Tearful Reign

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Tearful Reign Page 32

by V L Friends

  These words caused Shane to slam on the brakes. He was shocked. I had never seen him shocked before. He stared off into space for a moment. Then he took a deep breath and looked at me. When his face turned towards me it was like he was looking into me. I felt the gravity of my last words but I also felt a warmth and love radiate from him.

  “This is one of those moments that you remind me of the one I serve,” he said finally with a smile.

  “I do have one question for you, though. If God asked you to make the sacrifice and let him go, what would you do then?” he said.

  “If you are asking me if I love Julian more than God, the answer is no… and, yes, I would make the sacrifice,” I said.

  He was driving again so I guess he was satisfied with my answer. We spoke no more about Julian, but the look on his face seemed like he still was wrestling with something.

  “What else?” I prodded.

  He hesitated but then took a deep breath.

  “I think you should know something about Leland. He is not exactly dead.”

  “What do you mean? He was beheaded and they burned his body, right?” I asked.

  “Well, that was the body he was using. You see, Leland is very connected and knowledgeable about the realm of the spirit. He can travel through doorways in the spirit. He used to be an angel. He is what you would call a fallen angel… a demon. That is his true form. He can take on human or animal host bodies. When that form dies, he can take on a new form if he wants. He is familiar with all forms of magic and is very devious as an ancient. Never underestimate him. Do you understand?”

  I couldn’t believe my ears. This day could not get any worse. We had arrived at our destination, so I just got out of the car without a word. I was shaking. I needed to be alone to figure out just what this meant for me, for Julian, for all of us. There was no time for that so I just put it on a shelf for now. I knew I would be freaking out about it at a later time but for now I couldn’t wait to see my Amish friends and Caleb.

  “Anaya! I need to know what you’re feeling!” Shane was calling after me.

  I waved him away as I kept walking.

  Caleb agreed with Shane about reclaiming his land and home. They decided they would go the next morning together.

  It was close to midnight before we were headed home. I decided to go in and get some of my things that were packed so graciously by Julian, while Shane waited in the car.

  When I walked in my suitcases were still by the door. The house was dark, aside from one dimly lit candle.

  “Julian? Are you here?” I called out.

  I heard nothing. Upstairs in my room I could see a silhouette of Julian at my window. He was looking outside as if he was in a daydream. The only light in my room was coming from the moonlight through the window.

  “Hello, Julian,” I whispered, not wanting to disturb him.

  He didn’t even move. I didn’t expect to feel so much pain at this moment. I suddenly felt that this could be the last time we saw each other. I expected that every moment could be our last. Why had I not better prepared myself? I would have thought more about what I should say to him.

  “Do you know what you mean to me?” My eyes were full of tears.

  “Yes,” he whispered, still not moving.

  There was a long pause. I just could not let the moment end.

  “I want you to know that my time with you has meant more to me than you could ever know.”

  “Don’t!” he interrupted, flashing me a warning not to go any further,

  He began to storm out of the room.

  “Julian! Wait… I am leaving…and I don’t know when I will see you again. I need to say…”

  “Stop!” He turned and pointed a warning at me. Even in the moonlit room I could see the tears forming in his eyes. Our eyes met for what seemed like forever… One look expressed everything we meant to each other. Who needed words?

  Then he turned and I saw him no more.

  I tried to gather my other belongings that I would need for a few days, but eventually I just gave in and sank to the floor. My entire body seemed to sob with pain. “God, how will I ever survive this?”

  Downstairs, Shane was holding my suitcases and standing in the open doorway.

  “Ready?” He was being incredibly patient with me.

  I was happy to be in a place where the atmosphere was so peaceful. I missed this place. I tried to busy myself with unpacking my things in my new room. My eyes were still hot from my crying and I felt emotionally exhausted.

  “I thought you might want some hot chocolate.” Shane came in with a steamy cup of hot cocoa. I could tell he was happy I was here.

  “Thank you,” I said as I took the cup and curled up in a big overstuffed chair in the corner of my room.

  “I hope you have enough room for your things. I cleared a shelf in the bathroom,” he said.

  “I am sure it will be fine.”

  “Sooo, did you see Julian?” He had been waiting to ask me this.

  “Mm hmm,” I said, as I sipped my cocoa.

  He studied me for a few seconds then crouched down in front of me to get my attention.

  “Anaya! Talk to God about how you are feeling. Invite Him in to help you. He is here to help you through this. It is okay if you are grieving. Don’t push it away, but embrace it so you can go through it.”

  He reached up and kissed my forehead.

  “I am headed to bed. You should get some sleep.” He touched my cheek affectionately before turning to leave the room.

  In my hand, I was holding the book of poetry I had read to Julian so many times. How it got there was a blur but I was remembering the nights I spent with him in the parlor reading poetry to him. Remembering the usual teasing banter we exchanged with each other put a smile on my face just then. Then I was reminded of the brutal moments and the nastiness and then the violent person I witnessed him to be. Anger and hurt hit me and I just felt lost. Yes, there were many storms but he and I had come a long way. He had seemed to be changing and had come so far. He was no longer the emotionally manipulative bully, not to mention unfeeling womanizer he had been when I first met him. Or was he? Maybe it was all an act. Could I love him anyway? If only we were in another place, somewhere we were not fighting on opposite sides of a spiritual war.

  With these memories flowing in my mind, I lay down in my bed and tried to sleep. I laid there sobbing. I invited God in to help me sort this out. I need His touch more than ever. The sounds of my grief must have reached Shane’s room, for I felt a hand on my back as I lay on my side, with my back facing the door. When I turned, however, it was not exactly Shane the man at my side, but instead I was looking at a giant, winged, brightly lit angel. Somehow, he managed to wrap his arms and wings around me in an embrace. I felt so safe and comforted in his arms and I felt no more pain or grief. Before I fell asleep, I remember thinking… “So this is what it’s like to be a friend of the angels.”

  Chapter 18 - Julian Again

  From the window in her room, I watched the two figures moving below, packing her things in Shane’s car. That damn angel was interfering again. I needed her within my grasp and now I had no way of telling what would happen. I told Louis that I had her under my control and he believed me completely. For the first time since this amazing human entered this world, I felt regret for having helped create her. Had God known this all along? Had He been designing this all along? My own flesh and blood would be the demise of the walker kingdom. God made the one person in the entire universe that I could not kill into my worst enemy. Not only that, but she was the only one who could possibly turn the tides and make me turn against my very nature. I felt like I would rather die than be here, in the coming war. Now, while watching her leave, I feel regret. I regret letting her have her way by leaving on her terms. I should have forced her to Brazil and locked her away. That is the only way I could save her. What an idiot I was, thinking that if I got her away from me it would be better and now I know Shane would ne
ver let her go. I had no hold on her whatsoever now. That damn demon she now called Leland was closing in. I may have killed the shell but his essence was coming and I knew it. Louis said he had the demon working for him but I knew better. Louis was lying to me and I knew he was up to something. He claimed that as long as I worked for him Anaya was in no danger, but I saw his eyes whenever he talked about her. The warlord walker was obsessed and he loved to collect his trophies. The lust to possess was clearly there so I doubted he wanted to kill her anymore, but break her is what he would do. He would try to make Anaya one of his trophies. Leland would be there, ready to pounce at the opportune time and would use Louis until then. All I can say is the angels Anaya’s mother had befriended better be there for the fight because one was coming for sure. That angel better know what he is doing!

  My phone buzzed with a message.

  “Brother, pick up the phone. We need to talk! I am about to call you.”

  The conversation was awkward but Caleb was stern. Something was definitely different about him. I did my usual snarky remarks and he made the usual comebacks about how inappropriate I was. It was nice to see how some things never change. “I am coming home tomorrow and there will be some changes. We need to talk,” said Caleb. There was a deafening silence before he added, “Shane will be joining the discussion.”

  After we hung up, my mind began to linger on one thought. That angel and I were due for a fight. I knew this meeting would come to blows. I owed him one for interfering in my relationship with Sarah. He was the one who convinced her to leave me. Not that he wasn’t right, but I still resent him for always being the one to come between those that belonged to me.

  I was pouring myself my usual mid-day brandy when my brother strode in with the angel in human form. I needed something to calm my nerves. Although I am sure I looked relaxed, even bored as was my usual fake stance at such meetings of confrontation, I was more tense than ever. During our phone conversation I had insured that Anaya would not be at this meeting.

  I turned and smirked at the two standing in the entryway.

  “Well, come in. By all means, welcome home, Caleb.” I sauntered in their direction, gesturing for them to come in and sit.

  “So, I heard. Is it true? The prodigal son has returned?” I gave a low chuckle.

  To my surprise Caleb gave me a grin that seemed to light up his entire face. I have never seen that grin.

  “You were holding on to that one for a long time, weren’t you?” Caleb laughed.

  I just nodded and sat down.

  “Well, good. You know about my conversion not only to being human, but to being Christian. That is one conversation I don’t have to have with you, then.”

  “Given our history of grappling with one another, I am assuming that is why you brought the angelic muscle, as your bodyguard?” I asked, half smirking as I turned away and walked to sit on one end of the sofa.

  Caleb nodded as he moved to sit on the sofa, directly in front of me. Shane stood behind Caleb and folded his arms, giving me that don’t mess with me glare. What the hell was with him?

  “Is your muscle just going to stand there the entire time, giving me stink-eye?” I asked Caleb, motioning to the brute behind him.

  Caleb shrugged, “I don’t speak for him.”

  “What is your problem?” I raised my voice in irritation at the stoic angel but he merely shook his head slowly, saying nothing.

  Caleb dove right in.

  “There is a storm brewing, Julian. It is about to get very heated. An all-out battle is soon to be and we need to know where you will stand. Since you are working for Louis, granted it is forced, but nevertheless, you are there. Will you fight with him and his army of dark walkers?” Caleb waited in anticipation of my answer.

  “That depends,” I said.

  “On what?” Shane glared at me.

  I smirked at how tightly wound the angel was getting and as I watched him intently, I actually saw his jaw tense. He looked at me as if I were the devil himself, just then.

  “What did you think I was going to say?” I looked at both of them but then waved my hand in the air as if I didn’t care. “Never mind, I am sure I don’t care.” I got up with a snicker, knowing I was drawing this out more than I needed to. Casually, I walked to pour myself another drink before turning to them, leaning back on the table, before I addressed the question.

  “If my daughter is in danger, the one who possesses a threat to her is the one who is my enemy. I am not saying I am taking sides in this war, but I will destroy anyone who tries to harm her. That is all,” I said.

  “I am confused; if you care about her, why are you pushing her away?” Shane burst with a look of confusion.

  “Let me make one thing clear. I do not need to explain my actions to you, little birdie!” I glared at Shane and I saw his face begin to redden with anger. “You knew what she was and what would happen if the walkers discovered her and yet you let her come. You were supposed to be her guardian. Her protector! She is in more danger than you could possibly know. Tell, me, Shane, why did you allow this? Were you so curious what would happen and just had to let the experiment play out for your own sick curiosity?” I pointed at the angel, angrily, and said, ”This is your damn fault!”

  “Is that so?” Shane said, locking eyes with me and seeing now that I was challenging him.

  “Some protector you turned out to be. You let her die!” I yelled and felt the anguish in the words, so full of anger.

  “What?! Who?” Caleb said as he was looking nervously back and forth from Shane to myself.

  Shane knew exactly who I was talking about. “The girl’s mother. We had an agreement that I would stay away and he would be the guardian and protector of my wife and child. He failed and, as any man in my army who made such horrible mistakes, he should pay for his mistake.”

  A noise came from the angel’s throat, much like a growl, as he watched me pull my silver daggers out of my hidden sheaths and stand with a challenge crouch. He crouched, giving me that predatory glare, as we began to stalk slowly around one another in the room.

  “What is happening here?! Julian, have you lost your mind?” Caleb shrieked with surprise.

  Before we could engage, however, two whitish silver rays of light came through the window and stopped in front of us. We immediately halted and Shane straightened before he began speaking to the forms in a melodic language I could only assume was angelic. An instant later Shane snapped his head to look out the window.

  “Something is wrong! I must go!” And then he was gone in a form of white light out the window.

  My attention turned to Caleb, who now had the two white forms on either of his sides. I don’t know why, but I felt he must have an explanation.

  He was now standing, and he gave me a look of sadness, shaking his head, before he said, “It has begun.”

  Chapter 19 - Boiling Point

  This solitude was exactly what I needed. While Caleb, accompanied by Shane, went off to reclaim his land and mansion that morning, I was alone, so I went for a walk. Julian would be relieved to see his brother, but Julian could be so unpredictable. I was relieved that Shane would be there. There was just no telling what would happen. The unknown caused some anxiety in me so I set out to soothe my nerves with nature. Nature always seemed to give me a feeling of peace.

  As I walked around the lake, this time choosing not to swim across, I felt the chill of the clean autumn air. As I was climbing the trail to the top of the cliff where I often go above the man-made waterfall, I found myself glancing around nervously. I had the thought that I was not alone. My favorite spot to be was above the lake on this ridge. This was the very place Shane dove off with me in his arms.

  This was my place to ponder. Now that I was alone with God I could look on the shelf of my mind that I had placed all the new information about Leland. Was it possible that I would run into him again? It was so difficult for me to see him as that powerful, demonic figure Shane, Sebastian,
and my father had portrayed him to be. If I saw him again, what would I expect from him? With that thought in my head, I sat there looking out over the beauty of the lake and woods. Then I heard a sound behind me. I turned around to look in the wooded path leading away from the cliffs and I heard what sounded like a baby crying. What a strange sound coming from these woods. I had a very eerie feeling about this as I started walking the wooded path toward the sound. There was movement I saw from the corner of my eye. The cry came from a place off the path where the trees were more densely populated. It was probably a large animal and, in other circumstances, I would likely just turn the other way and head home to avoid it. Even though I had an unusual connection with animals, even wild ones, I believed in giving them space. This was different. What if they had a human baby? I cringed at the thought.


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