Their Wicked Wolf (Mytic Wolves, #6)

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Their Wicked Wolf (Mytic Wolves, #6) Page 5

by Boon, Elle

  She raised her right brow, wondering why they assumed she’d be moving in with them. Of course, it was what she wanted and planned...eventually. Her wolf rolled onto her back, all four legs in the air, damn hussy. Sky ignored her, focusing on the black material. “Thanks.” When her fingers touched his, a spark flew between them, making her jump. “Oh,” she exclaimed. “Did you feel that?”

  River nodded. “It’s happened each time we’ve touched you. Usually, it settles after a couple seconds of contact.”

  To make his point, he placed his other hand on top of hers, the zing of electricity arced again, then became a low hum before fading. Her eyes sought Raydon’s, seeing his nod as if he understood her unspoken question.

  “I slept through these jolts?” She couldn’t keep the marvel out of her tone. The little zaps were like being shocked by static electricity.

  “It would seem so. While you slept, you didn’t appear to be aware of anything that happened. Neither Rye or I left you alone, without one of us with you.”

  Why hearing she’d been watched over by the two gorgeous men didn’t make her run for the hills was something she’d examine later. After she had some sleep that wasn’t coma induced. “Thank you, the both of you. I really just want to sleep of my own volition. Wake when I want and feel refreshed after a few hours, not weeks.” She held the towel with one hand, the other held out for the black T-shirt.

  Raydon filled the doorway, both arms braced on the frame above his head. “We can give you space, hellmouth. Whatever it is you need, you have only to ask.”

  She pulled the black material to her chest, keeping from burying her nose in it by sheer will. Her wolf stood inside her head, making Sky aware she was drooping. “You’d think I’d be alert and ready to face the world or at least not quite so tired.” She covered her mouth, trying to stifle another yawn.

  “Get dressed and come on out when you’re finished,” River ordered.

  Sky tilted her head to the side. “Yes, sir. Anything else, sir?” she grinned.

  He pointed one big finger at her. “Keep sassing me and you’ll find out what else, hellmouth.”

  She pointed her finger at him, mimicking his stance. “Out, so I can get dressed. You don’t want me to fry you with my laser eyes, do you?”

  Raydon took two steps into the room. “There’s a lot we want you to do, but frying us, sure as shit ain’t one of them, love.” Before she could say a word, he covered her lips with his, giving her a quick hard kiss, then turned and left, hollering for River over his shoulder.

  “He’s bossy,” River said. He then tugged Sky toward him, sipping at her lips as if he had all the time in the world, before he too stepped back, looking at her with an intensity that she could feel like a living breathing thing.

  Her lips tingled from the dual kisses, choking her up. All she really knew about the twins were they called to her and her wolf. But she was different now. Would they still want her if they knew just how different she was? She went to the mirror, looking at herself, checking for changes. Her fingers traced her lips, the feel of the imaginary needle going in and out made her wince. She looked closer, checking for the holes, looking for scars. “Amazing,” she whispered. She pulled her top lip away from her teeth, pinching the flesh. Nothing. No sign of the damage she knew had been there. Goddess, how she wished it hadn’t been so. Yes, she’d been given the option of her memories wiped, but that wouldn’t have been right. She wanted to remember. Nothing in life was ever gained by forgetting. However, standing there staring at herself, yet not recognizing the person looking back, Sky wasn’t so sure she’d made the right decision.

  After she brushed her teeth with the toothbrush she found in the cabinet, new, next to theirs, she brushed her hair out, and pulled it into a top knot before pulling the T-shirt on. “Time to face the wolves,” she snorted at her words. As she stepped out of the bathroom, she was surprised to find both men no where in sight. Their scents still lingered, but they’d given her space. Oh, she knew they were within yelling distance, but clearly, they were intelligent enough to know she needed space. Why then did her heart ache at their absence. “Because I’m a silly girl,” she mumbled.

  The big bed looked too big for one, but Sky wouldn’t be that female who would flip flop on her declarations. She’d asked for time and space, and they gave it. One of them had pulled back the corner of the comforter, exposing the sheets beneath. With a deep sigh, she climbed up and snuggled beneath what could only be described as utter opulence. Seriously, they must’ve spent a fortune on the bedding.

  Sky closed her eyes, her mind settled with the comforting sounds of River and Raydon moving around in the rooms outside of the bedroom. She pictured them preparing for bed, their scents invading her senses, soothing all her ragged edges. A sigh escaped as her eyes drifted closed, absolute rightness making it easy for her to relax and let go.

  “It’s about time. I’ve been waiting on you forever.”

  Sky jolted at the familiar voice, spinning to face who’d spoken. Her hand went to her chest, covering her heart. “Who are you?”

  The female smiled, her blue eyes flickered black then blue again. “Why, I’m you of course. Or your twin, I should say.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t have a twin.” Her heart raced beneath her palm as the look alike moved toward her. They were standing in a space that Sky could only describe as a black void. Nothing looked familiar. There was no scent, no color, just them and then...nothing. “Where are we?”

  “We are in the void. It’s where I’ve been since birth. Only, I wasn’t born, you were. Now, though, I have a chance thanks to circumstances. We’re what’s called Chimera Twins.” The female moved closer, her aura a dark swirl around her.

  “No, I would’ve felt you. My mother would’ve said something if I’d been a twin.” Sky was sure of it, if for no other reason than to dig at Sky for being unworthy.

  The Chimera shook her head. “Mother was ashamed she couldn’t carry both of us. It was actually your fault, you know. You took too much and wouldn’t allow me to grow.”

  Sky wasn’t sure what was or wasn’t. Her mind tried to pull up her knowledge on Chimera twins, but a fog blocked her. Her wolf whined.

  “Ah and your wolf wouldn’t allow you to share either, but all that will change. Now that you have twin mates, you need me. You’re not a female who can handle two males such as the two who want you. How long do you think they’ll stay faithful to a little mouse such as yourself, hmm?” She circled Sky, her body moving sinuously. “You’re lack of—experience will turn them off, while I’ve had more than enough in the other realms, to entice and keep them both satisfied. You won’t have to worry they’ll leave and find another. Together, we can keep our mates satisfied.”

  A shard of jealousy stabbed her. They were not their mates, but her mates. “I don’t know who or what you are, but you’re not my twin, Chimera or not. Raydon and River are mine, and I’ll have no problem keeping them happy.”

  The female was closer than Sky had realized, her long nails looking like daggers, raised. “Ah, you poor naïve soul. You think you have a choice.” One long nail raked across Sky’s cheek. The sharp pain making her cry out. “I will continue to get stronger until I will be the only one in this body.” The fingernail raked along her neck, stopping above Sky’s hand where it rested above her heart. “Your heart that beats will be my heart. You’ve had this body for the last twenty-five years. It’s my turn. If you don’t want to share, then I’ll take over completely. Your men won’t even notice when you’re gone, and it’s me they’re fucking. Hell, they’ll probably enjoy it more since I don’t think missionary is the only way, poppet.”

  The thought of the other female seducing her men had her seeing red. “Over my dead body, bitch.”

  The Chimera laughed, sounding nothing like Sky, yet she looked like Sky. It was freaking her out.

  “Oh, sweet little, Sky, don’t you get it? You won’t have a choice in the matter.” A s
harp pain stabbed Sky and then she was alone in the darkness.

  She gasped, fighting to wake up, her hand going to her chest. Shivers wracked her while she tried to get air in her lungs. The sound of feet slapping hardwood heralded the arrival of first River then Raydon, both men hurrying into the room, their eyes scanning every corner as if they thought there was a threat. Little did they know the threat was inside of her.

  “Are you okay? Why’d you scream?” River fired the questions out one after the other.

  Sky pulled herself into a sitting position, taking the comforter with her until her back hit the headboard. “I...I had a nightmare.” What could she tell them, that she’d dreamt she had a twin and that twin was batshitcrazy? Nope, not today.

  Raydon nodded, sitting down next to her hip. His hand brushed the hair off her forehead that had escaped from her messy bun. “You think you can go back to sleep, or you want to come into the kitchen for some breakfast?”

  By the way the glimmer of light came in the window, she estimated the time to be around five in the morning. Much earlier than she normally would get up, but not like it was the ass-crack of dawn. “Let me go to the bathroom and then I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

  River leaned down, kissing her forehead. “You sleep with one or both of us, and we’ll chase away all your nightmares.”

  “Oh really? How you gonna do that?” she asked with a laugh.

  With his face an inch from hers, she could smell the minty hint of his toothpaste. “Because we’d leave you so exhausted you wouldn’t have the strength to dream, let alone have a nightmare.”

  His words conjured up all kinds of images, but in the end, she was too keyed up from what had been in her dreams. Now that she was awake, she didn’t think it was actually real, more like a nightmare. Her mind making up things that somehow twisted reality in dreams. If she only knew how to interpret them. Maybe she’d buy one of those dream interpretation books and find out what it meant to see yourself as a twin in your dreams. Surely, she wasn’t the only person to have ever dreamt such dreams. Undoubtedly, others had to have felt as if there truly was another being living inside of them. A different person altogether, one who was her, but not?

  Chapter Four

  River didn’t know what had put that look of fear in Sky’s eyes, but whatever, or whoever, would pay dearly when he and Raydon found them. They’d begun to wonder if there was a female out there for them when they’d gotten a whiff of the elusive young female’s scent. From that point on, he’d known she was it. It had taken very little suggestion to get Raydon to agree. Now, it seemed he and Raydon were both on the same page. Protect, honor, and love one wicked little wolf. The long wait for her to wake and recover had nearly driven them both crazy, only the reassurance she was getting better from Emerson and Peyton kept them steady.

  He stared into her lavender eyes, wondering what they saw, how they’d looked before, then wanted to kick himself. It didn’t matter what color her eyes were; purple, blue, or polka dot. She was their female. Theirs for the rest of their lives and beyond. No other had been created for them. “Sky, you can tell us anything and know there will be no judging, no doubting, nothing but what you should’ve always had from those who were supposed to love and cherish you. I know you didn’t have that growing up, but from this point on, you’ll never have to doubt either of our words.”

  Her mouth opened, but before she could pull her lip between her teeth, he was there, taking that little bit of flesh into his own mouth, licking, nibbling, and sucking before releasing. “If anyone is going to be biting you, it’s going to be me or my brother,” he growled, wanting to do more than just bite her lip. Fuck, her scent spiked, the sweet smell of female arousal soaking into his senses.

  “You both turn me inside out without even trying. I don’t...I’m’s just that. I want to know you better. Does that make sense?”

  He wanted to howl and say they already knew each other. Her wolf knew theirs. It was instinctual. The rest would work itself out in time, but patience would win them her heart. Oh, there was no doubt she felt something for them, but he didn’t want her to accept them because of their animals. They wanted the woman as well. Fuck, his hand was going to be getting a work out. He met Raydon’s gaze, understanding flowing between them without words.

  “Hellmouth, you can have anything you need, except other males.” Raydon’s tone was hard, uncompromising. Neither of them could give her that. Hell, no shifter could stand by and allow their mate to be with another without a killing rage taking over.

  Sky rolled her eyes, her hands going to hips too narrow for his liking. “First of all, boys, if I had wanted other males, I sure as shit wouldn’t have been tracking you both.” She stopped, her right hand flying to her mouth as red tinted her cheeks. “I so did not just say that out loud. Pretend you didn’t hear that.”

  Raydon moved in next to Sky, his hand moving hers off her mouth. “Oh no, there’s no takebacks. How about you expand on that little announcement?”

  Sky shook her head back and forth, her lips rolling into her mouth in a comical way, those purple eyes of hers glittering with laughter.

  “Even if you don’t say anything else, we both now have hope. Do you know what hope does for a wolf, baby?” River asked, tracing her cheek down her jaw not waiting for her to answer. “Hope makes us even more possessive, makes us want to stamp our presence all over you so there’s not a question of who you belong to.”

  Her brow rose. “That goes both, or should I say three ways.” Her little wolf-like growl was music to both he and his brother’s ears.

  “As it should. Since we caught your scent running all those months ago, you’re the only female we’ve wanted.” Raydon’s finger traced her cheek like he’d done, only he lifted her chin, bringing her face toward him. “We can give you time, but space isn’t an option. Where you go, one of us will be with you. Is that going to be a problem?”

  Her chest rose and fell. Seconds ticked by while she thought. River was sure she was going to balk, but then she nodded. “I agree, but you can’t try to be my dad. I don’t want or need a daddy.”

  Raydon grinned. The look so damn wicked he wondered if Sky even realized what she’d done. “Hellmouth, I have never had any intention to play daddy to your little girl. Now, if you want to do some role playing, I’m game for anything.” He spread his arms wide, his smile letting her know he wasn’t joking.

  Sky’s head looked at Raydon then him. No way in hell was he saying a damn word. Not with the way his cock was hard as a pole in his jeans. The image of the three of them rolling around on their custom bed, playing out each and every fantasy they’d ever had, was enough to make him ready to come in his jeans like a prepubescent teen.

  “What’s the plan for today?” he asked, trying to get his mind on something else while adjusting his dick when her eyes went down then back up. “Try to ignore him. You mentioned role playing and images of you naked had Mr. B ready to roll.”

  “Mr. B?” she asked.

  River shrugged. “I didn’t want to name him Mr. Big and have people thinking I had an overinflated ego to go with my overinflated dick. So, Mr. B it was.”

  Raydon snorted. “Seriously, how the hell did you block that from me?”

  “Easy, you didn’t block yours, which was a stupid name, so giving you shit over it kept you distracted.” River pulled Sky in front of him, waiting for the inevitable question to come. Their little mate didn’t disappoint.

  “What’s his name?” She pointed toward Raydon’s dick, the visible bulge as clear as River’s.

  His brother growled, but there was no heat behind the sound. “Vlad,” he grunted.

  Silence fell between them. River didn’t so much as breathe, waiting to see what Sky did or said before he put his two cents in.

  She didn’t disappoint, her laughter rang through the room, filling every empty space. “Oh my gawd. Like the Impaler? I love it.” She launched herself into his arms.

p; Raydon’s eyes widened, then he was lifting Sky into his arms, pulling her legs around his waist, taking advantage of her position in only a way a crafty male could. River grinned, shaking his head. “Seriously, you get jumped on for that, while my name got scoffed at? Harsh, man.” He ran his hand down Sky’s back, making sure she knew he was playing while he left her and Raydon alone. He’d known since they were kids they’d share a mate, or at least suspected. They’d shared everything since conception. Sure, they didn’t always share a female, but when they didn’t, he’d felt as if something was missing. That something had not only been the wrong female, but also the twin connection. Being able to take care of a female completely with the love and trust of another, that was connected to you on a visceral level, made things deeper, in his opinion.

  “My turn,” River muttered, his hands moved over Sky, taking her from Raydon like they’d done it a thousand times. Raydon didn’t protest, knowing he’d get his time as well.

  Raydon smoothed his hand over Sky’s ass before he walked out of the room, his mind staying connected to the two people who meant more to him than any other.

  River kissed Sky, aware his twin was watching. Hell, he kissed her for the both of them. If Raydon wanted to feel what he was, all he had to do was connect with him, and he’d be there. However, as he walked with their little female wrapped around him, he didn’t feel his brother tapping into their link. Sky’s moan brought his attention back to her. With each step he took, his dick jerked, demanding to be let out. River hated to deny the appendage anything, but he wouldn’t be getting any attention anytime soon. They wanted to ease Sky into their relationship even though most wolves didn’t, letting their instincts guide them. With all the things she’d been through, he and Raydon wanted to make sure she was one hundred percent onboard. From the way she kissed him back and ground her sweet little body against him, there wasn’t a single doubt her body was ready. Pulling back took a lot more control than he’d had to exert in a long time, especially when she whimpered and chased his lips with her own. “Easy, we have all the time in the world to explore each other. For now, let’s feed another appetite.”


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