Cruel Intentions

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Cruel Intentions Page 12

by Davis, Siobhan

Because as soon as he removes his hands from me, I feel like crying.

  How can I hate him and still want him?

  How is it I’m jealous of Rochelle because she gets to sit on his lap every day?

  He’s an abusive prick, and I don’t want to be attracted to him, but the chemistry is undeniable.

  “Where did you learn to do that?” Sawyer asks, intrigue underscoring his words.

  Cam smirks. “I used to spy on my older brother’s girlfriend when she was getting ready in his room.”

  “With your cock in hand, I’m guessing,” Jackson predictably says. Cam just smirks wider, neither confirming nor denying the accusation.

  Cam brushes his thumbs across my cheeks, raising tiny goose bumps all over my body, and my nipples instantly salute him.

  “Fuck it.” Jackson groans again. “Her nipples are jutting through her top.”

  Cam’s gaze lowers, and a smug smile spreads across his mouth. “That’s the plan.”

  “I’m hard again.”

  “You’ve got a fucking problem,” Sawyer says. “And you’re not jerking off again. It’s time to go.”

  “Go where?” I ask, fighting to compose myself, but it’s hard because Cam has moved even closer to me, and his body heat is doing weird things to my insides.

  “It’s showtime, baby.” His gaze drifts to my lips. My heart thuds in my chest, and heat floods my core as my eyes lower to his mouth. Cam jerks back quickly, as if he’s only just realizing how close he’s standing to me and how hard he’s staring at my lips. When he raises his eyes to meet mine, the cold, harsh glare is back on his face. “Get in the car, and do everything we say or your friend will pay the price.”

  I climb into the back seat and he gets in beside me while Sawyer slips behind the wheel, and Jackson rides shotgun. Sawyer floors it out of there, leaving a trail of dust behind us.

  “Is someone going to explain what’s going on?”

  Cam slams a hand down on my thigh, and I jump at the unexpected contact. “We’re going to your father’s place of business, and you will get us in.”


  I want to know what they’re up to, but there’s no point asking the question.

  “What, no inane questions?” Cam asks, raising a brow.

  “Why bother asking a question I know I’ll get no reply to.”

  “Maybe you’re not as dumb as you look after all.”

  “Screw you, asshole.” I stare out the window, not wanting to look at any of them.

  “Out of all the things I’ve said and done, that bothers you the most, doesn’t it?” Cam ponders. “You don’t like your intelligence being questioned.”

  “Does anyone?” I snap, glowering at him.

  “In your world, it shouldn’t matter. Aren’t females groomed to look pretty, open their legs, and shut their mouths?”

  “Just because that’s expected of me doesn’t mean I like it.”

  He stares at me for a long time, and I don’t pull my eyes away, challenging him with a defiant expression. “Why?” he asks after several silent beats.

  “Now, who’s the dumb one.”

  His jaw tightens, and his eyes darken to almost black.

  “We’re here.” Sawyer swings the car into a rest area around the corner from Manning Motors corporate HQ.

  “This is how it will go down,” Cam says, all hint of anger replaced with a serious expression. “You will seduce the guard on duty, distracting him so you can remove his security card and pass it to us.”

  “How the fuck am I expected to do that?”

  “I recall you had some seductive skills, so just work a little of that magic on him.” Cam scrubs a hand over his unshaven jaw. “And if you need a little extra motivation, imagine how embarrassed poor Jane would be if the world saw her jerking off while her elite boyfriend watched on his cell.”

  “I don’t need extra motivation. You’ve made sure of that.” I narrow my eyes at him. “What do you plan on doing about the security footage? If my father finds out I was here, he’ll want to know why.”

  “We have that covered,” Sawyer confirms. “You don’t need to worry about discovery.”

  “Fine.” I huff out a sigh. “Let’s just get this over and done with.”

  “That’s not all,” Sawyer says, turning around in his seat. “We need about twenty minutes, so distract him while we’re gone too.”

  I throw my hands into the air. “You’ve got to be kidding me. How the hell can I distract him for that long?”

  “You’re a beautiful girl,” Jackson says. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

  “I’m not fucking one of my father’s employees!” I screech.

  “No one said that,” Cam coolly replies. “I’m sure you’ll think of some other way to distract him.”

  “Dance for him,” Jackson supplies. “Or give him a massage. There are plenty of ways to dangle the goodies without letting him sample.”

  “Jeez, thanks for those stellar suggestions.”

  He winks. “Anytime, beautiful.”


  “We need to go before the shift change. You good?” Sawyer asks, eyeballing me.

  “I’m good,” I lie, frantically trawling my brain for something I can use.

  We pull up in front of the building, just out of sight of the glass entrance doors, hidden from the camera scoping out the empty parking lot. “Take this,” Sawyer says, handing me a small black device. “Press that button when it’s safe to enter, and we’ll take it from there. When you feel it vibrating in your pocket, you have three minutes to distract him while we make our exit.”

  I’m mumbling under my breath as I climb out. Cam grabs hold of my arm at the last second, pulling me back. “Don’t pull any shit, Abigail. Remember the consequences.”

  I yank my arm out of his touch. “I don’t need you to constantly remind me. I got the message loud and clear, so just shut up about it.” I plant my hands on my hips. “I’ll play my part. Don’t take too long.”

  He gives me a terse nod and I slam the door shut, tossing my hair upside down and tugging my top down as low as it’ll go, ensuring the girls are on full display. Butterflies scatter in my chest as I plant a smile on my face and stroll toward the front door with my head held high, my back straight, and my tits pushed out.

  The guard on duty looks up as my heels tap off the marble-tiled floor. He looks to be in his mid-twenties with broad shoulders, a firm build, sandy-blond hair, and navy eyes which flicker with interest as he rakes his gaze over me.

  I swallow my disgust, keeping the smile fixed on my face as I lean over the counter, making sure he cops an eyeful of my cleavage. My eyes flit to the name badge pinned to the breast pocket of his uniform shirt. “Hey, Jed. Do you know who I am?” I flutter my eyelashes and drag my lower lip between my teeth.

  “Sure. Ms. Manning.” He clears his throat, reluctantly pulling his gaze away from my tits. “What can I do for you?”

  “I know it’s late,” I say, rounding the counter and perching my butt on the edge of the desk. I lean down into his face, ensuring he gets an up close and personal view. “I hope that’s not a problem,” I rasp in a husky tone, pushing my tits into his chest as I bring my mouth to his ear. “But I was passing, and it reminded me I need a favor.” His eyes are firmly glued to my cleavage, and I carefully reach down, slowly unclipping his security badge from the belt of his pants.

  “A favor?” he chokes out, his eyes radiating excitement.

  I hop up, rounding the counter again, slipping the card on the floor before leaning down to look at him. His disappointed face tilts up to meet mine, and I think this might be easier than expected. “I have this assignment for school,” I say, twirling a lock of my hair, “and I was hoping I could interview you about your role here at Manning Motors?”

  The disappointed look expands on his face, and I wonder what kind of favor he thought I was suggesting. “It will only take about twenty minutes of your time, and I’d be
ever so grateful.” I flash my cleavage at him again. “I’ll put in a good word with my father.”

  He perks up at that. “Sure. I’d be happy to help.”

  “You’re so sweet, Jed. And I really appreciate this.” I move to his side, slowly leaning down and kissing his cheek. “Could you escort me to one of the side rooms so I can grab some supplies?”

  “I can’t really leave the desk, Miss.”

  I toss my hair over my shoulder, placing my hand on his beefy arm. “We’ll be gone three minutes, tops.” I smile, glancing over my shoulder. “This place is like a graveyard. No one will know.” I squeeze his arm, deliberately licking my lips, and he bolts up out of his chair.

  “Follow me.” He shoots me a disarming smile, and he’s kinda hot for an older dude.

  I slip one hand into the pocket of my jeans, pressing the little button on the device Sawyer gave me as Jed escorts me into the closest meeting room.

  I waste as much time as possible, opening and closing cupboards, waving my butt in the air as I bend down, ensuring I’m giving Jed an ample show. After four minutes have passed, I figure the coast is clear, and I walk back out to the lobby with a pen, pad, and a bottle of water. Jed carries a chair, placing it close beside his, and I check the time on the large clock suspended from the ceiling in the lobby as I kick start my fake interview.

  Jed loves the sound of his own voice, and a few carefully chosen questions has him blabbering away about his role. I scribble notes as he talks, keeping an eye on the clock, ignoring the distaste in my mouth every time he leers at my tits. He’s growing braver, moving in closer, pressing his thigh against mine, and brushing his arm against the side of my chest accidentally on purpose, but I say nothing, sending him flirtatious looks while I silently urge the guys to hurry the fuck up.

  I’m running out of questions, and growing more anxious, as the minutes tick by, and I almost collapse in relief when the device vibrates in my pocket. “I’d like to go back to one of your earlier responses,” I say, pretending to flick back through my notes. “You’ve said the night shifts play havoc with your health and your sleep, and as part of my proposal, I’d like to suggest some measures the company can deploy to help combat symptoms.” I rise, standing behind him, placing my hands on his shoulders. “Close your eyes,” I prompt.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m giving you a shoulder massage to help loosen up your muscles. You need to tilt your head back and close your eyes. Let me relieve that tension spreading from your shoulders down your back.” I brush my fingers across his cheek, and he obeys with no further hesitation. “That’s right, Jed. Just like that. Now keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them.”

  Swallowing bile, I knead his brawny shoulders, digging my thumbs in deep as I rotate them in circular motions. Sawyer’s head creeps around the side of the corner, and I urge him to hurry with my eyes as Jed emits a loud moan that sours my stomach. The three guys tiptoe across the lobby in their bare feet, carrying their shoes in their hands, as I dig my fingers in deeper, trying to ignore the growing bulge in Jed’s pants as I continue massaging him. The guys have only just slipped out the door when Jed springs into action. Reaching around, he grabs me by the waist, yanks me onto his lap, and crashes his mouth down on mine.

  “Jed! What the hell!” I rip my mouth from his, trying to get up, but his arms wrap firmly around me, trapping me in place as he buries his head in my chest, nuzzling my tits with his nose. “Get the fuck away from me!” I snarl.

  “I know this was just a ruse,” he says, looking up at me through hooded eyes. “If you wanted to fuck me, baby, you only had to ask. I knew you were checking me out last month when you were here.”

  I’d had to drop some papers off for Father a few weeks ago, but I don’t even remember seeing Jed, let alone checking him out. This guy is so full of himself it’s not funny.

  He thrusts his obvious erection into my hips as he licks a line across my chest. I’m getting ready to shut this shitshow down when the front door swings open, and Cam charges across the lobby.

  Jed’s eyes widen in alarm, and he automatically loosens his hold on me. I scramble off his lap, and Cam pulls me protectively into his side. He glares at Jed, his eyes narrowing on the boner straining the front of his pants. “Did you put your hands on my woman?”

  “What? No!” Jed immediately backtracks, standing and raising his palms in a conciliatory gesture. “She was just interviewing me. That’s all.”

  “Baby.” Cam circles his arms around me, reeling me into his warm chest. “Did he touch you?”

  “Yes, but he’ll pay for it once I tell Daddy.”

  “You little bitch,” Jed barks. “You were coming on to me the whole time!”

  “I did no such thing,” I huff. “Why the fuck would I come on to you when I’ve got the hottest fiancé?” I’m sure Jed is aware I’m engaged, like most employees in my father’s company, but I doubt he knows who Trent is or what he looks like, because he doesn’t mix in those circles, so this seems like a good angle to take.

  I snake my arms behind Cam’s neck, eye-fucking him as I bite down on my lower lip, trusting he’ll play along. His eyes flare darkly, and his hands move lower, cupping my ass. Electricity crackles in the space between us, and I almost forget we’re pretending.

  “She’s mine,” Cam hisses, leveling a vicious look at Jed. “And no one touches what’s mine without paying the price.”

  “Oh, honey.” I pat his chest. “Forget it. It’s not worth it. He’ll be fired by morning.”

  “As if your little punk ass could take me anyway,” Jed sneers, poking the beast.

  “Are you a complete idiot?” I intone, shucking out of Cam’s hold and gesturing at him. “He’d crush you and you know it.”

  “I’m into MMA,” Jed says, wiggling his fingers at Cam. “Take your best shot, asshole.”

  Cam removes his jacket, offloading it to me. “It’d be my pleasure.”

  I step aside, knowing it’s pointless to intervene.

  The guys circle each other, and then Jed lunges at Cam with a clenched fist. Cam deflects the throw, spinning around and shoving his foot into Jed’s back, sending him crashing to the ground. Jed groans but pushes up on his elbows. Before he can get to his feet, Cam has him positioned flat on his back, straddling him as he pummels his face and upper torso with punch after punch.

  Into MMA or not, Jed is no match for all the pent-up aggression Cam’s unleashing.

  Blood flies. Bone cracks. Cries ring out.

  And that’s when I step in.

  “Enough,” I say, hovering over Cam. “Unless you want to be charged with murder.”

  He stops hitting Jed, resting back on his heels as he wipes his sweaty brow with the back of his hand, breathing heavily. I extend my hand, helping him up, and we walk out of there without speaking and without looking back.

  “What the actual fuck was that?” Sawyer roars the instant we slide into the back seat. Jackson is in the driver’s seat this time, and Sawyer has his laptop open, perched on his knees.

  “He put his hands on her without permission.”

  As if that’s anything new.

  “You put your hands on her without permission!” Sawyer yells. Tires screech as Jackson hightails it away from the building.

  “She likes my hands on her,” he replies with a conceited shrug, inspecting his cut knuckles.

  I snort. “You’re fucking unreal. In what realm did I enjoy you manhandling me?”

  “Don’t bullshit a bullshitter, sweetheart,” he drawls, his lips curving up at the corners. “We both know you get off on that shit.”

  I’m speechless for once in my life. Because I can’t believe the arrogance of this guy. And I also hate he’s right.

  “I don’t understand you, Cam.” Sawyer shakes his head. “This… This is not what we agreed to.” He claws a hand through his hair, and it’s the first time I’ve seen Sawyer rattled. “He saw your fucking face! He can identify

  “You’re getting your panties in a bunch for nothing. The cameras are still out, so they caught nothing. Chill the fuck out.” Cam slouches in the seat, crossing his ankles.

  Sawyer harrumphs. “You just beat the guy bloody, and you think he won’t tell someone?”

  “He won’t,” I cut in. “He’s too embarrassed to admit a high school kid got the better of him.”

  “You can’t know that for sure.”

  “I’m a good judge of character, but if it makes you feel better, I’ll phone my father when I get home. Explain I was interviewing one of his guards for a school assignment, he assaulted me, and my friend came to my rescue. I’ll tell him I paired with Chad on the assignment and it was him who was with me. He’ll can his ass on the spot because it’s not okay for commoners to touch an elite.”


  He’ll let his asshole best friend assault me, let Trent grope me, but if any normal man even dares lift a finger to me, God help them.

  Sawyer and Camden stare incredulously at me, and Jackson is grinning through the mirror.


  “Not just a pretty face,” Jackson murmurs as Sawyer drills a look into me, and if I didn’t know better, I’d think there was a hint of admiration in his gaze.

  “That’ll work,” Cam says. “Do it.”

  He looks out the window, and I flip him the bird. He could at least say thanks. The jackass. Jackson chuckles, noting my expression through the mirror, and I stick my tongue out at him as I lean my head back and close my eyes.

  A short while later, I feel Cam’s gaze burning a hole in the side of my head, so I open my eyes and face him. “If you’ve something to say, say it.”

  “What did you mean by commoner?”


  He continues staring at me, and I stare back, giving nothing away in my expression.

  Jackson chuckles again. “I like you,” he admits. “I like you a lot.”

  “I think your dick already confirmed that,” Sawyer mutters, furiously typing on his keypad.

  Cam sends daggers at Jackson’s back, but he doesn’t speak.

  It’s not the first hint of discourse in this group, and I’m intrigued to learn more. Sawyer has some beef with the guys, and Camden does not like Jackson flirting with me. And I haven’t forgotten Cam’s cryptic comment about an older brother earlier either. I tuck all these useful nuggets of information away and stare out the window, hiding the smug smile ghosting over my lips.


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