Cruel Intentions

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Cruel Intentions Page 2

by Davis, Siobhan

  You can’t possibly know this, but you saved my life in more ways than one tonight. You have reminded me why it’s important to survive. Given me the strength to fight for what I want. And you have given me a precious memory I will hold close until my dying breath. Thank you. A.

  As I close the door and head back toward my car, back to a life I despise, I know I’ll be reliving this special night every day for the rest of my life.

  But I had no idea that sleeping with this stranger would set certain things in motion. Things that couldn’t be undone. And I certainly had no idea that I’d come to hate him and desperately resent giving him my virginity.


  “Get your hands off me!” I shove at Trent’s broad shoulders, pushing him back a couple steps. He immediately reclaims the space, thrusting his face into mine. “This fucking frigid act is getting old, darling,” he sneers, enunciating the last word so I'm left in no doubt of his derision.

  Aesthetically, Trent is a gorgeous guy—golden-blond hair, striking blue-gray eyes, strong masculine jaw, high cheekbones, and an impressive body that is ripped in all the right places—but the person behind the exterior is repulsive and totally beyond redemption.

  Believe me, I’ve tried. Once I realized I was stuck with the douche, I did my utmost to bring out the best in him.

  But you can’t extract something that doesn’t exist.

  Trent isn’t a nice guy.

  Trent isn’t a decent guy.

  Trent embodies everything wrong with the society we live in and everything I want to run screaming from.

  But I have no control over my life, and I’m on this speeding train regardless of how badly I want to jump off.

  His hands dig into my hips, and he thrusts his obvious arousal into my stomach. I work hard to swallow my disgust. Although it’s tempting to push his buttons more, he’s been drinking, and I remember what happened the last time we got into it when he was hammered. A shiver tiptoes up my spine at the memory of him shoving his cock into my mouth while he had me pinned on the bed, his ass pressing down on my chest, as he fucked my mouth with no mercy.

  How can a guy look so angelic and be so evil? Trent grinds against me, pawing at my chest and slobbering all over my neck.

  At first glance, his mouth is utterly kissable until he opens it, shattering the illusion with the venom that regularly spews from his mouth.

  Trent is the stereotypical rich kid. Spoiled, arrogant, and smarmy. He has sailed through life, handed everything on a silver platter, and he thinks his shit doesn’t stink. Most everyone trips over themselves to give him everything he needs, especially the posse of women who fight for a temporary place in his bed, and his ego is floating somewhere in orbit.

  Which is why he can’t fathom my lack of interest and my disdain. Especially since we’re engaged and scheduled to walk up the aisle next year.

  “Stop!” I push his chest, forcing his vile mouth away from me. “My father’s home, and all it’ll take is one scream,” I threaten.

  He narrows his eyes, and his mouth twists into a malevolent grin. “Have you forgotten Daddy Dearest is the one who brokered our marriage deal? Or the reason he’ll do anything to ensure it goes ahead?” He takes a step forward, reclaiming the space between us again.

  I prod one finger in his firm chest. “Have you forgotten your father was the one who insisted I remain a virgin until our wedding night?” I take his evil grin and throw him back a smug one. “Or has he changed a generations-old rule because you can’t keep your grabby hands to yourself?” I tilt my chin up. “Call one of your fuck buddies. I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to suck your dick.”

  Trent smirks as he extracts his cell, holding it to his ear. I fold my arms across my chest, waiting for the charade to play out.

  The funny thing is, he genuinely thinks I care.

  News flash—I couldn’t care less.

  “I need your ass,” he barks into the phone, not even attempting to disguise it’s anything but a booty call. “No, Rochelle. I literally mean I need your ass. I’m filling all holes tonight, baby. Be ready.”

  Asshole. He knows how I feel about that bitch.

  Grinding my teeth, I work hard to keep my annoyance at bay.

  I know Trent fucks around. A lot. And, I honestly couldn’t give two shits. I shudder to think what’d happen if he didn’t have his fuck buddies. Although Christian Montgomery made it a condition of the marital agreement negotiated with my father when I was ten—yes, ten—that I remain a virgin until my wedding night, Trent has been badgering me for sex for the past two years. I’d rather skin myself alive than willingly give myself to him, so I’ve spent two years fighting him off.

  Occasionally, I’ll feel generous and blow him.

  Usually, he’ll just take what he wants.

  But he’s a selfish bastard with no regard for my needs, so it normally means he fucks my mouth, forcing me to swallow, while he tugs at my breasts, sometimes making them bleed.

  It’s much worse when he’s been drinking, so I have some idea of what lies in wait for Rochelle when he arrives at her place.

  But I can’t find it within myself to feel sympathy. Rochelle is the closest I have to an arch-nemesis at Rydeville High, and Trent knows how much we despise one another, which is why he deliberately called her in my presence.

  Keeping up appearances is nonnegotiable if you’re a descendant of one of the founding families. It’s something ingrained in Trent, Drew, Charlie, and me from the time we were little. And my father is the perfect example of how to act like a raging manwhore behind closed doors while presenting as the perfect law-abiding citizen.

  Everyone knows Trent fucks around on me, but provided he’s discreet, it’s permitted.

  Drew is engaged too, but he treats his fiancée with respect, while Charlie doesn’t lower himself to bedding high school girls. However, if they wanted to whore themselves out whenever they felt like it, they’d get pats on the back.

  Jane and I can barely piss without someone breathing down our necks.

  Jane Ford is my best friend—my only friend—and she’s also Drew’s intended.

  My twin and I are both destined for arranged marriages once we graduate a few weeks after our eighteenth birthday, thanks to the “business” deals our father made with the other elite patriarchs.

  Trent rubbing my nose in it is not considered gentlemanly.

  Mostly, I don’t care.

  But Rochelle grates on my nerves. Making sly digs in contravention of the code. Shooting me filthy looks when the guys aren’t watching. Playing juvenile pranks, like stuffing stupid shit in my locker. Thinking she’s someone important because Trent screws her sometimes. But she comes in handy, occasionally.

  Like now.

  If Trent thinks I’ll change my mind because he intends to fuck my enemy, he’s another think coming. “Knock yourself out, stud,” I say, smiling pleasantly at him. “And make sure you wrap it before you tap it. Wouldn’t want you to catch an STD.”

  Trent throws back his head, laughing. “Jealous much?”

  No. Definitely not.

  He grabs hold of my arm, yanking me into his hard body. “I’ll ditch the bitch. Just spread those pretty legs nice and wide, and let me fill you up.” He nips at my lower lip, dragging it between his teeth, drawing blood.

  “I will never voluntarily have sex with you.” I attempt to wrestle out of his arms, but it’s futile because he’s way too strong. He could overpower me easily, and it’s happened too regularly to count. “You repulse me.” I glare at him, watching his nostrils flaring as he grips my upper arms tight. “You’ll have to force yourself on me if you want any because I will never make it easy for you.”

  His fingers dig into my flesh, hurting me, but I refuse to cry out. To show any signs of weakness. “You say that like it turns me off.” He jabs my stomach with his hard-on while one hand slides down to cup my ass. “Like it would stop me.” His finger prods the crack of my ass through my
clothes, and I flinch. “Hate sex is the best.” His mouth crashes down on mine, and I press my lips together, denying him access, refusing to kiss him back. His kiss turns vicious, his mouth punishing, as he bites my lips, drawing more blood, but I don’t back down.

  I’m used to his game.

  When he pulls back, his eyes almost black with fury, he grabs my crotch, squeezing hard, and pain slices through my core. “This is mine. And I’ll have you. I’ll rip you apart, tear you to pieces until your resistance is futile.” He shoves me away with such force I lose my balance and tumble to the ground.

  He may well deliver on that threat when he finds out I’m not untouched, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

  “What the fuck, man?” Drew barges into my bedroom, shoving Trent in the chest, his handsome face red with rage. “How many fucking times do I have to tell you?!” he hollers, extending his arm and helping me to my feet. My twin tucks me beside him in a protective stance, scowling at the blood coating my lips. “Quit this shit, or we’re done, Trent. I fucking mean it this time.”

  Trent slants an amused grin in Drew’s direction. “You say that like you’ve any choice in the matter. We’re in this for life. You’re stuck with me, whether you and your bitch of a sister like it.”

  “You can’t speak to Abby like that. And I won’t let you treat her like this.”

  Trent squares up to Drew. “She’s mine to do with as I please. Butt the fuck out. I don’t tell you what to do with Jane.”

  “Because I treat Jane with respect,” Drew retorts, dragging a hand through his dark brown hair.

  Trent snorts. “You’re so fucking pussy-whipped. Why you want to tie yourself to the same pussy for life is beyond me.” Trent slaps him on the back, shaking his head. “You should pound as many chicks as you can before you settle down.”

  “Ugh.” I step in front of the warring boys. “You’re gross. They love each other, that’s why.” I know it’s a foreign concept to him, but I hate how superior he acts around my brother. Like he deserves some life medal for being a player. “Go, Trent.” I push him toward the door. “Go to that skank and fuck her up the ass. See if I care.”

  “You’re going to Rochelle’s?” Drew queries, raising a brow.

  “Your sister won’t spread her legs, as usual, and I’m all fired up.” He winks at me. “Lucky for Rochelle.”

  “We had an agreement,” Drew protests, and it’s the first I’ve heard of it. “And you’re already breaking it.”

  “You decided I should cut Rochelle loose. I didn’t voice an opinion either way.” He saunters toward the door, and a layer of tension lifts from my shoulders. “Convince your precious sister to put out, and I’ll consider it,” he tosses over his shoulder, before leaving, the noise of his shoes echoing in the wide hallway as he walks away.

  Drew slowly turns around, inspecting me quickly. “Did he hurt you anyplace else?” he asks, pulling a handkerchief out of his dress pants and gently dabbing at my lip.

  The guys were at some function in the gentleman’s club downtown with their respective fathers. Hence why Drew is dressed like he’s attending a funeral. And why Trent is wasted. I hate the way women are treated within the elite social circles, but there are times I’m glad we’re excluded from things.

  I harrumph. “You have to ask?” I push the short sleeves of my dress up to my shoulders, skimming a finger over the bruising already blossoming on my upper arms.

  Trent never leaves a mark in a visible place.

  Appearances and all.

  That’s something else he has in common with my father. That and the obvious shared psycho gene. Thankfully, Drew seems to have escaped that trait, although he’s as arrogant and power-obsessed as Daddy Dearest, so he definitely inherited some of his DNA.

  I like to believe there’s more of Mom in me.

  Drew rubs a tense-looking spot between his brows. “He’s on edge because of this upcoming trip.”

  The guys are leaving next weekend for Parkhurst, some bullshit elite training camp they attend a few times a year. Although the guys will go on to college after graduating high school next May, they will each assume some official responsibility within their family business, fulfilling more public obligations, and this month-long camp trip is part of their preparation.

  “Don’t make excuses for him,” I say, turning around and holding my hair up.

  Drew unzips my dress, casting his warm brown eyes to the floor as I slip it off and pull on my silk nightdress. “I’m not. You don’t understand the pressure that’s on our shoulders.”

  I whirl around on him, my eyes blazing. “Don’t talk to me about pressure! At least you get to have a career and a life! What choices do I have?” I flap my hands about.

  “You’ve got college to look forward to, and Christian Montgomery has agreed you can wait until you get your degree before producing an heir.”

  “Am I supposed to be grateful?” I shout even though I’m venting at the wrong person.

  “You’ll want for nothing, Abby.” He tenderly cups my face. “And you and Trent will make beautiful babies together.”

  I push him away, disgusted at the turn in our conversation. “Go away, Drew. I can’t hear this tonight.”

  His features pull into a tight grimace. “Stop being such a whiny bitch,” he snaps. “You know how important the alliance with the Montgomerys is. We’ve both got parts to play.”

  I pull back the silk covers on my large four-poster bed, crawling inside, needing this day to be over. “I know, Drew. I’ve heard this my entire life. I don’t need you to constantly reinforce it.”

  “Sure, I do,” he says, perching on the side of my bed, losing his fleeting anger. “Because you’ve got too much of Mom in you, and I see how badly you want to rebel.” He tucks me in under the covers, like he used to do after Mom died when I’d have regular nightmares. Except back then, he’d usually crawl into bed alongside me. “But you can’t, Abby. Stop fighting Trent. Give him what he wants, and he’ll change. He just wants you to love him.”

  “He just wants to fuck me,” I retort.

  “Is that such a bad thing?”

  “His dick is rotten to the core, and his touch makes my skin crawl, so that’d be a yes.” Drew sighs. “Maybe if he wasn’t so aggressive with me all the time. Maybe if he respected me as you do with Jane, things would be different, but he doesn’t, and they aren’t.”

  While the Ford family isn’t one of the founding families, they are respected within the upper echelons of elite society, known as the inner circle, and our father was keen to secure a formal alliance.

  Marriage between both families will ensure that.

  Jane’s father insisted on a virginity clause too, but Drew and Jane are hot for one another, and they couldn’t wait. Unlike me, Jane adores her father, and she doesn’t want to disappoint him, so, even though she’s already sleeping with my brother, her father doesn’t know.

  Any time Jane sleeps over, her parents assume she’s staying with me, but she usually sleeps in Drew’s bed. My father actively encourages it, because he loves getting one over on Mr. Ford and he’s a sexual deviant. The private sex room in our basement attests to that.

  When I see my brother and Jane together, all loved up and mooning at one another as if no one else exists on the planet but them, I feel the odd stab of envy. If Trent and I were in love, I’d be happy to let him into my bed. But I fucking loathe Trent with the heat of a thousand suns, and I’d never willingly sleep with him.

  “Just don’t do anything stupid, sis.” Drew presses a kiss to my forehead. “We already lost Mom, and I couldn’t bear to lose you too.”

  “I won’t,” I lie, sitting up and hugging him. “But I won’t be Trent’s punching bag either.”

  “Let him in, Abby,” Drew beseeches. “It’ll make for an easier life.”

  And as my brother pulls the door closed behind him, I wonder if there’s some wisdom in his words and if I should make some alterations to my


  “I can’t believe you’re leaving on Friday for a whole month.” Jane pouts, clinging to Drew as we walk from the parking lot toward the entrance doors on our first day back at Rydeville High.

  It’s senior year.

  Our last year here before we graduate and move to the private college campus across the other side of town. “I’ll miss you.”

  Drew tightens his arm around her shoulders. “I’ll miss you too, babe.” He presses a loving kiss to the top of her head, and she melts into his side.

  “Will you miss me?” Trent asks in a husky voice, keeping a firm hold of my waist as we walk.

  The early morning sun glints off the massive diamond on my ring finger like a giant fuck you from the universe. “Like I miss snow on a glorious summer’s day,” I retort, earning a dark scowl in response. Drew shoots me a warning look over his shoulder, and I remember the promise I made to myself last night. Forcing back bile, I slide my arm around Trent’s waist, smiling sweetly at him. “That was mean of me. I apologize. Of course, I’ll miss you.”

  Trent’s eyes narrow suspiciously while Charlie, also known as, Charles Barron the Third, chuckles. “Your acting skills could use a little brush up,” Charlie teases, smoothing a hand over his slicked-back jet-black hair.

  “I’ll get straight on that,” I joke, as Trent digs his fingers into my waist.

  The crowd parts when we approach the main entrance, stepping aside to allow the elite to enter. A reverential hush descends as we take the steps toward the doors. The guys nod at a few of their inner circle as we pass by. When we reach the top step, Rochelle almost magically appears like an unwelcome apparition, licking her lips and opening another button on her white uniform shirt, exposing even more of her ample cleavage. She grins at Trent. “Hey, baby.”

  Drew shucks out of Jane’s embrace, urging her to the side as he glares at Trent. Trent keeps a tight hold of me as he brings us face to face with the girl he was fucking last night. “What did you call me?” he asks in a low tone, a muscle clenching in his jaw. Her smile falters. “And what makes you think you can speak to me?” She noticeably gulps, looking sideways at Drew and Charlie with a pleading look on her face. “Don’t look at them. They won’t help you.” Trent grips her chin, keeping his other arm locked around my waist. “Now, do you have anything to say?”


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