Atticus And The Orb Of Time

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Atticus And The Orb Of Time Page 23

by M K Drake

  “As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess. I don’t really have much choice,” Atticus says, realising as he speaks that he will be away from Joyce for much longer than the time they have been together, “I have to save her.”

  “You don’t have to do anything − everyone has a choice Atticus, and you must choose. This sacrifice should not be taken lightly. A year is a long time; I know, I have seen many of them,” replies Elric.

  “You doubt me?” quizzes Atticus, wondering why Elric is trying to dissuade him.

  “Far from it, dear boy,” says Elric, “I know you are ready, I just need you to believe it, too.”

  Atticus nods.

  “These people here, as well as yourself, are all heroes. Everything that is good needs all of you to succeed − together. Listen to them, they can guide you and your abilities to heights that even I can barely imagine, and I have seen much,” says Elric, “Mage Callan, the warrior. Khan, the Saracen. Olof, commander of Ice. Ju Long, the courageous. Safaya, the Queen of the Elements. These people will be your guides, Atticus. Trust them, as they trust you.”

  Atticus looks towards his compatriots and then towards Elric, “But, what if I fail?” he asks.

  “Think of her, if doubt ever enters your mind, think of her, the love you hold. It is the one thing we possess that Razakel will never understand. You fight not just for yourself, Atticus, you fight for us all − and every single life force on this planet, everything that is good, they are with you. We are your strength when you most need it, and we offer it freely,” Elric says, “Good luck. And when you return, we will stand side by side and fight this evil that tries to take our lands.”

  Atticus looks at Elric, as a newfound confidence grows within him. He knows what he must do and why, “Side by side; I look forward to it,” he says as he turns, and joins the others. He already feels older, and it has only been moments.

  Elric smiles, “Train well, young Atticus,” He turns and walks through the shimmering entrance, disappearing from sight.

  “Are you ready, Atticus?” asks Mage Callan.

  Atticus nods, focusing his energy and his mind towards the tasks ahead.

  Mage Callan flips his cloak over his shoulder and hands Atticus a training sword, “Then let us begin.”

  # # #

  Elric puts his hand on Dr Victor’s shoulder.

  “Have they begun?” asks Joyce’s father.

  “They have,” replies Elric.

  Dr Wei aids Madame Healsey in tending to her child, dipping a cloth in cooling water and brushing away part of Joyce’s hair from her forehead before placing it down, “Will they save our daughter?”

  “They are her only hope,” says Elric, as he walks over to Joyce’s bed. He sits alongside her parents, “In the morning we will know how the training has gone, and whether or not the chosen are ready.”

  “And if they are not?” asks Professor Morgan.

  Elric lets out a deep, deathly sigh, “Then we, and every living thing in this realm, will die.”

  The Majjai Journals:

  We age a year in this place. At least I know she will be safe in here. If only she knew why I can never get too close to her. She is a Princess, after all, and I am just a lowly Saracen, albeit one blessed with great powers. My focus must remain on this task − and that of ridding this realm of the demon threat.

  If she knew about him, would she ever forgive me? But I have no choice; I must continue my mission, whether she likes it or not.

  Atticus is learning quickly. I am very impressed with him. I think Mage Callan gives him much confidence, I am glad he is also here. The Sword of Ages is very powerful; the Magic used to make it is strong. Mage Callan is secretive about its origins. I know he was the sword’s keeper, but now that it has been passed on, surely the secrecy should disappear? I believe there is more to the sword’s history than what is written in books.

  Olof is a good friend. I hope he finds Mjolnir soon, I see the torment it causes him. At least Ju Long offers him distraction. Elric calls him the courageous, but I do not think Ju Long knows how highly we regard him. He uses his humour to hide his true self. I see it, but does he know I do? He has abilities that could not come from Majjai teachings, so there are things that he is definitely keeping from us. It seems we all have secrets, in time maybe we will all trust each another enough to share them. One day.

  Abd al-Hakim Khan

  Chapter 22


  “Elric!” Professor Morgan bursts through the doors of the medical ward, “I found him in the great hall, buried under some rubble.”

  “Who?” asks Elric.

  “Burrows! Bradley Burrows,” says the Professor, trying to catch his breath from carrying Bradley all the way to Madam Healsey.

  “How did he get there?” asks Elric.

  “I have no idea. Atticus did mention the doors being left open. Perhaps he snuck in then?” says Professor Morgan. He lays Bradley on a bed for Madam Healsey to examine, “How bad is he?”

  Madam Healsey is a tall, elegant lady; a white witch with healing powers as well as a mild degree of telekinesis. Her hair is long, black, and straight and her skin is very light. The red lipstick she wears contrasts against her features, and a tiny beauty spot sits just above the right side of her mouth.

  “He’ll be just fine,” she says, “It looks more like shock than any physical injury,” she reaches over to her medicine cabinet and pulls out a bottle of smelling salts. Opening it carefully, she holds it slowly just below Bradley’s nose.

  “Ugh, ahh, eww!” he splutters. Looking around, he spies Elric, who he has never seen before. He pauses for a moment to take things in, before turning to see others in the room. His head continues to turn until his gaze meets that of Professor Morgan, “Freak!” he screams, and breaks free from the bed and storms out before anyone can hold him, “You are all freaks!” he screams at the top of his lungs as he runs through the corridors.

  “Shall we stop him?” asks Professor Morgan.

  “Probably not a good idea right this minute, we have to prepare for the Majjai to exit from the Runes of Zamaan,” replies Elric, “There will be time to deal with Mr Burrows later. We need to know how he got into the Majjai quarters. For now, I think you should just follow him, make sure he is ok.”

  Professor Morgan twists a ring on his left hand, which first encases him in blue light, and then turns into a small, glowing sphere. Then, in his new form of transport, Professor Morgan flies out of the room and chases after Bradley, keeping just out of sight.

  “Did the scrolls arrive?” asks Professor Sprocking, “Did the protector come?”

  “He did indeed. And once Atticus and the others have returned from the Runes, we will get him to activate them,” replies Elric.

  Professor Sprocking, still eager to discover who the protector is, decides to ask once more, “You still hide his identity from us?”

  “I do. An old friend told me that the protector will show himself when the time is right; and in order for that to happen, I must never reveal his name to anyone. There is much about him that I myself do not even know.”

  “Myrddin again, I presume?” asks Geoffrey, wondering again what else Elric is keeping from him.

  Elric merely responds with a coy smile.

  They gather the scrolls and walk down to the Majjai Training Room. Standing near the doorway, Elric holds out the palm of his hand and calls the Runes of Zamaan back to him. In a whoosh of sound, the six runes return, leaving just a thick mist behind them, hiding the chamber behind a curtain of fog. Elric and the others step back, awaiting the exit of the young Majjai and Mage Callan.

  The mist around the door swirls as one by one they exit, first Khan, followed by Olof, Safaya, Ju Long, and Mage Callan.

  Elric looks towards them, “Atticus?” he asks.

  “He is coming,” replies Mage Callan.

  The mist swirls once more, and out of it steps Atticus. Robed in a thick garment, which trails the ground behi
nd him, his hair is longer, tied back into a short ponytail. The rest of his attire consists of dark fabrics and leathers. The Sword of Ages is hilted to his side in its elaborate, ruby-encrusted sheath. The year has aged him well, he is more chiselled and more athletic in build. He looks towards Elric.

  “I am ready.”

  Elric grins, “Indeed you are, dear boy, indeed you are.”

  Atticus feels strong. The year has served him well. Mage Callan advanced his sword fighting skills tenfold. The other Majjai taught him how to control his powers and tap into the energies around him. The abilities he has unlocked are just the beginning; he knows that there is more, much more that he can do. What he is capable of now is just the tip of the iceberg.

  Elric walks them all to another room, once there he pulls a heavy key from within his robes and inserts it into the heavy, locked door. A rush of air surges out as the door is opened; this room has remained empty for a very long time. A large circular table sits in the middle.

  The table has engravings at each seating point. The first six names at the crest of the table are very familiar: ‘Atticus’, ‘Olof,’ ‘Khan’, ‘Ju Long’, ‘Safaya’, ‘Joyce’.

  A rich gold emblem surrounds each name. In the centre of the table is a carving of the mark of the Majjai. Around the table are other names − ‘Elric’, ‘Benjamin’, ‘Geoffrey’ − followed by several unmarked placeholders. The final seat simply has the letter ‘M’ in front of it.

  “We have our own ‘round table’ I see,” says Elric.

  The others look at him, puzzled.

  “You did set up this room?” asks Professor Sprocking.

  “No, I have never before entered it. Myrddin told me that he would leave me a castle to help in this war, and that in this castle there would be a door. He gave me the key for it, and told me that I would know when to use it,” replies Elric, “‘The day the chosen ones return from their year of solitude, to save one of their own’ he told me. Today I knew it was time.”

  Atticus notices a cursory glance between Professor Sprocking and Elric just before the latter indicates everyone should sit at their place.

  As they each sit down, a little glow of blue light shines on their position. Elric rolls out the scrolls he brought with him in front of Atticus.

  “There is nothing on them,” says Atticus.

  “There won’t be until you touch them,” replies Elric.

  Atticus reaches out a hand, and with the tip of his finger, he taps the edge of the rolled out scrolls. A jet of energy shoots out through his arm; Atticus is thrown back and onto the floor. He shivers and closes his eyes as intense visions cloud his mind. He sees a mountain, but it is no ordinary mountain. There are three tips to the base, each ivory white and pointing outwards at three different angles. Above the ivory white tips, there is sharp jagged rock, the only thing he can think it resembles is a dragon’s claw.

  Atticus opens his eyes and finds himself sitting on the floor; everyone stares at him, and then at the scrolls. As Atticus returns to his seat, the scrolls move until they are next to each other, a script appears on the surface. The script morphs and twists, forming an image, a map.

  “That is the Khalakh mountain pass,” says Professor Sprocking.

  “In India?” asks Ju Long, “I know this place. Many monasteries, I trained there. The area is vast, it would take years to search it.”

  Elric looks at Atticus, “Did you see anything?” he asks.

  Atticus nods, he describes the ivory white, claw-like mountain structure. Ju Long turns visibly pale.

  “Dragonclaw Mountain,” he says ominously, “It is forbidden land, no one has ever returned from there.”

  “Wait, there is something else, some writing below the map,” says Atticus, “I don’t understand it.”

  “It looks like ancient Persian,” says Elric, “Let me see,” Elric holds the parchment and analyses the text. After a moment he begins to read:

  “Step in, step out… dare you find the dragon’s snout?

  Gifts of silver, gifts of gold, it is the lesser of two evils one must hold.

  Step left, step right, the wrong choice means you lose the fight.

  Step up, step down, the secret lays beyond the dragon’s crown.”

  Myrddin’s penchant for riddles seems to lighten Elric’s mood, “He always loved a good puzzle.”

  “What does it mean?” asks Safaya.

  “We’ll have a better idea when we get there,” says Atticus, “I want to see her before we leave.”

  There is a new aura about Atticus, a new confidence. The year within the Runes has given him the understanding he needs to eventually lead the Majjai Six, but also a fresh drive. He is almost accepting of this new role, this new responsibility, but also fully aware he is yet to experience the worst of it.

  “Of course,” replies Elric, “I’ll prepare your things for this trip.”

  Atticus goes alone to the medical ward. Joyce’s parents are sleeping just outside the room and Madam Healsey is in her office, typing away. Atticus opens the door slowly to avoid disturbing anyone, and goes over to Joyce who still sleeps. Pulling up a chair, he sits beside her, and takes her hand.

  “I will save you,” he whispers, “You are never alone.”

  He feels his hand being squeezed ever-so-softly − she hears him, and a faint hint of a smile appears on her face for just the briefest of moments. Atticus moves closer and gently kisses her cheek.

  Then he quietly leaves the room and re-joins his companions.

  “It is time,” says Elric as Atticus enters. Elric hands him a sack of items, “These will be useful to keep you warm and to stay in touch.”

  Atticus, Olof, Khan, Ju Long, and Safaya all stand together. Out of the Majjai Six, only Olof and Ju Long have mastered the art of teleportation, so it is they that the others hold on to. With a crack of thunder and a flash of light, they are greeted with the sight of rock and snow. Safaya shivers.

  “I thought India was supposed to be warm?” she says as she rubs her arms with her opposing hands.

  “We are quite high up,” replies Ju Long, “We have some walking to do, this way.”

  Khan requests the sack of items from Atticus and from it he hands round some robes and heavy coats. Safaya gladly takes a robe and thanks him. She quickly throws it around her and they both follow the others who have already started their journey. Atticus is just close enough to overhear their conversation.

  “Khan,” says Safaya as they navigate the cold mountain rock, “Tell me about your people.”

  “I am the only one left. I never knew my parents,” replies Khan.

  “What happened?” asks the Princess.

  “I was never told. All I know is that from the time I was born, I was trained. The mark of the Majjai has been both a blessing and a curse to me,” says Khan, “I only know this, how to fight. There is another mark that has scarred me, but it is one that I have gladly taken.”

  “You welcome hardship?” asks Safaya, curious as to the motivation for such an undertaking.

  “This one has its plus points,” replies Khan. Wanting to change the subject, he quickly begins another discussion, “Do you feel that you treat Atticus a little harshly sometimes?”

  “Someone has to,” snaps Safaya, “He has been slow to learn, although, I was very impressed with his progress within the Runes of Zamaan. His powers are undeniable, but I fear he lacks the maturity to use them. Well, he did until his awakening to what we are up against.”

  “You mean Joyce?” asks Khan.

  “Yes,” says Safaya, “Love is a great motivation, don’t you think?”

  Khan is taken slightly aback, “Whatever do you mean?”

  Safaya steps close to her companion, “What motivates you Khan?” she asks, “I know how honourable you are, and how you are a mighty warrior; but what is the motivation behind your actions? Is there a reason you never allow me to go on missions alone?”

  “Maybe this conversation should be hel
d another day?” suggests Khan.

  “No,” says Safaya, “I need to know something. You are the closest to me here, the one that understands me the most. Yes, Joyce and I get on very well, but, my status requires me to shut out certain… feelings.”

  “As does mine,” replies Khan.

  “Now you are speaking in riddles,” says Safaya.

  “Perhaps,” says Khan raising an eyebrow, “We should really try to catch up with the others, we cannot be far now.”

  Khan and Safaya soon re-join the other Majjai, who have stopped a short distance ahead. The three ivory-white sections stand before them, resembling a giant dragon’s claw. There seems to be only one way in: the outline of a dark entrance stands out as a blemish on the central claw. A massive gust of wind shoots itself around the young Majjai and swirls above them before whipping up dust and dirt from the ground.

  “I will go first,” says Olof, “Stick behind me closely,” the Norseman steps through the wind and examines the doorway before stepping in. The Majjai follow him into the darkness. The light from the entrance is unable to force its way into the chamber for any great distance. Khan lights up a fireball and tosses it in the air. Safaya spots some torches and uses Khan’s fireball to light them.

  The chamber is dim, even with the magical light. Cold walls surround the group, textured with crevices and sharp edges. A flight of spiral stairs stands at the far end. In the centre there is a large statue of a dragon with two great horns protruding from its forehead. Olof is visibly disturbed at the statue.

  “What is it?” asks Ju Long.

  “I recognise this dragon. It is Nithhogr. But other images of him have never had horns; those have been added.”

  “But why is his statue here?” asks Khan.

  “I guess we’ll find out eventually,” says Atticus, “Look at the left horn, it has a jagged line around it, almost like it has been carved,” Atticus points with his torch so that the others are able to see.

  As they gather around the statue, the rock entrance behind them slams shut. The escaping vacuum of wind blows out the torches leaving the chamber in darkness. Khan quickly lights another fireball that Safaya uses to re-light the torches. She then tries to move the rock to the collapsed entrance, “I cannot move this!” she says as she strains.


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