Atticus And The Orb Of Time

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Atticus And The Orb Of Time Page 31

by M K Drake

  Atticus and Olof race to retrieve the Quantorbium.

  “But, what if we kill Elric?” says Atticus, “His life blood is linked to Orb.”

  Olof sighs, “I know, but the order comes from him directly.”

  “Wait for my signal,” says Atticus “I must help him against Razakel, in case the Orb’s destruction harms him.”

  Olof nods, “Be careful, Atticus,” he says, “Razakel is a very powerful being.”

  Atticus flies towards Razakel, charging a massive fireball as he flies. Once close, enough he launches it at the Demon King. The fireball strikes the Demon on the shoulder. Razakel turns and looks towards Atticus and smirks.

  “Is that the best you can do, chosen one!” snarls the giant monster. He returns fire with a much larger fireball, which Atticus dodges. The fireball lands in the middle of a group of Razakel’s own Screamers, sending them like demon fireworks into the air. One of the dead Screamers knocks into Joyce, sending her crashing to the ground, unconscious.

  “No!” scream Atticus, who takes the Sword of Ages into battle against the evil leader. He charges at Razakel, slicing with his sword; the Demon King creates a sword made from fire and a shield to battle Atticus. From the other side, Elric is launching attacks, the two Majjai flank the Demon King.

  The tide of the battle is turning. The Majjai are beginning to get the upper hand, most of the portals have all lost their power, and no more demon reinforcements are coming through. But it is not without cost. Joyce is down, but alive; most of the Norse Mages and the other reinforcements are dead or wounded. Alvar and Kalle are tending to the ones still alive and moving them to safety.

  Olof looks to his fallen compatriots, “I will see you all in Valhalla one day, brave soldiers,” he turns to Sophia, “I need the Orb.”

  “Where is Atticus?” demands Sophia as she hands over the Quantorbium.

  Olof points to Razakel, “He battles the Demon King, alongside Elric.”

  “Come Joseph, we have to help our boy,” says Sophia.

  “That would not be wise,” says Olof, “You should both stay here, where it is safe.”

  Atticus sends a fireball towards Olof, giving him the signal to destroy the Orb. The Norse Majjai raises Mjolnir above his head and smashes it into the Quantorbium, sending a bright flash of light through the desert. As he turns, he sees Sophia and Joseph running into the battle, towards Atticus.

  # # #

  Atticus looks towards Elric who pauses for a moment. Atticus can sense it himself, he can feel the gift of long life ebb away from the old Majjai leader.

  Elric feels his body return to a normal aging process, and lets out a sigh, almost as if he is relieved of this burden no longer being upon his soul. He looks at Atticus, “I’m fine,” he says, “Now, let’s finish this fight.”

  Meanwhile, Professor Morgan tracks a lone Screamer skulking behind a sand dune with a large chest next to him.

  “The medallions,” whispers Professor Morgan. He creeps up behind the lone Screamer and slices his throat. The professor grabs the chest and heads back to cover, “I have them!” he shouts towards Elric.

  Elric returns his focus to Razakel, “The Orb has been destroyed, Razakel!” he says, “You have lost.”

  Razakel roars, then lets out a massive wave of energy. It hugs the ground and knocks everyone to the ground, “Foolish Majjai!” he screams, “Now, you will taste the wrath of Razakel!” he sends a massive beam of light into the Majjai forces, killing a large remnant of their reinforcements. Khan rescues Safaya from certain death as she stands in the middle of the blast, while Ju Long barely escapes, flying out of range just as the beam burns the back of his cloak; he turns invisible to avoid being hit by another blast aimed his way.

  “Stop!” shouts Atticus, “No more killing!”

  Scourge, Shadow Wolf, Draconus, Herensugue, and Alvarez are the only demons left save for groups of Screamers and Graigons who flee the battlefield. They huddle behind their leader for protection.

  “But we so much enjoy it Atticus,” says Razakel, “ This domain is mine, your pitiful powers cannot come close to what I possess. Stand down, or die.”

  “We will never stand down,” says Atticus, “You will never rule us.”

  “Very well,” says Razakel, and sends a spear shaped fireball straight at Atticus.

  Atticus is too close, he cannot dodge the blast in time. His eyes close, but there is no impact, the fireball does not strike him, though he is sure he heard a muffled “No!” echo across the sands. He opens his eyes and sees Sophia standing in front of him.

  “Nooooo!” screams Joseph.

  Sophia drops to the ground, her midriff scarred with the impact of Razakel’s attack. Joseph catches her, and kneels in the sand, cradling her in his arms.

  Atticus stands still, shocked at first, then he feels a rage begin to build within him. He can’t control it − his whole body begins to glow a bright white, all that can be seen are his eyes, which are also burning, but at an even brighter luminance of white. He can feel a new power pulsating within him, forcing its way out.

  While everyone is distracted, Ju Long pops up, right in front of Razakel, “You won’t be needing this,” he says, and swipes the Loki Medallion from the demon’s neck before disappearing again and flying away.

  Atticus points his arms towards Razakel.

  “Razakel!” he screams as he fires an enormous beam of white energy towards the group of demons. The blast is so powerful that it sends Razakel, Draconus, and Herensugue back through the main portal.

  “Noooo!” shouts Razakel, his voice fading as the portal closes.

  Scourge, Alvarez, and Shadow Wolf look at each other and escape into the desert. No one pursues them. The Majjai surround Joseph who is still holding onto Sophia.

  “Sweetie,” says Joseph softly, “Open your eyes. You can’t leave me. You can’t put me through this again.”

  Sophia slowly opens her eyes.

  “Mum,” says Atticus, “I’m sorry.”

  “Shhhh,” whispers Sophia, “It’s not your fault. It’s no-one’s fault,” she groans slightly, “I had to save you.”

  “Stop talking,” says Joseph, “Save your energy.”

  Atticus quickly looks around, “Where is Joyce?” he says, “She can save her!”

  “She is unconscious, Atticus,” says Safaya, pointing to Khan, who is holding Joyce in his arms.

  “We have to wake her! Quickly!” shouts Atticus.

  “It would not work, Atticus. This is the Demon King’s magic, and its power is beyond even Joyce’s abilities,” whispers Elric.

  “Sophia,” says Joseph, “Please, hold on for a little longer, don’t close your eyes, we’ll find a way,” he grabs her hand and holds it tightly.

  “JJ,” whispers Sophia, “Let me go. You have to look after Atticus now, keep him safe.”

  “Not without you,” says Joseph, “I can’t do it without you, I can’t do anything without you,” a tear echoing his emotion runs down his cheek and onto his hands, rolling onto Sophia’s arm, and swims through the tiny undulations and hairs, finally dropping onto the sandy surface.

  “You can JJ; you always could. I love you,” whispers Sophia, “Promise me something.”

  “Anything,” says Joseph.

  “Remember me when you dance,” says Sophia softly. Her eyes gaze upwards as her mouth breathes out one final sigh. It echoes into the darkness and blankets everyone in silence.

  “Sophia,” says Joseph, “Sophia,” he tries to shake another breath of life into her, “Please, don’t leave me,” he cries into her shoulder, holding her as close to his heart as possible.

  Atticus falls to his knees, but can only feel anger. He quickly fills the emptiness with it, hoping that the pain will go away. But it doesn’t work. His head throbs until it’s numb, his throat chokes, and tears begin to stream from his eyes.

  “No! This cannot happen,” screams Atticus. He pushes Joseph away, and kneels over Sophia. Using all of
his might, he tries to heal his mother with his own powers, straining with every ounce of strength. But there is nothing; only a glow of blue light. Sophia remains still. Atticus tries again, and again, crying uncontrollably. Everyone around him is silent. He feels an arm on his shoulder.

  “She’s gone, Atticus. Let her go, my boy. Let her go,” Joseph says, and lifts his son.

  Atticus grabs onto his father, sobbing into his shoulder. Everyone gathers around, giving them as much time as they need, in silence, and sorrow.

  Chapter 29


  One week has now passed by since the battle. Atticus stands in front of the mirror in a room deep inside Wysardian Manor. He checks to make sure his black suit is tidy. He wipes a small tear from his eyes and tries to will away the redness.

  “I miss you mum,” he whispers under his breath.

  “There you are,” says Joyce as she pops her head around the corner, “It’s time.”

  “Joyce, wait,” says Atticus, knowing he must do this. He has lost too much, and does not want to risk losing again.

  Joyce pauses, sensing what is coming, and she doesn’t like it.

  Atticus holds her hands, “We have to end this, Joyce,” He says. He grabs her hands tighter, “I love you with all my heart, but I could not take it if another life I cherish so much were to leave me.”

  “We are in this together, Atticus. You do not need to do this; I know the risks,” replies Joyce.

  “No,” says Atticus, “Just by loving you, being with you, I put you in danger. The demons… they will use this. They will target you harder than anything else, all to distract me. I can’t allow that… I can’t. Please do not ask me to.”

  A tear forms in Joyce’s eye. Atticus softly wipes it away, he kisses her cheek and whispers, “I will always love you.”

  Joyce hugs him tightly, and walks away.

  Atticus follows her to the Majjai Hall. He sees her wipe away another tear, but he knows this is right, that he must do this to protect her as much as he can. And deep down, he knows Joyce understands.

  This walk to the Majjai Hall feels like eons, but they finally arrive. The room is filled to the brim with other Majjai, all dressed in black. At the front of the hall is a coffin. Joseph is standing next to it.

  Atticus joins him at the front of the coffin. Khan, Olof, Ju Long, and Mage Callan meet them at the sides. Together they lift the mahogany casket and slowly carry it to the large private gardens at the rear of the Manor. ‘It’s peaceful,’ Atticus thinks; he can feel the warmth of the winter sunlight as it shines on his skin, “She’ll like it here,” He whispers to himself. A butterfly flutters into view and lands on Atticus’s shoulder; it just sits there, waiting, the sun glistening on its wings. The oddness of a butterfly at this time of year does not strike him at first.

  Elric steps next to Atticus, “Your father told me she loves them,” before the butterfly darts to the coffin and disappears.

  They reach the freshly dug grave and slowly lower the coffin into it. One by one they each place a handful of mud on top of the casket until Elric gives the nod to Safaya who magically fills the rest. She then covers the top with grass and moves an arrangement of flowers around it.

  Atticus puts his hand on Joseph’s shoulder, comforting him; he can see his father trying to hold back the tears and it pains him.

  “You kill him Atticus, this Razakel,” says Joseph, “An evil like that has no right to exist.”

  “Do not worry, Dad,” says Atticus steadfastly, “I will.”

  A gust of wind swirls around the garden, making itself known to all present. Khan looks to Safaya.

  “This is not my doing,” replies the Princess.

  The wind swirls faster and the dust gathers around the grave, a beam of light shoots from the newly created mound of earth above the casket into the sky, and the few clouds blotting against the light blue background begin to congregate. The butterfly that was sitting on Atticus’ shoulder earlier flies back into view, joins the wind, and soars on top of the invisible wave up to the clouds, disappearing into a tiny flash of light.

  The clouds swirl even faster and a face begins to form. It’s Sophia. She looks down towards Atticus and Joseph, smiling softly.

  “She goes to a better place, my friends,” says Olof to Atticus and Joseph.

  The clouds disperse as quickly as they gathered, and the light fades away.

  Atticus wipes away another tear. Joyce hugs him.

  “You ok?” she asks.

  “I’ll be fine,” replies Atticus, “But I promise you this, Joyce: I will not rest until every last demon festers in hell.”

  “If we can’t be together, we will damn well fight together until we can. We will win this, Atticus,” says Joyce.

  “Thank you, Joyce,” replies Atticus.

  “And we’ll be with you too,” says Khan, who holds out his hand, “The demons will not know what hit them. We are the Majjai Six, and together, no force can stop us. No Demon, no beast!”

  Atticus grabs Khan’s outstretched hand, followed by Safaya, Olof, Ju Long, and Joyce. The Majjai Six unite again, for they know this war is far from over.

  Chapter 30

  The Prime Minister’s man

  General Crawford rushes through the doors at Number 10 Downing Street with a video disc. No one gets in his way as they can see the urgency in his walk as he heads directly to a particular room. Two men in black suits stop him at the door, question him, and ask for his I.D. before letting him through.

  Once the formalities are completed, he enters the room. Two men are ahead of him; both standing steadfastly, partaking in what appears to be a very intense conversation.

  “General Crawford?” says the right-most figure in a distinctly British accent, “You do realise we are in the middle of a very important meeting.”

  “Forgive me, Prime Minister,” says General Crawford, “But it has begun.”

  “Are you sure?” asks the Prime Minister.

  “Yes,” replies General Crawford, “Our satellite picked up these images after our seismic monitoring stations went into overdrive. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to bring it to you straightaway.”

  “Should I stay for this?” says the other man in the room, his voice distinctly American.

  “Yes, Mr President,” says the Prime Minister, “This concerns us all.”

  General Crawford runs the video for the two leaders to observe. He knows by their reaction that he is right to do so.

  “They cloaked much of the area, it seems,” says the General, “But… is that what I think it is, flying through the air?”

  “A dragon!” says the President, “So the rumours of the Majjai are true?”

  “It seems that way,” says the Prime Minister, “But which side are they on is what is more important.”

  “We’ll need to monitor this school more carefully,” says General Crawford.

  “Yes,” replies the Prime Minister, “And also its elusive headmaster, Elric Griffin.”


  I sit here, waiting. So long have I waited, yet the answers escape me.

  This wait bores me.

  I am my only source of conversation, yet I feel the presence of others. I sit and listen; I try to hear the voices of the other damned souls, but they are pitifully weak. However, they dare to share my prison.

  I have learned to see through this darkness. The fabric of it tears and reunites, creating a doorway, perhaps? I question my sanity, yet it is that questioning which saves me from going insane. For Millennia I sit and wait. My chance will yet come.

  Wait − another tear. I see a battle, and what is this? Asmodei’s pet, he leads his army. Ahhh, I sense Majjai here.

  They control the opening. Asmodei’s pet is trapped. I see it. I cannot reach the opening. It is too far.

  I need to be free; the darkness blinds me more each day. Arrrrggghh! I smash these walls! This invisible ground, I SMASH YOU! The rage! Asmodei will pay for his trickery!r />
  I hear something; a voice perhaps?

  No, a presence. I sense it, this mist, it has power; it has knowledge. This red mist surrounds me; I feel it. It joins with me. The power, the knowledge! It is MINE! I know you! I know him, I know of them all! The evil taste stings my soul. ARRRGGHHH!!

  The pain! I feel it, the evil, my soul it is tortured by it. NO!

  I am more powerful. I know the secrets of the cosmos, yet I struggle to escape its cell. I struggle no more. The answer, it comes.

  I feel something else − the void opens tears throughout time; the canvas is torn, who dares meddle with the laws of time? The meddler has a purpose. I sense something else, a kindred? A son? But how? Unless… it worked?

  The path, the path to freedom, it is clear now. I am Razakel! No! This evil must be contained!

  I am Kazmagus!

  I am free!




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