Monster Academy

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Monster Academy Page 13

by Catherine Banks

  I leapt into the nearest shadow and used it to travel to my room.

  My two hellhound pups rushed over and licked my hands.

  Collapsing to the floor, I let them lick the salty tears from my face.

  Maybe I should have let Dad homeschool me after all.

  “I don’t know why you keep running away from me,” Bogden said from outside my door. “I don’t know what I did to upset you. I wish you would tell me so I could make it better. I don’t want to keep chasing you and risk upsetting you more. So, I’ll just leave your gift here. Happy Samhain, Loralie.”

  Waiting several minutes to be sure he was gone, I opened my door a crack, grabbed the black-wrapped box, and then closed and locked my door.

  I sat on the bed and stared at the box.

  Bogden had gotten me a Samhain gift.

  I hadn’t expected that.

  I was dying to know what was inside, but at the same time, I didn’t want to open it.

  With a groan, I flopped back onto my bed and closed my eyes. Maybe a nap would help.

  My nap was immediately interrupted by Tsukiko and Frances barging into my room.

  My ferocious hellhounds yipped excitedly and rolled onto their backs for belly rubs.

  “We’ve got a problem,” Frances said.

  I looked at them both and saw that each held a package.

  “Rathik and Dante?” I guessed.

  They nodded.

  I pointed at the one Bogden had left me. “Bogden.”

  We carried our packages to the table and set them in the center, then backed up and glared at them.

  “We’re not opening them, right?” Tsukiko asked.

  “We are not opening them,” I said with a definitive nod.

  “Well, I’m fine not opening them, but we cannot give them back. That’d be incredibly rude,” Frances whispered.

  I agreed with a nod. “So, we put them in a box and hide them in the closet?” I suggested.

  Tsukiko agreed with a nod, went to her room, and then returned with a box large enough to fit the three inside. We carefully put them in the box, then taped it up like we were trying to keep a creature from escaping.

  Then, Frances carefully put the box into the closet and closed the door.

  “There,” I said with an exhale.

  “Out of sight, out of mind,” Tsukiko said and flopped down onto my bed.

  “Well, mostly,” Frances murmured.

  “We’re taking the rest of the night off,” Tsukiko said. “I can’t deal with them anymore.”

  “She almost tore off some guy’s arm when he tried to give her some chocolates,” Frances chuckled.

  “Time for naps?” I suggested. They had interrupted my attempt, and I was tired.

  “Naps,” they agreed.

  We climbed onto the bed, snuggled down together beneath the blankets, and fell into a deep sleep.

  “What are you three doing?” Ainsley gasped.

  I groaned and pulled the covers up tighter. “Go away.”

  “It’s Samhain! Why are you guys hiding? It’s time to celebrate!” she chirped.

  I could hear her prancing around the room. Her talons clicked on the tile in the bathroom before she returned near us, her feathers brushed my nose and almost made me sneeze.

  “You had ten packages at your doors. I brought them in so no one could steal them,” she continued.

  “We aren’t going out,” Tsukiko said. “Just let us sleep.”

  “It’s almost midnight. Everyone is heading to the party. You guys can’t skip it,” she said with a guffaw.

  “We can and we are,” I said. “Seriously, Ainsley, we aren’t coming. Just tell everyone we’re sick or something.”

  She chirped so softly and sadly that it almost broke my heart. “Okay,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.”

  The door closed with a whisper soft click and the room grew silent once again.

  “We hurt her feelings, didn’t we?” I guessed.

  “Yeah, but she’ll get over it,” Tsukiko said. “Let’s eat and then we can watch something.”

  We sat together on the bed, watching the television, and eating food.

  I didn’t like that I had hurt Ainsley’s feelings, but this was for the best.

  Staying away from everyone was definitely for the best.

  Chapter 28


  Having a blindfold, gag, and handcuffs put on you first thing when you wake up was not something I ever thought I would have to experience.

  As I was carried out of the room, I struggled, kicking and flailing while also screaming around the gag.

  I could hear lots of commotion, but no one was talking. There were a lot of grunts and distressed muffled sounds, though.

  “To the room with this one,” someone said.

  I kicked out towards the voice, my legs the only thing I could move at the moment.

  A cold piece of metal pressed against my neck. “Unless you want to try to find a new head, monster, shut up and stay still.”

  I drew in a breath and fear caused me to freeze.


  Oh, gods. Oh, gods.

  Where were Loralie and Tsukiko?

  Were they alright?

  What were we going to do?

  How had they gotten onto campus?

  How had they managed to get us like this?

  A door opened and hot sunlight covered my body.

  Of course. They waited until the morning after Samhain to attack us, when we would be exhausted from staying up late and our guard would be down.

  But how were they subduing the creatures with powers? Creatures like Dante and Rathik?

  Why had Baba Yaga left?

  The scent of blood and death filled my nostrils as we continued to walk and I tried not to gag.

  What had happened?

  I both wanted to see and didn’t at the same time.

  The human carrying me tossed me on the ground, my butt hitting the hard floor, but thankfully missed my tailbone.

  I grunted in pain and sat up, backing away from where the human had been.

  I scooted until I touched a warm body, and then tried to move away, but heat from above my head made me stop.

  Was that Dante?

  “Frances,” Dante whispered. “It’s okay. I’m right here.” His fingers brushed mine, and I gripped his as much as I could with my bound hands. With the gag in, I couldn’t respond to him, but there wasn’t really anything I could say anyways.

  “Keep an eye on that one,” an unfamiliar voice said. “He shouldn’t be able to use his fire, but I still wouldn’t trust him.”

  “What about the girl beside him? That’s Frankenstein’s kid, right?” Another unfamiliar voice asked.

  “She’s harmless. She’s supposedly smart, but how smart can a monster be? If she starts acting up, just burn her a bit. I’ve heard she’s scared of fire.”

  “You keep your filthy human hands off her,” Dante snapped.

  “Oh, ho? Tough guy, huh? Got a thing for the zombie chick? That’s useful information,” one of the voices said.

  A door shut and Dante sighed behind me. “I don’t know how they got in or got to us all so quickly, but it looks like most of the school is split up into smaller groups and they’re guarding us pretty well. They used some potion that made it difficult to use our powers.”

  He’d said difficult, not impossible.

  I tried to ask about my friends, but the stupid gag wasn’t helping me talk at all.

  “I haven’t seen Tsukiko or Loralie,” he whispered. “They’re still bringing people in, though. So, maybe they’ll be brought in soon.”

  Tears burned the corners of my eyes and I sniffled, trying to stop them.

  Dante rested his chin atop my head and said, “It’s okay. I won’t let them hurt you. We’ll figure a way out of this. Or, the elites will come and save us.”

  I hoped so.

  I really really hoped so.

move back from her,” one of the humans snapped.

  Dante growled, but scooted back. He kept our fingers touching, though behind my back, which the human probably couldn’t see.

  I hoped this wouldn’t be the last time we touched.

  I hoped my friends were okay.

  Lucifer, below, save us, please.

  Chapter 29


  Before I could process what had happened, my two hellhounds yelped in pain, a burning liquid was poured down my mouth, and I was bound in strong restraints.

  “That was easier than I thought,” an unfamiliar voice said.

  I inhaled and immediately snarled.


  I tried to shadow travel, but my powers weren’t working.

  What was going on?

  One of the humans picked me up and tossed me over their shoulder.

  I kicked and flailed, trying to get them to drop me so I could run, but someone punched me in the face, knocking me unconscious.

  When I awoke, I sat in the middle of a bright field, trees far away, so no shadows were near me.

  There were ten other students, most those who could use shadows to fight. They were all bound by the hands and feet, and then hogtied together to prevent us from escaping.

  They must have bound me the same way while I was knocked out.

  I looked around, fear clawing at my chest, but I didn’t see Tsukiko or Frances.

  That was both reassuring and not at the same time.

  Were they safe? Had they managed to escape? Or were they being held somewhere else.

  Two warm fingertips pressed into my back. I turned and met Bogden’s eyes. He was also bound and here.

  He scooted closer, his eyes burning bright, and rested his forehead against mine. “Are you okay?” He asked telepathically.

  “I’m unhurt,” I responded the same way.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t let them hurt you.”

  “What is going on?” I asked.

  “Humans attacked, using a potion that prevents us from using our powers. That’s all I know at this point. It seems like they’re moving us to places where our powers are even less useful.”

  “Can you communicate with your mom?” I asked hopefully.


  Crap. There went that idea.

  “We’ll figure something out. Let’s just rest and save up our energy. Hopefully, this potion will wear off soon and we can attack them.”

  I liked that plan.

  I pulled back from him, realizing we must have looked like we were consoling each other as a couple or something. Scooting a bit back from him, I lay on my side and closed my eyes. If I was lucky, Dad would try to dream walk with me and I could warn him of what was happening. He didn’t do it often, but I could hope.

  Bogden scooted closer, rolled onto his back, and wiggled his bound fingertips towards me.

  Indecisiveness filled me, but I ultimately gave in, reaching forward to touch our fingertips together.

  “I know you’re upset with me or something, but this is beyond us. We need to work together to save everyone. Okay?” His voice filled my head and made my heart beat faster. This was the first time he had communicated telepathically with me.

  “Okay,” I agreed because he was right. This went way beyond my feelings for him or our inability to date. This was about saving my friends. This was about saving everyone at the school.

  And killing the humans.

  The sun pressed down onto me, making me sweat, and making me more uncomfortable than I already was bound up and lying on the ground.

  Sleep evaded me for a bit, but Bogden moved closer, our fingers entwined, and I drifted off to sleep.

  Unfortunately, Dad didn’t show up in any of my dreams. That made me worry because that likely meant he didn’t even know about the attack yet.

  How long would it be before an outsider found out? If the humans had killed all of the chupacabras and wolfmen, then no one would be able to report to an outsider that we were under attack.

  How had these stupid humans gotten us all under control so quickly?

  The only answer was one that made my skin crawl and fury fill me.

  Someone on the inside was working with them.

  But why? What would a creature gain by working with humans?

  They had to know that they couldn’t trust these vile creatures, right? Humans would make promises and then turn right around and stab you in the back. Or, they’d make you a promise that would backfire.

  It just didn’t make sense.

  Was it the werewolves? Were they really so tired of being under the Wolf’s control that they would stoop to something so low as this?

  If it was them, they would be in for a rude awakening when Sakura and Tanjiro tore out their throats for putting us in danger.

  Where were Tsukiko and Frances? Were they okay?

  I couldn’t stop thinking about my best friends and hoping they were fine.

  I prayed to Satan and any other dark god who might be listening to protect them.

  I couldn’t take another friend’s soul to the Underworld.

  Not yet.

  The memory of taking Takumi’s soul was still too fresh and too painful.

  I didn’t want to ferry anymore souls this decade.

  Chapter 30


  The stench of humans filled my nostrils, but worse than that was the stench of death and blood from creatures.

  I’d awoken, bound, blindfolded, and in a dark and damp area on a cold rock floor.

  There were others around me, some nagas, gorgons, and harpies, to name a few.

  Specifically, I smelled Rathik, Ainsley, and Antoine.

  I managed to get the blindfold off by rubbing my face on the ground, but there wasn’t enough light to see very far.

  “Ainsley,” I whispered.

  “Tsukiko?” she whispered back.

  “Are you alright?” I asked.

  She sobbed and then I heard scratching sounds right before she pressed her dirty face to my shoulder. “I’m so scared.”

  Her right eye was swollen shut and blood dripped from a cut on her forehead.

  “What happened?” I gaped.

  “I woke up before they could get the potion in my mouth and fought back. They overpowered me, though, and forced me to drink it.” She sniffled and inched closer. “I can’t shift and I think my right wing is broken.”

  I would tear apart every single human here.

  “It’s okay. We’re together now. I’ll protect you,” I promised her.

  “Tsukiko?” Rathik whispered.

  “Here,” I whispered back.

  He scooted to my other side and rested his chin atop my head. “Oh, thank the dark gods. You’re alive.”

  The relief I heard in his voice was surprising considering our recent interactions.

  “Are you injured?” I asked.

  “No, but I can’t shift into my snake form,” he hissed. “I’m stuck with human legs.”

  I tried to access my wolf, but it was like a cage surrounded her and kept her at bay.

  “I can’t shift either,” I admitted with a whine.

  “I’m here,” Rathik whispered. “Don’t worry.”

  I wasn’t worried about myself.

  “Frances? Loralie?” I asked.

  “I haven’t seen them,” Ainsley whispered.

  “Me neither. I heard one of the humans whispering about other rooms. They might have separated you guys,” Rathik whispered.

  “Was this an inside job then?” I asked. Very few people knew to keep us separated. I hadn’t thought any of the students here knew that either.

  “I think so,” Rathik said, his chin moving in a nod atop my head.

  “Antoine?” I called softly.

  “Tsukiko?” he asked from somewhere behind me.

  “Over here,” I called.

  “Hey! No talking!” a human yelled.

  We all silenced and stilled.

  After several minutes, I heard soft, slow movement as Antoine inched closer to us.

  “Is this the werewolves?” I asked him, point blank.

  “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I’m not part of that circle. I’m devoted to your family, so they won’t discuss their business around me.”

  Made sense. They wouldn’t want someone who still supported us to find out about their coup plans and risk them being thwarted.

  “I hope it isn’t them,” I whispered.

  “Me too,” Antoine muttered. “Are you hurt?” he asked and scooted closer, pressing his nose to my cheek.

  “Back off,” Rathik hissed and pulled me back away from Antoine with his knees.

  “What the—” Antoine asked, but went silent. “I’m not after her, dude. She’s my friend. That’s it.”

  I pushed away from Rathik. “Knock it off. This is not the time for stupid male games. We need to figure out a plan and—”

  Something hit me in the jaw, stunning me into silence and knocking me on my back.

  “I said shut up!” the human from earlier yelled.

  Rathik and Antoine tried to move, but I barked, “No,” and they settled back down.

  “No more talking or I’ll separate you into individual cells. Do you understand?” the human asked.

  “Yes,” I said, suppressing a growl.


  On the cold floor, I thought over my options.

  If Loralie couldn’t access the shadows, then we had no way to communicate. With Frances away, she couldn’t formulate a plan for us.

  I didn’t even know if they were alive.

  No! No, I refused to believe they were dead.

  I would have felt it if they were killed.

  No one knew our secret, but the three of us would know if one of us was killed.

  They were alive. I just had no idea where.

  “We need to get out of here,” I whispered. “Regroup. Let’s each think of a plan and in a few minutes, we’ll see if we’ve come up with anything that might work.”

  Something had to work.

  There had to be some way to get out of here.

  I wouldn’t give up. Not when my friends needed me. Not when my family was out there.


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