Blood Alliance

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Blood Alliance Page 7

by Connie Suttle

  "Yes, for whatever good it does us. I fear we have passed the time of interference in all this."

  "Yeah. Something to consider."

  "M'hala, now you know what I have known for several months. We face larger difficulties, just as you say. Perhaps a few vampires on Earth will not be such a problem compared to that. After all, they have been there for several centuries, without an outcry. Perhaps they live in fear that they will be taken away, like the others were."

  "Then we'll hope for that, huh?"

  "Yes. Most certainly we will hope for that."

  "Thank you for telling me."

  "I have also informed Hanlekidus."

  "Well, Hank should be the one to hear it first, I suppose."

  "Since it was my initial mistake, under Quislus' hand," Kifirin dipped his chin in agreement.

  "What an almighty asshole Quislus was, too. You know, sometimes I'd like to have your trick of blowing smoke—it's quite handy for expressing your feelings."

  "I'm sure you could employ power to achieve it, although I have no idea how it would be received outside my presence."

  "So, you're saying it's not a good idea?"

  "I would suggest that it is not."

  "Will you be available if I need you on this assignment?"

  "I will always be available for you. You need only call for me. I will warn you to tread carefully in another's shoes."

  "Good to know."

  "Are you not curious as to why I give you this advice?"

  "Well, I suppose, now that you mention it."

  "A world will fall in love with real justice, if they see it in front of them. You are a justice that cannot be coerced or bribed, my love. I cannot say the same about many politicians or world leaders."

  "Tell that to my detractors," I grumped.

  "They are detractors because they cannot have their way in everything," Kifirin pointed out. "In most cases, it is because they wish to further themselves in less than legal ways."

  "Don't get me started," I fumed, thinking this would be an excellent time to blow smoke.

  "I can't wait to see what your sister does in your place," Kifirin struggled to hide a smile.

  "Well, Bree straightened out a few folks last time. Maybe she'll do it again. I don't regret anything that she did on my behalf, including doing away with a few criminals."

  "She also brought you back to us, by Changing What Was."

  "Yeah. I remember that, too."

  "I only bring this up because your mission is dangerous, m'hala. Never forget that. You have a habit of ah, throwing yourself in front of a speeding train."

  "Have you been watching Old Earth movies? I'm so proud of you," I patted his arm.

  "Tying helpless females to train tracks was apparently a desirable distraction, but mostly to motion picture writers and directors."

  "Yeah, I'm not sure it's an effective way of knocking anybody off. So many of them were saved by the good guy."

  "In motion pictures, I believe they were all saved." Kifirin wanted to laugh, I could tell.

  "We have news," Connegar and Reemagar appeared simultaneously inside my suite. "Prime Minister Fallah has been assassinated on Corez."

  Chapter 5


  "Who is taking her place?" I strode into my office as if I were running a marathon.

  "Her First Advisor, Haris," Bree was back, giving me necessary information. "It will require a switch between you and Rigo—he has a female assistant with him most of the time."

  "Her name?"

  "Jezra. The laws state that if the Prime Minister dies in the last third of their term, then the First Advisor rules until the next scheduled election."

  "Do we know who killed her?" I asked.

  "Not yet. I suspect that things were sliding out of control, because Fallah had begun making decisions that went against her previous policies. Haris isn't obsessed yet, but that could only be a matter of time."

  "Was he involved in the murder in any way?"

  "I doubt it, he was on vacation—on Murazal. He's currently on a ship back to Corez."

  "Have we sent someone to ensure that he arrives safely?"

  "He now has three guards he didn't have before," Bree acknowledged. "Hank may be one of them."

  "Then I pity anybody who tries to pick a fight," I sighed. "Damn. Can somebody send for my bunch? They all need to know about this change of plans."



  "Slight change of plans," Ashe said as he took the poolside lounge next to mine. "Fallah of Corez was assassinated earlier, which puts her First Advisor, Haris, in charge. Lissa is taking his assistant's place, and Rigo will be First Advisor."

  "I'm sorry to hear that; she was a decent person."

  "I believe that's why she became inconvenient to those who obsessed her—she began doing things so differently that the change was remarked upon by many."

  "No doubt," I whispered, shaking my head and holding my sudden anger back.

  "Zaria, this may be a good thing," Ashe said soothingly. "If they attempt to place obsession, or assassinate either Rigo or Lissa, they won't expect either to fight back or be immune to their efforts."

  "First, we have to make sure that the assassination was performed by the enemy, don't you think?"

  "Well, that's true," he agreed. "I'll pass that along to Lissa and Breanne."

  "This means Lissa has a second mystery to solve while she's there. At least it will be easier for her to navigate the State House and surrounding city, as a lesser employee."

  "I'll make sure she's aware of everything we've discussed."

  "Tell her she can contact me anytime if she wants. I'm sure her dreams are just as bad as mine."

  "Val can place a healing sleep," Ashe reminded me.

  "I'll consider it. Right now, I'm considering Scotch and a waterfall."

  "So you've found our little oasis, huh?"

  "It's nice, and the splash of falling water drowns out most of my concerns."

  "The plumeria are blooming," he grinned at me before rising and walking away. I only noticed he was barefoot and wearing cargo pants as he retreated.

  "Want company?" Bleek, Edden, Ilya and Tamp appeared as if called. Halimel misted in seconds later.

  "Sure. Let's hit the waterfall. If I don't, I'll be haring off to Corez to figure out who killed Fallah."


  "Ah, Zaria's asleep, now. Energy sex has that effect," Ren informed me. He and I sat in my library; I had a glass of bourbon in front of me, which I'd filled almost to the brim.

  We'd received information from Nefrigar, who'd heard it from Zaria. It troubled me.

  "A world spirit actually called the Prophet the god who always comes at the end?"

  "Yes. And the Wise Ones also have this information. They are quite tight-lipped about it, too."

  "Are they hesitant to speculate, or merely refusing to say what they know?"

  "Perhaps both. Their caution is legendary. Even my own son and grandson, Graegar and Garegar, refuse to tell me anything."

  "Important stuff, then."

  "I'd say so."

  "If there's a god who always comes at the end, it makes sense that he'd have helpers along the way," I said.


  "Yet we're still not sure that D'slay and the Prophet are truly connected or deliberately working in tandem."

  "Also true. As they are Sirenali, or have Sirenali connections, it is impossible to say unless we find solid evidence of collusion."

  "Now there's a word," I shook my head at the complexity of the situation. "One that could fit perfectly, but evidence must still be found."

  "Then let us hope we find it, one way or another, during these missions so many are undertaking. Only a Sirenali can place an obsession, therefore, we must find one and attempt to retrace their steps. Doing so can lead us to the real puppet master, if the Sirenali him-or-herself is not fully responsible."

  "We also know the Prophet h
as rogue gods at his command, provided by his higher ranked, rogue-god father."

  "And we have no idea of their ranking or strength, because they are also hidden by Sirenali."

  "I'm beginning to think that all those other times, the God Wars may have been won, but the victors fell to cunning and deceit left behind by those they defeated. Otherwise, why would a world spirit say the god who always comes at the end?"

  "A wise question. I have not the answer."

  "Then I hope we find an answer soon. I'm getting worried. Lissa says that Valegar from the future came to take Zaria away for a little while. Now she won't speak of what she saw."

  "I know this, as does my father, my uncle, and the Wise Ones, of course."

  "So, no information from Graegar or Garegar, or from Hiragar, Tenigar or Meligar?" I named all five Wise Ones.

  "Lips so tight nothing will get past them," Ren shook his head. It was a very human gesture; he often employed human gestures, if they fit his need. Most Larentii never bothered.

  "Then they have a reason not to tell us, I suppose."

  "They have not steered us wrongly as yet."

  "And I don't expect that to change."

  Queen's Palace, Le-Ath Veronis


  "Where did you get this information?" Rigo asked. I'd just told him that the ones who'd laid the actual obsession on Fallah may not have been involved in her death.

  He, Drake, Drew, Winkler and Gavin had joined me for a private dinner in the arboretum, to discuss the mission.

  "Zaria told Ashe. When he relayed her response, I recognized and agreed with her logic."

  "The logic that there is no need to destroy a good servant?" Gavin asked.

  "On the nose," I tapped mine to indicate his accuracy. "This means we may be searching for another killer, and it also means that another obsession could be laid, likely on the First Advisor. Right now, he's under guard as he's traveling back from Murazal, so we need to be there when he hits the ground."

  "You're saying we must move our departure up considerably," Rigo said, the vampire non-expression firmly in place.

  "Yep. Haris is scheduled to arrive tomorrow morning, our time. Hank will remove him from the ship just before it arrives, and Rigo will walk off it as Haris, First Advisor of Corez. As for the rest of us, we'll be waiting for him at the State House in Varalon. Ashe and Kay will have removed both Second Advisors and Haris' assistant, Jezra. Rigo, you'll be expected to make a speech regarding Fallah's death, coordinate the search for her killer, arrange a funeral and command proper days of mourning. Ildevar will make a very rare appearance at her funeral, just so you know."

  "I will prepare something, tiessa."

  "I know you will. All of you have appropriate attire, now, thanks to my Larentii and the Saa Thalarr. You'll find it ready for packing in your suites."

  "This is a hell of a thing, isn't it?" Winkler's frown told me how disturbing he found all this.

  "That's for damn sure."

  Larentii Homeworld


  "All the connections are traced and verified," Hiragar set the clear memory stone on the marble table. Few ever saw where the Wise Ones met, under a roofless sky in the wilds of our homeworld.

  Records of all our doings were transferred to Nefrigar in the Archives, once they were detailed and classified as finished. The section in the Archives was hidden, and only accessible by Nefrigar and by us. No other could visit unless we gave permission.

  We had given no others permission.

  "In all our long history, we have never done such," Meligar said softly. "I hope you understand how this has affected me."

  "Be strong, brother. We must see this through."

  "I know."

  Hank Bell

  If Fes and Farzi hadn't come with me, I may have lost my patience with this one.

  "Where are we? I demand to see your superior," Doy Haris attempted to remove his arm from my grip. Rigo was already aboard the ship, which was docking at Corez's space station.

  "All will be explained in time," Fes reassured the First Advisor. "This is to save your life, you understand. I doubt you wish to follow your own superior?"

  "You are at my home, at SouthStar, upon Avendor," Ashe appeared from nothing, forcing Haris to move his jaw while no words escaped. "Fes is correct; had you stepped off that luxury star cruiser, things would have gone badly for you in a hurry."

  "Whatever do you mean?" Haris found his voice and his indignation at the same moment.

  "It means that shortly, without our interference, you'd likely be placed under a Sirenali's obsession and forced to do his will, just as Fallah was."

  "I don't believe you."

  "Shut mouth. Listen," Farzi snapped at him. He'd lost patience, just as I had.

  "Perhaps he needs convincing."

  My mouth refused to work, this time. Zaria had arrived in full Larentii mode. Her blue eyes bored into Haris' and he took a step backward.

  When appearing like this, she caused my breath to stop. Yes, I realized that I was mated to her mother—one of them, anyway. Perhaps I should have the M'fiyah muted, for both our sakes.

  At least I'm not her father, I kept reminding myself. I did know her father; he and I had a long history together—he'd often directed my deeds and actions, although he'd sent the shining ones at first, to pass messages along.

  "We will keep you apprised of the events on Corez," Zaria informed Haris in a stern voice. "To go back there now is to commit suicide. The moment we relieve Corez of its trouble, we will place you in your position again and leave you there, without a backward glance."

  "I suppose you'd better tell me what is happening, then," Haris mumbled. "If you can."

  Much better, Ashe sent. Now he can be reasoned with.

  "Sit down," Zaria told Haris. "This isn't a short story. But first, we'll allow you to watch the speech being delivered on Corez on your behalf."



  Only those of us who knew him could see Rigo's true appearance through the disguise he wore. As Doy Haris, First Advisor, he stood tall and dignified as he delivered a speech for the ages.

  He finished with this; "I dedicate to every citizen of Corez my focused attention and unwavering determination to find the one responsible for Prime Minister Fallah's death. I promise that true justice will be delivered. This will not only be our last act of respect for a beloved Prime Minister, but also an act of respect for ourselves, as none of us should be willing to continue with anything less than our finest words and deeds."

  We see the spy most of the time. Now we see the King, Gavin's mindspeech whispered to me.

  Yeah. Let's hope we can get this sorted out without anybody else dying. Rigo just became a huge target.



  Haris wiped tears away at the end of Rigo's speech. "Who is he?" he whispered.

  "That, dear First Advisor, is Rigovarnus the Great, former King of Hraede and an ancient vampire. Corez is in the best hands possible."

  Chapter 6



  "It's easier to trade places while they're asleep," Ashe announced to all of us. Reah and her crew, Zanfield and his crew, and I and my crew were gathered in Ashe's library, waiting to take our places on several worlds.

  Nissa, Toff and Trik were already in place on Hraede, as was Alrenardo. So far, nothing of import had come of that substitution.

  "Some bending of time will take place to get you to the proper moment," Ashe continued. "Those you're replacing will be brought here, where Kay and I will see to their comfort and determine whether to remove the obsessions they bear, and when to do so. Zanfield," he turned to Zan, who now was a duplicate of President Ylisis, "Renegar will ensure that your crew arrives at the proper time. Remember, you are taking another's place and are required to act accordingly. Welcome, Rajeon. You are getting a trial by fire, I fear."

  "I have been briefed," he replied. "I am
eager for the assignment."

  "Honey, it's dangerous, no matter how you look at it," I told him. "You were chosen because you have a talent for discretion and a feel for what's right."

  "Travis and Trent told me about you. Are you truly Larentii?"

  "In this incarnation, yes."

  "They ah, also tell me that you're responsible for saving many of my kind, myself included, from the destruction of Siriaa."

  "It was the right thing to do. I don't know how many pod'l-morphs died before I got there. I rescued those I could."

  "I imagine that my family was among the dead; they did not come to SouthStar with the rest of us."

  "Then I grieve for your loss."

  "As do I."

  "Someday, if you wish to know, I'll explain how and why pod'l-morphs were captured and imprisoned on Siriaa. The person instructed to choose which of those trees to employ for a particular purpose had no idea they were killing a sentient being."

  "I will ask—someday. I have to digest what you've told me, first."

  "When this is over, come see me," Tamp spoke up. "I somehow escaped the notice of the one who imprisoned all other pod'l-morphs. I searched for others like myself for centuries, with no idea what happened to them. I was preparing to give up my life when Zaria found me and gave me new purpose. And then she found you—and those trapped with you. She took me to visit that forest of pod'l-morphs, and I fell to my knees in joy."

  "I do want to hear that story. Please."

  "We have to survive this mission, first," I warned. "Then, we'll answer all your questions."

  "Then I'll work toward that end."

  "Everyone ready?" Ashe asked.

  "I believe they're ready," I turned toward Ashe.

  "Good. We're going, then."

  I folded my own crew to the proper place and time.



  Drake, Drew and I waited outside Haris' office for Rigo's arrival. Another assistant and the Prime Minister's staff waited with us. The Prime Minister's staff were hoping they'd be given employment with Haris, rather than being let go.


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