Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection Page 118

by Rebecca Royce

  Sadly, running a company didn’t earn me the same break. I didn’t mind too much. It was nice to know they would be waiting for me to finish and to be able to go home to a full house.

  Their schedules were completely clear for the two weeks up to the Halloween party—except for Dante who would be flying out to Beijing a few days before.

  And tonight, was the night Minhyuk had picked for our weekend away. I’d had a mid-afternoon meeting with a member of Zodiac and his doctor that I couldn’t reschedule, but I’d packed an overnight bag and brought it to the office. Minhyuk was going to pick me up when I’d finished.

  It also meant that I had the opportunity to go underwear shopping again. Minhyuk was going to a lot of trouble to make this romantic and special, and as far as I was concerned, the least I could do was buy some sexy underwear for him.

  In the end, what I bought wasn’t underwear, but something even more special.

  Unfortunately, it was something I would have to change into once we got wherever we were going.

  If it had been anyone other than Kwang Insoo in my office, my mind would have been drifting. Instead, after the doctor had left, I was completely absorbed in our conversation and plan going forward that I didn’t think about Minhyuk until after I had said goodbye to Insoo.

  The building was busy enough that waiting twenty minutes to make sure Insoo had left would have been a waste of time. I wrote up a few notes from our meeting and then headed down to the parking lot.

  I’d driven into work in the Range Rover, but Minhyuk had told me that he would drive. I stood by the door, scanning the parking lot, wondering what on earth Minhyuk was going to drive as he didn’t have a car, and then I saw it.

  A sports car.

  There were quite a few idols and actors who had bought cars that frequently appeared in the parking lot, but this was new. I mean, it was actually new, but it was also the first time I had seen it in the garage.

  It was bright red.

  It was strangely the car I didn’t see Minhyuk buying, but now that he was in it, it suited him perfectly.

  I hurried over, just as Minhyuk got out and popped the trunk. “Did you buy a car for this weekend?”

  Minhyuk picked up my case and put it in the trunk alongside his own. “It’s not just a car; it’s an Audi R8 Coupé. I bought it because I’ve always wanted to buy one. Needing one for this weekend seemed like perfect timing. Don’t you like it?”

  I ran my hand over the roof of the car as I walked around to my door. “Like it? Minhyuk, I love it.”

  Hurrying after me, Minhyuk got the door handle before I could and opened the door. I took the hand he offered me and got into the low-seated car. Before I could fasten my seatbelt up, Minhyuk was in the driver’s seat.

  Pressing the button, he started the car up and it growled. I ran my hands over the leather interior. It had that beautiful brand-new car smell. When we didn’t move, I glanced at Minhyuk.

  “I’m really sorry,” he told me, looking sheepish. “I was spotted driving in and this car is anything but subtle.”

  “I’ll duck when we get to the gates,” I assured him.

  The tires squealed on the shiny surface of the underground parking lot, especially as we drove up to the gate. As promised, before we turned the corner, I doubled over. And pulled my jacket over my head.

  “The one time I had hoped for rain,” Minhyuk muttered as he drove out. “It’s safe now,” he said after a couple of minutes. “It has tinted windows so it should be safe from this distance to the sidewalk.”

  I sat up, flipping the sun visor down to straighten my hair and then settled into the seats. Even though it was cold out, the car was warm, and the seats were heated. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

  Keeping his attention on the road, Minhyuk shook his head. “But we can stop for snacks once we get outside of Seoul.”

  “We’re leaving Seoul?”

  Minhyuk just smiled at me.

  Leaving Seoul in the later afternoon, it was already getting dark. As Minhyuk had promised, we stopped to get snacks in Gwangju, but then we drove east without stopping.

  At first, as we started heading east and up through the mountains, I thought he might have been taking us to Pyeongchang, but when the GPS directed us past it, I was lost. Since moving to South Korea, I had done very little traveling. I’d been to Jeju Island and Busan in the south, but that was it, short of a few locations around Seoul.

  Unfortunately, it was too dark to see much outside and as we had passed Pyeongchang, the rain had finally started falling. For the first two hours, the drive was relaxed and Minhyuk was enjoying the driving as much as the conversation. And then, when signs started appearing for Gangneung, Minhyuk seemed to tense up.

  “I’ve never been to Gangneung.” I peered out of the window at the city lights, and then the car rounded a corner and there was nothing but black in front of us. “The ocean?”

  Minhyuk had literally driven us to the other side of Korea so we wouldn’t be disturbed by the others?

  The road followed along the waterfront. The streetlights told me the tide was in and the waves were hitting the beach hard, with giant white crests. Occasionally, sea spray joined the rain hitting the car. That made me wince. Sea water wasn’t nice to cars.

  Finally, we turned off the road and into the hotel. It was two enormous towers with a top part that joined the two towers together. It almost looked like a boat sitting on top. We drove up to the entrance foyer and I realized the bottom of the building looked like a boat too. Considering we were on a narrow strip of land running between the ocean and a lake, it seemed fitting.

  We parked and Minhyuk insisted I run to the reception while he grabbed the cases. He followed me in a few minutes later, soaked. Although it was early evening, the hotel reception was relatively empty.

  I stood back, instinctively keeping watch in case anyone recognized Minhyuk, but no one seemed to. Eventually, we were joined by a bellboy who led us up to the room.


  Minhyuk had booked us a suite.

  I waited for the bellboy to set the cases down before turning to him. “Minhyuk, this is beautiful, but I was just expecting a room.”

  “A room felt… like it was just about the sex.” He gestured to the room. “This place makes it feel more like a romantic getaway. I know we don’t need two bedrooms, but the weather is dreadful, and even if it wasn’t, I know we only have so much freedom. At least we have a little space to spread out.”

  I moved over to him, throwing my arms around him. Minhyuk was the one who would think of the little things like this. “I love you.”

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I asked for a meal to be served, rather than us going out for food,” he said, sheepishly as he pulled back.

  “You could have brought some instant ramyun with you and I would have been happy,” I assured him.

  “Good,” he said, looking relieved. “I’m going to go and change into something dry. I figured it would be around this time when we arrived so dinner will be up shortly. Will you let room service in if I’m not here?”

  “Of course.”

  Minhyuk disappeared into the master bedroom, shutting the door behind him. A few moments later, I could hear the shower running.

  I settled onto the couch, flicking the television on. There was nothing I really wanted to watch so I flicked through the channels, settling on the news. News of ECHO’s former leader, Ah Subin being pregnant was making the headlines again. She had gone into labor and according to the reporter, there was no man in sight.

  Watching the news made me feel uncomfortable. Partly because, if Jun was right and Meropis’ CEO was the father, he should have been there. Mainly because Kate was a few months from giving birth herself, and how the hell were six idols going to sneak into a hospital for that?

  Groaning, I flopped back onto the couch as I turned the television off.

  I did not want to think about work while I was here. N
ot that I could bring myself to turn my phone off. I pulled it from my back, skimming through the half-dozen emails. It was like a compulsion and I couldn’t stop myself.

  But I did have a few messaged from the others too…

  There was a knock at the door and I went to get it. Room service wasn’t one guy with a cart, but two. I stepped back and watched as they dressed the table before leaving the cart with the food on it to one side.

  As the table now had candles on it, I turned the main lights off. Seconds later, Minhyuk appeared wearing a smart pair of pants and a dress shirt.

  Just as I was wondering if I need to get changed myself, Minhyuk grinned and moved over to the table, pulling out a chair. “I’m famished.”

  Dinner was sushi. The cart held more food than I imagined and Minhyuk took six trips between the cart and the table to lay it all out. It looked like half of the ocean had been put onto the plates in front of us.

  Minhyuk sat down, and that’s when things started to go weird.

  The food was delicious. The fish tasted fresh and the rice was wonderfully soft. I love sushi. It’s something I can eat a lot of in one sitting, which might have explained why there was so much.

  I also knew that Minhyuk loved sushi and we could easily eat as much as each other. Under normal circumstances, the dishes would have been returned to the kitchen empty.

  Instead, Minhyuk picked at his meal, worse still, we were eating in an awkward silence.

  “I got BWBB’s Hui to agree to DJ the party,” I said, attempting to get some conversation going. “We met earlier in the week and he wants to do some club tracks and some guest DJing.”

  “Hui is popular in Japan,” Minhyuk muttered.

  Setting my chopsticks down, I reached for my glass and drank some of the white wine. I wasn’t entirely sure what Japan had to do with anything. “Are you OK, Minhyuk?” I asked. “If you’re tired—"

  Minhyuk looked at me, shaking his head. “I’m perfect. Tonight, is going to be perfect.”

  Last time, he had seemed nervous. This time, he seemed confident. Knowing Minhyuk, I suspected it was a front but he was trying. This was a big deal for him.

  “I’m going to go and get changed into something a little more comfortable,” I told him. “Why don’t you go and relax, and we can finish the sushi later. When we’ve worked up an appetite,” I added with a grin.

  When Minhyuk nodded, I leaned over and kissed his cheek and then got up. Grabbing my case, I dragged it through the bedroom and into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I had no problem with Minhyuk seeing me naked, but I wanted this to be a surprise for him.

  After freshening up and brushing my teeth, I turned to the thing I’d bought earlier today.

  It was a big, red, silk bow.

  There was a strap over one shoulder to hold it up, and from the back, a strip of silk wound up between my legs to the center at the front. After pushing the two ends through a loop at the end of the strip, the whole thing fastened up.

  It was slightly corny, but it looked cute on.

  The best part was it came undone easily and I was sure Minhyuk would get a kick out of that.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I stepped out of the bathroom into the bedroom. Minhyuk was busy rearranging the fifteen hundred pillows and cushions on the bed, but he turned when he heard the door open.

  His mouth dropped open. “Wow.”

  I moved over to him, almost feeling like a cat stalking its prey. He stumbled back onto the bed and I followed, straddling him to settle into his lap. “I love you,” I told him.

  Heat from his gaze seemed to sear through me. He brought his lips to mine, his hands settling on my hips. They felt as hot as his gaze had.

  Something settled over us. There was no slow and steady. It was heat and passion.

  My fingers threaded through his hair, clutching and releasing, as his ran up and down my sides before stroking the curve of my breasts. Teeth caught lips and our tongues alternated between each other’s mouth.

  I ground up against him, needing less distance and more flesh touching flesh. Releasing his hair, I worked down his buttons, finally pulling his shirt off down his arms.

  Minhyuk’s skin felt as hot as mine, and the layer of silk between my nipples and his hard chest was driving me crazy in the best way possible. As I moved, against him, the silk between my legs slid over my clit, the sensation was feeling even better by his erection below rubbing against me.

  I needed more of him.

  Then, out of nowhere, Minhyuk picked me up, flipping me over onto my back. Almost instantly, he was hovering over me, reclaiming my mouth with his tongue. With his hands sliding under the silk covering my breasts, mine went to his pants, unbuttoning and unzipping.

  As my hand wrapped around his cock, I felt Minhyuk shudder, and then he was batting my hands away.


  Minhyuk leaned back, his pants halfway down his ass and his erect cock hanging out. Before I could fulfill my urge to sit up and take him in my mouth, he picked up one tail of the ribbon in each hand and tugged the bow free. “I like this bow,” he murmured before lowering himself back onto me.

  This time, his mouth took one of my nipples, sucking hard. His hand slid down my body between my legs.

  Holy fuck! What Minhyuk had lacked with his tongue he made up for with his fingers.

  As his tongue worked my nipples, alternating between the two, I writhed beneath him, trying not to pull at his hair.

  Just as I could feel my orgasm, Minhyuk swapped his fingers for his palm. And then, as his palm rubbed up against my clit, he slipped his fingers in and out of me.

  Looking down, I locked eyes with Minhyuk.

  He grinned at me, his teeth pinching the tip of my nipple. As his fingers slid inside me, he curled them and suddenly, I was coming around them.

  Minhyuk stepped back, pulling a condom out of his back pocket before allowing his pants to fall to the floor. He had it on before I could offer to help him, which was a good thing as I felt too lightheaded to move. As my eyes fluttered closed, I felt his cock press up against me.

  I reached out for him as he slid into me. “You feel good,” I moaned.

  When I opened my eyes, I found Minhyuk’s face hovering over mine, a satisfied smile on his face. “So do you,” he told me, leaning down and kissing me.

  The action drove him deeper, and as though he took it as a sign, he started moving, thrusting in and out.

  Just as it was starting to feel good, he all-but stilled. Minhyuk let out a low moan, jerked twice, and then pulled out, rolling to the side.

  My mouth slowly parted, though no sound came out. Was that … it?

  I turned, but Minhyuk was suddenly on his feet darting into the bathroom.

  Propping myself onto my elbows, I stared at the bathroom door, pursing my lips.


  That was it…

  Annoyingly, I’d left my case in the bathroom. Not wanting to put the bow back on, I slid it off completely and tossed it to the side. Thankfully, hanging up in the wardrobe were two robes. I put one on, wrapping it tightly around me.

  Walking over to the window, I stared out. The window overlooked the ocean and I couldn’t see much more than the rain still lashing against the glass.

  What had stared out brilliantly had ended… mediocre.

  I sighed, my breath fogging up the glass.

  That wasn’t even what was important. In fact, that was selfish. “It was Minhyuk’s first time,” I muttered. So long as he was happy, this time was perfect. We had plenty of time to work out each other and I was just being grumpy because I had been enjoying him until then.

  The door to the bathroom opened and Minhyuk walked out. He gave me a very awkward smile, and then pulled out a pair of shorts from his case. Once on, he climbed into bed.

  Sucking in a breath, I moved over to the foot of the bed. “You OK?” I asked, softly.

  Minhyuk nodded enthusiastically. Too enthusiastically for Mi
nhyuk. “Better than OK.” He patted the bed beside him.

  I got in beside him, curling up against him. “Are you sure you’re OK?”

  “It was great. I’m great. You were great.” Before I could look up at him, he slid out of my grip to turn the lamp off. “I’m just tired now.”

  I waited for him to settled before I reached up and kissed him. He seemed to relax into me and I pulled away, he let out a deep sigh. “Thank you for letting me be your first, Minhyuk. I love you.”

  How R U Today?

  I must have fallen asleep, because I awoke a while later. It was light, which confused me. I was also alone in the bed. Judging from the temperature of the sheets as I stretched out, I had been for some time.

  Laying on my side, I stared out of the window at the rain which continued to lash against it. When it became evident Minhyuk was not coming back to bed, I sat up, spotting the time on the small digital display of the television.

  It was almost ten.

  Most hotels had a standard checkout time of eleven, but I was more surprised that I had slept so late. I reached for my phone, cursing as I discovered that I hadn’t plugged it in to charge.

  I pulled back the sheets and got out of bed. Instead of looking for my phone charger, I went to look for Minhyuk. He wasn’t in the living room, although the sushi had been cleared away.

  The door to the second bedroom was opposite the master one. Slightly ajar, I could see the rumbled bedsheets of a now empty bed. As I got closer, I could hear water running.

  The door to the bathroom was closed, but it was obvious Minhyuk was in it.

  But why had he slept in here?

  Chewing at my lip, I hurried back to the master bedroom. Distracting myself with pulling the charger from my case lasted all of two minutes. I sat on the edge of the bed, staring at me feet.

  Had I done something wrong?

  Minhyuk was really sensitive so it was a logical assumption.

  Leaving my phone charging, I pulled some clean clothes out and got dressed.

  I replayed last night over and over in my head. He’d enjoyed himself. He’d told me after it had been great.


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