Complicated Risk

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Complicated Risk Page 7

by M. J. Perry

  “How did I end up here?” I asked as I motioned between us.

  “You were almost falling from your seat, so I made you more comfortable,” He said in a sleep-roughened voice.

  “Oh, thanks,” I whispered.

  Matt knocked on the window. “The safe house is clear.”

  “Good,” Maverick said as he pulled his arm from around me.

  I sat up and undid my seatbelt.

  Matt opened my door and gave me an amused look. “I’ll walk you to the house,” he said.

  He lifted his arm, and I linked mine with it. Looking behind me, I saw that Lee and Maverick weren’t following us, but were having a chat by the car.

  “Did Ted follow us?” I asked worriedly.

  “He didn’t have time. Our people tracked him to a car a few roads from the bank. He was alone.”

  “Why do you think he turned up there?”

  “To see if he could spook you or he might have wanted to see how much protection you have.”

  We walked into the living room, and I plonked my bum on the sofa. Matt took the chair across from me.

  “How long do you think it will take him to track me down?” I asked.

  “It won’t take him too long with the contacts he has, but my guess is he hasn’t shared what he’s up to with Sid, so he’ll try to find you on the quiet first.”

  “I don’t know how I feel about him finding me. I feel like I’m being hunted.”

  “You are, Ivy, and I don’t know what Ted’s end game is. We don’t know what he wants from you.”

  “I’d take a guess and say he wants to hurt me.”

  “He seems to be obsessed with you. From what our inside guy has found out, your name can turn Ted into a mad man at the drop of a hat. He’s crazy over you.”

  “That doesn’t make me feel better at all.”

  “Sorry,” he grimaced. “I don’t want to lie to you.”

  “I won’t let him take me. I’ll kill myself before that happens,” I swore.

  “It will never come to that.”

  I bit my lip. “I feel so many things right now,” I admitted. “I just don’t know which one to focus on.”

  “I can understand that, honey, but you need to relax. There’s no point working yourself up when there’s nothing you can do. We won’t let Ted hurt you.”

  “You mean I should live one day at a time?”

  “Yes, that’s all you can do.”

  “You make it sound so easy. I just want this to be over, I feel like my life has just been full of pain for so long, I need a break,” I sniffed. “I’m sorry. I’m feeling sorry for myself.”

  “It’s quite normal,” Maverick said as he walked into the room. He perched on the arm next to me, and I stared up at him. He was such a sexy man. Everything about him called to me. Could you believe it? I was falling for a man that wasn’t for me. Again. Just my luck.

  “I’m not usually like this. Well, before Ted I wasn’t like this.”

  “It’s a minor blip in your life. Once the situation is sorted, you can move on. Find a nice man to settle down with and have lots of cute babies.” Matt said, and he winked.

  “I don’t know if I want that anymore. That dream seems so long ago. I think I just want some time to myself. Maybe I’ll travel the world. I’m thinking somewhere really far away from everything I know.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Doesn’t it, Mav?”

  “You shouldn’t rush into decisions when you’re under pressure,” Maverick said as he caught my gaze.

  “Sometimes the best decisions are the ones you make when you do it without thinking too much,” I replied.

  He blinked and then gave me a slow smile. My breath caught in my throat. “I think you’re right, Ivy.”

  I tore my eyes from his lips. “Do you want coffee?” I asked because the look on Maverick’s face was making me flustered.

  “Sure,” Maverick said. I turned to ask Matt and found he’d gone. I frowned. He and Lee made a habit of disappearing.

  “I’ll help you make it,” Maverick offered, and I shook my head.

  “I can do it, but thanks,” I almost squeaked. He was close now, when had he moved?

  “If you’re sure,” he grinned.

  He knew what he was doing to me, and he was just as affected. His hand reached over to cup my cheek. “You are so beautiful.”

  “Thanks,” I whispered.

  “I wish things were different,” He said in a tormented whisper before dropping his hand.

  “Sometimes things just aren’t meant to be,” I said quietly before getting up and walking from the room. I didn’t look back because I was afraid of what I would see.

  Matt had beaten me to it. When I walked into the kitchen, he held out a cup for me. “I thought you might need it.”

  “Thanks,” I said gratefully. I took a sip and winced. “Jeez, what did you put in it?”

  “Whiskey. I thought it would help your nerves.”

  I shook my head as he started laughing at my face. “I can’t taste the coffee. And now my throat is on fire.” I coughed for good measure.

  “Oops, sorry, I think I gave you mine,” He said through his laughter.

  He took my cup and passed me another one from the side. I took a small sip and managed not to cringe. “That’s better.”

  “Good,” He took a sip of his own. “I can hardly taste it. I don’t know what your problem is.”

  I wrinkled my nose, “Matt, it tastes like you have half the bottle in there.”

  “Nah just half a cup.”

  My eyes bugged out, “If I drank that I’d be plastered.”

  “I’d like to see that,” Lee chimed in as he walked in the door.

  “No, you wouldn’t.”

  “It would definitely give us some entertainment.”

  “Talking of entertainment, what do you guys do when you’re hiding out in a safe house?”

  “We wrestle naked. Want to join in?” Lee asked. “We’ll be gentle.”

  They chuckled at my expression. For a split second, I’d honestly thought he was serious and let me tell you, the vision in my head was a delight.

  Taking pity on me, Matt smacked Lee around the head. “We play cards.”

  I giggled. “Can you teach me?”

  “Do you know strip poker?” Lee asked as he looked over my head at something. I was about to tell him there was no chance of me ever playing that, but I didn’t get a chance. Maverick appeared and grabbed him by the shoulder, almost dragging him out the door. I stared after them in shock.

  “What was that about?” I asked Matt.

  He shrugged. “Lee has it coming.”

  “Has what coming?” I asked in confusion.

  He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter, Ivy.”

  I could hear loud voices, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. I thought about going to see what was going on, but I figured it was none of my business. When Matt pushed some cards towards me, I picked them up, putting Maverick and Lee from my mind. I concentrated on learning the rules as Matt explained them to me and let myself be distracted. When the boys finally came back into the kitchen looking unharmed, I was getting the hang of the game. I felt relaxed, and for the first time in such a long time, I felt happy. Maverick sat down next to me, his thigh close enough I could feel his body heat. He gave me a small smile and then spoke to Matt, “I got a text from Ian while we were having our discussion.”

  Lee snorted. “Is that what we’re calling it?”

  “You’re lucky it was just a discussion,” Matt said as he gave him a hard stare.

  Lee looked at the ceiling with a sigh. “I was just trying to help.”

  “We’ll agree to disagree there.” Maverick retorted. “The text said Ted is making his move.”

  “Is he coming here?” I asked in a squeak.

  Maverick covered my hand with his. “Yes, but we’re ready for him.”

  I nodded, trying to swallow down my panic.

bsp; “He has three men with him so far,” Lee, informed us.

  Matt frowned, “Just three?”

  “His boss is in the dark about his little mission, so he’s being selective with who he hires. Our inside man has supplied the names, so we’re aware of their, shall we say, capabilities.”

  “And this is good?” I asked uncertainly.

  “Yes. It means he wants to do this quietly. We won’t allow that, we need his boss to get wind of his little operation. To make Sid cut ties with Ted, we need to make it as messy as possible.”

  I frowned. “How?”

  “With firepower and police.”


  “Ivy, you don’t need to know the details, just know that you’ll be safe,” Maverick said.

  “Okay, thank you,” I faked a yawn. “I’m feeling quite tired, I think I’ll turn in.”

  Lee raised his eyebrows. “It’s only six o clock. You haven’t had anything to eat yet.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “Okay, go and rest, Ivy, if that’s what you want. We’ll save you a plate.” Maverick said gently.

  “I appreciate it,” I said.

  Baiting Ted didn’t seem real until now. Having confirmation that he was on his way was frightening, and I didn’t know how to process it. I stood up aware of the concern on their faces. Maverick caught my eye, and his lips tipped up in a smile. The softness in his eyes had my own prickling with tears. I looked away and hurried out of the room. I could hear the boys talking softly, but I didn’t try to make out their words. Once I cleared the hall and entered my room, I quickly closed the door behind me and burst into tears. Climbing into bed, I tugged the duvet over my head and let the tears pour down my cheeks. I was scared, terrified of seeing Ted again. I was worried he would hurt one of the guys just like he’d hurt that poor woman. How could anyone be so cold as to take a life without a thought? He was evil, pure evil, and he wanted me. Nothing had ever scared me as much as knowing that.

  Chapter Nine


  I watched Ivy retreat hating that she was suffering. If I followed her and held her through her tears, gave her the comfort I was longing to give her, I was afraid that something else would happen between us. I couldn’t allow that. Holding her in my arms in the car had been heaven. My body had been taut with desire, which was something I hadn’t felt in a very long time. I’d relished it because she’d made me feel like a man again. I’d lied when I’d said she’d looked uncomfortable, it’d been an excuse to have my arms around her and her soft weight against me.

  “Do we have everything in place?” I asked Lee and Matt.

  “Yes. There’s no way anyone will get through our defences.”

  “You know he’ll try his hardest. He’s unused to being defied,” I reminded Matt.

  “Maverick, we won’t let him get her,” Lee said.

  I sighed. “I know, I’m just worried. She’s already been through so much.”

  “And once this is over she can go back to having a normal, safe life,” Lee said, and he looked grim. “That is unless you man up and sort your life out.”

  I took a step towards him. “You keep digging at me, but you have no idea what the hell I went through.”

  “You’re right I don’t, but it’s about time you dealt with it rather than running towards any trouble you see.” Lee snapped. He took a step towards me until we were almost touching.

  “It isn’t that easy,” I growled.

  “I’m not saying it is, but you haven’t even tried. Now Ivy has come into our lives, and you’re leading her on. She needs support and comfort, not more heartache from an arsehole too lost in the past.”

  I shoved him back. His words hit too close to home. “I’m not leading her on.”

  “Who the fuck are you trying to kid? Every time she’s close to you, you’re touching her somehow. We saw you pull her into your arms in the car.”

  “She looked uncomfortable.”

  “Don’t lie.” Lee accused. “At least admit that you feel something for her.”

  I stepped forward again, and Matt stepped between us with his hands raised. “You two need to stop. This is hardly the time for a pissing contest.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “A pissing contest? You like Ivy?” I asked Lee as he glared at me.

  “So what if I do. I’d treat her much fucking better than you would.”

  “She isn’t for you,” I snarled furiously.

  He shook his head. “You have no claim on her.”

  “I claimed her the moment she walked into the office,” I shouted.

  “And I’m glad you can finally admit it,” Lee said, and he was grinning. What the fuck.

  “I think you’ve made your point, Lee,” Matt said as he stepped away from us, and walked to the door. “Let’s go do our jobs.”

  I frowned as Lee followed after him still grinning.

  I’d just been had, and I didn’t like it.

  I didn’t want to think about my feelings for Ivy. They were a betrayal of Gwen.

  I’d loved Gwen, she’d been the love of my life, and she still was, even if she wasn’t here. How could I move on and leave her behind? She didn’t ask to be murdered. If she were still alive, then no doubt we’d have children. We’d probably have a house in the country with pigs because she’d loved those creatures.

  How could I replace that dream with a new one?

  But Ivy was special. I wanted her with every piece of my soul.

  My protective instincts rose every time she bit her lip when someone mentioned Ted. He’d abused her, I knew he’d hit her, but I could see there was more he’d put her through that she didn’t talk about. When I’d seen him outside the bank, I’d been ready to go and beat the ever-loving shit out of him. The guys had reminded me it wouldn’t help our case, so I’d let them talk me down. I regretted that. He deserved a slow and agonizing death, and I really wanted to be the person to do it.

  Ivy caused me to feel so many emotions, the strongest of which was love and that was incredibly fucked up. When I’d met Gwen, I’d found her attractive, we’d dated, and our love had grown over time. My feelings for Ivy were like a smack in the face. I’d felt an instant attraction to her. I wanted to be close to her all the time, to have her next to me, and to see her smile. That’s why I was fighting her, fighting us.

  To move on with Ivy, I had to let go of Gwen, and my guilt was ripping me in half. I couldn’t do it. No matter what Lee said, I couldn’t move on. I wasn’t ready.

  Chapter Ten


  I must have cried myself to sleep because there was daylight shining through the cracks in the curtains, and I could hear the birds chirping. I looked around at the plain, almost empty bedroom I was occupying and sighed. I missed home, or what had felt like home anyway. I’d moved in with Ted, given up a nice one bedroom flat to live with him. I’d just realised that I had nowhere to live now. Another problem, but one I’d sort out once I needed to. If I could get my accounts reopened, I could stay at a cheap hotel for a couple of weeks. My savings would stretch to that at least, but then I wouldn’t have a deposit for a house. I shook my head. I was borrowing trouble by worrying too soon.

  I could hear movement downstairs. I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the en-suite. I looked a mess. My eyes were red, and my cheeks flushed. I splashed cold water on my face, cleaned my teeth, and then I headed back to my room to pull on some fresh clothes. As I walked down the stairs, I could hear the guys talking. When I entered the kitchen, the sight that greeted me stole my breath. Matt, Lee, and Maverick were standing by the island drinking coffee. All three of them were wearing black shorts and white t-shirts. I’d seen men in workout wear before, but oh my gosh, I’d never seen such an attractive sight as this one. I didn’t know how I was still standing. In a historical novel, I would have swooned. Their t-shirts clung to their sweaty bodies, defining every muscle they owned. Holy crap. I didn’t know where to look. My cheeks heated as I peeked at Mav
erick. He was grinning, and I blushed harder. He knew what he was doing to me. The hot, sweaty, look on him was gorgeous. His arms flexed as he placed his cup down and crossed them across his chest. Phew. I shivered at the thought of those arms around me again, crushing me as he kissed me senseless.

  “Morning,” I said shyly.

  “Morning,” Maverick replied.

  I couldn’t tear my eyes from him. It felt like he and I were the only people in the world. It was the craziest thing.

  Lee cleared his throat, and I jerked, dropping my eyes to the floor with embarrassment. “Hi Ivy,” he said.

  “Hi,” I choked out. What was wrong with me?

  Matt chuckled as his arm came into my view, and I saw the cup he was offering me.

  “Thanks,” I said as I took it from him grateful to have something to do. I felt like a schoolgirl surrounded by the hottest boys in school.

  “Did you sleep well?” Matt asked me.

  “I guess so,” I said hoping they wouldn’t notice my red eyes.

  “Do you want to ask anything about what you learned last night? We didn’t mean to upset you, honey.” Maverick said.

  I melted at the endearment. “I’m sorry I rushed out like I did. It was just too much to process.”

  “We’ve baited him knowing we can control the situation. You’re safe with us.” Lee added.

  “I have never doubted that.”

  “Good. Now, I’m heading for a shower,” Lee said as he walked past me towards the door. “I’ll let Maverick fill you in on what you’ve missed.”

  I raised my eyes to Maverick. “What did I miss?”

  He grinned. “We have Ted’s second in command in custody.”

  “Ted has a second in command?” That was news to me.

  “He did have, but unfortunately for Ted, he’s out of commission.”

  “How did that happen?”

  “He tried breaking in here last night.” Matt grimaced.

  “What?” I screeched. “Damn,” I cursed as my coffee spilt down my fingers.

  Maverick grabbed a cloth from the side and helped me clean up.

  “He didn’t get anywhere close. I suspect he was used as a test against our defences.”


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