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Overgeared Page 627

by Park Saenal

  “…Surely he didn’t obtain myth rated items?”

  No, it was impossible. Finding a myth-rated item was harder than plucking a star from the sky.

  Black shook her skinny face as she confirmed that the resources consumed by Illusion Manifestation had finally recovered. Then she immediately used her ultimate technique, Illusion World. She intended to alter the field that Grid had summoned and make it hurt him instead.

  [Your illusions have twisted reality.]

  [You have lost 4.7% experience as a penalty for using the great power, Illusion World.]

  [The target point of Illusion World is already dominated by a huge power!]

  [The target’s presence neutralizes your illusions.]

  [Illusion World has failed to manifest!]


  A long time ago, Grid had faced Black and speculated that her class was legendary-grade.

  Seeing as he had met many strong players, Grid’s vision was excellent. So he knew that in fact, Illusionist was a growth type hidden class that could grow to the legendary rating. Black’s level was still low due to the large penalties that occurred every time she used a skill, so the class was still at the unique rating. However, the fact that it was a top class was undeniable.

  An Illusionist’s illusions had an influence on most targets. Even if the opponent had a legendary class, they were still helpless in front of the illusions that Black summoned at the cost of her experience. However, this excluded targets like archangels, great demons, and transcendents like the yangbans. They resisted the unique-rated Illusionist. It was necessary to upgrade to the legendary rating if she wanted to influence them.

  Yes, there were the limitations of rare targets like archangels, great demons, and yangbans, but a unique-rated Illusionist should still be able to exert absolute power over a player. Yet it was impossible to exert absolute power over Grid.

  “What is this…?”

  Despite consuming the resources and experience, the ultimate technique was neutralized! Black was astonished by the painful loss when she heard Grid’s voice. He was speaking directly to Black’s illusion clone, “You sisters haven’t grown at all. Did you quit the game for a while?”

  “You bastard!”

  Quit the game for a while? How hard had they tried to grow from the last time they appeared? They had many stories of hard work and effort.

  “You don’t know anything!” The angry Black commanded the illusions who overcame their paralysis and stun to launch a full-scale attack. The illusions copied the characteristics of the ideal strong person, Faker, and rushed toward Grid. Black believed that a copy of the monster Faker would be able to handle Grid, since he had defeated her despite having a normal class. There was a basis for this idea. Grid had consumed all types of skills while dealing with Kir’s troops and White and then acted like he was tired.

  In reality…

  ‘It consumes too much mana.’

  Grid could no longer maintain the Storm Demonic Energy Field that consumed 1,000 mana per second. The Ring of Absurdity that he’d gotten from Black in the past reduced the mana cost of the skill by half, but the problem was that Grid’s mana base was too small. However, Grid didn’t feel regretful. The Storm Demonic Energy Field massacred hundreds of soldiers in exchange for consuming a large amount of mana!

  “Hihi! Hihihik! Die! Die! Dieeee!” Three beauties holding daggers in their hands flew toward Grid at the same time. Their speed was very fast as they moved from left to right around the soldiers. It was reminiscent of the third advancement assassin class, Master of Swiftness. For a moment, Grid was unable to respond, and his arm and waist were cut. The curses and spells of Kir’s magicians and the necromancers interfered with Grid’s concentration and movements.

  “Kyahat! Kuhihihihit!” Black let out delighted laughter when she saw Grid’s wounds.

  Meanwhile, her illusions continued to rotate and stab at him.

  Grid defended against the magic bombardment with the God Hands and equipped the Slaughterer’s Eye Patch. It was then that the attack accuracy of the clones dropped noticeably. This was because Grid borrowed the power of the Slaughterer’s Eye Patch and started to read their attack orbit.

  “Tch!” The emotions of the main body were conveyed to the clones. Black became annoyed as Grid started to avoid attacks like a rodent. She urged Immortal’s necromancers, “What are you not covering me? Move the skeletons to seal his movements! Why are men so useless?”


  The influence of White and Black in Immortal was very large since Veradin had recruited them himself.

  Although the necromancers felt great dissatisfaction toward the women who treated them badly because they were men, they couldn’t express it. In the first place, they would lick shit if it meant taking down Grid. They didn’t intend to miss this opportunity to catch Grid.

  Clack! Clack clack! The undead army started these activities in earnest. The bodies of the soldiers were raised and started pushing at Grid. Due to them, Grid’s movements were greatly restricted, and Black’s attack accuracy started to rise again. Alas, there was a problem.

  [You have dealt 2,100 damage to the target!]

  [You have dealt 1,860 damage to the target!]

  [You have dealt 1,990…]



  It was Grid’s ridiculously high defense.

  Black’s illusions were armed with unique-rated weapons enhanced to +7. Black summoned them in exchange for experience but failed to inflict damage on Grid as the performance of the armor that Grid was armed with was far superior. It wouldn’t be strange if it was at least +8 enhanced armor.

  However, Black was still optimistic about the situation. Even water droplets could eventually damage rocks. The low damage would continue to accumulate, and Grid would eventually fall down. Black believed that after the storm field and Blackening was lifted, Grid would be damaged by her illusions and die.

  It was at this time that…

  Clack clack! Clack!

  The hundreds of skeletons summoned by the necromancers surrounded Grid completely. With nowhere to go after being surrounded by undead and illusions, it was virtually impossible for Grid to avoid the attacks. It was a perfect defensive move.

  “Hihit! Hihihik! This is the end!”

  “Die! Grid!!”

  The attacks of the necromancers and Black poured down like rain.


  In response, Grid used a wide-range skill. The waves of energy spread out in all directions and hit the undead and Black’s illusions simultaneously. The reason why he had deliberately been acting on the defensive was so he could get rid of Black’s illusions using Quick Movements.

  “The number of skill uses is limited.”

  He had to kill as many enemies as possible with one skill. Grid broke through the collapsing undead army and chased after Black’s illusions to wipe them out.

  [The illusion summoned with Illusion Manifestation has been damaged and has vanished.]

  [20% experience has been lost.]

  “Unbelievable!” Black was hiding deep in an alley. Her eyes shook violently as she suffered a huge penalty from her illusions being destroyed. It was then that she finally regained the senses she’d lost after witnessing her sister’s death.

  ‘No! I can’t win!’

  Her sister hadn’t even been able to survive two minutes against Grid, so what could Black do? Black settled her spirit and turned to escape. Then a lovely voice spoke out from behind her, “I found you, nyang.”

  She turned back and…


  It was the memphis famous for having more fan cafe members than Grid. Black’s sister had secretly signed up for the fan cafe, and Noe was even cuter now after his fur changed in color. Nevertheless, to Noe, she was just the enemy. Moreover, she even dared threaten his master!

  “I’m going to eat, nyang.”

  The small ‘ㅅ’ snout expanded and swallowed
up Black.

  [Your pet, Noe, has ingested the soul of the player, Black.]

  [He has taken away half of the target’s highest stat!]

  [Intelligence has increased by 2,131.]

  [You understand the knowledge and magic of Braham.]

  [The skill Fireball (Enhanced) can be used.]

  [The skill Dark Cutter (Enhanced) can be used.]

  [The skill Chain Lightning (Enhanced) can be used.]

  [The skill Enchant Weapon (Enhanced) can be used.]

  [The skill Decoy (Enhanced) can be used.]


  Grid swapped over to Belial’s Staff. He also took off Triple Layers that he had been temporarily wearing to tank the attacks and switched to Valhalla of Infinite Affection. At this moment, Merchant King Kir and Veradin appeared leading a large number of reinforcements.

  “Keep pushing!” Veradin shouted after calmly analyzing the situation, unlike Kir who was making a fuss over the mess in the city. Then Veradin confirmed that Grid had a fairly reduced health gauge due to the overwhelming advantage of numbers and the activities of the White and Black sisters.

  ‘This time I will kill you!’

  The new start here in Penan was a brilliant opportunity from Veradin’s and Immortal’s standpoint. Veradin planned to use this counterattack against Grid to provide the foundations of their resurgence. The death knight famous for his poison was summoned, and his breaths poisoned the whole area. Determination filled Veradin’s eyes. He still hadn’t given up his dream of becoming a resident of the Hwan Kingdom as he gave orders to the poisonous death knight and Immortal.

  “Kill Grid!”

  Grid had already used many skills, so he should be lacking in skills since Pagma’s Swordsmanship had the disadvantage of a long cooldown time. Veradin was feeling confident about this when incomprehensible words entered his ears.

  “Enchant Weapon. Chain Lightning.”

  Magic? Why did magic a few levels higher than Magic Missile pop out of Grid’s mouth? Before Veradin could figure it out, lightning struck the necromancers’ undead army, Kir’s soldiers, Veradin, and Veradin’s death knight.

  [You have suffered 19,000 damage!]

  [You have received an electric shock!]

  [You have overcome the electric shock with the effect of overcoming death…]

  “Kuk…! Kuaaaack!”

  The Chain Lightning reached a distance of 100 meters? Furthermore, this strength was on par with high-level magic!

  “Why… Why are you…?” Why did he break the predictions every time? “How are you growing?” Veradin screamed as a huge fireball filled his vision.

  Kir was unable to close his mouth as he saw Veradin disappear into a pillar of gray ash.

  ‘From the beginning…’ The first day that Kir met Grid… ‘I should’ve prostrated myself before him!’

  Kir couldn’t even breathe. He was filled with regret, but it was already too late. In Grid’s mind, the ‘Merchant King’ was Muto, rather than Kir.

  Chapter 843

  Chapter 843

  TL: Please check the updated announcement post if you haven’t already. I got the dates wrong with the first post and updated it.

  The undead were never weak pets. They had the fundamental limit of low intelligence, but they would perform any command unconditionally. Another advantage was that they had no emotions or common sense. What about how their agility and durability which were relatively lower than those of other species? This was a problem that could be overcome be evolving into a higher undead.

  In fact, the speed of the skeleton warrior was just a bit slow. Its durability was also considerably strengthened. Skeleton warriors were great pets to fight one-on-one with players of the same level. Considering the fact that a second advancement necromancer could summon skeleton warriors and a number of skeletons, a necromancer was a very favorable combat class.

  Still, this was just referring to general hunting or PK. A necromancer was a vulnerable class when it came to boss raids. It was virtually impossible for the undead’s attack and durability to defeat a boss monster’s extremely high defense and attack power.

  “…Should we just surrender?”

  The elite necromancers of Immortal lost their fighting spirit as the new Grid was a boss monster itself. They were convinced that they would never be able to beat Grid with their abilities.

  “He is a X monster!” The level 245 necromancer Kakron trembled. He had been playing hard like everyone else, but he just couldn’t knock down Grid who was facing thousands of people alone. Kakron felt a great sense of deprivation, and curse words had popped out unknowingly. Despite this, there wasn’t a single person who agreed with him.

  The 7th ranked necromancer Drew reproached him, “What bullshit are you saying? Do you deserve to complain? You have a lower level than everyone here and your equipment isn’t great. It means you will lose a lot less. Didn’t you put in less time, less money, and less effort? Do you have any sense?”


  “Shut up if you have a brain. Don’t claim more things than necessary.” Drew’s strong anger and spite were also directed toward himself. Drew had been watching Grid, Kraugel, and Agnus for a while. He knew what Satisfy players had to do to become a top player.

  Was it having the patience to hunt for a few days in one place? Was it having the power to purchase the best items? Was it having the good luck to cope with financial difficulties? No. Those alone weren’t enough. It was the ability to continuously generate and link hidden quests. Those who could use Satisfy’s infinite degree of freedom to pass through episodes made them qualified to be a top player.

  Yet Drew had never achieved it. He didn’t know the details of when, where, and whom to meet. What choices did he have to make to experience a hidden episode or quest? Drew didn’t know because there was a clear limit to his thinking ability.

  “…This damn monster.” There was no hatred in Drew’s eyes as he watched Grid single-handedly kill Veradin, followed by the annihilation of the soldiers and the undead army. There was only awe.

  “How smart is he?”

  Was Grid a game genius? Did he keep experiencing new episodes and make rapid progress while performing hidden quests? It was a talent that Drew wanted to take away.

  “Hah…” Drew was unable to overcome his frustration and was sighing deeply when he received Veradin’s whisper.

  -Veradin: I’m sorry I was killed without doing anything. I am now at the resurrection point. I will be sure to join you again, so use Kir’s soldiers as a shield. Let’s catch Grid today.

  “Hat!” Drew laughed. He smiled wryly as he replied.

  -Drew: You are going to rejoin us? You?

  -Veradin: What is the meaning of your words?

  -Drew: You hate dying. Don’t you think I know that you are doing a quest where you can’t die?

  -Veradin: Your guess doesn’t make sense. What player likes to die? I’m just trying to protect myself from dying? What type of quest are you talking about?

  -Drew: The difference before and after you came back from the continent is too big.

  -Veradin: …Are you sure?

  -Drew: Jerk! I already got the information about your separate exit! Do you think we are idiots?

  -Veradin: …

  -Drew: Based on your reaction, you must’ve already arrived there?

  There was the entrance to a waterway which existed underneath Kir’s castle. Veradin had been planning to leave the city through the waterway while Immortal bought time. He stiffened once he arrived at the entrance. It was because the 2nd ranked Bullet was waiting for him there.

  The usually gentle Bullet was enraged. “I followed you because I recognized your skills and believed in the accomplishments you showed me. In the end, are we just tools to be discarded by you?”

  “…So what? Do you want me to give you something special? Me? To an ordinary person like you?” Veradin spoke in a proud manner. Then he drove the nail in, “I gathere
d you together because I wanted to be recognized by Agnus. I wanted him to treat me as a useful person and become qualified to stay by his side in order to observe his madness.”

  [Hwan Kingdom’s Resident (1)]

  [★ Hidden Quest ★

  You have to meet the minimal qualifications to challenge the Chiyou test.

  First, go beyond the level of an ordinary person.

  Quest Clear Condition (1): Don’t die until you reach level 400.

  * Every time you gain 20 levels without dying while the quest is ongoing, you will gain a large number of additional stats.

  * If you die, you will lose all the additional stats you have acquired. The lost stats can’t be restored.

  * If you die, the quest clear conditions will change to number two.

  Quest Clear Condition (2): The number of deaths must be less than five until you achieve level 400 (Number of Deaths: 4/5).

  * This is the last chance. If you fail to complete the second clear conditions, you will completely lose your qualification to challenge the Chiyou test.]

  There was no more turning back for Veradin. He was half-abandoned by Agnus who wasn’t actually crazy, and Immortal was pulling him down rather than helping him. Veradin had only one life left, so he had to defend himself. He had to get out of here quickly.

  Tsk! He clicked his tongue as he pulled up the list of guild members. Veradin intended to expel Bullet and Drew using his authority over the guild. He planned to stop them from inciting the other guild members and give them the expulsion penalty. However, unlike Veradin, Bullet and Drew had been acting for the guild with true sincerity. So, the members’ sentiment was with them.

  [You have been impeached from your position as guild leader due to the vote of the guild members!]

  [Guild leader Bullet has expelled you from the guild!]


  The system interpreted that a ‘serious sin that can’t be forgiven’ had been committed as the reason why a guild member was expelled from a guild. Due to this, a penalty was incurred.

  [You have been expelled from the guild and have become a fugitive!]

  [There is a punishment for your sin. If you are arrested by a former guild member, the imprisonment sentence will increase. If killed, the death penalty will increase by 20%. This penalty is limited to one time.]


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