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THE TRUE LOVE SERIES BOX SET: A Christian Romance Page 50

by Duncan, Juliette

  As the first sign of daylight peeked through the bedroom window, Jayden finally slept.

  * * *

  Bethany Morgan sat at the kitchen table in her bathrobe, cradling a steaming mug of coffee between her hands. She lifted her gaze and looked at her husband. “What’s going to happen, Robert?”

  Her husband ran his hand through his hair and sighed. “I don’t know. It seems cut and dried, but you never know. She’s saying she didn’t do it.”

  “Do you believe her?” she asked quietly.

  He drew a slow breath and held her gaze. “Somehow I do. I think she’s telling the truth.”

  “Well, hopefully a lawyer will get her off if that’s the case.”

  “I have a feeling the Police will find something that proves she didn’t do it.”

  Bethany reached out and squeezed Robert’s hand. “I hope you’re right.”

  “So do I. For Jayden’s sake.”

  “What’s going to happen to him? Will they send him home?”

  Robert nodded. “I’d say so.”

  She winced. “Angie will be devastated.”

  Sighing, Robert leaned back in his chair. “I know. But I think it’s time for him to go home to his family.” He tapped his fingers on the table. “In fact, I was thinking of calling his dad and having a chat.”

  “That’s a wonderful idea. I can’t imagine how they’re feeling.”

  Robert glanced at his watch and straightened. “I’ll call now.”

  As he picked up the phone, Jessica entered the kitchen. Her eyes were red and swollen.

  Bethany reached out and gently pulled her onto her lap, wrapping her arms around her. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  Tears welled in her eyes. She sucked in a breath as a shudder ran through her body. “Blake called. We’ve broken up.” She sobbed. “He doesn’t want to be with me anymore.”

  Bethany held her daughter tightly and closed her eyes. She and Robert had both known this day would come, but they hadn’t expected it so soon. How could Blake do this to her now?

  She pulled Jessica closer and rocked her like a baby. “You’ll be all right, sweetheart. We’re here for you.” She rested her head on top of Jessica’s and met Robert’s gaze. Two daughters. Two broken hearts.

  * * *

  Jayden woke to a knock on his door. He sat with a start and glanced at the clock. Midday already. How had he slept so long? He wiped the sleep from his eyes and looked around. Why was he here and not in his own bed? Then it all came back. Mom had killed Buck, and he’d confessed to Angie and her parents. He began to hyperventilate, but then controlled himself. It would be okay. Everything would be okay. God was with him. He slipped out of bed and into his jeans before opening the door.

  Mr. Morgan stood in the doorway, Angie beside him. The sparkle had returned to her eyes. His heart leaped. Did they have good news?

  “Jayden, guess what?” Angie’s voice had a trill to it.

  “What?” Jayden’s heart beat faster.

  A broad smile grew on her face as she jiggled up and down on the spot. “They’ve let your mother go.”

  Jayden’s eyes widened. “Really? How? Why?” His gaze traveled between Angie and her dad.

  “She described the man she believed killed him. The police checked her story out, and they’ve let her go.” Angie threw her arms around him.

  Mr. Morgan cleared his throat. “Seems Buck told her to get away as quickly as she could, but he stayed, and got himself killed.”

  “So who did it?” Jayden’s brows came together.

  Mr. Morgan sighed. “One of the drug dealers in town. Did you know your mother was mixed up with them?”

  Jayden’s shoulders slumped. “I didn’t know for sure, but I knew something was different.” He looked up. “Where is she now?”

  “They’ve taken her to the hospital. They’ll keep her in for a while.”

  Jayden nodded slowly. “Can I see her?”

  “Best to wait a while. She’s not in a good way at the moment.”

  Jayden’s mind raced. If Buck was no longer around, and she got off the drugs, she could come and live with him and they could start all over again. Except for one little detail. He would probably get deported any day. Mom could stay—she had a long-term visa, thanks to Luke Emerson. But maybe she’ll choose to come home. Jayden’s chest tightened. He didn’t want to leave Angie.

  “Come and have something to eat. Lunch is almost ready.”

  Angie took his hand and walked beside him to the kitchen where her mother was slicing bread. He felt dazed. Everything seemed surreal. But his stomach rumbled at the smell of freshly baked bread.

  Mrs. Morgan flashed him a warm smile. “Good news about your mother.”

  He tried to return her smile, but didn’t do a great job of it. “Yes, it is.” He blinked. “It mustn’t have been her I saw outside the shop yesterday.”

  Mrs. Morgan stopped slicing and angled her head. “No, it mustn’t have been.”

  Jayden took a seat, but immediately stood again. “I need to call Dad and let him know.”

  “No need, son. I called him as soon as we found out.” Mr. Morgan took a seat on the opposite side of the table. “So that’s one matter dealt with. Well, almost…” He looked up and met Jayden’s gaze. “There’s a Rehab place run by a Christian organisation not far from here. We’re going to suggest your mother goes there when she’s released from the hospital.”

  Jayden sat back down. “I doubt she’d go. She’s not into anything Christian.”

  “You might be surprised. I don’t see she has many options.”

  “You’ve got a point, especially if I’m…” Jayden gulped and lowered his head. He couldn’t say it.

  “That’s the next issue.” Mrs. Morgan sat beside him and gently touched his wrist. “We wanted to talk to you about that.”

  A cold chill flowed down his spine.

  “We’re not going to tell the authorities. Mr. Morgan and I have prayed about it, and we believe you’ll come to the right decision yourself, in your own time.”

  Was he hearing right? They weren’t going to tell the Police? He could stay, at least for now? He reached for Angie’s hand under the table and squeezed it. He turned his head and looked into her eyes which were brimming with tears.

  “We don’t condone it, Jayden, but we don’t think it’s our place to force things.” Mr. Morgan looked at him with a serious expression from across the table.

  “But shouldn’t you tell them? Won’t you get into trouble if you don’t?”

  “That’s our decision, not yours. Don’t you worry about that.”

  Jayden leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms. “So what you’re saying is that I can stay, that you won’t tell, and it’s up to me to decide what to do?”

  “That’s pretty much it. We know how hard it’s going to be for you, but we also believe that God will help you make the right decision at the right time, and that He’ll give you the strength to do it, as long as you’re trusting Him.”

  So no, they weren’t saying he could stay; they were saying he should be the one to make the decision to do the right thing. “I’ll be thrown into prison, though, won’t I?”

  Mr. Morgan laughed. “I don’t think so. Not if you choose to go home. There may be some penalty, but I don’t think they’ll throw you into jail.”

  For a brief moment Jayden’s body relaxed, but then tensed again. If he decided to go home, it would be without Angie.

  Chapter 16

  Jayden stayed with the Morgan’s for the rest of the week—there was no way he could go back to work. Angie also took time off school, and together they went for rides into the countryside and practiced their music for camp. Jayden cherished every moment he spent with her.

  And every meal time the whole family prayed for his mother.

  On Friday morning at the breakfast table, Mr. Morgan announced Mom had been cleared for visitors. He arranged to take the morning off school so he could go
with Jayden to see her.

  As Mr. Morgan drove to the hospital, Jayden sat quietly looking out the window, nibbling his fingernails. Every now and then, Mr. Morgan stole a glance at him. Jayden knew he should be making conversation, but to be honest, he didn’t feel much like talking. Besides, his mind was a-whirl. What would Mom be like? Would she still look as haggard as she had at the Police Station, or would she be back to normal? What was he going to say to her he hadn’t already said? Had God answered their prayers for her?

  Hunters Hollow Hospital was on the edge of town. Jayden had passed it often, but had never taken much notice of it. After they parked and were walking towards the Mental Health Unit, Mr. Morgan placed his hand on Jayden’s shoulder. “Nervous?”

  Jayden nodded. From what he’d seen in movies, Mental Hospitals were scary places.

  “I can understand that, but don’t be too worried, son. They’re just people.”

  Jayden steeled himself as Mr. Morgan held the door open for him. They signed in, walked down a corridor, and found the activities room. Mom was sitting at a table with a group of others playing a game of cards. Still in her pajamas and with a blanket hanging around her shoulders, she was hunched over the cards in her hands.

  She glanced up as they approached, her eyes flickering and then lighting up. “Jay!” Tears rolled down her cheeks as she held her hand out to him.

  Jayden hesitated. He could still turn around and escape. But how could he do that? He sucked in a breath and stepped closer.

  She pulled him to her side, wrapping her arm around his waist. “Everyone, this is my son, Jay.” Her voice was thick and didn’t quite sound like Mom.

  He shuddered and clenched his teeth. I wish she wouldn’t call me Jay.

  The others at the table, a man with long gray hair and eyes that darted from side to side; a girl not much older than Angie, but who clutched her cards so tightly they were bending; and another older woman whose face was vacant, all looked up and stared at him before saying hello.

  If only the floor would open up and swallow him, but he had to say something. He glanced at Mr. Morgan for support.

  Mr. Morgan stepped closer, placed his hand on Jayden’s shoulder, and smiled at the group. “Hello everyone. Good to see you enjoying yourselves.”

  Jayden’s head spun around. Did Mr. Morgan know these people?

  “Come and join us.” The old man with gray hair patted an empty chair.

  “Thanks, I might just do that.” Mr. Morgan placed his hand on the back of the chair. “Jayden, why don’t you go for a walk with your mother?”

  Jayden’s eyebrows shot up. Mr. Morgan was going to leave him on his own with Mom? What if she did something crazy?

  “You’ll be all right, son.” Mr. Morgan gave him a reassuring nod.

  Jayden let out a slow breath. “Okay…”

  Mom stood and tucked her hand into the crook of his arm. “Come on, Jay, let’s go for a walk.”

  As Mom led him to the door, Jayden glanced back at Mr. Morgan. He was already engrossed in the game and the others were laughing at something he’d said. Jayden drew his brows together. How did he do that?

  Mom led him into an enclosed courtyard where they sat on a bench seat. At least it looked nicer out here than inside. A few large potted plants sat in each corner, and the skylights almost made it seem as if they were outside.

  Mom pulled a box of cigarettes from the small bag slung over her shoulder, opened the box and slid a cigarette out. Her hands shook as she tried to strike a match.

  Jayden was about to tell her she should give them up, but something stopped him. He wasn’t here to judge. “Let me help.” He took the box from her and struck the match before holding it to the tip of her cigarette.

  She held his gaze as she drew long and hard before blowing the smoke out of the corner of her mouth. She drew two more quick puffs before leaning forward and stubbing the cigarette out in the ashtray on the table. She hung her head and began to sob.

  Jayden shifted closer and placed his arm around her.

  She slowly lifted her head. Tears streamed down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, Jay.” Her bottom lip quivered.

  A shudder ran through his body. He pulled a tissue from his pocket and handed it to her.

  “It… it wasn’t meant to be like this.” She paused, breathing heavily. “I’ve made such a mess of everything.”

  As she sobbed into his chest, Jayden squeezed back his own tears. He hadn’t expected her to be like this, but then, maybe he should have. Hadn’t they been praying for her?

  He inhaled slowly. Her body shook in his arms. He rubbed her back. “It’ll be okay, Mom. You’ll be all right.”

  Her sobs eventually eased and she raised her head. “Can you ever forgive me? For everything?”

  Everything? Jayden narrowed his eyes and held her gaze. Was she asking him to forgive her for leaving him when he was only a child? Or just for luring him away from Dad under false pretenses? Did she have any idea how her actions had affected him? He drew a deep breath. But how could he not forgive her? God expected it of him, and as hard it would be, and as much as she didn’t deserve it, he had no choice. She was broken. She needed help, and at last she seemed to know it.

  He released his breath. “Yes, Mom, I forgive you.”

  She threw her arms around him and began to sob again. He’d never seen her so needy. “Thank you, Jay. You’re a good boy. The best.”

  Moments passed. She straightened and wiped her face.

  He changed position and rested his forearms on the table. “So, how are you doing, Mom?”

  She blinked. “It’s hard to believe Buck’s dead.”

  “You shouldn’t have got involved with him.”

  She hung her head. “I know.”

  Jayden raised a brow. “I wish you hadn’t.”

  She raised her head. “I should have listened to you.”

  He nodded.

  “He got me hooked on drugs.”

  “You’ve got the chance to get clean now. I hope you will.”

  She pulled the blanket tighter and inhaled deeply.

  Jayden studied her. Would she have the strength to stay off them? He prayed she would.

  She reached out and squeezed his hand. “I want to, but I don’t know if I can.”

  “The Morgan’s will help you. They’re great people.”

  “And what about you, Jay? Will you help me?”

  Jayden gulped. “I’m not sure. I might have to go home.”

  Her brows puckered. “No, don’t go, Jay. Please don’t leave me.”

  Here we go again… “I might not have a choice. I’m illegal, you know that.”

  Her face blanched as she clutched his arm. “Oh, Jay, I need you. Don’t worry about that.”

  He tilted his head as a wave of sadness washed over him. If only he could stay. “I’ll be discovered eventually. I’m not sure when I’ll be going yet, but it might be sometime soon.” He swallowed hard, pushing down the lump growing in his throat. God really had to help him with this.

  “It won’t be the same without you here, Jay.”

  “Why don’t you come home with me?”

  Tears welled in her eyes again. “There’s no one there for me.”

  Jayden pinched his lips. “What about me?” What went on in her brain?

  She let out a feeble laugh. “I’m sorry. Of course there’s you.” She smiled at him as she patted his hand. “I’ll think about it.”

  He gave her the best smile he could manage. “Get better first, okay?”

  She nodded. “I need to go back in, Jay. Can you help me?”

  He stood and helped her up. As he walked across the courtyard to the door, he stopped, placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her slowly to face him. “I really hope you get better. Try hard?”

  Her eyes moistened again as she nodded.

  He pulled her close and gave her a big hug. “And Mom, can you please not call me Jay?”

  Her head jerked back
, her eyes widening. “What do you mean?”

  “I hate being called Jay. I much prefer Jayden.”

  Her hand flew to her cheek. “I had no idea. I’m sorry, Jay.” Her shoulders sagged. “I’ve done it already.” She let out a deep sigh.

  He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her cheek. “It’s okay. Just get yourself better.”

  Her face softened into a smile, not one of her over-the-top flashy smiles, but one that was genuine, giving him hope that she might just get through this.

  Mr. Morgan was still playing cards when Jayden and Kathryn returned. The other three were genuinely upset when he stood to leave.

  “I’ll come back as soon as I can.”

  “Make sure you do.” The older woman had a sparkle in her eye.

  “You can count on it, Betty.” He gave her a friendly smile.

  “Bye.” She waved as he moved away from the table.

  “Mom wants to go back to her room,” Jayden said quietly when Mr. Morgan joined them.

  “No problem. I’ll call a nurse.”

  Within minutes, Mom was lying in her bed, curled up like a little child, her eyes squeezed shut.

  “It’s going to be a long road, son.” Mr. Morgan placed his hand on Jayden’s shoulder as they walked out of the hospital towards the car.

  “Yes, but I think she might just make it.” Jayden felt a lightness in his chest.

  “I think so, too.” Mr. Morgan unlocked the car and gave him an encouraging smile before opening the door and climbing inside.

  Jayden returned to his apartment to pack for camp while Mr. Morgan went back to school. But instead of packing, he flopped onto the sofa and closed his eyes. So much had happened over the last week. In fact, it was like he was caught in a whirlwind and had no idea where he’d land.

  After a few moments of rest, he pulled himself up. If he stayed lying down, he’d end up asleep, and then he wouldn’t have time to pack before Mr. Morgan came back for him. His guitar caught his attention. He picked it up and began playing some of the songs he and Angie had been practicing. Songs that had now come to mean so much to him. As he played, a sense of God’s presence fell on his heart, and a verse that Angie had shared with him came to mind. Jeremiah 29, verse 11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” While Jayden didn’t know what the future held, God did. And that’s all that mattered.


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