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Overgeared Page 51

by Park Saenal

  Limit, who was finally on the defensive, stepped back after using a sword curtain. Blood was flowing from his left arm.

  “You’ve already seen through my swordsmanship, which boasts hundreds of turns… You are a genius. No wonder why Rigal and Diworth were hit.”

  Throughout the battle, Limit was conscious of the ‘sword dance.’ By desperately blocking Grid’s sword dances, he maximized the advantage of his swordsmanship. Yet it was pointless now. Since Grid had adapted to his swordsmanship, Limit couldn’t afford to suppress Coke and Resh while blocking Grid’s sword dances.

  “One.” Limit changed his stance. Unlike his old grip where he held the sword in the middle of the handle with the tip pointed downward, this time he grasped the innermost part of the handle and straightened the tip. “I will be wary of this talent and deal with it using a new swordsmanship.”

  “…?” A glare flashed into Grid’s eyes as he doubted his ears.

  It was a stab at superspeed.


  [The target has received 24,500 damage.]

  [You have suffered 7,800 damage.]

  [The target has defended against your attack.]

  [You have been struck with a serious blow!]

  [Half of the damage suffered has been received by party member ‘Resh’ instead. You have suffered 6,950 damage.]

  [Party member ‘Coke’ has blocked the attack!]

  “Very… good!”

  [You have suffered 6,330 damage!]

  “Shit, how rotten!”

  He didn’t know how many times he had fallen down and then gotten up again. Limit—who had been using swordsmanship that flowed like water—had changed his style, and Grid was suffering greatly. The new style consisted of short stabs like a boxer’s jab. Limit’s quick stabs were accompanied by the physical phenomenon of ‘knockback’ while a lower stab often triggered the physical phenomenon of ‘knock down.’ It was a swordsmanship that really drove people crazy.

  Grid was pushed back, and he fell down. His body struck the ground whenever he allowed a blow to get through, and he was now covered in dirt and blood, making him look like a beggar.

  ‘I’m getting mad.’

  He had finally adapted to the sword style only for it to change. It was almost like a boss entering a new phase. Was there a dog like this? Gulp. Grid, who didn’t want to show any signs of shaking, took a potion with an expressionless face. His current health was 53,097. Thanks to the help of Coke and Resh as well as using Elfin Stone’s Ring and Doran’s Ring, Grid maintained his health at over 50,000.

  It meant there wasn’t a risk of dying considering Limit’s attack power and Grid’s defense. Of course, he didn’t know what would happen if Limit used an ultimate technique, but at least, the motion before using the skill would be big. In that gap, he could also use a sword dance. Yes, it was still okay. They hadn’t lost yet.

  How long would this balance be maintained? Stamina was the biggest problem.

  ‘We will be overwhelmingly disadvantaged if we continue like this.’

  However, it was impossible to speed up the process. He might have the help of insight, but it would take a long time to adapt to Limit’s new fighting style. The frustrating thing was that if he succeeded in holding on again and defeating Limit’s swordsmanship, he might have to face another new style.

  ‘It is unlikely that he has shown all his swordsmanship here.’

  Grid wanted to seize an opportunity to use a four fusion sword dance. He knew that Limit’s total health was less than 50 million. So if he could hit this person properly with a four fusion sword dance, there was a possibility of reversing the situation.


  Grid’s train of thought didn’t last long. It was because he noticed that Limit’s shoulders were moving slightly. Grid stopped thinking and swiftly raised his sword. Limit’s sword stabbed it, causing a shockwave. In terms of speed, Grid was superior to Limit. If he could detect the attack ahead of time like he did just now, the defense probability was very high. The problem was that it was hard to detect.

  ‘As expected.’

  Grid felt it through his fingertips and frowned. Limit’s attack power was increasing. It would’ve been impossible for Grid to withstand Limit’s attack power if he hadn’t swapped his armor to Triple Layers, which greatly weakened the power of Limit’s stabbing and slashing attacks, and if he hadn’t equipped Lantier’s Cloak. The balance would’ve been broken, even with Coke and Resh’s help.

  ‘In the end, the answer is items.’

  Limit was a swordsman who didn’t only rely on techniques. He hadn’t reached the threshold of transcendence and hadn’t exceeded the limits of the human species. Therefore, he wasn’t faster than Grid, but all his other stats were superior to Grid. Grid was only better than Limit in speed and items. Among them, his speed was being hampered by Limit’s swordsmanship, and the benefits couldn’t be fully realized. All that remained was the items. At this point, Grid regretted giving away Iyarugt.

  ‘It would’ve been possible if I had Iyarugt.’

  Iyarugt was a strong weapon. In addition to the effect of summoning Sword Demon Iyarugt, it reduced the opponent’s healing ability, maximized combo power, and even allowed him to know the best ‘sword path.’ Iyarugt was the best sword in many ways. In particular, Iyarugt’s ability to detect the best sword path would be a great help in this situation.

  So what if Sword Duke Limit’s swordsmanship was great? It was surely nothing in front of Iyarugt, who used a sword against great demons. Iyarugt would surely break Limit’s swordsmanship.


  Grid’s mind started spinning quickly. He thought of his Item Transformation skill. It was the skill to transform pavranium into a particular item. The premise was that he must have the production method for the target item, but there was no way Grid didn’t know how to make Iyarugt after using it for several years. Grid’s understanding of Iyarugt was already at 100% a long time ago.

  ‘Turn the Blade Aiming at the Gods into Iyarugt and then join it with the Enlightenment Sword…’

  Wouldn’t the damage be guaranteed? Moreover, wouldn’t he also be able to find the best sword path? Grid was currently losing, so worrying about it any longer was meaningless. He had to implement the solution as soon as he thought about it. Grid, who had fallen because of Limit’s low attack, jumped up and shouted, “Item!!”


  “Trans—! Formation!”

  [What item do you want to turn the pavranium into?]

  The moment the notification window appeared.

  “What are you trying to do??” Limit sensed something suspicious and pushed Grid even harder. He had been conscious of Coke and Resh throughout the battle, but for the first time, he ignored the two of them and only rushed toward Grid. A bombardment of stabs emerged from heavy rain.

  Grid’s vision flashed red. Grid coughed up blood as he tried to avoid Limit’s attacks and manipulate the Pulling Device. The Blade Aiming at the Gods was separated from the handle of the Enlightenment Sword.


  “Nyoong! Become Majestic!”

  [Become Majestic (SSS)]

  [Hell’s best demonic beast, a memphis has pushed the power of the thunder stone to the limit. A shield of lightning that blocks all attacks will be created for two seconds.

  Cooldown Time: 30 minutes

  * The user will become drained for one minute after using the skill.]


  The startled Limit quickly twisted around as Noe deployed a protective shield in front of Grid. As a seasoned person, he immediately recognized the attributes of the shield and started using his ultimate technique. He knew that the shield wouldn’t last long and decided it was time to end the battle after the shield disappeared.


  “Don’t ignore us!”

  Coke and Resh rushed to interrupt Limit’s casting, but they couldn’t break through Limit’s sword curtain with their offe
nsive power. A large amount of light particles started to gather at the end of Limit’s sword, and Noe’s shield faded away. It was an increasingly urgent situation. Grid pointed the Blade Aiming at the Gods and shouted, “Iyarugt!”

  In other words, he was stating what item he wanted to turn the pavranium into. The pavranium glowed and started changing its shape. It took the form of a golden and transparent sword. Grid consumed the remaining number of usage for Divinity and used Item Combination.

  [The Lightning Sword Born from Enlightenment and Strong Desires has successfully combined with Iyarugt (Transformed)!]

  It was a black-gold transparent blade surrounded by black flames and blue lightning. The power of nature was condensed in it.

  “Huup!” Dwarf Ke cried out with astonishment at the sight of Grid’s new sword.

  “I’m tired nyang… Hyaang…” Noe fell listlessly to the cold ground. Simultaneously, the lightning shield defending Grid disappeared.

  “There is no chance.” Limit, who had been prepared in advance, swung his sword. Hundreds of thousands of light particles spilled out like the Milky Way and struck Grid. Grid hoped that combining Iyarugt with the Enlightenment Sword was give the best sword path…


  Iyarugt was silent. He didn’t tell Grid the path of the sword.

  ‘Ah…!’ A chill went down Grid’s spine. He realized that he had overlooked one principle regarding Iyarugt. The best sword Iyarugt wasn’t the weapon called Iyarugt but the ego of Iyarugt that dwelled in the weapon. Item Transformation alone didn’t embody Iyarugt’s ego.

  A huge explosion struck Grid. Grid’s health was greatly reduced during the process of Item Transformation, and it had now run out.

  [A legend doesn’t die easily. You can resist all attacks for 5 seconds with a minimum of health.]

  Immortality… It was the sign of a crisis. This was the moment when Grid’s last card was exhausted. Was it possible to decide the outcome in five seconds when he hadn’t fully seen through Limit’s swordsmanship yet? It was impossible. He had to give up. Grid bowed his head with despair and frustration.


  His brain was spinning quickly. Accustomed to a crisis, he finally showed his true value in the midst of this crisis. It was his potential. Limit kept attacking. Grid powerlessly fell to the ground, and his blood-stained hands headed toward his sword.

  “Granting… an Ego…”

  It was a hidden piece that he obtained from clearing the Behen Archipelago. An unavoidable force was triggered.

  [The soul of Sword Demon Iyarugt has entered your weapon.]

  “…?!” Limit became as solid as a stone statue. His heart that had been convinced of victory was pierced by Grid’s sword.

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  Chapter 1068

  Duguen! A rough pulse and hot blood flowed through the cold metal. Iyarugt had craved this sensation during the time when he was only a soul wandering with his body sealed. It was because he felt alive by destroying life. This was the only time he realized that he was alive.

  However, not anymore. Iyarugt was in the process of reclaiming his body. He said goodbye to the sick and miserable days when he felt relief through killing.

  -Avoid it, a familiar voice echoed from the transparent black-gold sword. It was the voice of Sword Demon Iyarugt. He spoke to the Grid who was showing a slightly emotional expression, -The target’s heart wasn’t completely destroyed. It was the best surprise attack, but the skilled guy coped well.

  “Iyarugt, I didn’t know if you were going to answer my call.”

  [Granting an Ego]

  [You can give the target item an ego.

  It will be classified as an ego item, and the value will be astronomical.

  Genuine - (Fighting Against the Gods) Legendary Blacksmith’s Craftsmanship Skill has been masters and the number of times an ego can be granted is 10.

  Current number of egos that can be given: 9/10]

  The explanation of Granting an Ego was poor. Additionally, there were strict limitations on the number of uses, and Grid hadn’t been able to experiment with it. Then the virtual stage of the National Competition gave Grid a chance. During the Demon King’s Subjugation event, Grid had placed Braham’s ego inside the magic machine and managed to determine four pieces of information.

  First, in order to use Granting an Ego, Grid and the target ego must know each other. Second, Granting an Ego was only triggered when the target ego responded to Grid’s call. Third, no matter what form the ego existed in, it would forcibly belong to the item the moment it responded to the call. Fourth, if the item that the ego belonged to was destroyed, the target ego would return to its original place.

  That’s right. Granting an Ego was a system where the will and rights of the target ego were given priority over the user. If the target ego didn’t respond to Grid’s call, it wouldn’t be activated.

  Grid was honestly impressed. Iyarugt wasn’t loyal to Grid, and he was a demonkin with little affinity with Grid. Grid was only half confident that Iyarugt would answer the call, but he was surprised that it was immediate. He was even happier since he was in an urgent crisis.

  -You called out for me so desperately. Hum hum.


  The tone was awkward. It was different from his usual cynical tone.

  “What? Did you start to like me after not seeing me for a while?” Grid asked.

  Iyarugt snapped, -Shut up and step back.

  “…!” Grid responded immediately.

  His high level of concentration quickly transmitted Iyarugt’s cry to his brain, and his high agility allowed his body to move the moment his brain commanded it. The particles of light swirled and passed by Grid’s nose. If he had been a bit later, his face would’ve been cut.

  “Cough, cough… It’s amazing.”

  The so-called rating system wasn’t without critical points. Almost all creatures in Satisfy had a key point that could be classified as a so-called weakness. It might be the same attack method, but the difference in damage that the user suffered depended on whether the target was hit or not.

  “It has been a long time… Cough… really…! Cough, cough!” Blood poured from Limit’s mouth and nose as he coughed repeatedly. His eyes were red and congested, and his legs were trembling. This was an opportunity now that Limit was suffering from the physical condition of bleeding, and his weakness was at the peak.

  -Don’t give him a break.

  Hundreds of lines were displayed in Grid’s field of view as he faced Limit. Most of the solid lines were black or broken, but two solid lines were glowing red and they continued to the end. This was the ‘best sword path’ that Iyarugt was showing him.

  The particles of light were seeping into Limit’s body. It was a scene where Limit was using sword energy to restore his wounds. Grid had no intention of wasting time. Blue petals emerged as he started the steps of a sword dance.

  “No… chance!” Limit cried out with wide eyes. He had no intention of dying in this place. “For me… I have a heart’s desire!”

  Everyone had a problem. The poor weren’t the only ones who suffered. Limit had been born as the heir to one of the greatest families in the empire and had a significant duty. It was his duty to prove his talent and skills and to capture the envy of his people and the trust of the emperor. Yet as a young man, he had failed to fulfill his duty.

  A heavenly genius had ruined his path. Piaro—his talent had always surpassed Limit’s, and the enthusiasm of the people and the emperor’s trust had only been directed toward him. Limit, who should’ve been in the brightest place, had been obscured by dark shadows. He had felt humiliated and pained.

  Limit’s life was plagued by wounds. Unlike Asmophel who could proudly declare that his goal was to go beyond Piaro, Limit had been a coward who didn’t even dare put the name of Piaro in his mouth. Thus, he worked harder and practiced his swordsmanship. He worked solely to master techniques instead of being daz
zled by the ‘senses’ or ‘enlightenment’ that the two geniuses spoke about.

  “I… I have to prove that I’ve surpassed Piaro!”

  He had vaguely speculated that Piaro was still alive. Nevertheless, he didn’t chase Piaro in order to regain the qualifications that he had lost as a young man. He couldn’t die in this place. Once again, he couldn’t succumb to the barrier of a genius. He would surely survive and break the shackles of his heart by confronting and winning against Piaro. Limit, who was called a ‘genius’ by the people of the emperor, pledged and resisted the pangs in his heart to control his sword energy. He quickly restored his damaged body.

  -He is a great guy. Focus.

  “Flower.” Grid’s sword dance was completed and followed the best sword path. Simultaneously, the blue petals covered Limit while Braham’s Lightning was triggered. The goal was to imprint as many marks on Limit as possible. However, Limit didn’t back down. He crushed the petals falling like thunderbolts in the darkness. Concurrently, he deployed evasive movements. He captured the tip of Grid’s sword that penetrated like a snake.

  Then Iyarugt predicted the direction Limit evaded in. Iyarugt, who had been overworked every day he was with that crazy human Peak Sword, had managed to break through six times in total and had recovered more than half of his past strength. This meant that he wasn’t the same as when he lost to Piaro.

  “…Keuk?” Limit wondered why the exceptionally simple swordsmanship that was only fast previously had suddenly become magical. Had this person been hiding his skills? No, his eyes couldn’t be deceived. This person had suddenly developed during the battle.

  ‘Genius…’ Limit glimpsed Piaro in Grid. Why did Grid accept Piaro and why did Piaro end up serving him? Limit knew the inside story.

  ‘They fit together. The two of them recognized each other’s talent at first sight…’

  Then it happened the moment Limit misunderstood. Grid’s sword cut Limit again.

  [The target has received 14,900 damage.]

  […The black flames have exploded!]


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