Wild at Heart

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Wild at Heart Page 11

by Rhonda Laurel

  “Nothing a hot bath and a pint of mint chocolate chip can’t fix.” Shannon managed a weak smile as she tried to move her bruised ankle. She reached up to feel her wonky, wet top knot. “Tell me the truth. Do I look like a total train wreck?”

  “You look marvelous.”

  “The top knot totally takes the attention off the gaping gash on your temple.” Janie looked at her hands. “You’re going to need a manicure ASAP.”

  “Doesn’t she look great Chance?” Cheyenne turned around. “Chance?”

  She looked up to see Chance heading toward the gang. As soon as he got there, he walked up to Brooks and punched him in the face. Brooks hit the ground, disoriented. He got up a moment later and lunged at Chance, but Chance decked him again.

  “Oh my gosh!” Cheyenne said.

  “Cheyenne! Janie!” Shannon squirmed on the gurney. “A little help!”

  Shannon held on to the ladies and began to hop over there. She knew Chance was angry about what had happened. She’d expected them to exchange heated words, not have a prize fight in the middle of the wilderness. She had to stop this madness before they ended up in jail. He was really good at this fake boyfriend thing.

  “This is your fault!” Chance pulled loose from Brian and Josh. “If you weren’t trying to play games, she never would have been trying to get away from you.”

  “It was an accident!” Brooks shouted back as Zach kept him at bay.

  “What were you trying to talk to Shannon about?” Liv seethed.

  “Not now, Liv.”

  “Stop it.” Shannon approached with the ladies.

  “Get back on that gurney,” Chance ordered. “They need to get that ankle tended to.”

  “I’m not going anywhere until you stop fighting.” She glared at him.

  Shannon put her arm around Chance as he picked her up and walked back toward the ambulance.

  “You didn’t have to do that, you know,” she said as he laid her back on the gurney.

  “He deserved it.”

  “We better get going.” The paramedics collapsed the legs on the gurney and hoisted her into the ambulance. Chance hopped in after them.

  “We’ll meet you at the hospital,” Cheyenne said.

  She gripped the rail on the gurney as the ambulance began to move. Maybe they should have sent an all-terrain vehicle to retrieve them. She hated hospitals. She wanted to go back to the lodge, get a hot shower, and pretend that today never happened. It was just her luck that she’d taken another trip with her friends after being scarce for so long and got involved in another mishap. Sometimes she felt like she was a magnet for chaos.

  She did want to remember the rescue. It wasn’t something she’d be liable to forget. It wasn’t every day you met someone with that kind of courage. The look on Chance’s face when he admitted it scared him when she fell. Well, it was something she wasn’t likely to forget either. There was a connection between them that was wrought with passion and tenderness.

  The ambulance began bouncing about again. Chance reached out and held her hand. He did all the things a real boyfriend would do, so she found it hard to believe that he didn’t do relationships. Because he was hitting the mark perfectly with her every time.

  * * *

  Chance sipped on the lukewarm cup of coffee as he walked down the hospital corridor. The lunch he managed to scrounge up in the tiny hospital cafeteria while Shannon was taken to get a CT scan left a lot to be desired. It had been two hours since they’d arrived, and he was anxious to get Shannon’s test results. The X-ray of her ankle revealed he’d assessed the sprain correctly. He got his scrapes cleaned up while they tended to Shannon. She was being a real trooper while being examined.

  The gang arrived and was holding a vigil in the waiting area. Cheyenne brought his pack, which had his backup cell phone in it. He was thankful he’d developed the habit of carrying two when he was camping with a group. It had been a long morning, and no one had eaten anything of substance since breakfast, so he convinced everyone to go get a bite to eat. A good meal would also help soothe their nerves. Cheyenne was a nervous wreck, and Brian took the opportunity to show he was good boyfriend material by comforting her. He wanted to tell the guy that Cheyenne was already halfway to falling in love with him. It was one of the things he picked up while listening to the ladies gab during their hike. It was only a matter of time before they figured out they were made for each other.

  He’d called Rafe and Leigh to give them an update, and like he guessed, Regency was already aware of the accident. He’d told them that he and Leigh were banged up and she was getting a thorough exam from the doctors. Leigh rambled on like a madwoman, but he knew his sister did that when she was trying to hide fear. It was sweet to know she was going to cancel an interview with a radio show to come to the hospital, but it wasn’t necessary.

  He’d received a phone call from Tate and Isabelle while he was composing a text to them. They were gearing up to cut their vacation with Tate’s in-laws short, but Chance insisted there was no need. He thought he was finished, but then he received an onslaught on texts from the family asking if he was OK. It was strange having so many people concerned about him.

  Talking to Tate only reminded him that he hadn’t bought him a birthday present yet. He wasn’t having any luck on his own. What did you get the man who already had everything? A wife, a rewarding career, and cute-as-a-button kids.

  Communicating with the family was a good distraction from his thoughts. He kept replaying the accident in his head and how he could have prevented it.

  He looked at his watch. Shannon should have been back from the CT scan by now. He opened the door to find a guy sitting on Shannon’s bed, holding her hand. He looked older, like mid to late thirties, but in shape for his age. It looked like an intimate moment to him. He tried to back away, but Shannon caught sight of him.

  “Chance, my hero! Get in here!” She outstretched her arms. “Where were you?”

  “I was getting some coffee and making calls.” He gave her a quizzical look. She didn’t seem herself. Her pupils were dilated like she’d had six shots of espresso. “How are you?”

  “I’m just fine. Just aces.” She giggled. “I feel like a newborn baby. Although, I don’t remember being a baby, but I think it would feel like this.”

  “OK.” He scratched his temple. Shannon was definitely on cloud nine. They must have given her something. “Did they give you something for the pain?”

  “Did they ever.” She smiled. “The doctor came and gave me good news. My head scan was normal. The doctor said I had a nice-looking brain.”

  The guy stood and extended his hand. “The doctor said she’ll be fine. Hunter Collier.”

  “Chance McGill.” Chance gripped his hand like he was cracking a walnut and the guy returned the sentiment. He was pretty spry for an old timer. “Who are you? Shannon’s uncle?”

  Shannon giggled. “No, silly. Hunter’s not my uncle.”

  Hunter’s grip tightened, but he kept his smile plastered on his face. “Head of Shannon’s security detail.”

  “Hunter. Chance saved my life. He jumped into the river and came after me. It was so courageous and brave. Wait. Courageous and brave mean the same thing.”

  He bit back a smile. “I’m happy the doc gave you good news and you’re not hurting anymore.”

  “Isn’t he a great fake boyfriend?” Shannon sighed. “And he’s hot.”

  “Fake boyfriend?” Hunter mused.

  Chance shot him a look. “It’s a long story.”

  “Hunter.” Shannon looked at him. “What are you doing here?”

  “Your parents went to a wedding in Montana this morning. I told them I’d check in on you, and if the doctor OKs it, I’m taking you home.”

  “What?” Shannon pouted. “You didn’t come here to take me home.”

  “Yeah. It’s the weekend. Don’t you have a date or something?” Chance said.

  “I canceled my date,” Hunter said. “I w
anted to make sure Shannon was OK myself.”

  Chance looked the guy over. It was obvious he cared for Shannon, but he was way too old for her. “I appreciate that you’re so dedicated to your job, but it wasn’t necessary to break a date. I’ll take care of Shannon.”

  “Her parents just want her home where she’s safe and can recuperate. You have a problem with that, fake boyfriend?” Hunter folded his arms across his chest.

  “Yeah, I do.” Chance moved closer. “I don’t care if your orders come from an army general, she’s not going anywhere with you.”

  “Chance, no more fighting.” She put her hand on his arm. “You’ve done enough fighting for one day.”

  “Oh really?” Hunter raised an eyebrow.

  “Brooks had it coming. If he hadn’t been screwing around, you never would have gotten hurt.”

  “Brooks is a jackass,” Hunter said.

  “Yes, he is,” Chance agreed.

  The two men looked at each other for a moment with a new sense of appreciation. Hunter’s cell phone rang. He looked at the display.

  “It’s your dad, Shannon.” He clicked the green talk button on the screen. “Hi, Jack. I’m here with Shannon now. She’s fine, just a little bruised. No, she’s doesn’t have a concussion. Sure thing. Shannon, your dad wants to speak to you.”

  “Hi, Daddy,” Shannon said into the phone. “How’s Montana?”

  Chance and Hunter took a step back from the bed so Shannon could talk to her dad. He listened as Shannon retold the story of the accident, but due to the loopy pills, she was exaggerating a bit. Her version had turned into an action movie starring him as the rogue hero who’d rescued a damsel in distress. From her answers, she could tell her father was digging for info on the nature of their relationship. He prayed she didn’t say the words fake boyfriend.

  The nurse came into the room. “Ms. Stanton, the doctor said you can go home in a bit.”

  “Thanks, nurse.” Shannon gave the nurse a thumbs up. “That’s awesome. Did you hear that, Daddy?”

  The nurse turned to Chance and Hunter. “She’ll need someone to look after her. I’ll prepare a summary of how to care for that sprain. We’re also going to give her a prescription for the pain. The pain meds we gave her are going to wear off in a couple of hours, and she may still have some discomfort. Who’s taking her home?”

  “I am,” Chance blurted out. “I’m her…boyfriend.”

  “OK.” The nurse smiled. “I’ll be back with the paperwork.”

  “You forgot to say fake,” Hunter said wryly.

  “No reason to confuse the woman,” Chance replied.

  “Did you hear that, Daddy? Chance is going to take care of me. He’s my boyfriend,” Shannon said into the phone. “OK. Hunter, he wants to talk to you.”

  Hunter took the phone but stepped out into the hallway to talk to Jack.

  “I’m hungry. I did not like that turkey sandwich.” She scrunched her nose at the food tray on the table.

  “We can get something to eat when we leave.”

  “How about some sushi? I like sushi. Do you?”

  “I do. I’m not sure where I’d find sushi around here unless we go back to the river and catch a few fish.” He smiled.

  “I don’t want to be around anything with the word river any time soon. I think I’ll even avoid people named River.”

  “How many people do you know named River?”


  “I guess playing ‘Moon River’ in your car would be out of the question.”

  “Yes.” She laughed. “Thank you for saving my life.”

  “Any time.” He caressed her cheek.

  She pulled him toward her and kissed him. It started out tender and sweet at first, but as he leaned in, he parted her lips with his tongue and went for it.

  “I guess my work here is done,” Hunter interrupted.

  “We were just…” Chance said, flustered.

  “I may be old, but I do know the mechanics of kissing,” Hunter replied.

  “Hunter, thanks for coming. I can always count on you,” Shannon said.

  “You are very welcome, sweetheart.” He came over and kissed her on the cheek. “Feel better. I’ll check in tomorrow to see how you’re doing. Chance, can I see you outside for a minute?”

  “OK.” Chance followed him into the hallway. “What’s up?”

  “What’s the game plan?”

  “I’m taking her back to the lodge tonight to get some rest since it’s close. We’ll head home in the morning.”

  “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “No worries.” He held up his hands. “I plan to stay away from Brooks even though I want to finish what I started with him.”

  “I’m not talking about Brooks.”

  “Then what are you talking about?”

  “Taking responsibility for Shannon. Do you understand what that means?”

  “I will take good care of her. I won’t let Shannon get hurt again.”

  “I’m not talking about physical danger. She may be looped up on meds right now, but Shannon’s still speaking from her heart about you. She was raving about you before you came back into the room. Be careful with her.”

  “Are telling me this for professional reasons?”

  “Of course. Why else would I be telling you this?”

  “Maybe you’re threatening me for personal reasons?” Chance replied.

  “I am not interested in Shannon in that way. I’m old enough to be her—”


  “A half hour ago you said uncle.” Hunter raised an eyebrow.

  “Now that I see you up close.” Chance leaned closer to his face. “I think I was off by a few years.”

  “Rafe was right. You are a smart ass,” Hunter replied.

  “Only when I’m provoked.”

  “You can tone down the rhetoric. My interest in Shannon is professional, but I care about her too.”

  Chance could see the sincerity in his eyes. He almost felt bad about the dig he’d taken at him. “You have my word. I’ll take good care of Shannon.”

  “Excellent.” Hunter gripped his shoulders. “Because if you break her heart, I will employ every tool in my arsenal to make sure you never have a moment’s peace. Do we understand each other?”

  “Loud and clear.”

  “Goodnight. Remember, I’ll check in tomorrow.” Hunter started to walk away but turned back. “I almost forgot. Jack said he can’t wait to meet Shannon’s new boyfriend.”

  Chance watched the smile form on Hunter’s face after he spoke his parting words. This was getting more complicated by the second. He’d date women for three months and still wouldn’t commit to putting a title on their relationship. He’d gone from escort to fake boyfriend to real boyfriend in a matter of forty-eight hours.

  He hadn’t intended to say he’d take care of her, but something in him knew it was the right thing to do. Once the release forms had been signed and the nurse reviewed the care instructions, they were ready to go. Thanks to Cheyenne and Brian, Shannon’s car had been driven to the hospital and placed in the parking lot. Like he guessed, sushi was in short supply, but they were able to find a restaurant. They pigged out on hamburgers, fries, and shakes and continued to talk.

  After they filled her prescription, they finally reached the lodge, she was tuckered out. He got her out of the car, but by the time he entered the lodge, she was waking up. The gang was all in the living room talking.

  “Shannon!” The ladies came running over.

  “Does it hurt?” Cheyenne looked at her foot.

  Shannon smiled. “Not right now.”

  “What’s the diagnosis?” Janie asked.

  “It’s just a sprain. She doesn’t have a concussion. They gave her something for the pain,” Chance said.

  Shannon nestled into his shoulder. “Chance, I’m getting sleepy.”

  “OK. I better take her to bed and let her get some rest.”

I’ll help you get her situated.” Cheyenne started up the stairs.

  “Can I do anything?” Fiona said.

  “Can you put the kettle on for some tea?”

  “Sure. I’ll go do that now. Feel better, Shannon.” Fiona headed for the kitchen.

  He continued up the stairs and followed Cheyenne to their room. He noticed the room door next to them was open. It was Brooks and Liv’s room.

  “They left.” Cheyenne rolled their eyes as she opened the door to their suite. “They got into a big blow up when we got back. Liv insisted he take her home.”

  “I guess it’s finally sinking in to Liv that Brooks was just using her,” Shannon mumbled.

  “Cheyenne, can you pull back those covers?” He placed Shannon gently onto the bed, her head resting on two pillows. He used some of the decorative pillows to prop up her bandaged foot up.

  “Cheyenne.” Shannon opened her eyes. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m helping Chance get you comfortable, so you can get some rest. You’ve had one heck of a day.”

  “I’m sorry I ruined everyone’s good time.”

  “You did no such thing,” Fiona said as she came into the room holding a tray. “I have a nice cup of tea with honey and lemon for Shannon and a hot toddy for Chance.”

  “Thanks,” Chance replied.

  “I did ruin it. Just like I did in Paris.” Shannon frowned.

  “Paris wasn’t your fault,” Cheyenne said stoically and cleared her throat. “We both know that. I’m just so happy we didn’t lose you.”

  There it was, Paris again. What happened in Paris that gave Shannon nightmares? Chance looked at Cheyenne. By the tension on her face, he could tell something had gone horribly wrong in Paris.

  “Sweetie, we’re going to let you get some rest. You’re in good hands with Chance.” Cheyenne smiled.

  “Cheyenne, before you go.” Shannon motioned her closer. “Isn’t he gorgeous?”

  Chance could feel the heat creep up his cheeks. Thank goodness the beard covered most of his blush.

  “Yes, he is.” Cheyenne bit back a smile as she fluffed the pillows.


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