Beast Hunters Omnibus II

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Beast Hunters Omnibus II Page 19

by Tom Harem

  "Excellent, Elisa! That should be enough to throw them off." I said it.

  We were two minutes away from the town where Lipa's address was. The hearts quieted down, and the mind took the opportunity to finally rest.

  "I have no idea where this place is." She said, "Lipa really does have hiding places everywhere."

  "As long as we're safe there it could be at the end of the world," I said and breathed deeply, reclining on the seat.

  I drove down the highway and got off at the second exit of a roundabout. A ghost town arose on the slope of a mountain. The sun couldn't get there unless it was at its highest peak and there were still two hours before that. An everlasting shade covered the city from one end to the other, shadowing the depressing concrete-walled buildings and the old church, which was nearly colorless in the heart of the city. There was no one outside. A few men in black suits with white lapels watched us from the parapet. I didn't think it was normal for them to have guests.

  "Are you sure this is it?" Elisa asked me when I stopped in front of the church.

  "You can see for yourself." I told her and put the phone in her hand, "This is the address."

  We get out of the van and open the back door. Once again, I helped Kendra carry Lipa until we got her out of the van. She was pale, the blood varnished her dark clothes and she dragged her voice as she told us to go inside.

  "Come on. The blue door."

  I wrapped her hand around my neck and helped her walk until we entered the church. The gold-plated walls had images of saints and angels engraved on them. Dozens of stools lined up allowing access to two small stairs leading to a stage where there were a microphone and an elliptical ceiling. Any sound there, no matter how low, would travel throughout the whole building in seconds. The place was lightened by clusters of three candles on four shelves, two on each side.

  The blue door was in the lower left corner. A four-digit code was required to enter.

  "2,4,1,2" Lipa said.

  "Is your code my birthday?" Kendra asked her.

  "I..." She started but ended up spitting blood, begging for help just with her eyes, "I needed... something that I wouldn't forget."

  We traversed the old stone corridor until we reached an oval space with three different exits. Dirty water dripped from the shredded ceiling and a failure straw between the walls let in a veil of light that embraced the depths where we were and the damp ground, with puddles, where we stepped.

  "Now what?" Vic asked her.

  "Middle one. Black market." She said.

  "Black market? Let's get into the wolf's den!" Maggie answered.

  "Well, at least they won't be looking for us there," Elisa said.

  Lipa seemed to be getting heavier by the minute. I kept carrying her down the new corridor; narrower and the ceiling was arched. At the end of the track, there was only a purple and violet silk tapestry.

  "Behind," Lipa said and this time spat even more blood, the red dripping from her chin into her clothes.

  Vic and Kendra deviated the silky curtains, and, behind them, a totally different world stood out in all its splendor.

  Chapter XXIV

  Neon lights hovered in the air and dozens of voices erupted in the parallel streets, mixing until everything sounded the same. From there we could see the dozens of tents and tables where the vendors had guns, items, everything and anything else, and a banner indicating the promotions. We couldn't waste time on any of that.

  "Now what? Lipa, just a few more seconds. Where are we going?" I asked her.

  Her eyes were almost blank. Her head dropped under her body and she faded for a few seconds.

  "That house... there. Key, left pocket."

  It was a house at the bottom of a skewed street, on the opposite side of where the confusion stirred up. All the houses there had windows with steel protections and the doors covered with thick metal. Men with bad aspect, scars, and yellow smiles, were like statues in front of some houses.

  We arrived at the door that she had pointed us to and I knocked about five times until a hoarse voice asked who we were.

  "Open..." Lipa said and passed out in my arms while the person was still opening the metal door. It glided across the floor, making no noise at all.

  "Lady Lipa!" The man said, scrolling through our faces, "Who are you? What happened?"

  "She's her sister and we're... friends? I guess so, yeah. We got into a mess and she got hit. She's the one who sent us here." I answered him.

  "Come on in, quick. Has anyone followed you?" The man asked. He wore round-bottomed glasses and a brown leather polo shirt next to brown trousers with over-marked linings. His lips were covered with lipstick and his nose shifted to the right, "lay her on this table. Come on, hurry up."

  "We lost them. Nobody followed us." I told him, and with Kendra's help, I laid Lipa on a marble table in the kitchen.

  The man disappeared into the house corridors and came back seconds later with a young man. He had tattooed arms, a piercing in his right ear and a dark beard that covered half of his face. In his right hand, he carried a first-aid bag which he placed on one of the chairs by the table.

  "Follow me." The older man said. Underneath the light one could see that there were already some white threads between the dark brown hair and one another on the eyebrows.

  "We're not leaving her here."

  "Don't worry. I can handle this easily," the young man said. Despite the blackness of his hair, he had a strangled voice, "20 minutes and she's as good as new. She just needs to rest."

  We looked at each other. We didn't feel comfortable leaving her there, but there was nothing we could do either. We were doomed to wait. We all followed the man, except for Kendra, who stayed in the kitchen. The older man took us into a room on the second floor. A room with several sofas scattered around it and with a view over the entire black market.

  "They can't see us here."

  From that room, I could see practically the entire black market. The streets were like labyrinths and the buildings were all the same size except for a palace that was on the highest slope. The man explained to us that it was from there that the albino tried to govern the black market but to no avail lately. There were more and more factions uniting against him and his guards no longer dared to go beyond the walls surrounding his house.

  "A war is coming and it's not going to be pretty. Who would think it would be a good idea to collect money and try to imprison criminals?" The man asked rhetorically, "You can stay here. There's food in the fridge downstairs, and I'm making lunch in a little while. I'll call you then." He said and left us alone.

  "Now what?" Vic asked.

  "We have fulfilled our mission. We have to get the bullets and Lipa needs information."

  "What about Gordon? Now we know where he is." Kendra asked.

  "Let's save him, of course. But, first, we need to arm ourselves properly. It must be a well-protected place."

  "We did all right now," Maggie said.

  "We almost blew ourselves up..." Vic answered her.

  "But we didn't actually do it." She said, "My hand still hurts." She added and took off the glove, dropping it on one of the couches. She had scars on her hand, but they weren't as deep as last time.

  "We've taken an important step today, but we can't stop at this. There's plenty to do. Vic send that recording to Tom. It'll be useful to them... this time they can't make excuses."

  We ended up having steaks with mushrooms and crayfish. The afternoon went by fast. The hours were passing but the light never changed. The city didn't rest or sleep. Even when our cell phones claimed it was 9:00 p.m., the voices on the market were making themselves heard. Drunk men and women staggered through the streets, knocking on doors, dropping bottles on the floor and stepping on the shards.

  By the end of the night, when all the other girls were asleep, two in each room, and only I had stayed awake in the room, thinking about everything that had happened, Lipa showed up at the doorstep of the living-r
oom. She was wearing a skirt and a bra with a bandage on where she had been injured.

  "Don't think I'm going to thank you for what you did. I'd make it on my own." She said.

  I laughed before I answered her, "I didn't expect you to. I'm glad you're okay."

  She came up to me and sat next to me on the couch.

  "The albino won't stop at that." She said.

  "Do you think he'll lose control?" I asked her.

  "Yes. I know I have my limits, but his I don't know. I don't even know if he has them." She said and put her hand on my leg, "We got something to finish, don't we?"

  "What about the wound?"

  "Are you calling me weak?" She asked, and we got into a staring contest.

  "Me? I wouldn't dare." I answered her and grabbed her hand and put it in my groin, "Now what?"

  "We stop talking." She said and kissed me. Her lips tasted like cotton candy and she had a soft perfume all over her neck.

  Chapter XIV

  She laid me down on the couch and got up. She grabbed a remote control that was on top of the small bookshelf only with alcohol bottles and upon pressing one of the buttons, blinds descended and covered the windows of the outside light. She then pressed the only purple button on the remote and the night tumbled over the room. Only two violet bars above the fireplace brightened it. Her silhouette moved across the shadows like a luminescent spectrum. She lowered my pants to her knees and kissed the outline of my erect dick.

  "Shit. This hurt. Just sit there." She said it and I did it.

  She got on her knees in front of me and lowered my boxers. My dick slapped her in the face, and she giggled. She let the tip slide down her face until it scrubbed her thick lips. My heart was beating like crazy and my body was heating up. I had been waiting for that moment since I had met her. She wrapped her hand around my dick and her lips on the tip. She swung her hand from the bottom to the top and kept licking the tip, her tongue twitching sideways.

  "Don't stop," I told her, while I bit my lip trying to control my moans...

  She drowned in my dick. Her throat filled quickly, and, within seconds, she was gagging until saliva flowed down the corners of her mouth and dirtied the fluffy carpet she had placed under her knees. I placed my hands on the back of her head and pulled her down even further. I still locked my legs around her head until she couldn't even breathe because she had my dick in her mouth. Her eyes moistened while she scratched my legs with her long nails. I tilted my head and spread my legs and let her do her job on her own terms. She was hot, gazing into my eyes for the whole long time she was sucking me off.

  Finally, she sat on my lap. Our bodies merged as I moved mine up and she swung hers down. I laid one hand on her ass and the other on her back and I pulled her towards me, her tits against my face, the nipples in my mouth.

  She moaned in my ear, the warmth of her breathing making my hair curl. Even my legs trembled every time her ass rested on my legs, just to go back up and down again. Blood was filling her bandage. What started out as a red dot was now a bloody square that expanded to the four corners. I was sure it didn't hurt because of the adrenaline that was running through both our veins.

  We remained in that position for a few minutes until she turned her back to me and leaned her body against my chest. She rubbed her own pussy while I was leaving my fingerprints on her tits.

  Nothing else crossed my mind but the echoes of her soothing moans. I couldn't take much more. I finished up inside her and we stayed that way for a while. The sweaty bodies piled up and us in silence, the violet lights flooding the room and shining on the walls.

  Only after a few minutes did Lipa step off and lie on the couch, with her head on one of the couch arms and her legs on top of mine.

  "You have to apply the bandage again," I told her.

  "Don't worry about it. I'm okay. I'm okay. You don't really think this is the first time I've gotten hurt, do you?"

  "I presumed it wouldn't. We need you strong to help save Gordon."

  "Save who? That's your problem. I told you I wasn't part of your team," Lipa told me, without taking my eyes off me.

  "Still with that? If your sister hated you as much as you think she wouldn't have gone to your side as soon as the battle started, would she?"

  "That was a family instinct. It's not real. Besides, I have my own problems. Albino's going to burn the entire black market if he has to, to find me. I need to rule the factions. Somebody's got to do it." She said. She had her hand on the bandage as she landed her feet on the ground, "you yourself know this wouldn't last forever. It's time to be realistic,"

  "I was hoping I could count on you for a while longer, but, yeah, you're right. We're on the same side but on different endpoints," I replied. Her eyes were light brown under the colored light, "so this is how it ends, isn't it? You against the albino and us against the Reapers."

  "We face the same evil, James. I'm still going with you to Poe and then you're on your own. I can provide you an undercover van, but that's it." She said it and got up. She picked up two glass glasses from one of the mahogany tables and a bottle of liquor from the bookshelf. She filled both glasses and handed me one, "Things will only get worse from now on. The days of walking around pretending everything's okay are going to end. There will be no room for indecision or to stand aside."

  "Aren't you being too serious?"

  "I wish I could. When you're in this business for as many years as I am, you learn to read certain patterns. They won't hide. Instead, they'll rush everything. If they have any more human beasts available, they're going to launch them into the world now. They will unleash chaos before Shimmer is arrested, before the albino is defeated, before people's fear of them diminishes."

  I took a break. I wasn't sure what to tell her. It was hard for me to admit that she was right, that nothing would get better, "Let's go to war, shall we?"

  "Yeah. And you better be ready. I don't want you to get hurt, none of you to get hurt." She said and drank the whole glass, "There's something you need to know. Elisa's parents... I know who they are."

  "I thought she told you not to..."

  "I've never been good with orders, have I?"

  "What did you find out, Lipa? And how come you never told her?"

  "First, you need to know that I had no idea how important her father was, and when I found out, I realized it was better not to tell her."

  "Who the hell is he? Or them?"

  "I'm sure you've met him. He's one of your organization's leaders. Aldrin, if I'm not mistaken. I have no idea who her mother is. This is the most I could find. I don't know why they even gave her up for adoption."

  "I've met him, yes. I don't think he'd do something like that, but I suppose people are more than they let on."

  "James, we all withhold secrets. Even you, right?"

  "Some. Nothing serious. I once cheated on an academy test," I said, and we both laughed, "I saw what secrets they can do to people, how keeping something just for them can destroy them, I didn't want to be like that anyway. Change begins with us, doesn't it?" I said, "We should go to sleep. We are going to have a long day tomorrow."

  "Tomorrow, the next day and the day after," Lipa told me.

  We drank until we fell asleep. She lay on the couch with her head on my lap and I leaned against the couch. She was right. The war was about to start.

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  It’s super easy and you will get all the news about the following books.

  Other Books;

  Space Fun;

  Part One

  Part Two

  Part Three

  Or buy the whole novel;

  Space Fun

  Preview (Part One);

  The wooden feet of the bed crept across the floor with every move we made. Matilda was on top of me, trying to take my belt off, but she couldn't do it alone. I helped her and she pulled my pants down. She admired my blue boxers for a few seconds and then looked a
t me again.

  "I like what's underneath," she said and laughed, again with the yapping from before, "it will be our secret, a long, dirty secret."

  I knew I shouldn't do it, but was I really supposed to stop her? After all, I would only be on the ship for a few days and then I would never see her or Amelia again. One time wouldn't hurt anybody, and it was always good for relieving tension. After racing through a whole new city, wounding myself and ending up tipsy in an unknown ship, having fun and then going to sleep didn't sound so bad. It sounded quite the opposite. My head was spinning as her lips came down my length. She moved her tongue while bobbing her head back and forth. All I could see was her blue hair and the threads falling on her face, as well as the brown root.

  Warrior Fantasy Online

  Part One

  Part Two

  Preview (part one);

  "Don't go yet." Mimi said, "You sacrificed yourself for us." She said and walked up to me, swinging her hips.

  "Impossible to be wary of you after that one." Carly added and leaned on me...

  "It was no big deal. I said I'd help you." I answered them.

  "Still, we think you deserve to be rewarded." Carly told me, "Unless you're not interested."

  "It depends on what you have in mind," I said, and before I knew it, Mimi had already thrown the upper part of her clothes to the ground. The medium-sized round tits swinging as she walked away from me.

  "Like this," she answered me and took off her bra, freeing her beautiful tits, her nipples already hard.

  "You two?"

  "Yes," Carly replied, giggling, she too, taking the top off and letting the white nipples, that contrasted with the rest of her skin color, be free, "we talked about it and neither one of us was against it."

  "But I've already..."

  "You were with my sister, I know. Don't worry about it. This is just a game, a very realistic one." She said, getting nearly on her knees but never letting them touch the ground.


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