Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection

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Wicked Souls: A Limited Edition Reverse Harem Romance Collection Page 178

by Rebecca Royce

  “Him. He is not ‘it.’ He’s a person and his name is Thane. I loved him once and I love him still. This isn’t just a random stranger.”

  Santos opens his mouth as if to say something, but then closes it after glancing at Dmitri. “Of course... Him. You will greet Thane and you will reassure him he is safe now and you will escort him to the processing center in the Underworld. As you are still in training, Dmitri and I will create the portals for you there and back. Do you have questions?”

  I shake my head quickly and grip my scythe tighter. They both rest their hands on my shoulders and I close my eyes as I feel the pull of their magic. When I open them, my living room is gone, and we are standing under a tree, looking out on the frontage road that parallels the highway. Nerves pool in my stomach and waves of nausea threaten to overwhelm me.

  Headlights appear at the end of the road and a sinking feeling of dread comes over me. I really don’t want to do this. Like clockwork, the headlights get closer and closer and then the skid starts. I watch in horror as the red Jeep hits the standing water and hydroplanes. Thane tries to correct the spin, but the vehicle is out of control and he slams into the old oak tree on the side of the road. The entire vehicle crumples.

  My hand covers my mouth and I turn away from the scene, burying my face in Santos' shoulder while my chest heaves with silent sobs.

  “Give him a good ending, zvezda.” Dmitri pushes me forward and I take a few tentative steps forward, holding my scythe with a white-knuckled grip. I creep around the edge of the car and peek into the shattered driver’s side window. Thane.

  His face is contorted in pain and the light in his eyes is fading fast. There’s blood everywhere. Stepping closer, I lean over him, my hand reaching out to caress his cheek. My heart breaks for him. He deserves better than this. I glance back to see if Santos and Dmitri are hovering, but true to their word, they are keeping their distance, allowing me my space. I shift my body over to block them from seeing what I am doing.

  Touching the diadem, I allow my face to become visible to Thane.

  “I’m so sorry, Thane. I’m just so sorry,” I whisper to him. His eyes are struggling to focus and there are only seconds left.

  “Kyrie?” The words are faint, but they fill my heart. I am glad he recognizes me.

  “I’m here, Thane. I’ll be here with you through the end. You won’t have to be alone.” I promise fiercely. I am positive that talking to the person and not the soul is probably ill-advised by whoever makes Reaper rules, but I don’t care.

  “Am I dead?”

  “No, you’re not dead.” I don’t need to add ‘yet’ to the end of that sentence. I think we both know it’s coming.

  I don’t know what to do. It feels cruel to hide from him again but watching the life seep out of his eyes is torturing me.

  “I’m dying though. I know it.”

  No comforting words come to mind, and I panic. I am not prepared for this. This is too soon. I am probably the worst Reaper to even attempt this. Looking down at his pain-filled face, the love I had for him comes rushing back. It’s almost over. I don’t need to be an expert Reaper or a medical professional to know that. I lean my scythe against the mangled car door and bend further in towards him. I close my eyes and press a chaste kiss to his lips as tears trickle down my cheeks. I can feel his light leaving him and it hurts me.

  When my lips leave his something hard punches me in the stomach and I stagger backwards, grabbing my scythe as I fall hard on my ass. Everything is disoriented and feels wrong. Intense pain travels up my core, stopping next to my heart. White-hot fire strikes my heart and I gasp out small pants before screaming. White light shoots out from my fingertips and my head is thrown back in a soundless scream.

  Santos and Dmitri surround me in a heartbeat, but I can’t hear them. I just claw at my chest and cry out, wanting the pain to stop. I am surrounded by blue fire and golden light, but nothing takes the pain away. When I fall forward into darkness, it’s a welcome relief to float into nothingness.

  The last thing I hear is a very familiar voice, only this time it’s coming from inside my head.

  “Kyrie? What’s happening?”

  Thane? Oh, shit. What did I do?

  Chapter 4

  When I wake up, everything is pitch dark and utterly silent. My mouth feels dry and my eyelids feel like sandpaper.

  “Hello?” I croak out, the rawness of my throat makes speaking painful.

  Oh, you’re awake. That’s great. Now you can tell me what the actual fuck is going on? The voice in my head sounds vaguely familiar and kind of pissed off. I try to remember what happened. If my inner-voice has changed, maybe I had a concussion and this is recovery. That seems plausible.

  Nope. No concussion here, petit chou.

  My heart leaps at that endearment. Only one person in this world calls me a little cabbage and lives to tell about it: Thane.

  “Thane?” I croak again, trying to turn my head and squinting in the darkness. I don’t see anyone in the room and the persistent dull headache behind my eyes threatens to explode my brain if I move again.

  The one and only. I’m not out there. I’m in here. Somehow.

  Something feels like it’s knocking on the inside of my skull and I frown. This is a helluva hallucination. I hope I am in a hospital. If not, I need to seek medical attention immediately. Bits and pieces of my memory come rushing back and I remember seeing Thane in the mangled car. My heart clenches in pain and I cry out.

  Yep. I’m dead. Glad to see you still care.

  Thane’s voice sounds clear as day but my brain can’t catch up with the idea that he is inside my brain. I resolve to seek medical attention as soon as I can figure out where the fuck I am.

  You probably need medical attention but you’ll never see the light of day again if you tell them you hear the voice of your dead ex boyfriend in your head as if he’s still alive… Just sayin’.

  He’s not wrong.

  Santos and Dmitri pop into my mind and I wonder where they are.

  “Santos. Santos. Santos?” I try the three-times summoning trick but when no Angel appears, sadness runs through me.

  Are we chanting now? Chanting seems productive. What if I start us off with, “What the fuck did you do Kyrie? What the fuck did you do?” You’re right, this is helpful. Thanks.

  It’s very unusual that my inner voice is this bitchy or loud. I need to get that looked at.

  With a sigh, I try again.

  “Dmitri? Dmitri? Dmitri.” My throat feels like it has broken glass embedded in it.

  The familiar pop of smoke greets me and even though I can’t see him, I am instantly comforted by my Hellhound’s presence.

  Your Hellhound? This should be interesting.

  “Shut up, Thane, and let me think. My God.” I mutter.

  “You summoned Dmitri, not Thane.” The demon’s gravelly voice whispers in my ear and I flinch at the unexpected sound of his voice.

  “I know I did. I keep hearing Thane in my head. I think I’m going crazy.” I whisper, each word more painful than the last.

  Dmitri is silent for a long moment and then I feel the familiar warmth of his flames on my skin. “Do you trust me, zvezda?” He asks quietly, “You do not need to speak, you only need to grip my hand if you do.”

  His warm hand slides into mine, and I grip it hard. The little flames dance on my skin in response. “I can shut up your passenger for a few minutes so we can talk, but know that doing so will create a bond between us that will not be easily broken.”

  I squeeze his hand again, encouraging him to get on with it. I already have my ex-boyfriend in my head, what’s an additional demon?

  The flames burn brighter on my skin and I feel movement in the air somewhere above my head. I strain my eyes, trying to see through the inky blackness, but I can’t see anything at all.

  Rough stubble brushes across my cheek, and then his lips are covering mine. I freeze for a brief second, shock flooding through
me before the sensation turns to overwhelming need. Each kiss of his sends licks of electricity coursing through my veins.

  Really? REALLY? IS THIS THE TIME? Thane’s shouts in my brain get fainter and fainter, the longer I kiss Dmitri. My body arches into his touch until he breaks the kiss and nibbles on my lip. I whimper in protest, clawing at the air to find him and bring him back to me. The darkness surrounds us and I can’t see where he went.

  A dark chuckle breaks through the silence and I freeze, trying to pinpoint his location.

  I’m standing just out of reach, zvezda. If I were to touch you again,we would be bonding in other ways.

  I suck in a breath as Dmitri’s voice sounds clearly in my head. Unlike Thane, who feels like an intruder on my thoughts, Dmitri sounds like he belongs there. My mind accepts his intrusion with grace.

  That’s the bond. You trust me and you welcomed me. Your passenger was thrust into you rather abruptly. There’s a learning curve there.

  I blink at the realization that if Dmitri has access to my head to speak to me, he can presumably see my thoughts. That’s… terrifying.

  “I can’t see or feel anything you don’t want me to, love. Don’t worry, your secrets are safe.” Dmitri speaks out loud and I let out a long breath. It’s intriguing that I can send images or feelings to him. My body is still recovering from the kiss and aching with need. I concentrate on finding the link in my brain that is distinctly Dmitri. It’s easy to find. He shines like a bright orange neon light in the back of my brain. I concentrate hard and try to draw all the arousal and needy feelings that I have and package it up into one shiny ball. In my mind, that ball is a bright red shining pulsating orb of horny energy. I push it towards the neon demon sign in my brain and watch as it flares to life.

  Hmm. That’s a fun experiment.

  Dmitri groans and hands slap down on either side of my head and he leans over me, his flames shining brighter and illuminating the room slightly. I can see the shadow of his head hovering over me and my body aches.

  Touch me. Please.

  I try the mindspeak link for the first time but he doesn’t answer so I try a little louder: TOUCH ME, DMITRI. PLEASE. I scream into my brain.

  A flurry of activity above me alerts me that he received my message. The flames on my skin flare so bright I almost have to shield my eyes. Dmitri growls in my ear before pressing his lips to mine with a burning intensity. I sink into his touch and then the room goes black and my eyes roll back into my head.

  It's hot and dark. Shadows dance along the walls. Small blue flames blink in and out of existence, lighting the way, as I walk deeper and deeper into the cave. Excitement and anticipation makes my heart race. I'm headed towards something or someone and I am eager to get there. The cavern opens up to a brilliantly lit room. A giant four-poster bed is in the center of the room, draped with black gauze and silk.

  Instinctively I move towards the bed, stripping my clothes off as I move. This bed is familiar. Climbing on top, I lay down and let my skin revel in the silky smoothness of the sheets. The lights dim and my legs quake.

  I crave it. This space… It draws me in, seducing my mind and beckoning me to come closer and surrender to the pleasure that lies ahead.

  Soft leather snaps across my wrists automatically and I test the bonds, listening to the gentle clink of the chains. I crane my head and listen for his approach. But, as always, all I can hear is the pounding of my heart.

  Soft leather cuffs snap around my ankles next, spreading me out on the bed, exposing me spreadeagled and wide. I writhe, waiting for his touch.

  The first touch of his tongue between my pink lips makes me startle and buck. The feeling of his hands, hot on my skin, almost branding me with his touch. He expertly teases me, sucking on my clit before finding my entrance with one finger and then two. My entire body reacts to him and I thrash against my restraints.

  "Dmitri," I moan, aching for the release just out of reach.

  He pauses, staring up at me with an inscrutable expression on his face.

  A beat passes in silence before he resumes, driving me closer and closer to my release. His tongue flutters around my clit like a boxer on a speed bag. My climax is so close.

  "Dmitri," I moan again, arching into him, pressing my soaking pussy into his face.

  Again he freezes.

  I don't know why this feels so right, but it does.

  Two long beats pass in silence before he resumes, even more aggressive than the first. My climax rips through me like a tsunami and I buck, riding his face as best I can.

  "Dmitri," I scream. The room spins and the distinctive smell of wood-smoke, leather, and just a hint of sulfur permeates my every sense.

  My eyes fly open and I am back in my pitch dark room. Thane snorts in my head. It’s a weird feeling.

  That was… awkward. Is this a regular thing you do? Because if it is, we can set up a schedule or something. I’ve always loved your body, but that was weird to watch.

  Thane’s voice sounds slightly strained as he creeps back into my brain. I search for Dmitri’s neon orange connection, but he remains silent.

  “Let’s bring you back, sweetheart.” A fresh voice sounds in the darkness and I am relieved to hear Santos. Familiar golden light slowly illuminates the room and I blink at the brightness. I am surprised but relieved that I am in a familiar place.

  I’m in Hell.

  There are several people crowded in the doorway, looking in on me. I recognize my cousin Melinoe and my Aunt Perri. I don’t see Uncle Des but someone has to run the place. A few demons in business casual are carrying clipboards, their glasses hooked over the edges of their horns as they scribble notes. Santos is standing next to me, his golden glow slightly dimmer in the Underworld's presence. My gaze travels the small room and I finally see Dmitri wedged into the shadows of the furthest corner. His expression is unreadable.

  “Welcome back, cuz!” Melinoe turns to me and skips forward, giving me a quick hug and helping me to a sitting position.

  “So. You had to swallow your first soul. That’s a helluva start!”

  A cacophony of noise rises behind Melinoe as everyone speaks at once.

  You SWALLOWED my SOUL?! Kyrie, what the actual fuck?! Thane thunders in my head, making me wince at the volume.

  I don’t know what to do. Panicking, I turn to Santos and mouth ‘help me!’ He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze before drawing himself up and spreading his wings. He just keeps getting taller and I stare slack-jawed as he fills the space as a 7-foot angel with impressive wings and a body that looks as though it has been carved out of marble. Whoa.

  “Silence.” His voice echoes through the stone walls and all the demons fall silent, eyeing him with a plethora of expressions ranging from revulsion to begrudging respect.

  Aunt Perri pushes off from the wall where she is leaning and strides into the room with absolute authority. She’s a tiny woman, but no one in this realm or the next would dare mess with her. Supposedly, her mother went paranoid and crazy during her childhood and trained Persephone to be an assassin. I’ve never seen her in action, but I don’t doubt it. There’s an edge about her that just screams danger. It’s fitting for the Queen of the Underworld, just a little disconcerting as a quality in one’s aunt.

  She lays a hand on Santos’ forearm and a green glow lights where their skin touches. After a moment, Santos bows his head respectfully and steps aside.

  “Hello, niece,” Persephone looks down at me, her normally twinkling green eyes are serious. I squirm under her assessing gaze.

  “Hi, Aunt Perri. I’m sorry I fucked up.” I say blandly and then wince as Thane knocks around inside my skull again.

  Persephone looks at me again for a long moment and then nods decisively. “Has the passenger soul contacted you through any kind of shared consciousness?”

  “I can hear Thane in my head. He’s rattling around in there. If he feels like I’m not paying enough attention to him, he knocks on the side of my skull
. It’s not great.” I look down at my grimy hands.

  “Thane? You know this soul?” Persephone looks up at Santos and Dmitri in surprise.

  “Well, yeah. He’s my ex. It really upset me having to Reap his soul last night or whenever that was. He was my first love. I didn’t want to see him die.”

  That’s sweet of you, Kyrie. Thank you. Thane does something to my brain that feels almost like a caress and it startles me.

  Persephone’s face is turning a mottled purple, and she’s flexing her fists open and closed. Melinoe is watching her with interest. The nerd-demons take a collective step back.

  “Kyrie. Did you tell your guardians about your relationship with this soul?” Her voice is razor sharp and I hesitate to answer out of fear.

  “Yes?” I finally squeak out, trying hard not to visibly recoil from my terrifying aunt.

  She notices my discomfort and attempts to control her expression. She forces a smile onto her face and pats my hand in what I am sure is meant to be a comforting gesture. “This isn’t your fault, darling girl. We’ll figure something out.”

  “You,” she turns to Dmitri and crooks her finger at him, “And you,” she turns to Santos and slaps him on the thigh. “Both of you please join me outside. We need to have a little chat.”

  Dmitri looks pale, and he executes a sharp salute and pivots on his heel to follow his Queen. Santos shrinks back down to his normal size and follows behind him. Neither of them look at me and I am unsure of what is happening. The nerdy-demons seem to decide that now isn’t a great time to hang around and they blink out of existence without so much as a by-your-leave. It’s just Melinoe and I in the room and she gives me another comforting hug.

  “It’s not that bad. Mom will fix it. Don’t worry!” She hands me a glass of sparkling water and I gulp it gratefully. The bubbles are doing wonders for my sore throat.


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