Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection Page 66

by Rebecca Royce

  "Anywhere," I replied. With only a few touches, I felt as though my whole body was on fire.

  "Anywhere, hmmm?" He teased my bellybutton with the tip of the vibrator.

  I writhed. "That tickles."

  He grinned. "Oh, it does?" He did it again, but then moved the humming vibrator up my body slowly. He brushed the underside of my breast, then ran it over and around before he lightly touched my nipple.

  I quivered. The vibrations sent waves of desire though me, hotter than I'd been before. I was all but panting already.

  He increased the pressure, then did the same with my other nipple.

  I groaned.

  "I see you like that," he said. "Let's see how you like it a little lower down." He took the vibrator from my nipple, then leaned in to suckle my nipple for a moment. Breaking away, he moved himself down and gently bent my knee to open me up to him.

  "Beautiful," he breathed. He brought the vibrator to my opening and let it hum against my skin.

  I bucked against it, the vibrations massaged my clit until I was on the verge of orgasm.

  He reached down with his other hand and slid a finger inside me.

  "You're so wet," he whispered. Gently and slowly, he inserted the vibrator into me.

  I moaned loudly.

  He drew it back out and slid it back in.

  "Gods, yes," I murmured.

  He paused to press a button to make the vibrator hum a little more.

  I was practically purring by now.

  Careful not to go too deep or too hard, he started to fuck me with a deliberate rhythm, thrusting the vibrator in and out of me.

  I moaned, louder still.

  He smiled and pressed the button again. It made my whole body thrum.

  I threw back my head, arched my back and bucked against the vibrator until an intense, powerful orgasm crashed over me.

  I might have screamed, but I couldn't hear it over the blood which rushed through my ears.

  After a minute or two, or maybe several, I collapsed back on the bed and panted.

  He smiled and slid the vibrator back out of me. He put it aside and lowered his mouth to mine.

  I reached down and started to work the front of his pants open.

  Someone banged on the door.

  "Ignore it," Rob said.

  "Rob? Are you in there?" Johnny called from outside the door. "We have a problem."

  Rob sighed. "Can it wait?" He called over his shoulder.

  "No," Johnny replied.

  "Shit." Rob kissed me quickly and rolled off the bed. He looked pained as he did up his pants. "There are clothes in the drawers and wardrobe. I hope we can finish this later."

  "Me too," I agreed.

  He gave me a rueful look and slipped out the door.

  I rolled off the bed and opened a door at the other side of the small room. To my surprise, I found a bathroom. Perfect, I needed a shower.

  I washed quickly—with soap and shampoo that smelled like Rob—and towelled myself dry. A hunt through drawers and I found an oversized t-shirt and track pants which stayed up if I tied the drawstring tightly enough. I assumed this was Rob's room; I found no women's underwear in any of the drawers. Still, at least I wasn't going to walk around naked.

  I opened the door and peeked out. By the sound of voices from the other end of the lair, Rob and Johnny were engaged in low, but heated conversation.

  "You can't just—" Johnny stopped mid-sentence when I appeared. His eyes widened and he gave me an appreciative look.

  I shot him a smile and stepped toward the kitchen, in search of coffee.

  "I didn't know you were here," he said conversationally.

  "Is it a problem?" I asked over my shoulder.

  "No, it's not," Rob said firmly.

  I frowned. "Maybe I should go."

  It was Johnny who grabbed my hand before I could start toward the door. "It's more than fine. In fact, you should stay. Word on the street is that Zeta is furious that the shifter who tried to steal your bike died before they could get to him."

  I shook my head. "I don't understand. They didn't kill him?"

  "It would seem not." Rob leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. "There's someone else out there either after shifters in general or him in particular. Whoever they are, they were probably watching last night."

  A chill traveled down my spine. "They would have seen the three of us there."

  "Exactly," Johnny agreed. "They might be friends of Nott, but we can't be sure. If it isn't, there's a third group out there we have to be watchful of." He counted them off his fingers. "Nott, Zeta, and someone else."

  "And I thought my biggest problem was not being caught when stealing from the disgustingly wealthy to give to those less fortunate," I muttered. Without thinking, I felt for my phone, then remembered I didn't have it.

  "Shit, if Nott has my phone, he'll have all my contacts. Some of them, anyway." I wasn't silly enough to keep all my information in one place. "He'll see bank transactions if he can hack my apps."

  Rob nodded. "We have a computer here with fast internet. If nothing else, you can close your accounts and hide your tracks. I'd feel better if we could get your phone back, though. Tracking your past locations would be simple enough."

  "Maybe we should get her out of the city?" Johnny suggested.

  "I'm not going to run away," I insisted.

  "That's probably a good idea." Rob ran a hand over his head.

  "Excuse me." I glared at them both. "Don't talk over me. I'm not leaving. If anyone is going after shifters, I'm sticking around to help." I stuck my chin out firmly. "Besides, Nott saw you both with me. He's probably just as suspicious of you both as he is of me."

  "He probably already was, but he can't prove I'm a shifter, or that Johnny can do magic," Rob pointed out.

  "Yes he can," I replied. "The gas he used to knock me out only works on shifters. A little present from Zeta, apparently."

  Rob and Johnny exchanged glances.

  "This is a new development." Johnny looked troubled.

  "It doesn't work on witches or wizards, or so Nott said." I shrugged and flicked the electric kettle on.

  "The question is, how did Nott get his hands on anything like that?" Johnny asked.

  "He claimed not to work with them," I said. "I would suggest he's full of shit."

  "That could be the case," Rob said slowly. "You said he claimed he wasn't working with Zeta. If he's not—am I'm not saying I believe him—he might have someone on the inside. That could be useful."

  "Please tell me you're not planning anything stupid," Johnny groaned.

  "Who, me?" Rob grinned.

  I snorted softly. "I haven't known you for that long, but you do seem like the kind to run straight into trouble without looking twice."

  "Funny." He cocked his head at me. "I was going to say the same about you."

  I flashed him a smile. "Touché. I'm not usually reckless, though."

  "Just when you see a handsome face." His eyes sparkled.

  "Yes, " I agreed, "Johnny's." As if I hadn't been naked on Rob's bed less than an hour earlier.

  Johnny blushed, which was actually adorable.

  "I don't know if you could call me handsome," he said modestly.

  "Of course you are," I assured him.

  "You really think so?" he asked.

  "Yes, I really do." I patted his arm, which was all muscle and more hot as hell than handsome.

  He looked down at me and we locked eyes until a spark of electricity passed through us.

  Rob cleared his throat loudly. "All right, we're all extremely good looking paranormals. That might be why Zeta hates us."

  "Jealousy is a curse," I muttered.

  "Isn't it though?" he agreed.

  Johnny grunted in agreement and moved to make coffee. "So what stupid idea are you going to rope us into this time? Please tell me we don't have to infiltrate the cops and find some dirt on Nott."

  "While that is a great i
dea, I think we should go straight to the source." Rob handed him a spoon from a drawer.

  Johnny nodded his thanks and stirred a coffee before it handed it to me.

  "Thank you," I said. "Are you going to talk to Nott directly?" That didn't strike me as particularly wise. "Won't you reveal yourself as a shifter?"

  "Not if you do the talking," he said with a smile.

  Johnny 's head swung around and he stared at Rob. "You can't be serious."

  "I'm deadly serious," Rob replied.

  "It's the deadly bit I'm worried about," Johnny said.

  "I'm not going to let Marion come to any harm," Rob said firmly. "We need to pin him down somewhere he can listen, but not act until we've gone."

  "Did you just suggest we kidnap a cop?" Johnny asked. "Because that, right there, is the motherfucker of dumb ideas."

  "That's saying something," Rob said. "Some of my ideas are pretty wild."

  "You're not wrong there, my friend." Johnny clapped him on the back so hard I winced.

  Rob didn't look too bothered, except coffee sloshed over the side of his mug. "Hey, watch the java!"

  "Sorry." Johnny didn't look apologetic. "All right, if you're set on this, I'll get the pizza?"

  "Why pizza?" I asked, although that sounded good right now.

  "Pizza helps us think," Johnny replied.

  "It's the cheese," Rob added with a nod.

  I arched my eyebrows at them both. "I'm not sure I see the relationship between thinking and cheese."

  "You don't?"

  I wasn't sure if Rob was joking or not.

  "No. For me, it's coffee, chocolate, and wine." I sipped to punctuate my point.

  "Not catnip?" Rob asked teasingly.

  I glared at him over the top of my mug. "No, not that. Nor do I drink milk out of a bowl." I paused before I added, "Did you know robins aren't native to Australia?"

  Johnny snorted softly. "She's got you there."

  Rob seemed unconcerned. "Is your tongue rough, like a real cat?"

  I swallowed my mouthful before I choked. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

  "I would actually," Rob replied. "I bet Johnny would too, right mate?"

  Johnny blushed again. "Well…"

  I did a double take and blinked rapidly a few times. If I was in cat form, my ears would have pricked up to be sure I heard right. In human form, I did my best to appear unruffled, even though my pulse raced.

  I cocked my head slightly and spoke slowly. "Oh really? Is sharing a thing you guys do?"

  "Let's just say we're open," Rob replied. "Life is too short for things like jealousy. Just… live in the moment. Y'know?"

  I opened my mouth to make a joke, but closed it and nodded. "Yes, I do know. When I woke up and saw Nott, I thought I was dead. Or worse." I could think of at least a dozen things more horrible than dying.

  Rob grimaced. "I'm sorry we didn't get there sooner."

  That reminded me of something, or rather, someone. "Tucker!"

  "What did you call me?" Rob arched an eyebrow.

  "What?" I squinted at him. "No, my friend Tucker." I couldn't believe I hadn't thought about him sooner. Some friend I was. "I tried to call him from the back of the cop car. If Nott heard, there's no telling what he might do. If he's actually looking for the cat burglar, then it's not in Tucker's interests to be found."

  If he knew I was missing, he would go to ground, but if he didn't yet, then…

  "Give me his address," Johnny said. "I'll go and check on him. I'll bring back the pizza."

  Rob put his empty mug in the sink. "Marion and I will start planning."

  Good, he was going to include me in this. Although, by the look in his eyes, he wanted to finish what we started first.

  I hesitated, then gave Johnny Tucker's address. Or that of his business anyway. I wanted to trust these guys, but trusting them with my life was one thing. With Tucker's… that was another entirely.

  "That's not too far from here. I won't be long, probably." Johnny shrugged into a nondescript black jacket and headed out the door.

  "Don't worry, he can take care of himself," Rob said.

  "I don't doubt that," I told him. "It's Tucker I'm concerned about. He has a lot to lose because of me."

  Rob put an arm around me and gave me a squeeze. "There's something about you that makes us want to take the chance. Besides, it's not you putting us in harm's way, it's people like Nott and Zeta. Nott's been a thorn in my side since before you got involved."

  I looked up at him. "You're right. If I hadn't gone to Merry's, I wouldn't be involved in any of this."

  "Right." He grinned. "Don't blame yourself, blame me."

  "You never did explain how you found me the other night. Or why."

  "No," he agreed, "I didn't." He pressed his mouth to mine and I forgot the question. For now.


  "Is it safe to come in?" Johnny called out from the doorway.

  "Just barely, but you're good," Rob called back. He gave me a cheeky smile from where he sat on the couch opposite me. His hair was still damp and curled around the back of his neck.

  In spite of having come twice more, he still made my pulse speed up. So did Johnny, who peered around the corner playfully and grinned.

  "I have someone here you might like to see," Johnny said.

  I leapt from the couch and threw my arms around Tucker. He dropped his bag on the floor and drew me close.

  "I was worried about you," he said into my hair.

  "Same here." I drew back and looked him in the eyes. "Are you all right?"

  He shrugged with one shoulder. "I had some curious folk poking around last night, but no harm done yet. Your friend here convinced me I might be better off laying low for a bit."

  Johnny nodded and placed a pile of pizza boxes on the table. They smelled divine. My mouth watered and stomach growled.

  "I dunno if they were Nott's friends or with Zeta, but they looked shady as fuck." Johnny grabbed plates out of the kitchen cupboard.

  "Fuck can be pretty shady," Rob agreed.

  I made the introductions, accepted a plate full of pizza—with pineapple on it, thank you very much—and sat on the couch between Tucker and Johnny. I could take care of myself, but it didn't hurt to be surrounded by three hot, muscly guys. And pizza.

  "So, you were talking about kidnapping a cop." Johnny bit into his pizza and turned questioning eyes to Rob.

  "He was?" Tucker addressed the question to me.

  "Apparently dumbass ideas are the thing around here," I said with a one shouldered shrug.

  "What she said." Johnny hadn't quite swallowed his mouthful, so his voice was muffled.

  "I see." Tucker took a bite—meat lovers with extra meat—and nodded.

  "I'm open to other ideas." Rob picked off pieces of pineapple and put them on the side of his plate with a grimace. "But I think we need to talk to Nott on our terms. Oh—" He looked toward Tucker.

  "I filled him in," Johnny supplied.

  "Marion's phone rang me. I heard a scuffle and the sound of a car, but then it hung up," Tucker said. "I tied up a bunch of loose ends and was going to try to figure out a way to find you when this guy appeared. When he said he knew what you were, figured I'd take a chance. If he'd tried anything shifty, he'd be dead right now."

  Johnny regarded him with amusement. "You think I'm that easy to kill?"

  Tucker arched an eyebrow at him, then looked him up and down. "You don't look invincible to me."

  Johnny chuckled. "Not invincible, but I'm not an ordinary human."

  "Neither am I," Tucker said.

  I cleared my throat. "Now we have that cleared up, I'm glad you're not going to kill each other. Things have been messy enough already."

  "What are you?" Rob asked suddenly. His eyes were intent on Tucker. "It would be easier to trust each other if we know who we're dealing with."

  Tucker's eyes shot to me.

  I nodded. "It's okay, they don't bite."

  I expec
ted a quip from Rob, but the intensity in his expression remained unchanged.

  Tucker pulled his cross out from his shirt and pressed it to his lips. "I can use magic. I draw my power from nature. Specifically natural metals. The purer, the better." He raised his cross a little higher.

  "Oh." I gave him a look of surprise. "I thought you wore that because you believe in—"

  "I do," he said quickly, "but it helps to have something close by I can draw power from. I don't use it a great deal, but when I need it, it's there."

  "Lucky we didn't need to kill each other," Johnny said. "A magical battle usually ends up with things around us getting damaged."

  "Like setting a house on fire to kill a spider?" Rob seemed to be back to his jovial self.

  "Something like that." Johnny rose to refill his plate. "More than one battle has been explained by a bomb exploding."

  "A disciplined magic user doesn't harm people around them," Tucker remarked.

  "Some of us don't know magical schools exist until it's too late," Johnny said with a sniff.

  "Magical what?" I asked.

  He repeated what he'd said. "Places like the Academy of Modern Magic. They teach innate magic users to harness their power in, well, different ways. Ways which fit into modern life so normal people don't notice so much. Like Tucker and his cross. Subtle is the key to staying alive for longer."

  "And out of the hands of people like Nott," Rob said. "Which brings me back to our plan."

  "You're still doing that?" I asked. "I think bringing him here, anywhere he might know, would be—"

  "Then we won't," he assured me. "We'll get him to come to Merry's. There's a room out the back for things like this."

  "Nefarious doings?" Tucker asked.

  "Exactly," Rob agreed. "Although I'd call it self-preservation, rather than nefarious."

  "It sounds like both to me," Johnny said.

  "Me too," I agreed. "Since it seems like the only way to get answers, I guess I have to go along with it. Although, how does this make us better than what he did to me?"

  "Who said it would?" Rob said lightly. "The only difference is we don't plan to turn him over to Zeta afterward."

  "We don't?" Johnny asked.

  "Does that disappoint you?" Rob asked.

  Johnny shrugged. "I suppose not. I wouldn't wish them on anyone. If he's working with them, it wouldn't make much difference though, would it?"


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