Atticus And The Orb Of Time

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Atticus And The Orb Of Time Page 17

by M K Drake

Khan, holding two of the massive tentacles, stands on Leviathan’s head, almost steering the beast. Mage Callan pounds it with beams of energy from his sword, while Safaya, still hanging on to Ju Long, is continuing to divert the beast’s fireballs the best she can. Olof is still too far away, but heads to the direction of the battle as quickly as possible.

  Leviathan whips into a frenzy of rage, kicking and splashing. It finally manages to shake Khan from its head and grabs him with one of its long thin sinewy tentacles, then quickly snatches the others. It dives deep into the sea, creating a massive whirlpool above it.

  Olof follows the beast down, fearful for his friends’ safety. Safaya clears a path of water for Olof to follow, he must get ahead of the beast to deliver his blow. Firing a massive sheet of ice ahead of Leviathan’s path, Olof forces the beast to change direction, giving him the chance to go in for the attack. He can feel the belt giving him strength; its power surges through him.

  Olof dives forward, winds back his arm with his fist clenched, and smashes it against the side of Leviathan’s face, knocking the giant hulking beast unconscious. It releases its captives who all scrabble to a plateau of ice that Olof creates for them. Olof lands next to them.

  “That is some punch!” splutters Ju Long.

  “Took you long enough,” smiles Safaya.

  “Come, we must get out of here before the beast reawakens, it won’t be fooled a second time and will not stop until we are dead,” says Mage Callan. The others agree and they all head to shore and as far from the sea as possible.

  They all sit for a while to gather their breath and some strength. They spot Leviathan in the distance swim away and dive under the surface of the sea. Olof wonders about Mjolnir, and who the wizard could have been that had the knowledge to move the hammer to another location. Only a powerful being could have managed such a task. He spots the others hesitating, and senses that they want to ask the question, but are worried just in case he is upset about being so close to his goal and not reaching it.

  “The hammer is yet to be found, but this belt is a step in the right direction,” says Olof, hoping that will quell the others’ apprehension, “What say Elric?” he asks.

  “Nothing much − but he has said that he will finally reveal the occurrences at the Battle of Aria!” replies Khan.

  “The Battle of Aria, finally!” replies Ju Long, “At last we get to see what we are up against. Can’t be much worse than Leviathan, and we taught that overgrown snake a lesson.”

  “On the contrary, dear boy,” says Mage Callan, “What faces us in the future is much, much worse than Leviathan.”

  Ju Long remains uncommonly quiet for the rest of the journey.

  # # #

  It’s late into the afternoon before Olof and the others return from the retrieval of Meginjord. They enter Elric’s chamber to find Alvar and Kalle telling stories of Olof when he was young. Atticus and Joyce are practically on the floor in hysterics while Elric, smoking a hookah, chuckles.

  They turn to see Olof proudly wearing Meginjord. Alvar and Kalle run towards Olof.

  “You have found it!” says Alvar excitedly.

  “Not quite,” replies Olof, wearing a huge grin as he does so, “But we do have Meginjord,” he says jovially.

  “Another step closer then my friend?” says Kalle.

  Elric stands, approaches Olof, and puts his hand on his shoulder, “I am very proud of you, Olof,” he says, “Meginjord will be a great help in this battle, and it is only fitting that you wield it. The hammer will surely follow.”

  Olof nods and embraces Elric gently.

  “See, told you − big softie really,” Joyce says softly to Atticus.

  Olof pretends not to hear.

  A Majjai History, Vol 1 Chapter 12: Demonic Hierarchy

  In the time of Kazmagus, the demon king was Asmodei. He led ruthlessly, but was also known to have a sense of honour. His direct subordinates included Razakel, and it is rumoured that it was he who put end to Asmodei’s reign by using his master’s sense of honour against him.

  Asmodei’s greatest failing, according to the demonic scriptures that have been recovered, was his ability to love, a trait that escapes the vast majority of demons. One mortal woman in particular caught Asmodei’s interest, and he became besotted, obsessive even. The exact events are not known, but it is said that this woman sought out refuge with the Majjai of the time. Here a brave young Majjai soldier and this woman fell in love.

  Asmodei, who was fed lies by Razakel, was led to believe the woman had been captured and was being held captive by the Majjai. In anger, he pursued the Majjai army, seeking out the woman he coveted, killing many innocents along the way.

  Razakel was already many steps ahead, and it is thought he cast an illusion, powerful enough to fool Asmodei into believing the woman he loved was actually the Majjai soldier that had taken her heart. Asmodei killed who he thought was the soldier, and upon realisation that he had killed the very woman of his desire, he became enraged and cursed the Earth. He caused havoc across the globe, and it is then that it is rumoured that Kazmagus returned from his Nomadic life to do battle once more.

  Neither were heard from since.

  Razakel gleefully took charge of the demon realm, claiming it as his birthright. He and his subordinates, Alvarez and Herensugue, slew any demon still loyal to Asmodei. This was a dark time, for where Asmodei understood and promoted balance of sorts, he also accepted that the demon realm and the Earth realm could co-exist. Razakel saw differently.

  Not much is known of Razakel and his rise through the demonic ranks. Some ancient scriptures said that he was human once, and that Asmodei turned him. The turning process itself is noted to be an incredibly agonising process, and one that few survive.

  Razakel attempted his first invasion into the Earth realm at the Battle of Aria. Many brave soldiers and Majjai died that day, but in the end, with the help of the Majjai Six, the Earth realm overcame the forces of evil and defeated Razakel.

  Alvarez and Herensugue both tended their king, healing him over time. At the time of this writing his condition is unknown, but what is for certain is that he will return.

  Chapter 17

  The Battle of Aria

  Atticus stares out of the window while Professor Morgan tries to project the laws of friction into the minds of his students. Maths and all of the standard lessons are held in the mornings at Wysardian Manor, and those that are gifted in the ways of the Majjai attend special classes and tutorials during the afternoon.

  The first few days after Atticus found out about his new world were extremely eventful. The next few weeks that followed were filled with a level of normalcy that almost bordered on boring by comparison.

  Atticus is fairly pleased at the new arrangement of classes though, as most of his P.E. lessons are scheduled for the afternoon, and it means he gets to miss most of his encounters with Bradley, who continually tries to find any opportune moment to corner him. Luckily for Atticus, his newfound Majjai teammates are never too far away.

  The afternoons are filled with wondrous new things. Every day brings a greater understanding of his abilities. He has learnt to fly − with better control but still a little bit aimless − and his telekinesis abilities have also strengthened by massive amounts. He is even learning how to utilise the powers of his teammates, albeit to a much lesser degree.

  This afternoon’s activities involve something that many of them have wanted to see for a long time, the events of the Battle of Aria. From what Atticus has read from the books given to him so far, Aria was once a great city close to where Herat now stands. Thousands of years ago it was regarded by some as being one of the most important cities in the known world; and certainly the most significant in ancient Persia. What mortals are unaware of however, is that Aria was host to a battle that saved them all. To this day, only a select few Majjai elders have ever known the specific details.

  The reasons the events of the Battle of Aria have been kept in secrecy
are unknown − albeit until later today, Atticus hopes. He recalls the Majjai history book that Professor Morgan gave to him to read the day before his meeting with Professor Sprocking. Within its pages it describes a battle and the group of Majjai who faced a great evil, but it never went into specifics.

  Safaya has told Atticus of a crystal that Elric keeps with him which holds the entire battle within it, and he has saved it for presentation upon the arrival of the chosen one. She also told Atticus that, in her time, the original Majjai Six were a fabled group of heroes, their identities not widely known, except for Elric himself. She continued to inform Atticus the most popular myth as to why the details of the battle have been kept secret were due to the requests of one particular original Majjai Six member. A Majjai who has existed in various times − the very Majjai who created the Quantorbium.

  # # #

  The training fields for the Majjai students are much larger than the standard fields. Atticus always wondered why the hedges surrounding the standard playing fields are so tall – now he realises they are there to hide this vast space for Majjai needs.

  Elric has cloaked the grounds to keep them hidden from the outside world, Magically ensuring that the hedges remain thick and green all year around.

  The afternoon sessions begin and the Majjai training grounds are filled with about one hundred or so students; some Atticus recognises, and some he doesn’t. He does sense the attention he is getting though. Many eyes try to catch as much of a glimpse as possible of the chosen one, a few are even brave enough to point

  Atticus is used to this now, and tries his best to ignore it. He spends most of his time with Joyce and the other Majjai Six members. Their training sessions are very intense, and more often than not end up with at least one member injuring either themselves or another. The team welcome the fact that Joyce’s healing powers are increasing, and now that Atticus has learnt that ability to a lesser extent as well, he is able to treat minor wounds. Although one thing he is also beginning to feel is a huge drain on his energy levels after using Magic. The others feel this too, but manage to mask their fatigue. Atticus surmises that he must also learn to adapt; he practices regularly to become more precise with his powers so that he can recover his energy levels more quickly.

  Atticus and Joyce have also become even closer, but still haven’t had time to go on a first date. Both hope that situation will be rectified on Saturday as they have a very welcome respite from all the chaos.

  The field goes silent as Olof stands next to Elric. They stand alone as a pair facing the rest of the Majjai students. Elric has spent the last few weeks busily preparing this presentation, knowing that many questions will follow. Anticipation has also increased among all of the Majjai since word spread of the revelations of the Battle of Aria.

  “Welcome!” says Elric, speaking into his cane, which glows blue and amplifies his voice so that everyone can hear, “This has been an eventful month. The chosen one has been found!” the crowd cheer and whoop, some of them chant Atticus’ name. Elric waits for the cheering to subside before continuing, “We have also been blessed with Olof continuing to fulfil his destiny. His quest for Mjolnir grows ever closer with the discovery of Meginjord!”

  Olof steps forward with the belt adorning his midriff, which brings another loud cheer and roar of approval from the other Majjai students.

  “But,” says Elric, “There is also a message here for all of us. These events have been somewhat foretold. They are but steps on a path − one which ends with one of our most important tasks as protectors of this realm. This path finishes at the end of Razakel’s destruction… or our own,” the crowd are deathly silent at these words, “Make no mistake, we are at war. A war that this world has only ever seen the likes of once before. A war that we almost lost,” Elric beckons to Olof to bring him the crystal.

  Olof holds his hands out to offer the large gem piece to Elric.

  “I know many of you have been waiting to see this for a long time. Safaya, if you could help to make everyone more comfortable, we can begin.”

  The Princess raises her arms, and creates chairs for everyone on the field. The earth rises from the ground next to each student, forming perfect little perches from which they can all sit comfortably.

  “For this revealing, we will be joined by Majjai leaders from across the globe,” as Elric finishes his sentence, several portals open up around the field. Atticus can see through some of them, revealing groups of what he assumes are other Majjai − all of them waiting for the story of the battle of Aria to begin. Joyce points to one of the portals and whispers, “They are the Bhandari Clan, from India. Very secretive, and powerful. They trained Ju Long.”

  “Who are they?” asks Atticus, pointing to another portal.

  “Mecha Knights. They have a rare gift − they can infuse a Majjai soul with technology, things like cars, computers. Only trapped souls though, like giving a machine consciousness, we know of only one successful instance of this melding. I think they are based somewhere in North America. They are the scientists of the Majjai world.”

  “I never knew we were global,” Atticus whispers to Joyce.

  She smiles as she replies, “There are quite a few of us you know, and we don’t stay students forever.”

  Elric steps forward and leaves the crystal on the ground. As his hand moves away from it, the gemstone begins to hover and spin. It spins ever more violently and begins to spout out a mist. Within moments a massive cloud builds up. Flashes of light spark inside it, and an image appears. Elric raises his staff and hits it into the ground. Sparks of blue light shoot out in six directions, surrounding the crowd at different points around everyone in the field. From the tips of the blue light 5 large gramophones appear; the sixth beam of light creates a giant tubular object with a port near the top.

  Ju Long turns to Atticus and whispers, “Cool! Majjai home cinema,” Atticus laughs, as murmurs of awe and approval ripple through the other students.

  The image inside the cloud focuses properly, and a man can be seen. Everyone instantly recognises the figure to be a much younger version of Elric. They fall silent again as this young Elric begins to speak.

  “Welcome. I hope I have the dialect correct for your time, forgive me if I do not. What you are about to see is a history that has been hidden; the final events during the Battle Of Aria. The reasons the events of the battle have been hidden for so long are for the protection of several Majjai, one of whom is the creator of the Quantorbium. However, before we begin, I should introduce you to the original Majjai Six!”

  Everyone in the field can be seen fidgeting, clearly excited at what they are about to see and learn.

  One by one the audience is introduced to the Majjai Six of old.

  First a muscular man wielding a giant axe steps into view, “I am Arshan. I am gifted with the power of might and weapon enchantment,” he nods his head and steps back to allow the next. Asad, Barmak, and a beautiful lady called Zarileh follow Arshan.

  “That makes five, where is the sixth?” whispers Safaya to Khan.

  The rest of the audience are also wondering this and whispers between them begin to get louder, when the younger version of Elric reappears in front of the other four Majjai Six members, “Yes, there is another. He tells me you may know of him by a different name, we know of him as Myrddin Emrys.”

  A massive gasp echoes through the crowd. Those in the know quickly convey their knowledge to the others. Atticus strains to hear what they are saying when a sixth, tall figure steps into view.

  “Yes, my name is Myrddin Emrys. And it was at my request these events be hidden from you,” says the tall man. He looks into the audience, as if he knows exactly where everyone is sitting. His eyes stop when they point towards Atticus, who stares back at the projection, “Hello Atticus,” says Myrddin.

  The audience all turn their heads in unison towards where Atticus is sitting. Not knowing what else to do, Atticus waves towards the mist where the figures are stand
ing. Joyce quickly moves Atticus’ hand back down to his thigh.

  “Who is he?” Atticus asks Joyce.

  “Merlin,” she replies.

  “THE Merlin?” spouts Atticus, Joyce replies with a nod.

  “Hello everyone,” Myrddin continues, “Elric has already informed you of what you are about to see. So I think I’ve delayed things long enough. I know there will be many questions, but please, direct these to Elric after the presentation has finished. I wish you all the best of luck for the challenges ahead.”

  The mist holding the image before them fades out, and in place of the original Majjai Six there is now a massive, barren landscape. The flickering lights of a city can be seen in the distance, oblivious of what is happening near its borders. The view spins around to the opposite direction, more lights can be seen, but these are more than just flickering flames. Giant arcs of blue and red, explosions, flashes of lightning, they command the horizon with an orchestral display of colour. The view quickly zooms closer to the battle. Atticus recognises Herensugue and Draconus instantly.

  They are both attacking Arshan. Arshan blocks Draconus’s attacks with giant shields of blue light. He returns fire with massive arcs of energy spouting from his axe as he swings it. Barmak arrives to aide Arshan with the chaos of war surrounding them. Elric can be seen in the distance, battling against masses of Screamers and Graigons. Asad and Zarileh are facing a giant portal, and battling hordes of other demons streaming through it.

  There are other Majjai too, and soldiers, all battling this giant demon army. Hundreds upon hundreds of demons are pouring through the portal.

  Myrddin is sitting in the middle of the battlefield, chanting. Protected by an energy shield, fireballs and demons attempting to attack him merely bounce off it, shooting into the air. Myrddin appears to be preparing something within his shield.

  The giant portal suddenly changes colour, it turns from red to white, and then a bright crimson. Zarileh screams to the others, “He is coming!!”


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