Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection Page 169

by Rebecca Royce

  I told him all I usually do in a day. “By this time, I am usually scouring a yard for what I can find. But I really need to get home.”

  Troy drove me home. When we got there, Arlo sat on the front porch waiting for me. Until I saw his worried face, I’d forgotten I told him that maybe we’d see each other yesterday. I told Troy as much as we parked the Camaro in the spot usually reserved for my brother’s truck.

  “Is this guy sweet on you?” Troy asked about Arlo.

  He did look like a lost puppy waiting on the porch. I shrugged a shoulder. “Can’t tell.” My words rang true. “He’s kind of hard for me to read. He’s real nice and all, but he’s from Seattle. Definitely not a killer or something.”

  “You sure?”

  “Like you said. He could have by now if he wanted to.”

  Troy joked, “I don’t know. I think you could take him.”

  Before Troy turned off the engine, Arlo opened my car door, inquiring about my injuries. He had been all over town looking for me, finding the truck abandoned. Though I didn’t need it, I let him help me to the porch swing as I relayed the whole story. Trailing behind, Troy piped in, telling his parts. Arlo’s eyes widened, listening to us. When I got to the part about my foot getting caught in the zombie, he explained, he hadn’t meant for such a move to be used on the undead but on a man. He’d glanced over at Troy when he’d said, “man”.

  Troy bit back with how he saved me. “With this.” He gestured to the rifle strapped on his back.

  We ended our story at the part about the diner, last night.

  “Where’ve you been?” Arlo asked.

  He meant all night, but I told him about finding a boot and cleaning out the drug store. I left it at that. Where I spent the night was none of his business. Keeping his word, Troy kept quiet about where I spent the night too.

  Arlo claimed to have found blood and guts but no corpse at the scene. Troy and I hadn’t disposed of the zombie. We hadn’t been back to the truck at all. To be honest, I hadn’t even worried about Rowan or zombies since Troy rescued me last night.

  “When did you find the truck?” I asked Arlo.

  He tapped his watch, reminding me it wasn’t working.

  “It got ruined in the pool,” I explained to Troy.

  “The pool?” Troy sounded as surprised as I’d been when I first heard. Waving off the topic, I mentioned that Rowan could have buried the zombie, but we were all thinking the same thing, that Rowan had let enough zombies loose to eat the dead one in a few hours.

  Troy spoke up, “We are going to have to find Rowan, put an end to this releasing zombies bullshit.”

  Arlo and I agreed but none of us discussed how to go about it. Troy went to unload his car.

  “I’m sorry about making you worry,” I said to Arlo once Troy was out of earshot.

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m stoked you’re okay,” Arlo replied, as if me apologizing was the silliest thing ever. “About this dude, do you trust him?”

  “So far.”

  Arlo, flattening his lips, nodded. That seemed good enough for him.

  Troy returned to the porch with an armful. “Where do you want this?” His words hard, he appeared to be in a hurry.

  “Come see.”

  I put my arm around him, and Arlo hugged me sideways as he helped me into the house and onto the couch. I took off the boot. Propping up my leg, I felt at ease. I was in my own home and well protected. I pointed out where Troy could put the supplies. Arlo left me to show him, having been here before. He helped Troy carry in the rest of the boxes and bags.

  Once everything was out of the car, things got awkward real quick. Arlo sat with me on the couch, under the pillow and my hurt ankle. Troy paced by the door, talking about how we needed to go and look for Rowan.

  “Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” Arlo asked him.

  “Tomorrow, we could be crawling with zombies,” Troy retorted.

  It was true. I’d been careful not to open up places without killing the zombies inside. If Rowan was running around opening doors, all the ones I left shut, without killing the undead inside, we’d have a problem soon.

  “Rowan used to live off Pig’s pike,” I said. “We could look there.”

  Troy nodded. He knew where I was talking about.

  I’d said we, but it was obvious we all couldn’t go. I was out of commission and if both men left, I’d be all alone.

  “You should go. I’ll stay with Sissy,” Arlo told him the obvious.

  “I think I’ll be okay tonight,” I added.

  Troy looked confused, his brow pinching together. “I promised I’d help you while you’re healing.”

  “I have my boot, my gun, and Arlo will be here.”

  Troy’s was one foot out the door. “See you in the morning then,” he said too quick.

  Morning? I hadn’t meant I’d be okay all night but rolled with it. “Pick me up tomorrow around ten?”

  “You don’t have to go with me to fill the generator,” he replied, and it was clear he felt slighted somehow. Maybe it was the fact Arlo sat with me acting so familiar. However, Troy had been the one to say we had to go and look for Rowan. And he said he wouldn’t get all caveman on me. My brow pinched together now. “Then when will you be back?”

  “Don’t know.”

  “Okay then.” What could I say?

  Without another word, Troy left. The door shut behind him, and I felt like screaming or crying.

  Thankfully, Arlo was there to distract me. And although I had the boot, he made sure I stayed off my foot all night, taking care of me. Although, I worried about Troy, it’s not like I could call him or go after him in my car with my right foot hurt. Driving in the boot wasn’t something I wanted to attempt.

  I let Arlo distract me with a game of UNO. I won. I suggested chess. Amazingly, he beat me in five moves. I remembered all the ways Arlo had astounded me. Before I’d become frustrated with how frustrated he’d left me, I’d been falling for the guy, more than just physically. Wanting to get up and move around, I offered to make him some dinner. He insisted, I rest. We wouldn’t tell Troy how he left to go next-door to get the ingredients and came back with some more chocolate for me. Arlo trusted I could take care of intruders by myself for thirty minutes. That was refreshing.

  While I was parked on the couch, he made a fabulous feast of tacos from some freeze-dried package of vegetable-based meat and some tortilla chips he’d had on his truck. We didn’t care that they were stale. He paired it with veggies from my garden and a bottle of my hoarded wine. Literally feeding me chocolate for dessert, Arlo had me grinning from ear to ear and almost forgetting how Troy had stormed out. His fingers tracing my lips, he asked, “Do you want to get cleaned up?”

  Nodding my head, I sucked one of his fingers into my mouth. Our eyes locked. He dipped down to playfully lick the chocolate off my lips.

  He brought me a bucket of water. Instead of letting me put on the boot, Arlo helped me to the bedroom to get my clothes and next to the bathroom, leaving me alone to clean up and change for bed. When I hopped back into the hall, I expected him to be waiting to help me back to the couch. I didn’t expect what happened next. Arlo picked me up and whirled me around until I wrapped my legs around his middle. He seized me with his lips. Having kissed him just the other day, all my attraction to him flooded back. I returned his kiss with ease, thinking it would go nowhere. However, instead of to the couch, he took me to my bedroom. The multitude of candles he’d lit while I was cleaning up, shimmered magnificently, stunning me. I hoped they were from his own stash. The music playing softly was another surprise. He had a battery power radio and a cassette tape. I tried to place the romantic tune and couldn’t. Arlo set me on my one good foot. I’ll admit, I changed into one of my prettier night gowns, but I didn’t expect him to tear it clear off me.

  His look was wild, so much so, I’d be scared if I hadn’t already been to this point with him.

  “I thought I’d lost you,” he de
clared, helping me to sit the on edge of the tall bed.

  Like at the pool, he slipped down the strap of my bra down, kissing my shoulder. But he didn’t replace it this time. Nimble fingers stripped me bare. Arlo stepped back to rid himself of his clothes. I’d seen all of him before and longed to again. Watching intently, my cravings for him grew. All the while, I felt torn between being so aroused and nervous that any moment Troy would return. Not to mention the fact I’d just had the most awesome sex with the big man. But like he’d said, he wasn’t asking me to move in or something. He’d also stormed out, leaving Arlo to take care of me.

  Arlo drew me even closer to the edge of the bed, spreading me open, where Miss Mary could kiss his cock. In the perfect position, he entered me swiftly me without fan fair, without warning.

  I gulped. Miss Mary whimpered her surrender.

  It was like we’d picked up where we’d left off, from our romp in the pool. I felt the same feelings I had for him then. Maybe more. I was just as wet as I’d been in the water. And like we were in the water, Arlo used the bed to help bounce me onto his big cock. Riding his dick like I was, would otherwise be hard in my condition. Impressed again by his resourcefulness, I let go, let myself be free of any thought but Arlo.

  He laid me back, his hands running from my shoulders to knees. Yes, even though I’d had sex last night, I could only think of Arlo now, him standing off the bed, plunging his dick into me. Holding my thighs, he hauled me into each punch, making each more powerful. The pulse of his strikes surged. His body engulfed mine. He’d climbed on the bed, moving me with him. Rolling us around until I was on top, he held me to him. I laid flat against him, not rising to my knees like usual. Twerking my hips, I scratched a primal itch. Fucking Arlo, I stared into his eyes. His features quivered. He yanked me off his dick and directed me down until it slipped into my mouth. Him holding my head captive, his dick burst with hot goo, cumming down my throat. Helpless, I swallowed it.

  Arlo sat up in his lotus position. I sat up too. The music had stopped. Unsated, I was afraid he was finished for the night.

  “Have you ever experienced yab yum?” He asked.

  Breathlessly, I shook my head, no.

  He helped me to sit in his lap, facing him. His still rigid cock slid into me easily as I lowered onto him. My legs wrapped around him. He cupped my ass cheeks and stilled. We didn’t move. Clutching his back, I started to move. “Hold still. Look at me,” he demanded.

  I obeyed.

  His eyes piercing mine, Arlo smile glowed. “This is a full embrace. We’ll breathe together. It’ll be cosmic, intense.”

  I about whined, “Is this some sort of meditation.”

  “It’ll be worth it.”

  “That’s easy for you to say. You just got off.”

  “I could never do this with you if I hadn’t,” he remarked.

  “It’s not fair.” I started to raise up.

  Arlo clutched my hips, not letting me move. “You’re not going anywhere.” The forceful way he’d said it made me want to stay. “Try it for five minutes. If you’ve not cum by then, we’ll do it your way.”

  “You mean you’ll be getting me off without moving?”

  “Yes. But in silence.” That was Arlo’s polite way of telling me to shut up.

  He directed our breathing. Staying still in my state of arousal took everything I had. Our chests rising and falling together, we locked eyes. Though frozen in our position, I was hyper aware of his dick stirring in me. Just it being there, unmoving, it twitched. My pussy wept around it to the point I dripped. All the while, our breaths grew faster. Face to face, our hot air mingling back and forth mimicking the rhythm I so craved below. I belly ached deep with need, actually hurting.

  The silence, all but our labored breaths, continued. My climax built as Arlo fucked me with nothing but his gaze. My pussy clinched around him as I tried to keep holding still. The urge became unbearable. We blew out of our noses now. His gaze the most passionate kiss, his breath a thrust, I came panting and baying. Our energy synchronized, Arlo came as well, shooting the warm evidence into me.

  A knock on the door woke me. The sun blaring through the window, made me squint my eyes. Sitting up, pain greeted me. My side, knee and ankle still hurt. The view, Arlo’s naked back. He slipped on his boxers. The knock sounded again.

  Troy. Whipping my neck, I glared at my watch on the bedside table. Fuck. It was ten a.m.

  Before I could even try to get to the door, Arlo was out of my room, going to go answer it. Fuck. He was in his boxers. Regret hit me like a speeding semi-truck. Scooting to the edge of the bed, I hopped down onto my good leg. I’d thoroughly enjoyed sex with both men, but I wasn’t ready to choose. I dreaded the potential fight, Troy so extra-large and powerful and Arlo large as well, but lean and quick on his fancy feet. Or worse, them both deciding I was a whore and leaving me forever alone in this zombie wasteland. I limped around my room trying to dress, trying to clear the evidence.

  Too many fucking candles.

  I could hear Arlo answer the door. “Hey dude,” he said, in his usual ultra-positive way.

  “Where is she?” Troy sounded strange. “What the hell have you done to her?” The voice boomed.

  I stopped dead in my tracks, dropping Arlo’s shorts. Fuck. It couldn’t be Dillon, could it?


  Like I’d been kicked by a horse, I flung myself out of my bedroom door, shutting it behind me so he wouldn’t see the fifty shades of candles in there. Heeding his heavy footsteps, I tried to straighten my pink frilly night gown and my hair. Tasting Arlo’s semen on my lips, I wiped at my mouth. Squeezing my eyes shut, I braced myself for the oncoming storm. I imagined him slapping me across my face. He stepped around the corner, into the kitchen. Feeling him in front of me, I opened my eyes a hair. It wasn’t Dillon. It wasn’t Troy either. Not even Rowan. My eyes wide, the man before me sported a beard red as my hair.

  My hand went to my mouth as I broke down in tears. “Peace Joseph Landry.” I hugged my brother Joey’s neck.

  He hugged back. “Innocent Silya Landry, you’re a sight for sore eyes. Where’s the Beast?”

  “Really, you’re asking for your truck?” It figured.

  He cocked his head sideways. “And are you sleeping with Arlo?... I’d promised my buddy, Ward you’d go out with him,” he whispered.

  I punched his shoulder. “It’s none of your business.” I laughed. Things hadn’t changed.

  Come to find out, my idiot brother had been the one who’d told Arlo about the Jules Estate. They’d become buddies on the road. Assuming I’d been evacuated, he didn’t tell his new acquaintance about his sister. Arlo had never said Joey’s name or anything about him to clue me in. My brother had brought the other’s Arlo mentioned, another guy I knew. Tagging along was his best friend from high school, Ward Kline, who I’d always had a crush on, and him nothing for me. That was old news. With them were two women around our age. One blonde, being Ward’s cousin, Lucy, and my brother’s new girlfriend. I guess he and Tonya broke up, news to me. The other woman with the bunch, a brunette book end to Lucy, was her cousin Mabel, not actually related to Lucy’s cousin Ward. Mabel had a lap dog of some kind. It yapped constantly and had already taken a shit on my floor. I pictured the tiny thing being eaten by a stray zombie in one bite.

  I found my boot quick, cleaned up and dressed for our makeshift family reunion. They were all hungry, so I let Arlo drive me in the Buick and my brother and his people follow us in the van they arrived in, over to Mrs. Dean’s Diner for a real treat. I’d been thinking maybe we’d run into Troy while we were out. Since he hadn’t shown up, yet. I was beginning to worry in between catching up. Once in town, I’d also show Joey to his truck, I promised him, after our supper of course.

  When we made it to the Diner, I noticed right away the generator hadn’t been filled. My heart sank thinking Troy not only stormed off mad at me, he didn’t top off the generator like he said he would. With plenty of help, I
cooked up food to order. Soon we crammed into one of the big booths to eat, all six of us. Ward talked about us all shacking up at the Jules Estate. Arlo told them about all its amenities. I kept quiet about all I’d done to gather my supplies there. I’d talk to Joey about it later. At least, I knew for certain my brother, the obvious leader of this new bunch, not counting me, wouldn’t steal my haul. I’d have to share it though.

  Ugh. Nevertheless, I’d finally have some help around here.

  With a toast, my brother called us a happy family. Lucy wasn’t drinking, and Joey announced his girl was pregnant. “Here’s to repopulating the human race.” Ladies and gentlemen, my brother.

  Ward made eyes at me, and Arlo hugged me into him.

  Ugh, again. I suddenly felt like breeding stock.

  Drinking the IPA, I thought of Troy again. He said he was going after Rowan. What if he was hurt? I didn’t think Rowan was any match for Troy, but a zombie had caught me unaware just yesterday. Relaying the story to my brother, who’d finally asked about my bandaged neck, about my ankle, I mentioned how Troy shot the zombie and saved me. Joey stopped me when I mentioned Troy. His eyes narrowed. “You mean there was someone else here besides you and Arlo?”

  Had he not been listening. That was par for the course. “Yeah, Troy. Why?”

  “I wasn’t going to mention this until later, in private, but we ran into Dillon today, and you wouldn’t believe it.” Joey knew all about my ex-fiancé, Dillon and our breakup, so it made sense he would want to wait to talk in private.

  “What? Where?” I begged him to go on.

  “Aren’t you with Arlo?” My brother was getting too personal.

  “Arlo was just taking care of me on account of my ankle,” I said, sitting up from Arlo’s arm to save face. “Right, Arlo?”


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