Forever the One

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Forever the One Page 11

by C C Monroe

  “Doubtful. I’m worse now, I got you pregnant!” He leans forward in the car, putting his head in his hands, rocking gently in the passenger seat. I rub soothing circles on his muscular back. It’s damp under my hand, holy shit he is terrified.

  “Kings, you’re sweating. Calm down.”

  “Lana! I can’t. He might kill me and what if he makes you change your mind on the whole us thing?” His eyes look distant, his poor face contorted.

  “Baby,” I use my secret weapon. “He won’t, okay? I made the choice to try this with you. Let us decide our future, not him.”

  Looking over at me he debates what to do, conceding after only a few seconds. “Okay. Shit. Fuck. Okay, let’s do this.” I take a second and feel him out, looking at him as he stares out the window, before shaking his head and stepping out.

  Here. We. Go.

  Walking up the wooden steps lined in white trim, I’m hit instantly with a flood of memories. I grew up in this house, just two doors down from Kingston and Shayla and a lot of growing happened in this gray, modern two story house. The porch swing to the right of the door catches my eye.

  “Don’t cheat. I can’t believe you peaked. Close your eyes and reach into the bag,” Kings scolds me. I only got a glimpse of what’s inside the pink bag, so he needs to chill.

  “Oh, calm down. I didn’t see anything. Why do I have to close my eyes anyway?” I fumble with the bag, my hand missing the opening two times before I finally make it in unscathed.

  “Because it’s a surprise,” he retorts. I pull wrapping paper out and throw it aimlessly in front of me. Goosebumps erupt over my body when I feel his fingers scratch the back of my exposed neck.

  “Kingston,” I moan, stopping when he growls. I shouldn’t be alone with him. Joel would kill me and he could be here any minute. I still have a bruise on my back from where he threw me into a wall for innocently talking to another guy. I really don’t want to repeat it. Besides, I have a boyfriend, I shouldn’t be turned on by his touch.

  “Don’t do that to me, baby.” I tense up. He can’t say those things, not when he knows what it could do. We are in a world full of can’ts and shouldn’ts, when I wish it was a wonderland of cans and shoulds.

  “Kingston.” My eyes are closed but I can feel his face close to mine, his hot breath dancing across my cheek.

  “Grab the gift and open your eyes, baby.” Swallowing hard I feel for the gift and find it. My eyes flutter open as I pull it the rest of the way out of the bag. The blue velvety texture feels soft under my hands. Looking over to him, my nose brushes against his as I draw in a deep breath. Holy shit he smells familiar and I just want to lean in a little bit further to kiss him.

  “Kiss me,” he groans, speaking my mind for me, running his nose along the bridge of mine, his lips kissing the very tip of my nose.

  “I can’t—Joel,” I remind him while his nose leaves mine and his lips scale across my cheek, stopping at my ear. He completely ignores me, pushing out any reminder of my dangerous boyfriend.

  “Do you want me, Lana?” I bite my lip and my pussy clenches. I don’t love Joel. I haven’t for a long time, but he has the upper hand, he controls my every move. I hesitate my next move. I’m not a cheater and I never will be, but his lips on my ear make me want to sin. Say fuck Joel and run away with Kingston and let him take me like a man in a Harlequin novel.

  I lean back, our eyes meeting and staring over each other’s faces. “I think of you, every time he touches me. Every time, I’m repulsed. I never want it. The only way I can get through it without him hurting me, is if I think of you. I long for you to be the one making love to me.”

  “Baby, I will be...”

  “Lana! What the fuck is this?” Jumping away and back from Kingston, I peer up at Joel standing over us, his chest heaving up and down rapidly, his face red and his hands clenched at his side.

  “Joel, it’s not what it looks like.”

  “Bullshit you fucking whore! Get in the car now!”

  “Why don’t you back the fuck off!” Kingston stands, putting himself between Joel and me. For a moment I can breathe, thanking God for the protection. That only lasts a second when fists start flying.

  “Kingston, Joel, stop!” I pull at Kingston’s shirt, his hot skin stunning me.

  “No, this piece of shit deserves it. I know you fucking hit her, you fucker. I know those bruises are from you and she for some reason protects your weak ass, but not on my watch. So leave. Get the fuck out of here before her parents get home and I tell them where her bruises really came from!” his voice booms in a load roar.

  “You’ll regret this. Both of you.” Joel looks at me over Kingston’s shoulder with his bloody lip, he’s shorter compared to Kings. If looks could kill that one would send me straight six feet under. I drop my eyes to the wooden porch, avoiding that look any longer. I know that this isn’t over.

  We watch him climb in the car with his frightening men, the ones who watch me when he isn’t around. Joel’s eyes watch me until he turns the corner. Kings turns to me and grabs my face.

  “You okay?”

  “No. This isn’t good.” I start to sob, knowing damn well he just caused a war. Pulling me into his chest he rocks me back and forth.

  “He won’t hurt you forever. I promise we will get you out of this, okay?”

  I just nod, not believing him for a second. Joel will always be in my life, physically, emotionally, everything.

  That night when I left Joel’s I told my parents I broke my wrist at cheer practice. They believed it and rushed me to the ER. They always believed their little girl.

  Knocking brings me out of the awful flashback. I watch Kingston’s tattooed knuckles rapping against the door. His strong manly hands, ones that keep me warm. Ones that will never hurt me like Joel’s did. I look up at the lining of his face and smile.

  “Thank you for being you.” He releases a deep breath, one he’s been holding in since we left the car.

  “Thank you for letting me be me,” he replies, leaning down to kiss me.

  I turn my body inward, facing him. Grabbing a fistful of his shirt I wrap it in my hands as he leans down further to grab my ass. I moan into his kiss forgetting completely that we’re outside my parents’ house.

  Kissing him deeper, he squeezes me into him harder, his comfortable gym shorts doing nothing to hide his hard on pressing into my stomach.

  “Well, I never thought I’d get a front row seat to my daughter’s sexcapade.” Breaking from the kiss at the sound of my mother’s soft, raspy voice—similar to mine, I chuckle and wipe my lips before running my thumb over Kingston’s bottom one, removing the last trace of my lip gloss. He doesn’t lean up quite yet, his hands still gripping my ass hard. I clear my throat and see a switch flip in his eyes. Letting go of me like I’m on fire, he smiles at my mom before turning to head back to the car without a word.

  “Kings!” I yell after him, it’s rude to leave and not say anything to my mom. Where is he going?

  “Sorry, forgot the luggage in the car!” He waves his hand over his shoulder not looking back.

  “That could’ve waited!”

  “No, it couldn’t have!”

  “Yes it could, damn it!” I hear mom snort next to me. I catch a glimpse at her smiling face before looking back at Kings.

  “Fine! Have it your way! I have a fucking boner and I didn’t think it was appropriate to hug your mother with my dick hard!” My jaw drops and my cheeks heat. Oh my god, did he really just say that? I know he has no filter, but this is my mom.

  I pivot slowly to face her to apologize, thankful dad’s not home yet and I’m surprised with a toppled over mother, laughing like a hyena. Becky is a true hippie, I get my foul mouth and zero filter from her. My dad married a complete opposite when he found my mother and by some miraculous force they worked out.

  “Mom! It’s not funny!” I slap her shoulder and she tumbles back.

  “Ow! And yes, yes it is! He always makes me l
augh.” She sits up from her bent position and blushes.

  “Oh god, really mom!” I shake my head, incredulously. “You have fallen for the Kingston charm. Damn, he must be good to rope you in.”

  She pops her hip against the door frame, finally finished laughing at all that is Kingston. Crossing her arms she gives me a sweet smile. “He’s pretty dang cute, I’m glad you finally got together. Wish I would have known about it before you came home.” She drops her chin and tilts her head, raising her eyebrows as she scolds me with a look.

  “I know. It happened fast.” I twiddle my thumbs looking over my shoulder to see Kingston sprinting up the steps with his duffle bag and my suitcase, which is big enough for a six month trip to a deserted island. Feeling giddy with excitement over the fact that he carries it all with no problems—my muscle man—I admire his physique.

  “Hi Becky.” He leans around me and kisses my mom’s cheek before winking at me. “Shall we? I’m exhausted from the flight and I need a drink.”

  “Come on in my babies.” Moving aside to make room for my huge boyfriend and all my crap, my mom waits for him to pass before wrapping her arm around me.

  “I missed you, baby.”

  “I missed you too, mama.” I love her arms around me, makes me feel like I’m home, reminds me of when I was a kid. She’s thin like me, a little more gifted in the chest area, which I envy. She has dark brown hair and matching brown eyes. But other than that, I look like my daddy. Same cheeks, same eye shape, same megawatt smile. Speaking of dad.

  “When does dad get back from leave in California?” My dad travels to California once a month to help with training new recruits for the Marines.

  “He gets in tomorrow morning—early, so be ready. He wants to do something fun with you and you know daddy.” I nod.

  “You should rise with the sun, not sit on your ass and wait for dawn.” We say in unison, deepening our voices in attempt to sound like him. We chuckle.

  “Okay. Well, it’s only three. I’m gonna take a nap and then maybe you and I could cook some dinner together, like old times?” I loved baking, cooking, anything in the kitchen with my mom. Growing up I learned certain smells and when I was old enough to learn to cook, I would describe the smells to her and ask her how to make them. During my time with Joel I would cook with her to feel some semblance of normalcy.

  A tinge of guilt pegs in the pit of my stomach as I think about all the times I lied to my parents, telling them I was at Shay’s house, when really I was staying or worse, hiding out with Joel. My dad didn’t even know Joel existed for the first year of our two year relationship.

  If I wouldn’t have been so naive and afraid back then I know I could’ve gone to my dad and told him about the abuse and he would have handled the whole thing.

  “You think about him too much, Lana.” I move toward the stairs and give a quick look back.

  “It’s hard to escape real life nightmares mom. But I’m trying.” Giving me an understanding nod, I walk up the stairs. I know she gets it, she can feel the darkness lingering still. But with Kingston, those fears are being summoned to a dark distant place where they belong, one little moment at a time.

  Stepping into my childhood bedroom the smell of lavender and cotton assaults my nose, the sound of running water fills my ears. I see our things placed under the window facing the green capped Timpanogos mountains, my white curtains still the same, but the carpet has been replaced and is now shaggy tan instead of the ugly blue carpet I used to have. My mom upgraded the room a ton more since my last visit, my new bedspread is intricate swirls of gray and yellow, new wall decor adorning the walls.

  Kingston made himself right at home, not nervous at all around my mother. They always got along.

  “Lock the door,” Kingston demands with a rough edge to his already deep voice, from the bathroom doorway. I about swallow my own tongue when I see him standing there completely naked. The muscles on his arms are so large he can’t put his arms completely straight against his sides, his tattoos are dark and detailed covering most of his body. I lick my lips while looking over his defined six pack, the dips in his stomach right before his adonis ‘V’. That sexy deep line runs down the middle of his stomach where his abs meet, my most favorite part of his flawless physique.

  “My mom’s downstairs. We can’t do that while we’re here.” I blush, locking the door anyway. Even while my mouth says no, my hormonal horny body obeys his command.

  “Get over here. Take off that sexy little sundress and show the King some pretty skin.” I cross my legs and arms at the same time, I’m defiant up top and horny down under.

  “No.” I stand my ground.

  “No? Alright, be that way.” When I think he has given up, my stomach drops just a bit. Turning so his back is to me, he lifts his arms above his head and stretches, his back pulling and his muscles straining. His perfect ass on display for me, rounded and pert, the little brown freckle on his right buttock making me smirk. But still, I stand my ground and wait for him to finish stretching. When he does I wait for him to walk the rest of the way in the bathroom and take a shower alone. But he doesn’t.

  “You say no, but I know you want to make love, baby. Look at your hard nipples and your crossed legs. You’re turned on.”

  “Kings, I’m pregnant. It’s the hormones. Don’t flatter yourself.” I recross my arms covering my nipples, those traitors.

  “You’re fuckin’ sassy right now. I think you need me and you’re just testing the heat of the fire.”

  “I do not,” I huff, quickly swiping a piece of hair from my face. My nerves rising with the hair on the back of my neck, that familiar tingle of arousal building.

  “Oh yeah, you’re not itching for some of me, craving me like a drug?” he questions moving toward me slowly, his cock starting to harden. I try not to look but I can’t help it, I’m aroused but he doesn’t need to know that. “I’m your fix baby, I’ll be your fucking high if you need. I know you love the crash.”

  My breath hitches and my pulse speeds up, kicking into overdrive. “Kingston.” I swallow loudly, his words prove to be true.

  We’re only a few feet away from each other and I can smell his manly scent getting stronger with each step.

  “The way your body flushes red when you’re at your peak, you know right when your tight pussy squeezes me, your lower belly tightening, promising me you’re gonna come hard.”

  My body moves forward luring to him like a magnet. I’m trying to mentally tell myself no and obviously failing. He stops moving, letting me move to him instead.

  “Then you choke out my name when you come, when my cock hits you in all the right places and it’s still not fully in you. You can’t fit all of this big cock in you.” He grabs his erection and my mouth waters, my lips dry asking for a drop of rain. “You crave it, all of it, all of me.”

  I close the gap between us, my hands finding his hips and my lips latching onto his neck. He still doesn’t touch me, too concerned with proving his point. I came to him on my own accord, just by a promise of what he can do to my body. I do crave him all the time. I lick his neck, tracing his tattoos, lapping at him like a crazed addict. He hasn’t touched me and I can feel my orgasm building, pregnancy does crazy things to my body. Rubbing my legs together to sooth the ache, I feel that familiar heat building in the center of my stomach. My hands are now touching his cock, his hands moved at some point to the back of his head. He’s enjoying the torture he’s subjecting me to. Am I wrong to say I love it too?

  “When you’re done coming and laying there spent, crashed from your high, I’m ready to clean my Queen. The way you whimper when I lap up our mixed come, cleaning you, your sore pussy loving it.” Oh, fuck.

  “Kingston, make me come!” I moan loudly.

  “Shh!” Unleashing his hands on my body, one hand covers my mouth and the other reaches under my dress and moves my soaked panties aside, pinching my clit then moving to slam it in me. I come on a muffled cry, screaming his na
me into his hand, shamelessly sliding against his fingers. I wait for the pulsating to subside, to finally stop humping his fingers like a greedy slut. He pulls them out and licks them clean, before giving me a smoldering look.

  “I’m your favorite habit, baby. So stop trying to quit me. Tell me no again?” He challenges, turning to the bathroom. Still in a daze I undress with little recognition of what’s happening. My traitorous body pulling to him like gravity, I get naked and follow Kingston into the bathroom, letting him fuck me really hard and really good in the shower until I can’t keep my eyes open. Death by orgasms. I’m becoming reckless, unafraid, untamed and for once I don’t fear what I don’t know.

  I sleep for a measly hour, too anxious for tomorrow. I decide to go in search of my mom. I maneuver the best I can from Kingston’s hold on me. I put on my pink sleep shorts and his RVCA shirt, which drowns me, but it hides my baby bump. I’m twenty weeks today and my God is it flying.

  The floor creaks and he turns over on his stomach. I stop dead in my tracks and silence my breathing, I don’t want him waking up. He must be exhausted after working doubles at the studio these past few weeks so he could take the time off to come here for a few days.

  We’ve been a couple now for a few weeks and the way things have changed in that short time is surprising to us both. My nightmares have been happening less and less and so have our fights. He’s been extremely patient with me, always looking for ways to replace the things I used to fear with something I now love. When he tells me I look sexy with my skin showing, I want to run around naked and free. When he slaps my ass, I want to misbehave. When he tells me I’m his and only his, I want to push him away so he will fight harder to keep me. It’s sick, however it feels beautifully reckless.

  I watch him settle back into a comfortable position, his back exposed and his head between his pillow and the one I was using moments ago. The sheet covers his peach shaped ass. Dropping my head I chuckle quietly at his manly globes.

  I leave when I’m in the clear, in search of my mom. I check her room first and see it’s empty. Venturing down the stairs I find her in the kitchen sitting at the table with a glass of wine and her favorite thing—her crossword puzzle.


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