Chasing Fate: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Dark Love Series Book 5)

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Chasing Fate: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance (Dark Love Series Book 5) Page 20

by Kat T. Masen

  All that combined with a long day at work left me absolutely drained.

  Now, I have to go home to a house of kids demanding my attention when all I want to do is be inside Morgan. I already have to postpone meeting her tonight after the realtor called me yesterday with their only open homes scheduled for this afternoon. It’s just one disaster after another.

  I walk through the back door and see Charlie sitting at the table. She’s still dressed in her work attire from the day, and much like me, she appears exhausted. Fiddling with her cell and typing a quick text message, she lifts her head for a moment to connect with me before focusing her attention back on the screen.

  On the table, there’s homemade lasagna. Charlie knows how to cook, so leaving this place will be hard. Back in Boston, I rarely ate at home, opting for eating out or chilling at Tom’s because that man also knows how to cook a feast.

  “Hungry?” she simply asks.

  “Famished,” I respond, placing my laptop down. “The girls asleep already?”

  “Yes, it was a long day for them.”

  Charlie places a plate in front of me, working silently with what appears to be an occupied mind. Something is of concern, her smile strained as she places a spoon in front of me only to realize it should’ve been a fork.

  “Is something wrong?”

  Her gaze lifts to meet mine. Behind her eyes, I see a sign of distress and know something isn’t right.

  “Um… it’s nothing.”


  I dig my fork into my lasagna, and as I raise it toward my mouth, Charlie accidentally drops her cell on the ground. “Shit,” she cusses in frustration.

  “Right,” I state, placing my fork back on the plate. “Sit down and talk.”

  Letting out a sigh, Charlie sits at the table directly opposite me. Her stomach has grown, making it difficult for her to sit too close to the table. I pray to the Lord above it has nothing to do with the baby she’s carrying.

  “Noah, have you spoken to Kate?”

  I shake my head. “Not since… I can’t remember our conversation. Why?”

  “There was a black-tie event last tonight. And, um… Kate and Lex attended.”

  “That’s nice,” I say, waiting for something newsworthy. “And you’re worried because?”

  “Dominic was there.”

  The name hits me like a thousand knives. I loathe the guy, and with that, anger begins to swirl inside of me. The thought of him being there, and most likely brainwashing Kate with his anti-commitment talk, will make her question her worth. And fuck him for even doing that to her.

  “I fucking hate that guy,” I mutter, crossing my arms.

  “You’re not alone,” Charlie agrees, rubbing her face. “We got into a small argument. I didn’t think she should go. And now I haven’t heard from her since yesterday.”

  “So, you had a disagreement. Don’t you women have them a fair bit?”

  “Yes, no.” Charlie purses her lips. “Kate and I don’t. I just have this gut feeling, Noah. Something isn’t right, and I’m worried she’s not okay.”

  “I’m sure she’s fine.” I pull my cell out of my pocket. “She’s probably busy.”

  I dial her number. It rings out straight to voicemail. Her pompous British accent relays the message making me smile. I try again, but nothing. Her phone never rings out. It’s practically glued to her hand. Quickly typing, I send a text telling her to call me.

  “That’s what I’m worried about,” Charlie admits. “She’s busy… with him… in his club. And this is exactly why I didn’t want her around him, especially after the pregnancy scare. No good will come of this. Some people are just assholes, and he fits the bill to a T.”

  Charlie mentioning the whole ‘sex club’ thing only makes my blood boil. The looming headache comes crashing in full force, causing me to wince as I try to ignore it to no avail. Rubbing my temples, I do my best to alleviate the pressure.

  “I’m sure she’s just processing,” I lower my voice, not even convinced myself. “You know her and her processing phase.”

  Charlie nods, her tired eyes lingering in thought. “You’re right. I need to sleep.”

  “I’ll clean up,” I offer. “Go rest, Charlie, I’m sure by morning, she will have texted one of us back.”

  With a good night, Charlie leaves the kitchen. It’s only just after eight, but Charlie rarely stays awake past this time, knowing the girls wake up early. That and her pregnancy wears her out. I worry about her being so tired, but Lex assures me this is normal for pregnancy, hence why he does his best to help out as much as he can and be in town, except for the last two days, of course.

  Moving toward the cupboard, I grab some Advil to rid myself of this headache once and for all, then gulp plenty water along with it. My appetite has disappeared, and so I clean up the kitchen and put the remains away.

  My mind is unable to think about anything else besides Kate. I recheck my cell, and still, nothing. Heading to my room, I hop in the shower to wash today’s stress off, but the more I linger beneath the hot water, the tenser I become. What if Kate did fall into this trap again? Who the hell is going to pull her out and save her from the misery?

  I turn the water off, hopping out quickly and grabbing a pair of jeans and a tee. With my hair not even styled and still dripping wet, I grab my cell and check the screen. Nothing. Opening my search engine, my fingers type profusely with a sudden urgency.

  American Airlines—leaving ten forty-five.

  I book the ticket without hesitation and grab my wallet, Charlie’s car keys, and head toward her bedroom. Gently knocking on her door, she tells me to come in.

  “I’m going to New York.”

  Laying inside her bed, I watch relief wash over her face, her shoulders relaxing instantly.

  “Thank you, Noah,” she says with an exhausted smile. “Please make sure our girl is okay.”

  “I promise she’ll be fine.”


  I bang on her apartment door, calling her name. After the fourth attempt and no answer, I yank the key Charlie gave me out of my pocket. I only managed to get to this level after Charlie called security to inform them I was coming. Since she owns the apartment Kate stays in, they don’t question her request and let me up.

  It’s just after seven in the morning, and with the change in time zones, my body is out of whack, having not slept on the plane. Some old dude kept snoring, plus I couldn’t shut down my thoughts, desperate to land and get here.

  Placing my key inside the keyhole, I turn the lock and open the door to be met by silence. The sun is shining through the drapes, lighting up what appears to be the living room. There’s no sign of her here, but I’m quick to notice a black clutch purse sitting on the coffee table. Taking small footsteps, careful not to startle her, I find the bedroom door. It’s wide open, and there, on the left side of the bed, is Kate curled up still in her evening gown.

  She’s asleep, tiny snores escaping her perfect lips. Even in her sad state, she looks beautiful. I let out a breath, relieved she’s okay until I notice a bottle of Valium sitting beside her nightstand along with a bottle of tequila.


  Okay, stop panicking.

  She’s fucking snoring, so she’s alive.

  I sit on the edge of the bed, the mattress moving slightly with my weight. With a small moan, she slowly opens her eyes and notices me sitting beside her. She doesn’t appear shocked to see me, but behind her tired expression, only sorrow surrounds the dark circles shadowing her normally vibrant eyes.

  “Noah,” she barely breathes.

  “Kate…” I stroke her hair away from her face, running my thumb down her cheek.

  “Why didn’t he choose me?” she whispers with a tremble in her voice. “He’s getting married.”

  I move in closer, removing my shoes and climbing into bed. Wrapping my arms around her, I hold on tight, allowing her to sob into my chest. It dawns on me she just said he’s getting mar
ried. This can’t be the same man who supposedly didn’t date, let alone engage in a relationship.

  Her sobs come hard and fast, a stream of pain she needs to release to move on. There’s nothing to do but hold onto her, reassure her in our embrace that she’ll be just fine.

  “He was there last night with his fiancée,” she mumbles, swallowing her tears. “He told me he got scared… I scared him.”

  The nerve of this fucking dickhead.

  “He’s a fucking idiot, okay?” I almost growl, holding her close. “You get scared, you fuck someone else. You don’t get hitched.”

  “That’s what I thought,” she gulps, clutching onto my chest.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were going and would see him?” I ask, slightly hurt she held this information back from me.

  “Because you’re busy… I know Morgan has—”

  “Hey,” I interrupt her, pulling back slightly to look her in the eyes. “I’m never too busy for you. You got me?”

  Kate nods, a small smile pulls on her lips. Just seeing her smile makes this all worth the trip. That, and I want to hunt him down and slam my fist into his smug face. How dare he think he can do this to her.

  A thought comes to mind. “You know what would make you happy?”


  I shake my head, quick to scold her. “What were you thinking taking Valium and tequila? You could’ve killed yourself.”

  “Yes, I took some Valium,” she admits. “But the tequila was a gift, and it’s been sitting there for weeks.”

  “If anything was to happen to you…” I trail off.

  “I’m stupid but not that stupid,” she answers, defending her actions. “Look, Noah. It just hurts, okay?”

  Silence falls between us. As I think about my history with women, I can’t say I’ve ever felt hurt or heartbreak. I’ve dated, a few women lasted a couple of months, but never a relationship with any sort of commitment. Sure, my ego has been bruised, but even then, it didn’t measure up to what Kate is experiencing.

  Perhaps, it’s a woman thing.

  “So, what will make me happy?” she asks, tired and suddenly withdrawn again.

  “Me… watching Pretty in Pink.”

  Her eyes swim with tears, but they fall with the laughter escaping her mouth. Wiping them with the back of her hand, she nods her head in agreement.

  Before we put the movie on, Kate takes a shower, desperate to remove her gown and wash away what she now says is the worse night of her life. Several times during her shower, I knock on the door to see if she is okay since she’s taking forever.

  She emerges what feels like hours later, dressed in a pair of bed shorts and a tee that reads, ‘My Spirit Animal is Vodka.’

  “Can you give a gal a moment to herself? What did you think I was doing in there? Dying?”

  “Frankly, yes,” I admit, channel surfing while waiting. “Who takes showers that long?”

  “Someone who has a broken heart, that’s who.”

  I roll my eyes to curb her dramatic woes. She’s just as bad as Eric. As much as both she and Charlie complain about him, the three of them combined are no different.

  Climbing in beside me, we turn the movie on with the drapes drawn to darken the room. The movie begins, but not before Kate warns me of several things to take note of.

  “Will you just shut up and let me watch the movie?”

  “Yes, but one more thing,” she adds, pulling the sheet up to her chest. “No talking throughout the movie.”

  The movie begins, and after a short while, I ask, “Who the hell has a name Ducky?”

  Kate pauses the movie. “I said no questions. Just watch.”

  Ten minutes later, I glance to my side noticing Kate staring at me with a goofy smile. She’s making me self-conscious, and it’s rather annoying.

  “Why the creepy stalker look?” I ask, my gaze back fixating on the screen.

  “I like watching you watch the movie. I live vicariously through you watching it for the first time.”

  I let out an annoyed huff. “Just watch the goddamn movie and stop creeping me out.”

  The movie continues, and I’ll admit, the jerk pissed me right off. Ducky was the poor loser on the side. His comedic relief made the movie worth watching.

  When the movie ends, she’s quick to hound me, turning to face me until I notice her tits bounce with excitement. Okay, get a fucking grip, Noah.

  “So… what do you think?”

  “It’s a good movie, but not exactly memorable or worthy of repeating.”

  Kate throws her hands up in the air, then pushes my arm, irritated by my response. “I don’t even know how to process that. You know what? The problem with men is their lack of emotions. Why can’t you guys just say how you feel in real time? Why do you have to act all butch and in the process, hurt the woman you love?”

  The rant is uncalled for, and I feel somewhat attacked as she waits for a response, her face turning beet red from anger. I think the Valium has worn off.

  “Okay, first… why are you looking at me that way? I’ve done nothing wrong here,” I remind her, trying to keep my cool not to anger the beast further. “Second… you need to eat.”

  Her shoulders slump, defeated from the whole mess of trying to decode men’s behavior.

  “Yes, father. But I don’t cook. You know, the whole living in a city of fine restaurants.”

  “Takeout, baby.”

  I order food, which arrives rather quickly. We continue to lay in bed eating and laughing. I notice the time, having not booked a return ticket but needing to get back home. If I can catch a flight out tomorrow, I will still make it back in time for work on Monday morning.

  “Noah, you came all the way here,” Kate murmurs, digging her chopstick into the small takeout box but pausing while staring at the food. “No man has ever had my back like you.”

  “Well, no one in my life has been a hot mess like you.” I smirk, lightening her mood to ease her guilt.

  She slaps me softly before her face falls, and the realization kicks in. This whole thing with Dominic has affected her more than I realized. I’ve never been around a woman so vulnerable and exposed. Usually, I fuck them, then abandon the ship before it sinks around me.

  “Hey, no more sad faces.”

  I motion for her to come closer, wrapping my arms back around her. The smell of her strawberry scented hair reminding me of this soap my mom used to have in our bathroom. Reassuring her once again, I take a moment to just hold her without any words to ruin the moment.

  “Why can’t it be easy?” she whispers. “You know, like what we have.”

  “Because we’re special. A human experiment on how people should interact.”

  I can feel her mouth widen against my chest, her smile unable to hide with my sarcastic response. We are easy, too easy. And slowly, the guilt of ignoring Kate the past week consumes me. Why do I have to choose?

  “Noah, you should probably get back. I’m sure you want to spend time with Morgan.”

  Morgan. I completely forgot. Fuck!

  “Shit,” I mouth.

  Kate pulls away, watching me dubiously. “You didn’t tell her you were coming?”

  “I told her something came up.”

  “Oh, bro,” she shakes her head with disappointment, “… such a rookie relationship mistake.”

  “I’m not in a relationship,” I correct her. “We just fuc—”

  “You fucked her?” Kate blurts out, shuffling away.

  There’s a change in her expression.

  Almost of hurt.

  Why would she be hurt?

  She’s the one pushing me toward her.

  “Of course, you did.”

  The two of us remain silent. I’m not sure what to say. In a split moment, things have become awkward, and to make matters worse, we’re lying in the same bed. It’s not exactly like I can go on continuing to ignore her.

  “Are you upset?” I question, trying to understan

  “No,” Kate admits quickly. “Maybe jealous because you’re having all the great sex, and I’m not.”

  My lips curve upward, grinning at her response. “We can have all the great sex if you want. Promise I’ll get it up this time. It’s warm in this bed, and truth be told, your tits have been teasing me all night, so yeah…”

  Kate’s laughter breaks the tension between us. “Explains why you’ve knocked into me with your pecker a number of times.”

  “Can you use a more appropriate word besides pecker? It makes it sound small and that, my gorgeous lady, is far from the truth.”

  “Schlong,” she chuckles.


  Kate begins to tell me a story about a time she went to a gay club with Eric. Somewhere through it, we both yawn, and my eyes begin to droop. Unable to hold back any longer, I drift off to sleep.


  My eyes open cautiously, darkness still surrounding me. As I strain to open them wide, I see a small gap in the drapes where the sun barely peeks through. Kate is nestled into my arm, and careful not to wake her, I notice the time on her clock. It’s just after six in the evening.

  Beside me, she begins to stir. “Hey, you’re still here.”

  “I’d never just leave you,” I tell her.

  Opening her eyes, she struggles, much like me. Letting out a yawn, she shuffles to sit up, rubbing her eyes.

  “You should go, though,” she suggests, touching my hair so effortlessly. “I’ll be okay, Noah.”

  Allowing her to touch me, there’s something which lingers in her stare. I don’t want to leave her, wanting desperately to stay and just be like this. Yet back home, I have responsibilities, and, of course, Morgan.

  I run my finger down her cheek, stopping at her chin. “You’ll be okay.”

  “Just admit it, you only came here to get into bed with me,” she jokes.

  “To quote Ducky… ‘This is an incredibly romantic moment, and you’re ruining it for me!’”

  Kate tilts her head back, laughter consuming her until she gets into a coughing fit, forcing her to slow down. When she’s got a handle on herself, she fixates on me once again. The gaze, the same as the one only moments ago, sends this unknown feeling throughout me.


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