Acting on Love (The Waite Family Book 3)

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Acting on Love (The Waite Family Book 3) Page 10

by Angel Devlin

  "Given I think there's more chance of finding out Father Christmas is real than Ezra allowing you to 'flirt up a storm' with me, I'll say yes. Sounds like fun. If nothing else, it'll show me once and for all if I'm wasting my time. I think I'm going to like this best friends gig."

  I pulled him another pint, poured myself a lemonade and we clinked glasses.

  "To best friends," I said.

  "To best friends," he repeated.

  I went home feeling happier and more settled than I had for a long time. Especially when I saw Ezra had sent me a text telling me he missed me. I put my phone down though deciding I would text him in the morning. Because texting him now might lead to him calling me if he was up, and my mind was too full of what me and Quinn had been chatting about. I got ready for bed and laid there thinking about how we really could choose to live life as we were, but Ezra could still make movies if he wished and I could follow my career dreams, and one day we could start a family even and perhaps he'd stay home for a time or we'd travel around with him? All we really had to commit to was taking it one step at a time and not giving in. Not letting the obstacles trip us up, but this time taking a massive leap over them. I slept the most peaceful sleep I'd had in a long time.

  Lisa: Good morning. I was thinking about you too. Hope everyone is having fun. Enjoy the premiere and the limelight. I've been thinking about us and I just know this time it's all going to work out. I love you. See you Saturday xo

  I got out of bed with a spring in my step. When I fired up my email, I discovered I had an interview for a kitchen assistant position for a well-known Italian restaurant chain. The job was in Berlow, the city next to our small town and about forty-five minutes drive away. The interview was for next Thursday afternoon.

  It really felt like there was a change in the air and my stomach fizzed with anticipation.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Ezra: Might not get much chance to message today. Eli wants to avail himself of every VIP opportunity!

  Lisa: Quite right. Have a blast!

  I smiled and put my phone down. We were having a room service breakfast in our suite. Angela and Jules had joined us, and Eli had ordered several things he'd not eaten before including eggs Benedict and smoked salmon.

  "Please don't make yourself so sick that you miss tonight's premiere, Eli." Angela sighed.

  After he'd finished eating, Eli said he wanted to go in the jacuzzi bath again.

  As soon as he'd gone, Angela smiled at us. "I can't imagine all that food sloshing inside him while he's in there, but I wish I could afford one because he'll never have been so clean."

  "The novelty wears off after a while I assure you," I told her.

  "I expect it does. I mean, yeah it's fabulous being waited on hand and foot, but then it must get boring."

  "I'd happily be bored here for years," Jules added.

  "I'd like to talk to you both while you're here." Angela's voice trembled a little and I noticed she was nervous. "About your dad."

  "About you dating him?" I said.

  "Yes. I've not really had a chance to talk to anyone since Alice's reappearance. Callum caught us in a clinch just before she arrived. I wanted to say that we’d only just started to realise we liked each other and we’d enjoyed a couple of platonic dates. Typically, that was the first time we’d kissed. After your mum came home, I called a halt to things. I just wanted you to know that I never intended for anything to happen between me and your dad. He was helping with Eli and of course given the history of our exes we had a lot in common to talk about.”

  "Why've you called a halt to things?" Jules asked her.

  "Because your mum might not have a lot of time left and who knows how that will make your dad feel. I know he's going to go talk to her at some point, along with Finn and Silas. I'm involved because I will support Eli and I need you to know that he is the centre of my universe, and I won't see your mother hurt him anymore than she already has. But I'll step away from things with Josh while you deal with this as a family."

  "Angela, you're one of the most amazing people I've ever met," Jules said. "I understand what you're doing, but it may be that Dad wants you more now than ever. Talk to him and find out. Do not step back just because our mother has dramatically reappeared just to let us have closure."

  "Jules and I talked to her the night before last. She certainly hasn't returned to apologise for any of her behaviour." We spilled the details on what Alice had told us.

  "Oh dear. I at least hoped she'd return with regret and seeking some kind of forgiveness before she died. She isn't faking it, is she?"

  "No, I had her visit a private hospital. She's definitely terminally ill."

  "It's such a mess. I know Josh holds a lot of resentment about her actions, but she was still his wife for all those years. Still gave him six beautiful children."

  "And that's why he needs you now more than ever, Angela," I told her. "I for one think it'd be pretty damn perfect if you ended up together, like everything had come full circle. Maybe you two will end up being the parents Eli needs."

  "Ez, they've had one kiss, I think you should calm down." Jules looked at Angela. "He's realised he's madly in love and now thinks everyone should join in."

  "Oh. Congrats, Ezra. Is she an actress? Might we meet her?"

  "We've already met her. It's Lisa from the Half Moon. Ten years they've been dating on and off. Ten years."

  I stood up. "I need to make some calls, so why don't you two carry on gossiping about me while I get on?"

  "Coffee at mine, Angela?" Jules said.

  "Sure. So you say a driver will pick us all up from the hotel and I don't need to take anything at all except my key card?" Angela asked me.

  "A small bag with your key card, a tissue, lipstick, your cell."

  "Cell? You're not in Kansas anymore, Toto." Jules sniggered.

  "I spend a lot of time in the states. It's very difficult to not say elevator in these places. Leave me alone. Stop being a pain in my ass."

  Jules smirked.

  "Anyway, if you both want to be in Jules' room for around midday, there'll be someone arriving with racks of clothes, just in case you'd like to wear something designer this evening."

  "So when you said my black TopShop dress would be fine because it wasn't that dressy an occasion, you lied?"

  "I might have. There will also be a hair stylist and make-up artist coming."

  Jules squealed. "This is going to be amazing."

  "It's like getting ready for a wedding or something," Angela said. "Thank you, Ezra. I'm thoroughly enjoying myself."

  "And thank you. For putting a smile back on our dad's face. It's been a long time coming."

  Eli's eyes were wide when an assistant arrived with designer suits in his size. There were shirts, ties, shoes and trainers. He chose a D&G grey suit with a white shirt, no tie, and vintage Yeezy's. His hair had been trimmed and styled and when we were back alone, he couldn't stop looking at his shoes.

  "Oh man. These are incredible. I always wanted some Yeezy's but they're way out of my price range. Just being able to borrow some for one night is awesome."

  "Eli. I bought you the whole outfit. It's yours," I told him and waited as it sunk in.

  "These shoes? They're mine? For real?"

  "Call it all the Christmas and birthday presents I've never had chance to get you."

  He grinned. "I got you a present right back."


  "Yeah, me. You get my fine company."

  "You give the best gifts, little brother," I told him and I went to ruffle his hair.

  "Do not touch my hair." He dived away from me making me laugh heartily.

  A call told us our driver was waiting out the back and so Eli and I called for Jules and Angela on the seventh floor. Angela had gone for a simple floor-length black dress. My sister had chosen a floor-length lace and chiffon gown in a stormy grey. The bodice's lace cover extended to grey sheer sleeves that showed h
er sleeve of tattoos as if they were part of the dress design. The ivy tattoo that ran down from her ear, to her neck, and across her chest also looked like part of the dress design. I'd told the designers about her tattoos, but the fact the dress suited them so well was down to the keen eye of the wardrobe people. Both of them looked amazing, and I wished my dad could see them both right now. His daughter because she looked like a princess, and his maybe girlfriend because he'd never want to let her go. My mind quickly flitted over the fact that Lisa should have been at the event in New York, but then I internally shook my head. No more regrets about a past that couldn't be changed. It was time to focus on the future, and right now, we were about to attend my latest film premiere and have some fun.

  "So you know I have to go stand with my leading lady for a while for photos remember? We'll exit the car, walk the red carpet where I'll have to pause to chat to people who have waited on the side lines, and to a few interviewers. Then you'll go inside and be escorted to your seats. I'll do some press pics with Frida and the director of the movie and then we'll all move inside. The director of the film will make a speech and then we'll watch the movie, something I don't usually do because I hate watching myself."

  "So you don't usually watch? What do you do?" Angela asked.

  "I skive off to the bar and then make my way to the after party."

  "Not this time," Jules said. "I'm going to watch you squirm."

  When we got out of the car, I saw a photographer I'd known for a long while. "Barry." I beckoned him over. "If you take a few really good photos of us all together and then one of the women separately, and then one of me and my brother together, I'll give you an exclusive next week and you will not want to miss it."

  "Sure thing. Family?"

  "They are. I want them to have a reminder of the evening. My younger brother will probably want one of the two of us together to take to school." I laughed.

  "Family looks good on you," he said and then he quickly snapped our pictures as there were other people behind waiting to exit their vehicles.

  Most of walking the red carpet went fine. Camera flashes, chatting and smiling. I hugged my brother for the cameras. I was talking to the crowd and asking how long they'd been waiting, and Eli couldn't believe some had been here since the night before to get their spot at the front.

  A couple of women told me how much they loved me and told Eli how they followed me around from city to city and country to country.

  "You must be a big fan of my brother," he said to one of them.

  "I am. I'm his number one fan," she said, smiling at me.

  "Thanks for coming," I said and then smiled.

  She dropped down the top of her dress. "I had your signature tattooed across my heart."

  "Okay, well good evening."

  "Louise," she said. "My name's Louise remember?"

  I didn't remember. I met a lot of people in this job. Half the time after pretending to be different characters for a living, I could barely remember my own name, but I smiled and acted my part.

  "Of course, Louise, how could I forget my number one fan?"

  I parted from the others near the front and posed for photos for a short time and then I made my way inside where I was handed a gift bag.

  "Thank you."

  I sat alongside the others. "Your gift bag is bigger than ours." Eli's eyes flicked up and down my bag. "You will not believe what's in mine. A watch, an aftershave, a book, and chocolates. And everything is themed around your film. It's all military style stuff."

  "Ours is rose themed after the leading lady. Rose print pyjamas, a watch, a perfume. This is amazing," Angela said.

  "What have you got?" Eli pushed.

  I handed it to him. "You tell me."

  He rooted through the bag. "Holy hell. You have a Tag Heuer Autavia watch."

  "I'm the leading man. They spoil me." I laughed at his wide-eyed expression.

  "A weekend in Monaco to watch the Grand Prix! A £200 book token. Creed aftershave. A Montblanc pen. That's it. I want to be an actor when I leave school."

  We all started laughing.


  "It's a lot of work to get these gift bags and most of the time I give them away to be auctioned off for charity. I'll save you the watch for when you're older, hey?"

  "Cool. Not too much older though?"

  "You can have it when you're eighteen, but you can have the Creed, book voucher and pen now."

  Angela elbowed him. "Say thank you."

  Our attention was gathered, and the director spoke about the movie and then it was time to watch it. I spent the time the film played thinking about Lisa's soft skin and distracted myself from the scenes playing out on screen.

  Eli was enraptured by the fight scenes and cringed through the emotional ones. My sister caught my eye once and her expression was filled with such pride it choked me a little emotionally. When it was over, Angela flung herself to her feet and clapped wildly. Lots of others followed suit until everyone was standing and clapping. "Ezra, you're a truly amazing actor. I wouldn't be surprised if you got an Oscar nomination for this one," she told me.

  I was pleased I'd made the effort to bring my brother. I was realising just how important my family were and how much time with them I'd lost by hiding in the states.

  "After party here we come," I declared and we headed off for food, drink, and dancing.

  Back at the hotel, a heavily yawning Eli wished me a good night. He flung his arms around me in a hug and then half embarrassed, he went to his room. I knocked on his door.

  "Come in."

  "Just wanted to say that this has been the best premiere I ever went to with anyone so thanks, buddy."

  "You're welcome. This has been among the best few days of my life."

  I left him to enjoy his final evening in his comfy king-sized bed.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Ezra had texted me most of the way back from London, telling me Jules had said he was being rude, but to let me know that I would be being interrogated at the next family bowling night. With members of the family having been in London and the aftermath of Alice's arrival, last night's bowling had been cancelled.

  Ezra: Come to mine after work.

  Lisa: No. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll cook you Sunday lunch at mine?

  Ezra: I can't wait that long. I'm hungry for you.

  Lisa: We need to talk. So food and then you can have me for dessert?

  Ezra: In your old bedroom?

  Lisa: Well not in my parents'!!!!

  Ezra: Okay, you’re on. That'll be a fantasy come true. Do you still have your school uniform?

  Lisa: You're such a dog. I'll call you though when I get home.

  And I did. It was so good to hear his voice.

  "So I'm looking forward to my food tomorrow, especially dessert," His voice was husky with lust.

  I was so tempted to invite him to come over. It had been hard to resist walking around to his house when I’d finished work.

  "I'll be happier after Friday when our first official date at the bowling will be out of the way and we won't have to sneak around any longer," I admitted.

  "You know things will be different though for a while? The press will follow us. They'll want to know all about you. They might get in touch with Dale to try to dig up your past."

  "I’d not thought about that." It made me wonder if Dale would be respectful or if he'd have a price.

  Ezra was clearly reading my mind. "I can have my people reach out to him. Explain the story that's breaking and see if he needs his silence to be bought?"

  "No. If he wants to share a story on me, let him. It's him who will look cheap. I have nothing to hide."

  "I've spoken to a photographer friend of mine and there's an interviewer who's always been on my side in exchange for exclusives. If it's okay, I’d like to invite them over one day this next week, to hear our story from us and take some pictures. The exclusive could run in their glossy. Then
there wouldn't be that much for anyone else to spill."

  "You know that side of things much better than I do, Ez. I'm happy to do an interview if you think that would be better. Sometimes you can ask for a charitable donation too, can't you?"

  "Sure. You think of a charity. I'll get my assistant to set things up."


  "Really? You're not having doubts?"

  "Are you?"

  He laughed. "No, there's not a doubt in my mind about us, Lisa McKenzie. Just making sure there are none in yours, especially since you want us to talk."

  "It's all good, I promise. More than good. Just dotting those I's and crossing those T's that's all."


  I yawned.

  "Okay, Sleeping Beauty. Get to sleep because you're going to need your energy for tomorrow."

  "Night, Ezra. I love you."

  "I love you too."

  My belly fizzed every time we said the words to each other. I was becoming a pathetic, lovesick individual but didn't care.

  Ezra turned up ten minutes early, at twenty-past twelve. I opened the door to find him leaning up against the door frame with a bouquet of red roses in one hand and a can of squirty whipped cream in the other.

  He offered me the roses.

  "Thank you. They're beautiful." I stared at the can of cream and waited for him to offer up the reason he'd brought it.

  "For dessert," was all he said.


  He sniffed the air in the kitchen and rubbed his stomach. "Mmm, a Sunday lunch. That's one thing I've missed being in the US." Then he looked over at the dining table. "I fondly remember a young woman sitting at that table doing her homework."

  I smiled. "That was a long time ago."

  "True. Now you're doing me." He winked.

  "Give me your coat and take a seat. Let me get things finished up." I’d set the table with a bottle of wine and a carafe of fresh water.


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