The End Series | Book 4 | The End: Rogue

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The End Series | Book 4 | The End: Rogue Page 5

by Cage, Zion


  “Great to meet you, Xander. I’ll go find something to eat now,” she said as she turned to leave. Xander didn’t reply. He was suspicious of her. She hadn’t gotten very far when she turned back.

  “Can I speak with you in private, Xander?”

  “Why?” he asked, drawing the girls closer to himself.

  “You’ll know if you oblige me.”

  “I don’t know you. I’ve never seen you all the while we’ve been moving, so I’m sure you’re not one of us. I don’t trust you enough to oblige you.”

  “I know that. However, I know your sisters were kidnapped too. I also know that it gets worse in the future. Please, let’s talk,” she said. Her voice was low.

  Xander, Prim, and Grayson were stunned.

  “Who are you?” Xander asked.

  “In private.”

  Xander stared at her for a while; then, he turned to the girls.

  “Go find Nia. She’s in front. I’ll be there soon.”

  Grayson and Prim nodded before running away. Xander walked with Suzanne far away from the group. They got to a small yard by the road and stood on the lawn.

  “What’s this all about?” he asked.

  “Tell me how you managed to get them back,” Suzanne said.

  “I went after them and found them.”

  “And the man who kidnapped them?”

  “Men, actually. They are dead,” he said.

  Suzanne nodded.

  “Did you kill them yourself?”

  Xander rolled his eyes.

  “You’re really blunt, aren’t you?” he asked.

  “Only when the fate of many people depends on the question.”

  Xander paused before replying;

  “I didn’t kill them. One fell on a snake I don’t know what happened to the other.”

  “Did you find any phones with them?” she asked.

  “Yes. What does this have to do with anything?”

  Suzanne thought of the best thing to tell him. Obviously, he wasn’t what she thought he was. He was so young; she doubted he’d be able to do anything useful for her.

  “There they are.”

  Two men stepped in front of them. One held Prim, the other held Grayson. Each of the girls had a gun to their heads. Suzanne and Xander raised their hands. Xander recognized one of them.

  “It’s you again! Morgan, right? I thought you were dead.” Xander asked the burly, dark-haired man.

  Morgan laughed.

  “Oh, I didn’t die. But my friend did, and you will pay for it.”

  “Put your gun down,” Suzanne said to him in Russian. He laughed.

  “High priestess? What are you doing with this man? He killed Daan. You loved Daan like a brother. You worked with him for years. Now, you’ve gone rogue against the organization and are siding with the enemies? That’s pathetic!” Morgan said.

  “We didn’t even know we’d find you here. The organization has ordered you to be killed. It’ll be an honor to be the one to accomplish that task. We’d kill two birds with one stone,” the other man said. He wore his blonde hair as a bowl cut with side-swept bangs.

  “You have been lied to. The Ray of Hope will not give you the life you want. It will only be more crime for you. Aren’t you tired of this?”

  “The High priestess has gone soft. Isn’t that interesting?” The blonde man said as he took the gun from Prim's head and pointed it at Suzanne. The man was beginning to irritate Suzanne.

  “Hey, boy. You have my tablet, don’t you? Hand it over now,” Morgan said to Xander.

  “Let the girls go first,” Xander said defiantly.

  “How about this: you hand over the devices or watch the girls die one after the other? It’s up to you,” Morgan said.

  “You’ll kill us all anyway,” Xander said, trying to be brave.

  “Give him the devices, Xander,” Suzanne said. “There’s no use arguing with them.”

  Xander looked at her, and she nodded at him.

  Xander pulled his bag off his back and held it out to Morgan.

  “It’s in there,” he said, and the men came closer.

  Suzanne watched Morgan stretch his other hand to take the bag.

  The blonde man was grinning. The mission was so easy.

  Suzanne bent, using one hand to hold the blonde man’s hand so that his gun pointed elsewhere, and using her raised leg to kick Morgan’s gun out of his hand. The sound of bullets reverberated through the air, but no one was hurt. With the same leg, she kicked the blonde man on the head so that he fell, taking Grayson with him.

  Xander pulled his bag back and rushed headlong at Morgan. Both of them got into a brawl. Suzanne kicked the blonde man’s gun away and kicked his head so that Grayson could get away from him. Seeing the tussle before her, she took the girls' hands and pulled them along as she ran towards the house in the yard.

  Once they got to the patio, she let them go.

  “Hide, cover your ears, and close your eyes. You’re too young to see what’s about to happen. If you don’t hear your brother’s voice, don’t come out, okay?” she asked quickly, and the girls nodded.

  Turning from them, she pulled out the two guns tucked in her belt under her coat and walked away.

  The blonde man had gotten up and picked his gun. Morgan was beating Xander, though he didn’t have the chance to get his gun.

  The blonde man pointed his gun at Suzanne. She pointed her two guns at him and fired. He fell to the ground dead.

  “Morgan, stop it!” she said, standing over him with her guns. When he raised his head and saw her, he froze and raised his hands. Xander was too beaten to move.

  “Why are you doing this, Viv? Would you really kill me because of our enemies?” Morgan asked in Russian.

  “You don’t understand. Daan didn’t understand either. But if you looked at those two girls as your daughters, you’d get a glimpse of why I’m doing this. If I don’t, this will continue. Spain will fall. The UK will fall too. So many innocent people will di-“

  Morgan leaped at her before she could finish her statement, taking her to the ground. He punched her hard on the face, and she felt blood rush from her nose. She tried to reach for her guns, but they were beyond her reach. Another blow landed on her face. She felt consciousness leave her.

  Like a flash of light, she remembered a move.

  As his next punch flew through the air, she moved quickly, allowing her knuckles make contact with one of his shoulders. He shouted in pain, using his other hand to hold the shoulder she had dislocated.

  In a rage, he moved to knock her out completely.

  A bang filled the air, and Morgan paused, staring blankly into the air. He fell on her, lifeless.

  Suzanne pushed his body off to see Xander holding Morgan’s gun. Xander fell to the ground, tired.

  “The irony of life: live by the sword; die by the sword,” Suzanne said before she spat out blood.

  23rd November 2021

  3:54 pm

  Detroit, Michigan.


  Suzanne was deep in thought as she rode on her bike. Xander had proven useful, after all. He was a programmer: the perfect skill set for the task she had assigned to him.

  She was on her way to New York.

  The 3rd of December- that was the climax. By the end of that day, it was either her plans proved successful or the Ray of Hope remained undisputed in their victory. Bringing her motorcycle to a stop, she swallowed hard.

  Bowing her head over the handles of her bike, she finally allowed herself to cry. She had come to the end of herself.

  I don’t know if you’re real, God, but help me, please! I’m on a journey of no return.


  2nd December 2021

  2:26 pm

  Fort Drum Military Base, Jefferson, New York.


  Stephen and Bucky walked into the military base. There were only a few soldiers there as most of them had gone to lead migra
nt groups from the states around New York. As they walked past an officer, they saluted. The man looked at them in their military uniforms and returned their salute.

  “Hey, we're from Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio. We just got our migrant group to New York some days ago,” Bucky said, showing the soldier his ID. Stephen showed his ID too, careful not to allow the soldier to have a good look at the face on it. “We were hoping to come home, and this was the closest military base to us. We were hoping to stay a few days.” Bucky finished.

  The soldier eyed them for a while.

  “Well, we’re a bit busy here. However, you could meet our commander and talk with him. You’re fellow soldiers. I’m sure he’ll be able to work something out with you guys,” he said.

  Stephen smiled and nodded. Just what we needed!

  “Great! Where is the commander? We’ll love to see him,” he said.

  The soldier pointed backward at the camp and was about to explain; however, he realized how complicated the explanation was and sighed.

  “You know what? I think I’ll just take you there. Shall we?” he said as he led the way back into the camp.

  As Stephen followed him, he thought about what he had to do. Never had he thought he would be in such a situation. If he failed, he was sure to die. If he succeeded, he was still probably going to die.

  Well, he had always been on death row for as long as he could remember. He was used to it already.

  At least, his family would live. His death wouldn’t be a waste.

  The got to the office, and the soldier, whose name they had learned was Troy, knocked on the door. They heard a call from inside, telling them to come in, and they obeyed.

  They saluted the commander once they stood before him.

  “At ease,” the man said, and they relaxed.

  “Privetstvovat’ Solntse,” Stephen said flippantly.

  “What was that?” the commander asked.

  “Oh, it was nothing. I just remembered something a migrant used to say,” he lied. Suzanne had told him to say the Russian words as a test for Russians. The Russians were compelled by their law to respond. Clearly, the man wasn’t a Russian.

  “I take it you have something to tell me,” the man said, seeming weary of the company. “Troy, you may return to your duties. There’s so much to do. As for the two of you, I just hope whatever you have come for is worth my time.”

  “Yes sir, we assure you,” Bucky said as Troy saluted and left the office.

  “Great. Shut the door before saying anything,” the man said. Stephen went to close the door. Things were going too well. The man seemed to be the kind of person they needed for the job. He turned back to the man, ready to divulge all the information he came with.

  “Privetstvovat’ Solntse. Welcome, brethren,” the man said.

  Bucky and Stephen froze.

  3rd December 2021

  5:09 pm

  New York Habor, New York,


  Aaliyah stood on the dock and watched the sunset over the waters. Around her stood many people awaiting the promise of the government for deliverance.

  Truly ignorance is bliss…

  She remembered her meeting with Suzanne. She remembered the words:

  The kidnapped ones are the lucky ones…

  Truly a lot of people had been kidnapped. She had heard stories from many families of how they had lost their children and daughters. She remembered her own experience.

  Suzanne had told her what to do. It had been a bit difficult, but she had managed to get it done. Everything was in place.

  She felt Ted’s hand go around her shoulders and pull her close. He felt her tension. As usual, he was trying to protect her. She leaned in and took the comfort he offered.

  Suddenly, in the distance, she heard the sound of a loud horn. She looked up to see a ship rising in the horizon. Her jaw tensed as fear filled her.

  She looked up at Ted, who gave her a knowing nod.

  He was ready.

  She turned her head and looked at some people in the crowd. They, too, nodded their heads.

  Aaliyah swallowed hard. It was time.

  3rd December 2021

  6:12 pm

  Ray of Hope HQ, Staten Island, Richmond County, New York.


  Xander sweated profusely as he descended in the elevator. Suzanne was by his side with two guns. Suzanne had given him a gun too, but he had never used one before except on Morgan. He doubted he’d be able to use it now.

  The elevator door opened. He bent and took cover as Suzanne began to shoot. Her gun had a silencer attached to it, so it didn’t draw any attention.

  She led him to another room where there was a large computer with footages of the whole facility. They had seen her enter, and were about to raise an alarm. She shot one through the head and shot the other in the arm.

  She walked to the one she had shot on the arm and looked at him.

  “High Priestess, please have mercy. My mother is waiting for me. I don’t want to die,” the young man pleaded.

  Suzanne recognized him, and sadness filled her.

  “I’m sorry, Mikolas. I really am. But I must do this,” she said as she shot him on the chest. Xander watched with horror as Suzanne bent over and searched through the man’s pocket. She pulled out a card and handed it over to him.

  “Follow me,” she said as she led him to a door with a bold ‘AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY. DO NOT ENTER!!!’ sign.

  “This is the computer room,” she said as she motioned for him to use the card. Xander put the card in a slot, and the door clicked open. She nodded.

  “Do exactly what I told you to do. If you’re done, and I’m not back for you, go back the same way we came,” she said.

  “Okay,” Xander said as he turned to enter.

  “And, Xander,” she said, and he turned to her again. “Use the gun, please. It’s the only thing that will keep you from dying.”

  Xander nodded and swallowed hard.

  “What about you? What are you going to do?” he asked.

  “I’m going to settle some old scores,” she said.

  “Security unit, do you read me?” Adrik said into the Telecom. There was no response. He frowned.

  What’s going on?

  Khristina placed her hand on his chest from behind and tried to pull him back to bed.

  “Relax, Adrik. Maybe their receivers are having problems,” she said.

  Adrik shrugged.

  “Go out and check if all is well,” he ordered. Khristina sighed as she got up and put a robe on.

  “I keep telling you not to worry, Adrik. You know me. If there’s any problem, I’ll easily sort it out,” she said as she strolled out of the room.

  About The Author

  Zion Cage is the author of more than a dozen science fiction novels and the winner of the prize for the best adaptation of the new generation Apocalypse in 2018 still being at College. he wrote for the newspaper group and delivered podcasts on the apocalypse being at Georgia State University. today he lives with his charming wife in Valdosta in the south of Georgia and is passionate about all the possible directions that the world could take if the apocalypse really happened. His favorite stories to read and write are mostly for characters who become stronger by overcoming the challenges and fears. Zion Cage love Basketball and he often plays in the Gym with his friends on Sundays. He also loves soccer and his favorite team is Atlanta United.

  Zion Cage loves to hear from his readers so you can find his books and connect with him via any of the channels listed below:

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  Books In This Series

  The End

  Something Sinister is brewing in the United States…

  The United States is hit by an EMP from an unknown source and its citizens are asked to move to New York. Without basic survival skills and being in the middle of winter, it’s more of a journey to the death for most. And then there is the increasing number of kidnap cases everywhere.

  4 Unlikely Heroes…

  Xander, Aaliyah, Stephen and Suzanne are individuals from worlds apart and with different conflict. However, with suspicions of foul play in the country spreading, fate must bring them together to clear the air and set things right.

  Or at least die trying…

  The End: Genesis

  Alexander Michael’s life is thrown into tumult in the wake of the EMP. He had been warned but he never listened to rumors. He sister, Grayson is now nowhere to be found and he is separated from the rest of his family. He sets out on a quest to find his sister despite the negative odds and, soon, he finds out that something dark is at work in the United States- something bigger than he could imagine.

  The End: Fight for Survival

  Aaliyah isn’t ready to face the truth of what has happened to their world because she isn’t ready to let go of the ones that she loves. Now, with her grandmother, Marcia, by her side, she has no choice but to continue further to the unknown, where only a small amount of the population are surviving. As Marcia’s health continues to deteriorate, Aaliyah is forced to make decisions that will impact her life, forever.

  The End: Captives

  It’s the Eve to the massive EMP plan and the Ray of Hope terrorist group has gathered the orders of various black market buyers for the children that will be kidnapped after the EMP attack. The leaders of Ray of hope inform their agents of the progress, warning them to be alert so that every displaced child be carried off at the first opportunity. Connor and Morgan are part of these agents and they are sent off.

  The End: Warzone


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