Submitting to the Shadow: Kindred Tales 27

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Submitting to the Shadow: Kindred Tales 27 Page 10

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Yes,” she said in a low voice. “Exactly.”

  “And possibly these same fetish-type implements give the dominant partner power over his submissive’s body?”

  As he spoke, he withdrew a small device from his pocket which looked like a remote control to Sammi. She felt a shiver of apprehension.

  “What are you getting at?” she asked, frowning. “And what is that thing you’re holding?”

  “This, my dear Samantha, is a device which goes along with the nipple caps and the Goddess pearl shield which I placed on you earlier,” Roark murmured. “It’s meant to raise your levels of desire and sexual need. Observe.”

  He pressed one of the buttons on the remote and Sammi had to bite back a gasp.

  Immediately, the two black nipple caps enclosing her nipples and areolas began to suck and tug at her tender peaks. They got warmer too, feeling like two wet mouths surrounding her nipples and licking and nursing her stiff points mercilessly.

  “You feel it?” Roark demanded, looking at her intently.

  “I…I do!” Sammi gasped. “How…how did you get them to do that?”

  “Pleasure by nerve induction.” He gave her a rare, one-sided smile, the left corner of his thin but sensuous lips curving up. “It’s the same concept used by the pain collars Mistresses put on their bodyslaves on Yonnie Six. Only of course, I wanted to induce pleasure, not pain. Pleasure is a great deal more difficult than pain, by the way. It’s a much more subtle feeling. Though of course, the two sensations are closer together than one might think.”

  “I…I see,” Sammi moaned softly. “When…when are you going to make it stop?”

  “Not for some time,” Roark growled softly. “Why, are you tired of being pleasured already, Samantha? We haven’t even tested out the Goddess pearl shield yet.”

  Sammi’s eyes widened when she realized the implication of his words.

  “Oh, no!” she begged, reached to put a hand on his arm again, this time beseechingly. “Please, Roark—we’re in public!”

  “We’re in a very secluded spot,” he pointed out. “I asked the server to seat us here for just this reason.”

  Then he pointed the remote at her again and pressed another button.

  Immediately, the same teasing sensation of a mouth sucking and licking her, that she was already feeing in her nipples, began in Sammi’s clit.

  The pleasure was overwhelming. She bit her knuckles to keep from crying out but she couldn’t stop herself from writhing in her seat—it was as though someone had pressed a high-powered vibrator to the sensitive bundle of nerves at the center of her pussy—she literally could not hold still!

  And yet no matter how the pleasure built, it never came to a climax. No matter how intense it got, Sammi found she could never quite come. Every time she started getting close, the pleasure would end momentarily and then begin again with a whole different rhythm. The effect was to put her continually on the edge of an orgasm but to never quite push her over the edge and let her find relief.

  This must be why they call it “edging” Sammi thought, writhing around in her seat as though she had literal ants in her pants. Because it’s going to drive me over the edge of insanity if it doesn’t stop or I don’t get some relief soon!

  “Roark, please!” she managed to gasp. “Please, I can’t stand it! I’ll go crazy—please make it stop!”

  He frowned.

  “I will not make it stop. I will, however, turn down the settings on both the nipple caps and the Goddess pearl shield.”

  He pressed some buttons on the remote and the intense sucking at her nipples eased until it just felt like someone lapping her peaks gently. The vibrating pleasure teasing her clit also decreased until it, too, felt like a gentle, playful tongue or a single fingertip circling her aching button.

  “Ohhhh…” Sammi moaned. She was able to stop full-on writhing but she was still shifting from side to side, as though trying desperately to get comfortable.

  “Is that better?” Roark asked, raising his eyebrows.

  “A little,” Sammi admitted. “But it’s still making me horny out of my mind! How long are you going to keep them on?” she couldn’t help asking.

  “Hmm…at this setting? Only for about twenty minutes every hour,” Roark said thoughtfully.

  “What?” Sammi squeaked. “You’re going to use them on me that often? Every hour?”

  “From now until the time you ovulate and you’re ready to be strapped into the insemination machine,” Roark told her sternly. “Remember, you must be at peak desire in order to test it.”

  “But…but you’re not really going to be getting me pregnant,” Sammi protested breathlessly.

  “No, but I will be observing your responses,” Roark said. “And you need to be at a fever-pitch of desire before I put you in the machine.”

  “I’m there!” Sammi exclaimed. “Put me in now, why don’t you?”

  “Because according to the paperwork you filled out, you’re not ovulating yet.” Roark leaned back in his chair and smiled again. “Think how extremely ready you’ll be to get fucked by the time you finally are, Samantha. By the time I finally strap you into the machine, you’ll be begging for a phallus to fill you.”

  Sammi thought about begging for one now—but she sensed it wouldn’t do any good. She was just going to have to learn to live with the fact that she’d given complete control of her sexual pleasure and responses over to a man who wanted to use her as an experiment.

  God, how could I do that? What’s wrong with me? she moaned internally. But she had to admit, as distressing as the situation was, it was also undeniably hot.

  She had never been so completely out of control of her own body before and the intent look in Roark’s pale eyes as he watched her writhe in helpless pleasure did something to the growing submissive part of her that nearly made her melt into a puddle of lust right there at the table.

  Just then the waiter returned with desert—grieza worms—which he assured Sammi tasted like delicious dark chocolate. Sammi managed to sit up straight and not broadcast the fact that she was being sexually tortured beneath her clothes. She tried the worms which looked awful but tasted wonderful, remembering that Meg had recommended them.

  The worms really were delicious, but it was hard to concentrate on eating them while the nipple caps and clit shield did their work on her. Somehow Sammi made it through the end of the meal and the ride back home to the corridor where her new suite was located.

  Ever the gentleman, Roark walked her back to her door, the black remote tucked safely in his pocket.

  “Well,” he murmured, “Thank you for a lovely evening, Samantha.”

  “Oh, yes. And thank you, too,” Sammi murmured. Then they just stood there. It seemed like Roark was about to go but hadn’t quite made up his mind to leave her yet.

  Sammi was feeling completely desperate. She wanted to invite the big Kindred in, but she sensed he wouldn’t accept her offer. For him, the date was over but Sammi didn’t want it to end. She knew it wasn’t really a date but it had sure as hell felt like one. They had shared secrets about themselves and talked about their past as well as what they hoped for in the future. And Roark had been teasing her with the damn nipple caps and clit shield for what felt like forever.

  The least he could do is kiss me good night! whispered a disgruntled little voice in her head.

  A goodnight kiss? As Sammi looked up into his pale eyes, an idea occurred to her. She blurted it out before she could stop herself.

  “You know, Roark, there’s an area of research that you’re completely neglecting. A vital area.”

  “What?” He frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “You’re so interested in sexual desire in females—getting them to the peak of desire so they can be impregnated by Kindred sperm,” Sammi said. “You’ve invented these ingenious devices that stimulate sexual need in the most sensitive areas of a woman’s body—but you’ve neglected one very important erogenous zone.�

  “I have?” He raised an eyebrow at her skeptically. “Please, enlighten me.”

  “The mouth…the lips.” Sammi touched her own lips lightly with her fingertips. “A woman needs to be kissed to feel desired—and to feel desire, in turn. You’ve neglected that need.”

  His frown deepened.

  “You’re right, Samantha—I hadn’t thought of that. I suppose I could invent some kind of device to simulate—”

  “Or you could just kiss me,” Sammi cut him off.

  His eyes widened as he looked down at her.

  “Kiss you?”

  “Yes, kiss me,” Sammi repeated. “We’re already in the middle of this experiment and you don’t have time to develop a, uh, ‘kissing device’ right now,” she pointed out. “So you’ll have to do the best you can with what you have. You’ll have to do things manually, like you did today in the lab. Or in this case, orally.”

  Roark’s pale eyes darkened and he pulled her suddenly into his arms.

  “I suppose you’re right,” he murmured, bending down so that she could feel his warm breath against her lips. “I’ll have to do the best I can with what I have.”

  And then he kissed her.


  Shouldn’t have kissed her, Roark lectured himself as he walked back to his own suite. Shouldn’t have done it. You’re getting emotionally involved and things are going to get messy if you’re not careful! You’re getting in too deep, Roark.

  But gods, her lips had been so soft and sweet! And she’d melted against him so willingly, giving herself to him completely as she opened her mouth to suck eagerly on his tongue.

  Roark reminded himself again that he couldn’t give her what she wanted—what she needed. He couldn’t give her children and he couldn’t bond with her. He had failed with Amanda which surely meant he would fail with Samantha too, if he was foolish enough to try.

  But though he knew it was wrong, he couldn’t bring himself to regret the kiss…or stop himself from wanting to kiss her again.

  Deep in his heart, which had turned to ice back when his old fiancée left, a flame was beginning to grow. And try as he might, Roark couldn’t quite bring himself to extinguish it…


  The next week was a kind of exquisite torture for Sammi.

  Every hour on the hour for at least twenty minutes at a time, she felt the nipple caps and clit shield come to life and tease her with pleasure. Sometimes the pleasure was so intense she wanted to scream. Sometimes, as when she was drifting off to sleep at night, the pleasure was gentle and almost soothing—a soft tongue lapping tenderly at her nipples and pussy like a lazy lover who just wanted to taste her without waking her.

  She had intensely erotic dreams during this time—-all of them starring Roark—who would strap her to the padded table and touch and taste her everywhere but who would never let her come. She always woke up unfulfilled and longing for more—longing for Roark.

  But unlike most people, Sammi’s waking life was as intensely erotic as her dreaming one.

  Every morning when she came in to work, Roark greeted her with a long, sensual kiss. He then took her in the back room and ordered her to strip so that he could take off the nipple caps and clit shield in order to remove the bonding fruit ointment. Then he would test her levels of sexual desire and lubrication—which meant stroking deep in her pussy with his long fingers—before reapplying a new layer of ointment and replacing the caps and shield.

  He sucked and lapped her nipples thoroughly every time he did this, though he still used the molecular wand on her pussy. But through it all, to Sammi’s intense frustration, he would never let her come.

  The third morning he had her naked and spread out on the table and was about to use the wand to remove the ointment from her clit, she closed her legs and refused to let him in.

  “No,” she said, glaring up at her boss-slash-Dom with a belligerent frown. “I don’t like that thing—it feels weird.”

  Roark frowned at her sternly.

  “Samantha, you know the only other way to remove the bonding fruit ointment is for me to lick you. Is that what you want?”

  As a matter of fact, that was exactly what Samantha wanted. Though she’d never been comfortable with this act before, she was ready to try it again. Part of that was the fact that the constant “edging” Roark was subjecting her to was driving her crazy. And part of it was something Meg had told her about Kindred.

  “It doesn’t matter what kind of Kindred they are, they all need to eat pussy,” she’d explained, while telling Sammi yet another naughty story about herself and Berik. “It’s some kind of biological thing. And I swear if you get them between your legs, you’ve got them—you know? They just can’t resist you after that. Why—do you know that Berik ended up proposing to me right after the first time he tasted my pussy?”

  “No, did he?” Sammi had felt an uncomfortable sort of fascination. Her best friend had always been an over-sharer. It was part of her personality—she always told too much.

  “Oh, yes!” Meg giggled. “We were at the pool at my old apartment and we had it all to ourselves—nobody else was there that day. Anyway, Berik had been rubbing suntan lotion all over my body—and I do mean all over…” She had grinned and nodded down at her breasts. “When suddenly, I jumped and told him something had bitten me. Can you guess where?”

  “I think I can,” Sammi had said dryly.

  “Exactly—right between my legs.” Meg widened her eyes. “So I got him to ‘check it out’ for me—though of course, first he had to take off my bikini bottoms. And then I asked him to ‘kiss it better.’” She giggled again. “He made me come five times right there by the pool and afterwards he told me he had to Claim me and join with me because he was addicted to my pussy and he needed to taste it every day for the rest of his life. Can you imagine?”

  As it happened, Sammi could imagine such a scenario—between herself and her boss.

  Was she trying to trap Roark into some kind of relationship by demanding that he lick the bonding fruit ointment off her clit rather than using the molecular wand? Sammi couldn’t say for sure—she only knew she wanted to be closer to him—not just physically but emotionally. If this act would bring Roark to her, then she wanted to try it.

  Plus, he was driving her crazy with lust—which made her a lot less self-conscious about letting the big Kindred go down on her.

  “Do you want me to lick your pussy to remove the ointment, Samantha?” Roark asked again.

  “You’ve already been sucking on my nipples for the last thirty minutes to remove the bonding fruit ointment.” Sammi said flippantly, her heart pounding against her ribs. “You might as well lick my pussy too, while you’re at it.”

  She knew it was dangerous to use that tone when speaking to her boss—he might decide she needed another spanking. But she liked being naughty sometimes—it gave her a sexual thrill to know she was pushing the limits.

  Roark’s eyes flashed and he frowned at her sternly.

  “Careful, Samantha. And if you think I’ll let you come just because I’m tasting you, you’re sadly mistaken.”

  Well, they would see about that, Sammi thought to herself. She was so close to the edge right now it felt like the least little thing might send her over. And Roark’s warm, wet tongue bathing her aching clit was not the least little thing.

  “Do it,” she whispered, looking up at him. “Please, Roark—I…I need you to.”

  He growled, low in his throat and she saw unmistakable desire in his pale eyes. He might pretend this was all an experiment, but she knew damn well it turned him on to control her sexual pleasure as much as it turned her on to let him control it.

  “Very well,” he told her. “Then spread your legs wide for me, Samantha, and let me in.” He frowned. “But first I’m going to have to make certain you can’t move while I do this—I can’t have you riding my tongue to orgasm.”

  Sammi was already in the stirrups but she
felt an extra rush of desire as he strapped her in, just as he had the first time he removed the bonding fruit ointment from her pussy.

  Once he was certain she was completely restrained and couldn’t move from the waist down, Roark got down to business. Sitting on the rolling stool so that his mouth was at the level her sex, he carefully removed the Goddess pearl shield with the help of a device that looked like a tiny laser beam. It didn’t hurt at all—it just emitted a warm amber beam of light which seemed to melt the adhesive he’d used to hold the shield in place.

  When the shield came off, Roark laid it carefully on the little rolling tray beside him and turned his full attention to Sammi’s pussy.

  “Hmm…” he murmured, spreading her outer lips wide to examine her swollen clit. “I can see that your Goddess pearl is engorged.” He stroked along the side of Sammi’s clit lightly with one fingertip, making her gasp and moan. “And extremely sensitive.”

  “Please, Roark,” Sammi whispered, not liking to beg but unable to help herself. “Please, if you could just let me come just once. Just one little orgasm…”

  “I’m afraid not.” He frowned at her. “As I’ve told you before, you need to be at peak desire before I strap you into the inseminator three days from now.”

  “When will you let me see the machine? The inseminator, I mean?” Sammi asked, trying not to moan again as he stroked the other side of her clit as well, still testing her sensitivity.

  “Not until I’m ready to use it on you,” Roark told her, frowning. “And now be still and stop asking questions. I must concentrate on removing the ointment from your Goddess pearl.”

  Leaning forward, he spread her pussy even wider and dragged the flat of his tongue gently over her inner folds.

  “Ohhh!” Sammi gasped, her hands going involuntarily to his thick black hair. “Oh, Roark, yes—please!”

  He looked up briefly.

  “Don’t tense up, Samantha. You need to relax and let me lick your sweet little cunt until all the ointment is gone.”


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