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Alive Page 5

by Victoria Johns

  I opened my mouth and was about to invite him in when he looked back at me sternly and said, “Don’t. I’m still a stranger. Go inside, lock your doors and call me a cab. Goodnight, Rebecca.”

  Leaning towards him on impulse, I kissed his cheek and whispered, “Thanks,” before rushing inside to do as he instructed.


  As soon as she was inside her place, I perched behind a large bush to wait. Even I thought it would look strange to see a guy half asleep on someone’s doorstep. I heard a couple of cars and stealthily popped my head out, checking to see if it was my cab. The third time, I spotted an Escalade with blacked out windows and seriously shiny rims. Even before it slowed down outside Rebecca’s house, it looked out of place in her neighborhood. When it pulled off again, I snuck forward and clipped a picture of the license plate. With all the attention this girl was garnering, I wasn’t surprised she’d raised a red flag for help. Admittedly, she could have caused some of it by shaking her ass in a cage under a spotlight, but I was hoping her boss’s attentions were purely down to the fact that he knew a money maker when he saw one.

  The setup at Mansion’s club was still unique but before long, people would be chancing their arm to set up something similar and then, I imagined, they’d try to lure away his golden goose.

  The Escalade must have passed my cab as it turned into the street, and as I jogged down Rebecca’s path to get to it, I felt relief knowing she was safe inside. My watch told me I could cram in a couple of hours of precious sleep before heading over to her college to see if I could pick up her trail again. Then it would be back to Mansion’s club to get as many staff pictures as possible, although this time I intended to stay out of her line of sight, and definitely Mansion’s.

  As the cab spun round and headed back in the direction of my motel, I texted Mansion’s name to Jonas, as well as the details of the Limo and Escalade. A simple reply was received:-


  I’d got the road trip cliché supply of Twinkies and Gatorade in my room, which would suffice as a breakfast after my nap so I could get back on the job quickly.

  I slept better than I expected. I was consciously working hard to get this job right for Jonas. Concentrating on my own actions as well as blending in to my surroundings was more exhausting than I expected. I’d always thought Jonas was successful due to his physique and combat training, but in a day or so I’d figured out there was an awful lot more to it. I had a new-found respect for his abilities; he was basically an unsung hero. He didn’t brag about his missions and the training he’d undertaken was clearly misunderstood.

  I’d been so focused that I hadn’t had any time to dwell on Jack since I’d started what definitely felt more like a mission than a simple job for Jonas, so I texted him:


  I wasn’t naïve, so I wasn’t expecting a response. It would take more than just connecting with him over text, and I knew it, but I still felt it was important for him to know I was thinking about him. The flip side of contacting him was the full force reminder that followed. There, alone in my hotel room, I allowed the self-loathing to attack me. I knew I deserved to feel that and so much more. Maybe that was a small silver lining—the fact that I did feel so guilty was an indication I could be saved and I could turn this around. Feeling nothing and no remorse about it would have been a much greater issue to address.

  Surveillance at Rebecca’s college was a little more challenging. For starters, they had metal detectors and security guards who were trained to pick out suspicious people. People like me with no college ID or lanyard were a definite target for enquiry, and there was no way I was getting through the main entrance. I had to assume that if they took the security of their students that seriously then they were probably hooked up with video surveillance at the other entrances, which meant sneaking in unseen was probably not going to happen either.

  I had no idea what she was studying, but much to my disappointment it didn’t seem to be the usual business studies. If she had been, she would have been in classes in one of the normal block buildings with windows. Skulking around and peeking into them where I could left me empty handed and with no one who even resembled Rebecca.

  Focusing my attention more intelligently, I did a quick Google search of the college and learned that they had an extensive dance program. I had to assume after what I’d seen the previous night that she was more than likely studying that. Rebecca was either locked up in a dance studio or in a huge auditorium I couldn’t access or, quite possibly, still at home.

  I had no idea which way to turn. This secret squirrel shit came with lots of decisions where you had to factor in the unknown and take a chance. Making the wrong choice could set your mission back a bit, especially if you lost the trail. But my main worry was that if I picked the wrong option, she’d end up hurt or in more danger. And that could happen all because I was too indecisive and didn’t know what the fuck I was really doing.

  In a last-ditch attempt to salvage something, I searched the parking lot for her ride, slowing cruising round and round until I caught a break and found it. Once again, the relief was overwhelming and I exhaled in thanks that I hadn’t fucked it up. I parked within sight of it, determined to wait for her to end her day. If she didn’t come back to it, I would at least know where to start to track her down. Stakeouts were dull work and I was desperate for a piss, but I was too scared to leave my viewing point, so I did the only thing available. I supped back a Gatorade until my bladder was screaming for mercy and repurposed the bottle. I took pictures of any car that passed by hers more than twice and texted them over to Jonas. After some internal arguing, I asked him if he would check in on Jack for me and received a reply.


  That was as good as I was going to get. I was fucking hoping and praying that Jonas was working behind the scenes to smooth things over for me. Right now, there was no other option but to wait until the home landscape was clearer and Jonas told me I could go home.

  Rebecca finally finished her long ass day at college and I followed her home at a distance to make sure she got there. I was going to wait and follow her to work, but my gut told me that the club was behind all this crap. I made a surveillance compromise and gambled on them assuming she’d turn in for her shift. They desperately wanted her there and that was obvious, so I decided to let her make the journey to the club alone and unfollowed.

  I thought back over my first stakeout while I showered, but it was uneventful and boring as shit. There was no other way to describe it. The temptation to play Candy Crush all day was overwhelming but the fear of draining my cell’s battery put a stop to idle amusement. I felt proud that I’d been able to remain professional and it sucked that there was no one around who mattered to see it or praise me. I made a quick stop at a McDonald’s on my way to the club and in no time at all I was parking my rental close to Rebecca’s. Just in case.

  Once again, I handed over the king’s fucking ransom for the cover charge, wondering if Jonas was going to cover my expenses. If I did this for too long, I could be seriously out of pocket.

  The first time the dancers appeared, I took my opportunity to snag pictures of her cage bodyguards, being careful not to get caught taking them like the schmuck from last night. I then doubled back to get some shots of the bar staff who were busy clearing the empties dumped in the race to get on the dance floor. On the second dance rotation, I went back to watch Rebecca. I just couldn’t resist it. This time she was dressed in a zombie outfit that reminded me of Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ video—red PVC shorts and a cropped jacket with huge shoulder pads. I knew I was right when the glittery glove appeared from out of nowhere and began to command the other dancers who were all dressed like Walking Dead extras. My anticipation level increased, like everyone else’s, as soon as I grasped what she was about to. No one could resist the MJ eighties medley that began to boom out around us.

  Soon, I was as
bewitched as all the others by what she was doing. A smile from pure viewing pleasure was spread across my face and it was impossible to hide the entertainment you got from watching her.

  The crowd draw that was Rebecca was immense. I knew that Mansion had to understand the gift he had on his hands. None of her moves were repetitive. It was like brilliant accidental choreography, but so much more than that because of the passion she poured into it. Each move contained her heart and soul. This girl was meant to be a shining star, a spectacle and an example of what raw talent and belief could make possible. Everyone around me was transfixed. It was like watching an illusionary magic act where you were desperate to spot the secret, but no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t. Your brain could only comprehend the visual display and the wow of it all.

  As her set was coming to its end, the fans—because that’s how they acted, like real fans—were braying wildly and demanding more. I only had a few brief seconds to go and capture the remaining staff photos before I’d need to follow her home. As I shifted to the left, I saw Mansion appear from a private room and watch in fascination at the dancing marvel he was trying to cage for real. He had his own entourage dotted around and they were easy to spot. Before I could turn and finish my job, I noticed him catch sight of me across the room, turn and whisper in the ear of one of the suits close by and then wait as they converged in my direction.

  It was time to leave.

  Getting drawn into something with him would only alert Rebecca to my presence. Worryingly, though, Mansion thought I was her boyfriend, so why he was concerned with me being there when she was dancing, I had no idea. But I didn’t intend to hang around and find out. I retreated to the parking lot and hung around in the shadows, waiting for her finish time so I could follow her home again.

  Nearly two hours later and after a lot of fretting over what was taking so long, I was getting chillier by the minute. As I was hopping from one foot to the other, I saw her emerge into the parking lot. Before she made it to her parked car, the same limo swung around the corner and stopped her in her tracks. I couldn’t hear anything or see both sides of the discussion, but I didn’t really need to. Watching Rebecca’s body language told me enough. Whatever he was demanding, she was vehemently against it.

  Managing to get inside my car without being seen, I debated my options. Biting my lip and tapping the steering wheel in frustration, I felt utterly useless from even this short distance away. Watching the passenger side door swing open and a heavy-set guy get out didn’t fill me with comforting feelings, so I started the engine, remembering to switch off the automatic headlights. This rescue mission would need to be timed to perfection. I watched as Rebecca backed away from the approaching bodyguard as the rear limo door opened. Mansion had decided to get directly involved in the action and Rebecca looked unhappy about it. Two full grown guys against one pint sized dancer was definitely shitty odds. On a snap decision, I gunned my car in their direction, pulled up sharply behind them and leaned over to open the passenger door for her.

  “Get in!” I ordered.

  Shock shrouded the face of Mansion, while his heavy stood by awaiting further instruction. Praying Mansion wasn’t going to cause a scene was futile. As he went to grab her, she side ducked him, launching herself into my car. With a tire squeal Colt Seavers would have been proud of, I sped out of the parking lot.

  “You okay?” My adrenaline was pumping so fuck knew what hers was doing.

  “Yeah…” Then her awareness kicked in. “Why are you here? Have you been watching me?”


  “What? Fuck! Let me out. Let me out right now,” she shouted, so loudly it seemed to echo inside the car.

  “Wait, just calm down. I need to make sure we’re not being followed, okay, Raven?”

  Her body stilled immediately on hearing that name and she started to grab at the door handle and pull rapidly. Knowing she was about to bolt out of a moving car, I threw it into an underground parking garage and hoped I had enough time to explain.

  “What the fuck did you call me?” she said with venom in her voice.

  “I called you Raven,” I said, braking sharply again and stopping so her door was so close to a wall, she’d have to go through me to get out of the car. “You rang for help a few days ago. I’m that help. Now, I need you to trust me so I can get us out of here.” She searched my eyes for something that wasn’t brutal honesty and I waited patiently as she weighed it up in her mind, before finally nodding in agreement. “Good. I’m Jake. Ready?”

  When she nodded again, clearly surer of things, I shoved the shift into reverse gear and made for my motel. I needed my stuff as staying here was no longer an option. We needed space and anonymity, moving on to somewhere else was the key to our survival until I could get further instructions.

  And that part was the bit I was dreading.

  Jonas was going to fucking freak.

  Essentially, I’d just blown my stealth mission of ‘follow and report’ in front of the one guy I was convinced was central to all her problems.


  This could not be happening.

  Yet it was happening. This was no night terror I could wake up from.

  I was screeching round town in a car with a guy who’d just used my real name.

  Jake, the handsome stranger, who’d just happened to buy me pancakes and seemed completely cool with being my fake boyfriend, was not here by chance. He’d been sent to help me.

  A wealth of emotions were swirling through me, but mainly I wanted to cry with joy. I knew Ross wouldn’t let me down.

  I was definitely on the verge of hyperventilating when he looked at me and asked me to trust him.

  Did I trust Jake the stranger? No.

  Did I trust Ross, the only guy who’d ever helped me and never let me down? Absolutely.

  I had no choice but to roll with this, but I was desperate to confirm that he was who he claimed to be and then I’d feel a whole lot safer about things. He was right to step in and help in the parking lot, though. Mansion was getting out of control. Hearing him say he had a way of persuading me had sent shivers down my spine. I didn’t need my gut to interpret that bad news for me. I knew I was in trouble. I could feel it, but just how much… I was afraid to find out. “I need to go to the house and get some things.”

  “Not a good idea.”

  “But I have money stashed and we’re going to need ready cash. I’ve run before and I know what I’m talking about.”

  “Shit, it feels too risky. Can we come at your place from another direction?” he asked me.

  “Yes, but we’ll have to scale walls, maybe climb through a couple of back yards.”

  I could tell he was thinking it through, until he made a u-turn on a quiet section of road and headed back. “Directions,” he demanded.

  It was still very early in the morning as I guided him to the side alleys we needed. The dark played to our advantage and the close cloud cover meant we had a chance at yard hopping without being discovered. The first yard was easy. The fools had left a ladder propped up in the corner. Jake was using his cell phone flashlight to lead the way and it created just the right amount of illumination to operate covertly. The second yard was a lot more protected. He gave me a foot up and then passed me the cell phone to check around. All looked clear so I used my limber dance skills to drop down quietly, while Jake heaved his way up the wall and dropped down with a thud loud enough to wake the dead. “Be quiet,” I whisper-shouted.

  “Guess I need to look up a dancer’s workout instead of pumping iron when I get home. You’re nimble for a chick.”

  The third garden, the last one that stood between us and my yard, was going to be a little more challenging. I knew they had a dog. Its incessant barking in the mornings was the cause of many a bad mood after a late-night working.

  I used the first available trash can to give me enough height to peer over the side fence, and after grabbing some pebbles, I started throwin
g them at the kennel lying ominously at the far end of the yard to see if the dog was inside.

  “Shit,” Jake muttered, “we just need to go for it. We’re wasting time. I’ll go first in case Lassie comes on strong.”

  I watched as he dropped down, more gently this time, and the minute his foot hit the yard, a security light that would have been at home in Colditz beamed down on him. “Move it,” he hissed and I followed, deciding to use the dog’s kennel to vault into my own back yard as the barking started.

  “Made it,” I said, about to breakdance in celebration until I felt him grab my leg and pull me to the floor. Looking at his face, I could see concern and then he nodded at an upstairs window.

  There, behind my drapes, was the faintest glow of a flashlight bobbing about. “Who the fuck’s in my bedroom?” I snapped angrily.

  “Ssh! I don’t fucking know. Keep your voice down.”

  We shifted along the floor until we were sitting squat under the kitchen window out of sight. I could hear furniture being shifted and it was making me angrier by the second.

  “We need to forget this and leave,” Jake suggested.

  “I’m not leaving my money.”

  “You’re a fucking pain in the ass,” he grumbled. “Then we have to wait them out and hope they’re not getting comfy waiting for you.”

  My night of work and the adrenaline rush were starting to catch up with me. I could feel my eyelids succumbing to the dark night, and after a little while, I felt Jake nudge me to wake me up. I’d fallen asleep leaning up against him.

  “All clear. Let’s go.” I hesitated until he finished with, “I heard them drive off.”

  When we got to the front door, it was slightly open and as I went to push it open, Jake stopped me and stepped in ahead of me. It wasn’t lost on me how he put his hand inside his shirtsleeve so as not to leave any fingerprints.


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