. No more avoidance and dismissing me, for a start,” Julian announced to me.

  “Second, we will spend quality time together on a regular basis,” he continued.

  I groaned. “Seriously.”

  “Yes, and that is another thing, no more back talk,” Julian said and pointed at me for emphasis.

  It was clear Julian was not going to make things easy. He had a list of things he wanted me to do to show that I was really serious about making things work between us and showing him more respect, so I played along. One of them was to read out loud to him every night for a week. He said it “calmed his demeanor.” It was humorous but we all knew it was just an attempt to spend time with me. Inwardly I felt if he really wanted respect he would need to earn it, but I decided to keep this to myself for now.

  Of course, I had my conditions as well and they mostly involved him treating me better. He agreed, but the twitch on his face gave me the indication that he didn’t like submitting to anyone’s conditions.

  “Well, now, I can’t wait to see how this turns out,” Caleb said as he strolled into the room. He must have come in through the back door. My heart leapt when I saw him but I could not move. Was he still mad at me for saving Lucian? He seemed in a good mood though. I didn’t want to spoil it by asking a thousand questions so I just smiled back at him warmly. Shane was next to me silently listening as Julian was outlining his plan for our new relationship but now he moved to shake hands with Caleb.

  “Thank you for your call, Caleb. It looks like I was just in time,” Shane said to Caleb.

  “Will you be sticking around then?” Caleb said.

  “Yes, I will.” Shane took a few steps back and began ushering me to the door. “We will discuss the details tomorrow but for now I have some things to look into.” Shane gave Julian a nod and waved at Caleb as he pulled me outside to talk. “We have much to discuss and I have so much to tell you. It will wait until tomorrow, but just know that I am not leaving you. You are not alone.” Shane hugged me tenderly. His words seemed to soothe the ache deep inside.

  When Shane left, I returned to the parlor to find Julian had left and Caleb was sitting in a chair waiting for me. His expression was unreadable. His eyes bore into me with intensity.

  “We need to talk,” he said as he uncrossed his legs and took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  I slid down on the sofa in front of him, uncomfortable at the close proximity given the fact that I knew he was not happy with me. I was uneasy because I felt a dread hit my gut at what he might say. Would he break my heart? Would it turn out I did not really know him at all? Would he be angry at me still for protecting Lucian? Would he ask me to leave?

  “I’m sorry. I never meant to betray you. I didn’t know it was your doing!” I cried out.

  He held up a hand for me to stop.

  “It is not your fault. It is in your nature to love and protect. A part of you cared for Lucian and he used that to his advantage. You were never meant to know any of what transpired. I hold nothing against you, Anaya.” He shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

  “The only thing that bothers me is that you know what I am and I never wanted you to see that part of me that is as ruthless of a killer as Julian. I too have been around for more than a hundred years and done things unspeakable. Things I never wanted to allow to rise up in me again. I never wanted you to look at me the way you looked at me the other night. It ripped me up inside. I turned into a killer in order to protect you.”

  “And you think I turned on you? I get it,” I said. “I am sorry but I couldn’t let you kill him. That is all. I don’t want to feel like you and I are enemies.” I felt the hotness of tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

  “The only enemy I have is anyone who aims to do you harm,” Caleb said.

  I nodded and there was silence between us.

  “What I want to know now is how you see me. Has our relationship changed? Do you now see me as a monster too?” he asked with a sadness in his eyes.

  As I looked into his watery eyes I could not stand it any longer. I got up and moved swiftly to him. I crouched to hug him in his chair and he hugged me back then leaned back to look at me, as he tenderly stroked my cheek.

  “I don’t see you that way!” I said.

  “I have no words to say how happy that makes me,” Caleb said.

  I sunk down next to his chair, resting my head on his knee, and we both just sat quietly watching the fire for a moment as he continued to play with a strand of my hair.

  “Sooo, what happened to Lucian? Did you find him?” I tugged at the necklace holding the emerald ring around my neck and immediately felt like I shouldn’t have asked.

  “Anaya,” Caleb groaned a complaint.

  “Well, I think I have a right to know.” I looked up into his face.

  “It’s better you not know,” he said.

  “Well, I beg to differ. I mean, I did drag his sorry-ass self, severed spine and all, into a spider-infested hole and used my body as a shield to keep him hidden and protected. I would think I deserve to know whether or not he lived or died!” I could not help showing my mouthy irritation.

  “You did what?!” Caleb jumped to his feet in anger. He never heard the details of my rescuing his adversary from death.

  Seeing the fury I ignited in him, after just reconciling, I shrunk back.

  “Sorry… too soon?” I said with sudden realization of how quickly things had shifted from soft sweetness back to tension.

  Julian’s hysterical laughter from upstairs gave the clue that he was listening in. Lovely, I thought.

  Caleb stop
ped pacing and his anger seemed to dissipate.

  “Well, terrific, you both are put on this earth to torment me. First Julian and now you. No, Anaya, I did not kill him. Now I am going to bed.” Caleb turned and began to ascend the stairs.

  “Wait!” I said, trying to stop him. “Are you angry with me again?” I asked with a hint of guilt.

  Caleb stopped, sighed, then continued walking up the stairs as he mumbled something incoherent.

  He paused and spoke clearly again when he reached the top of the stairs.

  “No, I am not. By the way. Watch your mouth. Ladies do not cuss nearly as much as you do, my dear.” And he was gone.

  “Don’t think for a second that you are skipping out on me; it’s our night together.” Julian’s voice sounded from the parlor as he sat on the couch holding a book. After dinner, he caught me trying to slip by him and journey upstairs to my room.

  I actually was beginning to enjoy our time together but it amused me to play this cat and mouse game of trying to avoid him. Every night after dinner Julian and I would retreat to the parlor on the sofa with the firelight crackling and I would read to him from a book of poetry or whatever was his choosing.

  One night I fell asleep only to wake up with my head on Julian’s chest and his arms folded around me. He must have pulled me to him. I heard him talking to someone so I pretended to be sleeping. It was Caleb he was whispering to.

  “Have you ever stopped to really feel their heart beat?” (walkers don’t have a detectable heartbeat) “It’s beautiful. I feel her heart beating against my chest! What is happening to me, Caleb? What is she doing to me?” Julian spoke with a wonder and love I had never heard in his voice. He seemed so troubled by this.

  “It’s called love, Jules, just go with it. She is the light of this house, don’t you see?”

  “She is so fragile, though.” I could feel Julian’s cool hands lightly stroking my hair and brushing my cheek.

  Too self-conscious to hold the fake sleep much longer, as I knew Caleb would bust me sooner or later, I pretended to stretch and move a little as if I was just waking up.


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