Tearful Reign

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Tearful Reign Page 18

by V L Friends

  “That was possibly the strangest conversation I have ever had,” I mumbled to myself, shaking my head as I climbed the stairs to my room. I could smell cigarette smoke. Julian was waiting for me in front of my door. He was in one of his moods.

  “Taking up smoking again, I see,” I said as I took out my key from my bag to unlock my door.

  “It relaxes me. And since I don’t have you to read to me every night I am afraid I have to resort to other things.” Julian inhaled his cancer stick and let out a long puff of smoke near my head.

  I waved and coughed at his smoke in my face.


  “You can’t smoke in my room,” I said as I entered and turned to glare at him.

  “Fine.” He put it out on the wall and dropped it on the floor, then pushed past me to enter.

  “Geez, you’re in a mood, Julian. Who peed in your Cheerios?”

  “I do not eat Cheerios.” There was that aristocrat Julian again, looking like he was barely tolerating me.

  I admit he amused me more and more these days.

  Just then a thought occurred to me and I just needed to ask.

  “Hey, just curious… why were you just waiting for me at the door?” Usually I expected to see him already in my home waiting for me. He had no qualms about letting himself in. For him being an aristocrat, I used to be surprised at his lack of manners.

  He sprawled out on the sofa. “You locked me out.”

  “Make yourself at home,” I said as I put down my backpack and began picking up a few cluttered things. “Since when do locks keep you out?”

  “That reminds me, where did you learn to use wards?”

  “Hmm, they are not actually mine. I think Shane may have put them up. So, am I to understand that you can’t just let yourself in? I wonder if that means no one can just walk in,” I pondered as I looked around the door entrance for any sign of them, although I had no idea what I was looking for.

  “I can’t be sure but from what I could tell they were specific. It’s just like Shane to ward me out.” Julian gave a scoff.

  Sensing this was not a good topic to continue with his mood the way it was, I asked, “So anyway, not that I am not happy as a lark to have you grace me with your presence, but was there a reason you are here?”

  Julian fluffed a decorative square pillow and tucked it under his head before sprawling himself across my couch.

  “I need a place to hide for a bit. As a part of our negotiations, I have agreed to train some of Louis’s men and I am going to lose my shit if I have to deal with another Neanderthal disgusting creature that does not know a thing about brandishing a sword, let alone how to use deodorant.”

  When I looked over at Julian his arm was covering his eyes. Leaning over him and brushing aside his arm to see if I could meet his eyes, I smiled down at him warmly.

  Julian had agreed to work for Louis for a time and, in exchange, Louis agreed to help put out the word that I was not a threat. Caleb told me that Julian used to be a general and was a natural leader but he preferred to work alone now. So far Louis had not discovered the truth about who raised a certain witch from the dead, thus sparking a revival in the Christian community. Louis had been building a dark army in order to put himself back in control and to be feared once again. It did not make me feel the least bit at ease that Julian was helping him. We were true enemies and he didn’t even know it.

  For someone who hated secrets, I sure had a lot of my own.

  Julian’s eyes looked up questioningly into mine.

  “You are welcome to stay as long as you like,” I said, trying not to laugh at his words.

  He looked as if he was scanning me for a moment and then, without warning, snatched me by the arm and pulled me to his chest, wrapping his arm around me. I thought I smelled a hint of alcohol and this explained why he was so affectionate. He got this way when he had a few drinks. With my head on his chest we lay there quietly and at peace.

  “I don’t know what it is about you, Anaya, but you calm my storms,” Julian said before he drifted off to sleep.

  Watching his chest move up and down as he breathed heavily, my mind drifted. What was Louis up to? There were two things I knew for sure. One was that he was using Julian and keeping him busy. Two, Louis was up to something and I was in danger. I needed to get out of there as soon as possible.

  I decided that this was a good time to ease my way off him and hop in the shower. I was supposed to meet Caleb for dinner. He said he had something extremely important to talk to me about, but he sounded tense on the phone.

  When I met Caleb outside the restaurant, I noticed he had a cane and was limping along with it. Something was wrong with his left leg.

  “What’s happened to your leg?” I demanded.

  “Oh, its fine. I got into it with Louis this afternoon. It will heal,” he said, but he looked anything but fine.

  Not able to peel my eyes away from the young-looking millionaire walker in front of me with his furrowed brow and circles under his eyes, I was full of worry. He was wearing a suit and tie so I guessed he must have come from a business meeting. He took off his jacket and tossed it over a chair and loosened his tie. We were in a quiet corner of the restaurant but he still leaned in to speak low so others would not hear.

  Caleb smiled weakly and then it quickly shifted to something I rarely saw in my uncle’s large deep blue eyes: fear. “Please hear me out, Anaya! Things are progressing in a negative way!” His voice cracked as he realized he spoke a little louder than he had intended and he winced before coming back to a whisper as he leaned into me. “Louis has Anna!” The utter terror shone for a second in his eyes before disappearing.

  I felt a churning in my gut. Not only was there no question that Caleb knew what I had done and the unspoken was now becoming spoken, but the realization of others getting very hurt or dead because of me hit me all at once.

  Caleb continued, “It is only a matter of time before Louis finds out about your involvement with the growing shift of power in the area. He already suspects and is trying to be discreet in his investigating for now. He does not want anyone associated with the light to know he suspects you. The other day when he came to see you, I have no doubt he had planned to abduct you. He is furious that, because of the angelic presence in your life, you are not accessible to him. Louis even showed up at one of my business meetings unannounced and demanded to speak with me. When he asked me to join him for dinner and to bring you, I knew something was not right with him so I refused. His nice-guy façade vanished and he attacked me, demanding that I bring you to him.” Caleb pointed to his injured leg. “I nearly ripped his head off. The crazed look in his eyes… I swear he is obsessed with you. Anyway, he and I are not on good terms now, to say the least.”

  My uncle leaned back and let out a deep sigh as he ran a hand through his perfect dark hair. “Things are about to get very bad and I think it is time you came home. I can’t protect you here. I have those who are loyal to me and who will fight to protect us, but this is not a time to be divided. That warlord walker is building a dark army!”

  I knew about the dark army, as Julian had mentioned it earlier, and I felt a twinge in my gut.

  “Do you think Louis would demand Julian surrender me?” I asked. A part of me still wondered if Julian would sell me out for the right price.

  No, he was different now, I dismissed.

  Caleb seemed to notice my thoughts right away.

  “Louis is taking pride in the fact he is able to do something he has never been able to do before: Getting the infamous general Julian Alexander to join him. Now that Julian needs you safe, Louis has found something Julian wants and has talked my brother into working for him. Louis knows Julian will turn on him if he makes this demand. Trust me, Louis is trying like hell to keep his intentions from your father. I don’t like it. Louis even threatened me if I told him. That dark warlord is up to something and it is about to blow up.”

  “So, does this mean he k
nows about Shane?” I struggled with this information. Poor Anna!

  “Louis only senses that there is an angelic,” Caleb shook his head.

  Burying my face in my hands, I tried to think.

  “Julian works for Louis now. Maybe he can get close enough to pull Anna out,” I said.

  “I haven’t seen Julian in days. My sources say he is shacking up with one of Louis’s girls,” Caleb gave a look of disgust.

  I couldn’t help but frown at the thought of Julian keeping something from me as significant as a new love interest in his life, but, then again, secrets were a part of who he was. I didn’t like it but I had other things to think about.

  “Caleb, Julian is at my apartment right now,” I said. “I need to talk to Julian.”

  “Wonderful,” Caleb groaned at the information that Julian was with me. I frowned at him, wondering why this bit of information was wonderful.

  He took out his phone and began to dial.

  “Hold up, I am going with you. I will have Rosa and Simon meet us at your place to help you get your things after you talk to Julian,” Caleb said.

  I knew by the familiar look on Caleb’s face that it was not up for negotiation.

  As if things could not get any weirder, I ran into my landlord, Harry, lurking in the hallway of the theater when I entered. He was waiting for me. He seemed all nervous and sweaty as he shifted his eyes about, not able to make eye contact. Then he just blurted out, “You need to get your ass out and you are fired!”

  Seeing the look of confusion on my face, he added, “Sorry, it’s for your own good.” Then he turned and walked away, yelling back at me. “Don’t come back!” Well, I guess I really had no choice but to leave now.

  I smiled at Harry’s retreating back, feeling triumphant that he chose to scare me away instead of bow to his brother’s demands. I felt a rush of warmth fill my chest. I had the feeling no one knew just how brave and amazing Harry was but me. What a shame, I thought.

  Caleb had witnessed the display and stopped beside me, watching the retreating figure.

  “What a peculiar fellow,” he said with a shrug as he nudged passed me, taking the stairs to my apartment.

  I was sad at the abrupt end to our budding friendship but realized that he must have cared about me in order to warn me about his brother. I would thank him one day.

  When I walked in, Julian was still lying motionless on the sofa. Caleb and I quietly moved to the kitchen. Caleb began pulling out boxes from the closet. He had a one-track mind. He only wanted to get me out of there.

  “I am not sure that talking to him is such a good idea. It will only arouse suspicion in him,” Caleb whispered as he began making way too much noise with the boxes.

  “What would I need to be suspicious about?” Julian’s voice came from the sofa. He was lying still and his eyes were closed. Crap! He was pretending to be asleep, all the while tracking our movements and words. Hmm, I do that too.

  I swallowed hard. I needed to proceed with extreme caution.

  “Nice to see that you are being your usual deceptive self, Julian,” I prodded, but with a hint of humor.

  He sat up.

  “Well, it looks like someone has convinced you to come home.” He ignored my jab and gestured to the packing boxes Caleb had on the counter.

  “Yeah, that’s right,” I said.

  Caleb turned to me, ignoring Julian. “I will go pull out your suitcases from your bedroom closet,” he said while giving me a warning look.

  “What is with him? And why is he limping?” Julian gestured to Caleb.

  I sighed. “You don’t know?” I studied him, looking for any indication that I couldn’t trust him.

  “No.” Julian stared into me with questioning eyes.

  “Louis and Caleb got into a fight. It seems that Louis is not too happy about not being able to lure me away from you, because of the angelic presence, and is now demanding that Caleb turn me over to him,” I said, folding my arms over my chest and looking at Julian.

  “So tell me, Julian, what do you know?”

  “That bloody wanker! We had an agreement he would leave you alone!” Julian shot up from the sofa.

  My face must have been turning red from trying not to laugh. I had never heard Julian spout that accent, nor that English insult before. Again, Julian was full of surprises.

  Well, I guess that answered my question. His reaction was pretty believable.

  Before Julian could shoot out the door, I grabbed his arm firmly.

  “Wait! I need you,” I said as I held tight, pulling him back to sit.

  Reluctantly, but with curiosity, he allowed me to lead him back.

  “Louis is holding a friend of mine. I don’t know what he will do to her. I need to get her out.” I looked at him, pleading. “Can you help?”

  Suddenly his face changed and held no expression.

  “Does this friend happened to be named Anna?” His eyes bore into me.

  Sweat began forming on my forehead. Crap!

  “Listen, Julian, she is not the same witch you knew. She doesn’t deserve to be tortured!”

  He lifted a hand for me to stop. I flinched, thinking he actually might strike me.

  His face looked distraught at my flinching and he slowly reached for my chin to stroke it.

  “To think, you and I made so much progress and now I am back to being a monster just like that, am I, love?” he said. There was a pain in his eyes but then he leaned back, shifting position.

  “I know about Anna being held. She is a self-serving bitch and she made her bed, so let her lie in it. Your affections for her are misguided. I will not help her escape.”

  “Julian—please!” I tried to talk but he interrupted me.

  “Tell me how you knew she is being held!” he demanded.

  “I told her!” Caleb’s voice came into the room.

  “Look, if you can’t help her, can you at least give me information as to her whereabouts and anything else I need to know to go and retrieve her myself?” I said.

  Julian let out a laugh. It had a sinister tone and I did not like it one bit. I frowned at him.

  “Oh, you are not going anywhere near Louis’s estate, even if I have to chain you in our cellar myself,” he threatened.

  My eyes narrowed.

  “You don’t know what you are doing!” I yelled at him. It was time he knew who I was. “Do you even know who I am?”

  “That’s enough!” Caleb yelled and yanked me to him. “Julian is right! You are not going to rescue some witch who likely was using you anyway. That is the end of this conversation. Now, go pack your things.”

  I knew he was only saying this to stop me from saying anything else. He gave me a secret squeeze, begging me to comply. Julian wouldn’t buy my sudden compliance, however, so I needed to add in a little more drama.

  I yanked myself away from Caleb’s hold and glared at him.

  “Well, well, good to see you’re finally showing your true colors.” I leaned in for effect. “Monster.” I sneered and then, with a turn, I bolted for my bedroom.

  “I am sorry; I didn’t mean it!” I sent out thoughts to Caleb.

  After I left the room Caleb turned to Julian.

  “We need to strategize. It would be best for you to stay away from the house and pretend you and I are not on the same side. You should keep working for Louis for as long as possible. We need to know what he is planning. I will keep her at home, though I may end up taking her and going into hiding for a time. I will talk with Shane and get his input.”

  “Brother, you and I both know by her history that she is most likely going to escape and try something stupid. It is better if I am around. You are too soft,” Julian said.

  “Did you not see what happened here?! She listened to me. I am prepared to do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Even if that means locking her up.”

  “Yeah, okay. I guess that is the plan for now,” Julian reluctantly agreed.

  Rosa showed up
with the twins to help haul my stuff to the car. I didn’t get everything but I could come back for the rest later.

  When I walked up to the car to get in, I was startled by a buzzing sound. It was Julian’s cell phone.

  He looked at the message and gave me a smug look.

  “Well, what do you know? Louis wants me to come in and interrogate Anna for him. It looks like the henchman Kwong is not making any progress.” He leaned to speak into my ear.

  “Don’t worry, I will give her a quick death and this time she will stay dead.”

  A combination of rage and fear gripped me. Somehow I knew he would get answers from her. I wanted to lunge at him and wrap my hands around his neck. My eyes fell to the ground as I choked back tears instead and I realized that would only make him more animalistic if I attacked him.

  When I looked up into Julian’s eyes I felt calm but sad.

  “If I begged you not to go, would you listen?” I knew his answer.

  “I have a right to face the person who undid my job of killing her,” he said with anger.

  “What if I told you that I did it?”

  He stared at me for a long time, our eyes locked on one another, and then he said with a frown, shaking his head, “Nice try.”

  “Anaya, get in the car!” Caleb’s voice was cool and so demanding I felt a chill.

  Rosa and the twins gave each other a wide-eyed look that I happened to notice before they got in their car. They would be following us home. They were up to something.

  It seemed like I was beginning to understand Julian and he and I were actually building a relationship. That was all over. I just knew things with him would never be the same. My heart broke as I watched Julian turn and walk into the darkness.

  Chapter 12 - Truth and Consequences

  Part 1 - My Angel

  Caleb was distant on the drive but as soon as we got home he unloaded our car and turned to Rosa and the Amish twins, who had followed us, carrying more of my stuff from my apartment.

  “I have to leave for a few hours. Will you stay with Anaya tonight?” he asked Rosa and she nodded. “Lock all doors,” he said, turning and walking away without so much as a glance my direction.


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