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Architecture & Adversity Page 59

by Jeremy Dwyer

“Maybe you should talk to her. She’s just a corpse…I don’t think she’s really alive in there, and you talk to the dead, right?” Jolene asked, looking to Akantha.

  “You probed her mind and didn’t like what you found, I guess?” Akantha asked.

  “She has no love. She has no concept of friendship. She never had a lover, and never wants to have one. All she cares about is her designs, her construction projects, and that’s it. The guy she works with sells her lightkeeper crystals, but he loves her, and uses them as an excuse to spend time with her. She just uses him for business. She’s empty,” Jolene said.

  “Are you sure you understood her? She’s a very busy woman,” Massimo asked.

  “What does it matter to you, anyway?” Fritz asked.

  “I know she’s busy – that’s all she is. It matters because that’s not what life is all about. She needs to connect more to everyone around her. That’s how to be alive,” Jolene said.

  “Just recently you were idolizing her for her great work, talking about how great she was. Now, you think she’s heartless because she’s completely focused on her great work,” Fritz said.

  “No person is perfect. Where they are strong in some areas, they are weaker in others. The greater the strengths, the greater the weaknesses,” Massimo said.

  “You went looking for a friend in her?” Akantha asked.

  “Yes. A good friend. That’s what makes for a better world. All we have here is hard work, followed by disaster after disaster, followed by more hard work. What kind of life is that?” Jolene asked.

  “Perhaps she has given everything she has and is to her work. That doesn’t mean that she isn’t a friend…she just expresses it her way, through the things she builds. Did you consider that?” Akantha asked.

  Jolene thought about this for a moment, then probed Akantha’s mind and said: “You’re just making that up. You don’t know Fantine.”

  “You don’t know her, either. Not as well as you think. Maybe she is all business. But so is Captain Pradrock. You don’t think he’s heartless, do you?” Akantha asked.

  “Some people just give everything to their jobs and devote themselves to excellence. That doesn’t make them heartless. It’s just a different way of confronting the challenges of life. It’s honest and fair. In fact, it may cut down on the amount of conflict we have if more people worked hard and fair dealings prevailed instead of the deception, thievery and murder by pirates, kings and whoever else tries to get control of the world’s resources,” Fritz said.

  “We work together, but we are your friends. I hope you see it that way. Sometimes it’s all business, but it’s good business. And in between jobs, we have time to work through things like this. Let Fantine be who she is if that’s what makes her happy. She’d probably be miserable if she took any other path through life. Reading someone’s thoughts is like reading a math book – it doesn’t always mean you understand what you read,” Akantha said.

  “You’re right. But then why do you think that you understand me, or my needs?” Jolene asked.

  “I don’t think I understand you. I’m just trying to help you to not be upset by the differences you find in other people. Even if many people have the same needs, not all of them do,” Akantha said.

  “Why don’t you get some rest until we arrive?” Massimo asked.

  “I will,” Jolene said.


  Jolene went to her cabin, expecting to find Torin, but she found it empty. She closed the door and sat on the edge of her bed. She thought about her needs for a moment and realized that, although she desired the young man’s physical form as well as his companionship, she needed to expand her circle of friends, and her understanding of people to help her get those friends. She was lonely in some ways, and wasn’t sure what to do, despite her ability to probe the thoughts of others.

  The cabin door opened and Torin entered. He couldn’t see her, of course, but he didn’t have to.

  “Close the door, Torin, and sit next to me,” Jolene said.

  Torin closed the door to the cabin and walked over to where Jolene’s voice had come from. When he sat down, she just hugged him closely, and cried onto his shoulder.

  “What’s wrong?” Torin asked.

  “Just hold me,” Jolene said, and Torin hugged her back, not understanding what she really wanted.


  Massimo stood on the deck of the Resolute Traverser where he drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from his vial and was energized. He looked toward the west and southwest across the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean over which they were sailing, scanning the eastern coast of Meridianus for a length of ninety-five (95) miles. The coastline was dotted with various port cities, all of which were busy. As the ship moved southward along the coast, he caught sight of a glimmering blue city of crystal, unlike any he had previously seen. He entered the wheelhouse and said: “Captain, I see a city, ninety-five (95) miles south and west of here, made of bright blue crystal. I believe that may be the one Fantine constructed – it is unlike any I have seen before.”

  “Excellent, Massimo. I believe that crystal city you saw would be the Port of Reliance. Direct Akylas by your far sight so that he can steer the ship into port,” Captain Pradrock said.

  Massimo then pointed out to sea through a window in the wheelhouse, projecting a thin beam of light in the precise direction of the crystal city. Akylas adjusted the course appropriately and sailed the ship toward the Port of Reliance. When they were close enough and found an available sea-level pier, Akylas steered the Resolute Traverser into port.


  Pradrock left the wheelhouse and went out on deck, securing various ropes, chests and tools that he kept for loading and unloading cargo. He also looked up and visually inspected the sails, scanning their surfaces to see where repairs might be needed. Torin would have to be the person to do the stitching work, but his blindness meant that everyone else had to point out where the damaged areas were and lead the young man to them after pivoting the masts and sails to the sides of the ship. He appreciated when people used the talents they did have rather than focusing on what they could not do. No one was perfect, and he never held anyone to impossible standards; he only wanted hard work and excellence in what they could do.


  On board the Unbroken Amethyst, Noemi stood on deck and watched as a new ship docked in the adjacent pier. She drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial and was energized. She then began probing the mind of the captain, whom she sensed standing on deck. He was Captain Pradrock, and his ship was the Resolute Traverser. He had just been to the Port of Kemalorin in southwestern Baradaxa, where he sold gems to the architect, Fantine, who was residing there, looking for more work to be done.

  Noemi approached Chiarina, Saverio, Ines and Uberto and said, quietly, by using her telepathic powers: “We need to go to the Port of Kemalorin at once. Fantine is there now, and we can take her and her constructor to build our temple, like you said you wanted to do.”

  Saverio drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean from his vial and was energized. He listened to the sounds of the stars to learn of their positions and movements. He then charted a course for Baradaxa, first sailing northwest across the Pirovalen Ocean until reaching Emeth. From there, he converted the Unbroken Amethyst to its airship configuration and elevated the vessel to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude before traveling north across Emeth. He then returned the ship to sea level and sailed northeast across the Medathero Ocean until reaching the Port of Kemalorin in southwestern Baradaxa.

  When Saverio steered the ship into port, Ines turned to Chiarina and said: “Chiarina, you are to remain with us to guard the ship as a lookout. Our enemies can be anywhere.”

  Chiarina drank anew of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean from her vial and was energized. She looked out at a great distance around the ship, watching everyone moving through the port. She scanned around corners and even into the shadows, searching for thr
eats to their sacred purpose of giving adoration to the violet suns. She knew they had enemies, even if she couldn’t read their thoughts the way that Noemi could. The Hidden Paladins were among their worst adversaries, and she would see them coming, by peering into the darkness.

  Ines then approached Noemi, Velia and Uberto and said to them: “Observe this architect closely. Learn her weaknesses, and how to control her, so that she can operate the constructor to build our temple in the sacred site on the Admiral Ramalaxis Bridge. Be clever and persuasive in whatever ways you can without drawing attention to yourselves.”

  Velia drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean from her vial and was energized. She created a cloak of darkness over herself and extended it over Uberto and Noemi.

  Noemi drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial and was energized. She was prepared to probe Fantine’s mind, as well as to deflect any telepathic probing used on her or her companions.

  Uberto drank anew of the waters of the Kazofen Ocean from his vial and was energized. This would prepare him to operate the constructor based on what they learned.

  Velia, Uberto and Noemi left the ship, without being seen or sensed, and traveled through the Port of Kemalorin until reaching the workshop where they found Fantine.


  Fantine began sketching out some ideas for projects into a book, and the Chronicler Ximenez stood over her shoulder, copying what he saw into his own book.

  “Another aqueduct project might be interesting to several clients. It doesn’t have to be on the same scale, even. Several smaller ones might be valuable in different parts of Ihalik, or Meridianus,” Niven said.

  “Those are potential projects, but we need someone to sponsor it. Not so much for the cost, but to allow access to the land, and give specifications as to where it is needed. I can help them survey the land, but I can’t decide when or where they need it, because that depends on market conditions in each region,” Fantine said.

  “What if you draw up a design idea and present it?” Niven asked.

  “That’s fine, but the problem remains: who is interested? Even in Ihalik, there have been a lot of changes. They have a new council controlling the government, after that king was deposed. They have their own way of doing things, and it’s hard for noncitizens to make big business deals with them,” Fantine said.

  “You’re reputation is good the world over. They’ll almost certainly talk to you,” Niven said.

  “Talk to me, maybe. Agree to work with me, I’m not so sure. Not everyone is interested in what I can offer, and not everyone is impressed with my past work,” Fantine said.

  Ximenez recorded this conversation into his book as well.


  Under the cover of darkness, Noemi probed Fantine’s mind and found various clever designs underway, involving exotic crystal structures. Some of these designs were for cities, aqueducts, bridges and even sailing ships that she wanted to build. Other designs related to how Fantine planned to modify the constructor to build the former types of designs. The constructor was what mattered, and Noemi began to probe deeper into Fantine’s mind for how the machine operated. The matter was complex, and she didn’t fully understand it.

  Noemi then probed for Fantine’s weaknesses – emotional triggers that could be used to control her telepathically. And she found nothing. Absolutely nothing. Fantine was dead – not love, not friendship, not sadness, not fear, not despair, not anything could be found that motivated this woman other than to design and to build. She could not exert even a tiny amount of telepathic control over Fantine, even in the most unsubtle way. The question was why: did the architect – who was a Kazofen water drinker with unbelievably high innate potential in that area – also have a high innate potential for telepathic power? Given that not a drop of Elanatin waters were to be found within Fantine, that potential would never be fully realized by the water’s multiplying effect, but that potential might give a slight resistance to telepathic attacks. Noemi reconsidered this and didn’t believe it – something else was at work, though she could not understand it.

  Noemi then probed the man standing next to her – a salesman named Niven who brokered in lightkeeper crystals that Fantine found useful – and considered using the man as a tool to control Fantine. Niven’s thoughts were transparent: he had a romantic infatuation with Fantine, and would do anything to spend time with her, even if it meant doing business with her every waking moment. Returning to Fantine’s mind, she found the love was unrequited and would remain that way for life, although Fantine was aware of Niven’s affections.

  Since Noemi was unable to telepathically control Fantine to operate the constructor, and she personally didn’t understand the machine, there was another way: she drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean from her vial to become further energized, then she began to read detailed information out of Fantine’s mind and send it to Uberto, who would understand it.

  Uberto began to receive the telepathic transmission which, after some consideration, was understandable, at least in principle.

  Noemi did understand one thing, however: the constructor was kept on board a ship called the Sandstone Cutter , which was owned and sailed by Captain Arata. That ship was kept in port on retainer, awaiting Fantine’s next project.

  Noemi then sent the thought to Velia that they should return to the docks and visit another ship.


  Caroline shopped at different locations in the busy city center of the Port of Reliance. She purchased four (4) small cushioned chairs, three (3) blankets, six (6) pillows, ten (10) sheets and other small household items such as baskets and rags and bathing oils, as well as a wheeled cart to help her carry everything. When she spent the entire fourteen (14) silver coins, she pushed the cart through the city center and made her way back to the crystal building where Taesa, Emerond and Trent were living.

  Along the way, she caught sight of the Chronicler Judith who was walking alongside Romana. Judith was glad to see her, so she approached and asked: “Hello, Caroline. Are you staying here a while?”

  “Judith, can we talk…in private?” Caroline asked, continuing to push the wheeled cart with the home goods toward the crystal building where she would be living.

  Judith and Romana both followed Caroline into the crystal building.

  Inside, Caroline turned to them abruptly and said: “I don’t want to draw any attention to the fact, but we’re staying here for a little while, until we have to move again. It’s dangerous, everywhere we go. Let’s not mention anything to anyone.”

  “In confidence. Absolutely,” Judith said.

  “I know it’s not her fault. I pray for her. I pray for both of them,” Romana said.

  “They don’t need your prayers. They just need to be left alone, and out of the way,” Caroline said, turning toward the stairs. She began unloading the four (4) small cushioned chairs from her wheeled cart.

  “They do need our prayers. And you need my help…getting all of that up the steps. Let me carry something for you,” Romana said.

  Caroline admitted to herself that she was tired, and this was at least a useful offer, so she said: “Fine. Thanks. Just follow me. They’re high up.” She picked up one of the chairs and began carrying it up the stairs.

  Romana picked up a chair and some pillows, and then handed two (2) blankets to Judith, saying: “I know you can’t interfere by helping, but maybe you could take a closer look at these on the way up, and record the day to day quality of life for the people in this city. All anonymously, of course.”

  Judith laughed and accepted, examining what she had been given and she climbed the stairs behind Caroline and Romana. They reached the top floor hallway, and Caroline used her key to unlock and open the door to the suite where Taesa, Emerond and Trent were.

  Caroline entered the main room first, followed by Romana and Judith.

  Romana went into the room placed the chair on the floor.

  Upon seeing her, T
aesa said “Romana! Thank you,” then sat in it, while holding Trent.

  Caroline placed the other chair next to it.

  “How old is he?” Romana asked, looking at Trent.

  “He’s two (2). His name is Trent, like my father,” Taesa said.

  “When are you due?” Judith asked, seeing that Taesa was showing the first signs of pregnancy.

  “I’ve got another seven (7) months for this one. I guess it’s obvious now,” Taesa said.

  Judith placed the blankets into the room and laid them down on the empty chair.

  “It’s been a while,” Emerond said to Romana.

  “We should talk, when you get time,” Romana said.

  “We have time now, Romana. It would be good to just stay and relax for a while and we can talk. You too, Judith. It’s actually good to see both of you again,” Taesa said.

  “Thank you,” Judith said.

  “First, let me help your mom with the rest of what she bought,” Romana said.

  Caroline went out into the hallway, followed by Romana. She and Romana climbed down the stairs and managed to get everything else and bring it back up to the suite in three (3) more trips, remaining quiet so as not to attract attention. Before and after each trip to retrieve the household items, Caroline closed and locked the door to their suite for privacy.

  After the final trip, Caroline was exhausted and sat down in a chair. Emerond sat in another.

  Caroline looked to Judith and said: “Please, Judith, sit and stay a while. It’s good to see you again.”

  Judith looked to Romana, thinking her to be tired from climbing the flights of stairs. “I’m not tired, but I’m glad to stay and talk.”

  Romana was a bit tired and sat down in the chair between Caroline and Taesa.

  “We needed to get away from it all for a while. It’s still dangerous out there,” Emerond said.

  “So many people are still angry at me, even though it wasn’t my fault,” Taesa said.

  “I know. I also heard about what happened in Revod. Your song saved so many people. King Xander failed to take over there. After that, he started losing what he did have. Lady Onora and General Joshua, along with a lot of help, were able to put an end to him,” Romana said.


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