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The Watcher

Page 20

by Bill Stenlake

  I am concentrating on the one I have hit, when I get a nudge from GM6, to point out that one of the other ones has gone really wide and is running in at us from her side. I turn my attention onto that one. It makes it easy for me to do the job properly. I can safely say that when I stop firing at that one, it isn’t going to keep coming at us. One definitely down and out, one partly disabled and still four fully functional ones to go.

  Everything goes quiet then for a few minutes. I can see the others lying on the ground. They are trying to stay out of sight. Surely there must be a reason for this. They are androids, so why would they not just come and fight. Then a possible answer springs into my head. They are waiting for something to happen. Maybe they are waiting for someone to arrive. We don’t have to wait very long for the answer. A vehicle appears from the direction of the craft. It isn’t a large vehicle, but it could maybe hold three or four people, or androids. It comes at us fast and it comes at us firing. We hide behind the rocks, as it keeps up the fire. We know that this will give the others a chance to get up and advance towards us. I can’t afford for them to get too close. I dive past the two Guiding Masters and over to the other side of our rock circle. There is going to be no easy way to do this. The vehicle needs to be stopped and that needs to be done right now. It is going to take me a couple of seconds when I go out into the open, or at least far enough to be able to fire at it, to get the range and direction right. I will be exposed when I do this, but it is what I have to do. It is the only way out of this, as far as I can make out.

  I make sure the two with me are staying low; they are. They still appear to be quite calm. I am not at all. I feel a surge of energy inside of me and prepare myself for whatever fate might await me. I stand up. I had not intended to do that, but they have stopped firing for a second or two. Maybe that is to lull me into doing something stupid, like stand up. My eyes are all over the place, assessing where they all are. I can see that there are five androids coming at me. One of them is not complete, but it is still able to walk. The vehicle has stopped. I am not sure if it is intentional, or whether something has happened. My thought has been to take the vehicle out first, but as it turns out, that isn’t what I do. I have two weapons at the ready. There is going to be no proper aiming as I fire. I will use both weapons and let the aim be natural. My appearance doesn’t make the androids stop. It does make them fire at me, but I don’t stand still. I skip to the side and keep moving, firing as I do so. One, two and then three androids are taken out. There is little doubt that they are out of the game completely. Either it is because they are closer than when I shot at the one earlier, or it is because I hit them dead on. I don’t know why, but they are completely obliterated. It is almost as if my weapons have become more deadly than when I last used them. I don’t really care, as long as they do what I need them to. They are doing that alright. The vehicle is still stopped. It isn’t firing at me at all now. I take out the disabled android next. It is much more of a threat than the last other one. That one seems to be having trouble with its weaponry. It goes the same way as the others, in its turn. That leaves me with just the vehicle. I run straight towards it, fully expecting the firing to resume, but it doesn’t. As I approach, the door opens and a robot gets out. It is definitely a robot and not an android. It is not looking at me and does not appear to be armed. I take it out anyway. I take the last few yards very carefully, but when I do get to see inside, I can see the vehicle has no other occupants.

  Chapter 41 The Baddies

  By the time the mist does lift again, the fighting has gone silent for a few hours. It had been an uncomfortable time, not knowing what was happening thru the mist. Obviously the inhabitants knew exactly when the mist was going to lift, or when they had to withdraw, so they could get back to their place of safety.

  Posdon is ready to move, as soon as the mist goes. His intention is to follow the people back to where they retreat to in the daytime. That plan soon disappears when the mist actually lifts, so they can see what damage they have done and what damage they have sustained. To say he has a shock, when he sees what is in front of him, is an understatement. What they appear to have been firing on for most of the night, is their own spacecraft. The damage is extensive and from the looks of it, it might well be beyond repair. How the inhabitants actually moved it to its current position, is a total mystery. There is no moving equipment around that could possibly have done it. Zenfa 2 is certainly turning out to be a nightmare for him and from the looks of things; it might turn out to be his home for a while too.

  They take a look at the damage done to the craft. It is far worse than it looks. That is not because of the external damage, but more down to the fact that the inside has been systematically stripped of a lot of the internal fittings. The engines in particular, have gone. The vast majority of the control room has been stripped down and taken away. Even if the external damage could easily be fixed, there is no way they can replace the equipment they have lost from the inside. It takes them an hour to assess what they have lost and had damaged. Posdon is furious and determined to seek his revenge on them. He also would like to get back the equipment that has been stolen, but his first desire is ruled by his own red mist.

  They make their way out to the dip in the land. He wastes no time in starting down towards the bottom. They are only half the way down the slope, when they realize that this approach has been predicted. There are deep trenches across their path. How have they managed to dig those so quickly? Posdon makes a bridge over the trench and they all go over the same one. That too has been predicted. It makes them an easy target and soon they come under fire. It doesn’t take them more than a few seconds, to know that this fire is more powerful than what they were fired on before. What they don’t realize is that it is the weapons from their own craft that are now being turned on them.

  Posdon pushes on, until they are on the edge of the mist. He is expecting that there will be some form of communication, like there was before, but nothing comes. He sends one of the vehicles into the mist, firing as it does so. It only gets a little further than being out of sight in the mist, when there is a huge explosion. That vehicle is blasted apart and flies up from the mist, before the small parts it has now become start to land on them. This action only infuriates Posdon even more and another vehicle descends into the mist, only for the same thing to happen. Once the parts have stopped falling from the sky onto him, Posdon receives a communication from the inhabitants.

  ‘We think that it would be advisable if you surrender now. You are trapped anyway, as you cannot get back up the slope. Your bridge has been removed.’

  Posdon doesn’t take their word for it. He goes back up to the trench. Their words are correct. There is no bridge anymore, nor is there the means of making one. The trench is now also much deeper than it had been before.

  The Cotons have just watched Grillech abandon them. It is no surprise in their eyes that he has done that. They believe he has set them up for this confrontation. They believe he was trying to find a way to get rid of them. This story about Nitll being theirs for the taking and to have the wealth for them to keep; is total fabrication.

  However they also don’t believe that the people of Nitll are capable of resisting their attack. They don’t believe that there is a fighting force capable of throwing off their attack. It may well mean that there has to be a bit more destruction than they had arrived here intent on inflicting, but if that is what it takes, then so be it. Grillech has destroyed all of the remaining small craft in the transport bay. There are only two choices open to them. One is to follow Grillech, capture him and then kill him, after taking his riches. The second is to do what they are good at and that is to fight. They will do the second one first and then they will follow Grillech back to Monsh; that is surely where he will have gone.

  The six craft are dead ahead of them. They are in the shape of a fan, so that they can shoot on the Cotons and not shoot at their own craft in crossfire. When their craft starts to
move forward, they know that some of what Grillech has said must be true. They notice the lack of power, as their craft starts forward into attack. They don’t move straight towards the waiting six craft, but instead swing to the left, as if they are too going to swing away from the planet. The six craft move their position, to be able to defend, should the Cotons change path. Once they have their craft up to speed, that is exactly what the Cotons do. They are not a good fighting force for nothing. They swing back towards the planet of Nitll. They have no intention of engaging the six craft if they can help it. They are going to launch their attack on the planet, if they can get close enough.

  Two of the craft swing into their path, but they don’t open fire on the Cotons. Nor do the Cotons open fire on them. It is a battle of wills and the will of the Cotons is much stronger. They have fought in anger before. The people of Nitll have not. The Cotons aim for their target and manage not to hit the two Nitll craft as they pass. They find they have another two honing in on them. These ones start firing as they do so. The Cotons have now overstepped the line once and for all. The Cotons send some missiles down towards the planet’s surface, but are disappointed to see that these are easily destroyed, by missiles sent up from Nitll. They keep flying towards the planet, picking up more speed the closer they get. This is not going to be a landing trip. This is going to be a full out aerial attack on Nitll. Strangely, the small craft that were sent to meet them are having no problem in catching up with them. Now there are four craft firing on them and missiles being launched from the surface towards them. They fire back at the small craft attacking them and manage to take a couple of them out. More craft are being launched from Nitll too and these are speeding straight towards them.

  The Cotons realize they don’t have the engine power they used to have and they don’t have the firepower either. Before this, they would have disposed of this defense so easily, but now it just isn’t happening. They are on the verge of deciding that they should retreat and follow Grillech, when a missile hits them fair and square. Whatever technology they have now, is more than enough to pulverize the Cotons. Their days of war are over.

  Valpar is about to get down and approach the person in the other craft. He does not get that far though.

  ‘Please do not come over. I do not want to be too near you, in case you are infected by the virus.’

  ‘We have been here for a while and we have not contracted it’ he replies.

  ‘We are aware of that, but we are not sure that the virus has gone away again. It does this from time to time. We are not sure what causes it to return. All we know is; that when it does, it is devastating.’

  ‘Are you not immune to it now? I mean that the survivors must have built up something to immunize you from it.’

  ‘Most of us are immune, but each time it returns, it always takes someone. What have you come here for?’

  ‘We have been told that there is great wealth on this planet.’

  ‘That is true.’ The reply comes cautiously.

  ‘We believe that we need to add water to release the elements. It is all around us, but you don’t appear to just use the water straight from the sea.’

  ‘I am surprised that you have worked that out so quickly. Yes, it does take water to activate and turn it into a useful material. But it isn’t just any water you can use. That water comes from a spring under the cliff. We have built tankers to carry the water back to the land.’

  ‘Will you show me where the spring is?’

  ‘I will, but you will need to wear a special suit. You will then have to be sterilized, when you enter the cavern. What do you want from us?’

  ‘Quite simply we want some of your wealth.’

  ‘We thought that was the case. It is true that there is plenty here for everyone. But that comes at a price. The price is the threat of the virus. We have managed to build up the immunity over a number of generations. You do not have that immunity.’

  ‘What are you saying?’

  ‘I am saying that there is plenty of wealth here. I am saying we have plenty of water to activate it. The problem is that the virus is in the water from the spring. If you activate what you want to take using the spring water, then you are going to come into contact with the virus. This virus is so dangerous that we only use it in conditions where we are guarded from it. Once the material is activated with the water, then the virus somehow disappears after two days and the material is safe. It would not be safe to try to remove this material from this planet; in case the virus comes back and then is transmitted across the universe.’

  ‘I would like to believe what you are saying, but you have already tried to put us off, by saying that the creatures in the sea will attack anything that goes into the water.’

  ‘We did say that and for good reason. They will be back and for many months it is not safe to travel in the waters around here. They migrate as the weather changes here and the water temperature drops. When it goes below 18 degrees, then they have to move to warmer waters.’

  ‘Why should we believe anything that you say?’

  ‘We are only trying to tell you things for your own benefit. The virus threat is very real. The threat from the creatures in the seas is very real. The wealth that we have here is very real, but it can only remain here on this planet, for the good of mankind. If this virus was to get away from here, then who knows what might happen?’

  ‘But we have already landed. So if we just take off again, then we could be taking the virus with us anyway.’

  ‘That is true and that is why we asked you not to land. But you have, and until we decide what to do with you, then you will not be able to leave.’

  Chapter 42 Ricardo

  Ricardo is very relaxed as he cruises along the road. He even stops off for something to eat along the way. He is looking forward to getting to Nashville. It is a place he has always wanted to visit. In fact it is one of the few places outside his home town; that he has ever wanted to visit. While he is there, he wants to take in some of the sights, before he gets on with the job of causing havoc and devastation.

  It is early evening by the time he meanders into town. He finds what looks like a good quality hotel and books in for a week. He gets a few looks, as he pays in advance, in cash. He explains that he has been travelling and lost his credit card. The new one hasn’t been sent, as he hasn’t being staying anywhere long enough to pick it up. It isn’t the first time they have heard this type of story. They aren’t really that interested. They are getting paid and that is what counts. The car is secure in the underground car park. His weapons are secure in the car, tucked safely away on their hidey hole.

  Ricardo eats in the restaurant, before taking a cab into the heart of town; to view some of the places he has heard of. He makes it to the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum, but has not got enough time to do it justice. He decides he will come back in the morning and do the visit properly.

  The next day he does come back. He had considered bringing his handgun along with him, but had decided against it in the end. It is as well he did, as the building has search points when you access it. The detectors would no doubt have picked it up. From there he goes along and takes a tour of Music Row. He visits the historic RCA Studio B, the famous recording studio where Elvis recorded more than 200 songs. Roy Orbison, Dolly Parton, Chet Atkins, Eddy Arnold and many more artists recorded classic hits there. Not surprisingly, the heartbeat of Music City is driven by music; from country to classical.

  Ricardo almost loses himself in the atmosphere of the place. In fact it is probably the closest he has ever come to being a normal citizen, doing things that normal people do. He sees that there is a concert in the evening and tries to buy a ticket. He can, but the only way they can take the booking is by credit card. He does not have one of those. He insists on trying to pay in cash, but the woman in the booth is not having it. She is not allowed to take payment by cash. Ricardo has set his heart and mind on going to the concert. This woman manages all on
her own to bring him out of his new found person, back to the old Ricardo, where he feels the world is against him. He storms away from the booth, even though he tries his best not to lose it while actually there. He is going to take his revenge on her. Stupid woman; why can’t he just buy a ticket with cash? Just when he was starting to feel part of things, she has to spoil it for him. Just when he was allowing the things he was going to do, to recede to the back part of his mind, she does this and brings it all back.

  By the time he has walked all the way back to the hotel, he has calmed down a bit. He goes to his room rather, than straight to the car, as had been his original plan. He orders from room service and waits for that to be brought up. It really isn’t his day at all. The lad puts the tray down on the coffee table. Ricardo gives the lad a tip. He then picks up the tray to sit on the bed to eat his food. He trips on something he has left on the carpet. His drink falls over on the tray and then the glass rolls backwards and tips the rest of its contents all over his front. The glass falls onto the floor and breaks. His sandwich is now covered in his beverage too. He undresses quickly and changes into fresh clothes. He takes the lift to go down to the café in the foyer, to get something to eat and drink there. He is about two floors down, when the lift comes to a sudden stop. The lights go out too. It is probably a good thing that he is alone in the lift. He hasn’t realized it before, but he knows it now. He hates being in an enclosed space in the dark. He feels the panic start to surge within him. He feels near the door for the panel. Surely these things should have an emergency light that comes on in a power cut. They do, but the bulb has gone in this lift.


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