Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection Page 16

by Rebecca Royce

  “They were mostly vegetarian,” he said. “Micah has been vegetarian for what feels like fifty years now. He’ll still lecture you if you give him an in--but you’ve probably discovered that.”

  “Oh yes,” I said, with a practiced blank smile, even though it made my heart pound to lie to him.

  “They probably enjoyed some nice barley cakes, beer, and a wide spread of fruit and vegetables and goat’s milk products,” he said. “And just thinking about this is making me hungry for Micah’s impressive spread of apps, which probably involves a minimum of barely. Oh! Did you know that Sumerians had at least one woman ruler?”

  “I did not know that,” I admitted, smiling. It was fun to talk to him, even though I didn’t know anything about the Sumerians. Until tonight, I’d never cared.

  “She had been a tavern-keeper, according to the tablet of kings. She did a good job, too, she’s credited with making ‘firm the foundations of Kish’, the city that she ruled.”

  He talked to me about various bits of history until I found myself relaxing. His voice was so warm and soothing.

  The two of us were alone. I was hot from my panic, hot from the wool coat I wore too.

  “May I get you something to drink from the bar?” he asked. I nodded, in part because I needed a moment alone.

  Something about him eased my panic, though. To my surprise, after he took my order and left the bar, the sense of fear choked my chest again. I almost ran after him.

  I took off my coat and slung it over my arm, but was careful to make sure the wolf mask was still carefully in place. The cool, still air of the museum felt relaxing, and I sagged onto a wooden bench, viewing the art across from me.

  A tall, dark-haired man in a cowboy hat came around the corner, then stopped. “Hello.”

  “Hi,” I said.

  “I was looking for William,” he began. “I meant to talk to him about his costume, or lack thereof. I saw him go this way but lost track of him.”

  “Liam?” I said. “He went to the bar.”

  “Oh, you’re my brother’s date,” he said, with a mischievous smile, studying me beneath my mask. “I wasn’t sure. People were talking about you—it’s been a while since he brought a woman to one of our parties. I’m Henry, but the way.”

  I couldn’t imagine Liam had much trouble finding dates. The man was gorgeous.

  He seemed to notice the way I hesitated to answer, and he looked at me with a long, curious, assessing glance that made me nervous.

  “I’m sorry,” he went on with an easy smile, “I probably shouldn’t start off by diming out my brother. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Henry.”

  “Alexandra.” I started to stand, extending my hand.

  When he caught my hand, his gaze fell to the bruises on my bare arms, which were still visible even in the dim light. The shape of his fingers was still on my skin, and the second I realized that, my skin seemed to burn. I was so sick of Joseph touching me.

  “What happened?” he asked bluntly, staring down at my arm. “Not William…”

  It was half a statement, half a question.

  “No,” I said hastily, pulling my hand away from his as if that would somehow mean he’d drop the questions. No one had asked me about a wayward bruise for years; Joseph didn’t allow the kind of people in my circle who would ask questions. “It’s nothing.”

  “It doesn’t look like nothing,” he said, his voice low and cool.

  “I don’t know why a stranger would care,” I said hotly.

  He stared at me for a second in surprise, and I stared back at him equally shocked. I didn’t talk to people that way.

  He swept his cowboy hat off, a sardonic look written across his features. “Well, I do beg your pardon, ma’am. I’m sure you’ve got everything under control.”

  “I do,” I said. I couldn’t ask anyone for help. For all I knew, Liam was connecting somehow to Joseph, and he was calling him right now. The thought made me feel a sudden jolt of panic.

  “Hey,” he said, his tone softening, as if he’d seen panic in my face. “I’m just teasing. Do you want to go find Liam?”

  “I’m all right,” I promised. I put the coat on, even though I was still so warm that sweat beaded along my hairline, even though the museum was cool. “He should be back in a minute. He was just getting me a drink.”

  “He shouldn’t leave you alone here,” he said. The words were chilling, and then he added, “All the women he’s shunned before are quite curious about you. They’ll carry you off if they get the chance.”

  I didn’t know how to answer that—I didn’t want to carry my ruse too far.

  “Honestly, we haven’t known each other long.” It wasn’t exactly a lie, but it wasn’t the truth either.

  He was still watching me too closely. “Well, there must have been something special about you for Liam to bring you here.”

  I shrugged, faking a smile. “There’s nothing special about me.”

  “I seriously doubt that.”

  It was starting to feel hot again. Had I really just thought I could slip into this party and be safe? Of course these people would ask questions. I should have found a better place to hide.

  He was still looking at me, so I started speaking, not knowing what I was going to say. “Is anyone really special once they grow up? Special things get broken so easily. And men don’t want to be with someone flawed or broken, messy or special. They want something pretty, not real.”

  I’m surprised by how startled he looks. “That’s dark. You’re a little young to be so jaded, aren’t you?”

  I scoffed. Henry, just like Liam, was gorgeous, and I was sure he had girls in his bed constantly. The kind of guys who didn’t bring girls to parties normally were probably total players, so he could skip the act with me.

  “We’re probably close to the same age, so I can’t imagine you’re naive. Or that you believe in soul mates,happily-ever-afters, and special people.” I hated how bitter I sounded. I hated that I couldn’t even pretend to make small talk right now, with my heart racing, and the knowledge I was being hunted even as I spoke.

  He moved closer to me, and for some reason I didn’t cower back. Maybe it was the gentle look in his eyes. Maybe it was the fact that he seemed generally confused by my view of the world. I wasn't sure.

  “Experience doesn’t make you believe love and happily-ever-afters aren’t real, bad experiences do. Have you had a lot of bad experiences?”

  I felt tears prickle my eyes. His handsome face looked worried through the sudden blur.

  “Here you go.”

  I jumped at the sound of Liam’s voice and spun around, my stomach churning.

  “Fuck, did I scare you?” he asked.

  “I-I’m fine.”

  He handed me what had to be a diet Coke and rum, and I snatched it from him, taking a long drink, trying to get a hold of my nerves. If I could just keep it together, this party could go half the night. Joseph would be out looking for me, and when he couldn't find me, he'd widen his search. I could maybe pretend to need a ride from someone and get dropped off as far as I could go.

  From there, I had no idea what I would do. But for now, I just had to not act like a freak and get kicked out of this party.

  “How about we go out on the balcony and get some fresh air?” Liam suggested.

  Could Joseph and his men see me from a balcony? It was probably the last place I should go when I’m relatively hidden inside. But then again, I felt like I needed the fresh air, and I could stay far enough back that he couldn’t spot me.

  “Sorry, do you not like balconies?” Liam asked me.

  I realized both men were staring at me now. I gave a laugh that sounded painful. “I like balconies. I just got lost in my own thoughts.”

  Liam gave me a reassuring smile. “I do that too.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?” Henry asked, and there was a note to his voice that I didn’t understand.

  “Don’t you have your own
women to attend to?” Liam responded, lifting a brow.

  “None as interesting as this one,” Henry said, his eyes locked with his brother’s.

  Liam was about to say something when a woman called to Henry from in the main room, waving her hand enthusiastically. “Looks like you’re needed.”

  Henry’s brows drew together in frustration. “I’ll join you on the balcony when I can.”

  As he turned to go, his gaze caught mine, and for a minute I felt something I haven’t felt in years roll through me. I think it might have been a a jolt of attraction.

  Liam and I made our way through the party and out to a balcony. It wasn’t far from the chaos of the main room, but it offered a strange kind of privacy. The noise of the room was duller, and no one could see us unless they walked right past.

  Outside, a misty rain was falling. I couldn’t help myself. I walked right into it, carefully not to go so close to the edge that I could be seen from the street. The rain lightly coated my skin, anywhere the mask didn’t cover, and I closed my eyes, turning my face to the sky. For a minute, I felt like a bird that had escaped its cage. If I leapt right now, right off the edge, I know I could be free. I could hold onto this feeling forever.

  But for some reason, I wanted more than this moment. If there was any chance at escaping Joseph, I could have a million more moments just like this one.

  “You like the rain?”

  I slowly opened my eyes. Had I forgotten Liam was there?

  My cheeks felt hot as I met his gaze. “I just missed the rain so much. I missed this feeling of just… doing what I want.”

  He frowned and moved closer to me. “What the hell happened to you?”

  I shuffled backwards a step, an instinct I couldn’t stop. “I… nothing. Sorry.”

  “You don’t have to be sorry. I’m sorry. I wasn’t angry with you. I just, I want you to know you’re safe with me. I would never hurt a woman.”

  An angry laugh exploded from my lips. “That’s just the kind of thing men say, but it doesn’t really mean anything.” How many times had Joseph told me I was safe with him in the beginning? How long had it taken me before I realized I never would be?

  I turned back to the city. “Men see women as objects they can claim. But no man would ever put himself at the mercy of a woman that way. They’d never allow a woman to take the lead or take control. It’s not in their DNA.”

  “Take control of me.”

  As I looked back at him, he took both our drinks and set them beside us on a little table. And I hated that I got the overwhelming sense that I could trust this man and that he wanted me to trust him, because clearly my instincts were wrong. Clearly I had no business being anywhere near a man.

  “No. You won’t be able to do that. You won’t be able to help yourself.”

  “Try me.”

  And I don't know what was wrong with me. I don’t know if I snapped to prove my point, or if I was just so damned tired of being the one at someone else’s mercy, but I stepped forward and pressed my hands against his chest. Underneath his suit were hard muscles, and I dragged my palms down, touching and tracing them while he watched me, his hands at his side.

  “You’re just going to let me do what I want?”

  “I am,” he confirmed, remaining still.

  But I knew if you pushed a man hard enough he’d snap and show his true self. Joseph always said what happened to me was because I pushed him too far. I knew I could break this man in minutes. I could prove to him, and to myself, that all men had a beast deep within themselves. A beast that would hurt me. No matter what my instincts were saying about Liam.

  I leaned up, holding his gaze, and let my lips slide over his. His brows drew together in confusion, but he didn't move. I kissed him harder and harder, then longer. His mouth softened beneath mine, opening slightly, and I slanted my mouth over his, letting my tongue slide inside.

  A jolt of arousal uncurled inside of me, and I tried to push it down. Kissing brought pain. Touching brought pain. So why did this feel like pleasure? I hadn’t even thought I could feel pleasure anymore.

  I dug my hands into the back of his hair and kissed him wildly. His mouth moved against mine, but his hands stayed at his side. He didn’t try to touch me. His heart raced beneath my palms, but he did exactly what he promised me.

  Breaking our kiss, I thumped my hands against his chest, feeling on the edge of something, tears or shouting, I wasn’t sure which. “Show me who you really are,” I whispered.

  “Who do you think I really am?” he said, his words soft and aroused.

  I started to unbutton his pants. Sliding my hand in to cup his erection. He stiffened. “Alexandra… we’re in public.”

  Our gazes locked, and his gaze dipped down. For the first time I realized that the scarf had come loose around my neck. He reached out a gentle hand and touched the bruises, his eyes wide. His fingertips were so gentle that they felt like a strangely good ache across the bruises, and the throb echoed through my body. “Did someone choke you?”

  I sprung back from him, breathing hard. “Does it matter?”

  “Yes.” That one word carried so much conviction that I felt it through my body, a strange thrill of longing, then terror. That hope felt dangerous.

  Tears filled my vision as he fixed his pants. Then, more gently than I ever imagined a man could be, he wrapped me in his arms. I pressed my face against his chest, shocked by how safe I felt in his arms. Shocked by the way I wanted to form my body to his and never feel alone or afraid again. These weren’t normal emotions.

  I was so screwed up.

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  He held me tighter. “It’s okay.”

  My laugh comes out a sob. “It’s not. None of this is okay.”

  “Frank needs you.”

  I jumped and pulled myself free from Liam to turn at Henry, who stood in the doorway, his expression one of regret.

  “He said it was important.”

  Liam looked frustrated. “Tell Frank I’m busy.”

  “You tell him,” Henry said, his gaze glued to me.

  Liam looked uncertain for a minute, glancing between me and his brother. At last he said, “Stay with her,” then to me he said, “I’ll be right back.” He stepped into the party, and the noise of laughter and voices settled over us before he closed the sliding door behind him.

  I fixed my jacket and scarf, then looked at Henry. He was studying me again, and I wasn’t sure what he was thinking. I shouldn’t care, but I did. Did he see me with his brother and think I was just here to have sex with Liam? I had no idea.

  “I have to say, I can’t quite figure you out,” he said.

  That surprised me. I wasn’t used to people telling me what they were actually thinking. With Joseph, it was always a game. He’d say one thing, then do another.

  My time before Joseph wasn’t exactly puppies and flowers either, so this whole party and these men felt strange. It was as if they didn’t truly know how bad the darker side of the world was. Was that it? Were they just wealthy businessmen who had never experienced anything bad?

  “It’s okay. I’m kind of strange.”

  “I think I prefer the word mysterious,” he said, moving closer to me. “A mysterious, beautiful woman who my brother doesn’t want to walk away from for even a second. I believe you may have cast a spell on him. Is that it?”

  My cheeks felt hot. “Maybe he doesn’t want to be with me, he just doesn’t want to be with the rest of the guests.”

  Henry laughed. “I see why he likes you.”

  I was about to make it clear that there’s nothing real going on between his brother and I, but there was a sudden commotion back in the party room.

  Raised voices. The crackle of imminent violence


  Henry stepped in front of me automatically, his broad shoulders big enough for me to hide behind. His stance widened, and I sensed tension in his muscles. Normally the movement would’ve sent me spring
ing back from a man. I didn’t like the smallest sign of aggression. But with Henry, it felt like he was built to protect me, not to use his strength against me.

  Which was crazy. I barely knew him.

  But even so, I found myself pressing against his back, my breathing rapid. One hand curled around his waist, holding his stomach. Making certain he couldn’t just step away and leave me exposed.

  “Are you in some kind of trouble?” he asked, his attention still fixed on the party beyond, even though we couldn’t see it.

  “No,” I managed, tightening my hold on him.

  He glanced at me over his shoulder, his eyes narrowing. I couldn’t tell if he was angry at me or not—maybe he could tell I was lying—but it made me jumpy. He’d been so nice up until now. I could just imagine him dragging me toward the party.

  “You know, I’m an excellent judge of character. If I were to guess, you are in some trouble. That doesn’t mean I’m going to send you out to the wolves, but I want you to be aware that I know.”

  I shook my head denying it, and heard shouts in the other room. I hold him tighter, my instincts going wild.

  He dragged in a ragged breath. One hand reached down and pulled my hand up higher. “As much as I enjoy you squeezing my cock, I don’t think it’s the time for that. Yet.”

  My gaze met his. I was squeezing his… oh hell. “S--sorry. I--”

  He lifted a brow. “It’s okay, I know you were just looking for something to hold onto. And you can hold onto me whenever you want, just not my dick. Again, for now.”

  I just stared up at him.

  His gaze shifted, becoming unreadable. “Everything’s okay. We won’t let anything happen to you,” but his words didn’t hold the same softness as Liam’s had.

  The music in the party stopped. It could be nothing. Absolutely nothing to do with my husband or my escape, but I couldn’t shake the fear that my monster had found me.

  “Let’s circle to the quieter part of the museum.”

  I nodded, clinging to him, as he led us around the back way to the same quiet room Liam had brought me to. When he turned around, I was suddenly in his arms. His hands went to my waist, and he leaned down. For one second I thought he was going to kiss me, and for some insane reason I didn’t pull away, but then he started to speak.


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