Defending it All: Dark Romantic Suspense (Punishment Pit Book 5)

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Defending it All: Dark Romantic Suspense (Punishment Pit Book 5) Page 13

by Livia Grant

  “Oh, God.” Tiff started wiggling her ass, as if that would stop the scorching burn. She felt the warmth igniting her pussy, even though he hadn’t applied the cream there.

  After washing his hands on several disposable wipes he stepped closer again, ordering her to “Hold still.” Within seconds she felt the tip of a lubed plug at the entrance to her tightest hole. She clenched, straining to deny entrance to the foreign sex toy.

  His first attempts at entry got nowhere. She wondered if he’d give up. Instead of pushing harder, he let his fingers stray to her clit before sliding them through her slick slit, slipping two digits deep into her aching pussy. She’d rather have had his cock, but she’d take any attention he’d provide. As his left hand wrapped around her body, making her feel light-headed, his right hand took advantage of her distracted state by thrusting the thick plug home. Tiffany received it with an unladylike grunt as the oversized phallus filled her completely.

  “It’s too big! Please, take it out.” She was flaying her ass around as if it would magically eject the offending object.

  Lukus hugged her until she stilled. He pushed the flared end poking out of her ass as his fingers tweaked her nub faster, bringing her closer to orgasm despite, or maybe because of, the unnatural hitchhiker packed snugly in her rectum. She couldn’t say it hurt. It didn’t even feel bad. It was distracting.

  Tiff forced herself to stop thinking about the physical sensations and focused on her mental state instead. Relinquishing control to her Dom, she settled. By the time his talented fingers brought her to a crashing orgasm, she had surrendered completely to his will. A light-headed bliss consumed her as her knees buckled. He caught her, holding her steady.

  When the last shudder of her orgasm faded, Lukus brought his wet fingers to her mouth.

  “That’s my girl. Open up and lick your cum off my fingers. You’d better do a good job. I’d hate for us to smell like sex.”

  His digits slid between her lips. She was sucking him clean as he slipped them in and out, imitating the many times he’d done the same thing with his cock. Tiff hoped he’d put her on her knees to fuck her face but then, hearing several cars pass by on the road a few feet away, she reconsidered. The fear of being caught by someone she knew outweighed her excitement. Instead of pushing her to her knees, she was relieved when Lukus pulled up her panties, tucking the fabric of the thong deep into the crevasse of her ass, securing the large plug inside her.

  After righting her skirt and delivering a final swat to her blazing bottom, he enveloped her in his arms, hugging her tightly. She hated to admit it, even to herself, but she felt better. The warmth of his embrace mingled with the warmth in and on her ass to bundle her in his love. With contentment, she melted into the arms of the man she loved. A new determination replaced her fear. A determination to convince her family that Lukus was the man who made her happy, and that, as such, they needed to love him, too.

  “Thank you, Lukus.”

  He looked down on her, surprised. “Better?”

  She could feel herself blushing. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Now, let’s get going, shall we? I don’t want to get you to the shower late.”

  “It’s not too late. We could still turn around.”

  “I’d be lying if I didn’t say it’s crossed my mind, but it’ll only make things worse. They’re expecting us. They’re important to you. I want to meet them. Let’s go.”

  Too soon, she was sinking into the leather seat of his BMW, the plug pressing deeper inside her. As he pulled out to finish the last few miles of their drive, Tiffany said a short prayer.

  God, help my family see how much I love him and how important he is to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with this man and if they aren’t careful, they could scare him away.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Lukus wished he felt as confident as he’d convinced Tiffany he was. He’d put his theatrical talents to good use this morning.

  I am so out of my element. What the hell do I know about impressing parents? I feel like I’m in high school again, and my date’s father is gonna meet me at the door with his shotgun.

  He was lucky his best friend had not only navigated these tricky relationship waters before, but Markus had also met Tiffany’s parents and some of her brothers. Lukus had gotten some of the inside scoop on the O’Sullivans this week over lunch with Markus. Tiff’s parents loved Markus and Brianna. Lukus hoped his long-time friendship with Markus would be proof he was not some psycho out to hurt their baby girl and sister.

  “Okay, it’s the next driveway on the left.” Tiffany was squeezing his hand again, hard enough to cut off circulation.

  Lukus slowed, turning into the stone driveway surrounded by trees and blooming wild flowers. A sign welcoming them to The Hideout Bed and Breakfast greeted them before the lane wound a charming path through the forest.

  The B&B had gotten its name honestly because they drove at least a hundred yards before a mammoth, Victorian-style home peeked through the thinning trees. As they cleared the line of forest, they were greeted with a picturesque view of Lake Michigan.

  Lukus was awed by the stunning location with a house with huge wrap-around porches, gazebos, and walking paths lined by spring tulips. The only thing detracting from the quaint beauty of the property was the near dozen cars, SUVs, and trucks parked haphazardly to the right of the house.

  Children playing on a jungle gym large enough to shame most major city parks’ playgrounds caught his attention. Beyond the playground, a long boat dock and pier jutted out into the lake, next to an oversized boathouse. Several medium-sized fishing boats and one oversized pontoon boat swayed on the rolling waves of the lake.

  He spent several moments taking it all in before he was aware of Tiffany still squeezing his hand. He turned to see the worry etched on her face.

  “So, what do you think so far? Pretty different than the city, eh?” she said.

  “Tiff, it’s amazing. I had no idea you grew up in an awesome place like this. It reminds me of my grandparents’ place. What a great spot to raise kids.”

  Her eyes widened at his observation. “Yeah, well it was great as a kid to be sure. Well, except the days I had to walk to catch the school bus. The lane was long in the winter, trudging through snow.”

  “I can imagine. You ready?”

  “I don’t know. Please promise me you’ll stay calm if they say something rude. They mean well. They just worry about me being corrupted in Chicago, is all.”

  “I promise. I assume this is your mother barreling down the steps towards us.” Lukus caught a glimpse of a dark-haired woman dressed in a flower-print dress covered with an apron, almost running towards them.

  “Yep, that’s Mom. Here we go.”

  She opened the car door just as Mrs. O’Sullivan arrived, scooping Tiffany into her arms for a big hug. Lukus turned off the engine and got out, making his way around to the women. He didn’t even reach them before noticing a large contingent of people pouring out of the house and onto the wide porch, like spectators lining up to watch a main attraction. He decided to throw them for a loop with a large wave.

  “Hello there!” He was encouraged when he got several waves in return.

  Mrs. O’Sullivan’s gaze tracked Lukus’s approach over her daughter’s shoulder. She was an attractive woman, probably in her early sixties. With her dark hair and brown eyes, Lukus never would have picked her out as Tiffany’s mother—until she smiled broadly.

  “Tiffany Lauren, I can’t believe you’ve been keeping this handsome young man a secret from your family. No wonder you’ve been too busy to call your mother.” Her mischievous grin was Tiffany, through-and-through.

  Lukus couldn’t help but grin back. “Mrs. O’Sullivan. It’s great to finally meet you. Tiffany’s told me so much about you and your family. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you all.” His Lukus charm came easy when greeted by such a warm smile.

  Her mother released Ti
ff and moved towards him. He expected a handshake. She scooped him into a hug instead. “You can’t possibly understand how happy I am to meet you, young man.” She pulled out of their hug to look back at her daughter with a chastising look. “I’d love to call you by your name, but my daughter seems to have forgotten her manners by not giving me such important information.”

  “Mom, please. We’ve been here thirty seconds. Let me introduce you now.” Tiffany took a deep breath before plunging ahead. “This is my boyfriend, Lukus. Lukus, this is my mom, Isabella.”

  “Boyfriend, hey? Lukus. That’s a great name. So nice to meet you, even though I didn’t even know you existed until yesterday. I barely slept last night waiting for you to get here. How long have you been dating my daughter?”

  Let the inquisition begin.

  “I only met Tiff about six weeks ago, but honestly, we’ve been almost inseparable since then, so it feels a lot longer.”

  Both women’s faces lit up, and he knew that was the right answer to question number one. He assumed there were many more questions coming and went on offense.

  “You have a beautiful place here, Mrs. O’Sullivan. Tiffany didn’t tell me how awesome the B&B was, right here on the lakeshore.”

  “Isabella. Don’t call me Mrs. O’Sullivan. It makes me feel like my mother-in-law.”

  “Thanks, Isabella.”

  “We expected you two an hour ago. I was just putting some lunch together for the men before us women have to leave for the shower at the church. Come and meet the rest of the family. My husband has been as anxious to meet you as I have been.”

  Isabella linked arms with each of them, walking towards the house between the couple. Lukus and Tiffany’s eyes met behind her back. He sent her a supportive smile.

  Several children bounded down the stairs, meeting them on the walkway. “Auntie Tiffany! Auntie Tiffany!” Lukus loved the easy smile on Tiff’s face as her nieces and nephew ran towards them. She opened her arms to hug them tightly as Isabella and Lukus stood nearby watching.

  “Hi, kids! I’ve missed you all. Give me those hugs.”

  After a group hug, the kids tentatively turned towards Lukus, eyeing him suspiciously. “Who’s this, Auntie Tiff?”

  She moved to hold Lukus’s hand before introducing him. “This is my boyfriend, Lukus. Lukus, these are some of my sister’s kids. Say hi to Jack, Jill, and Kate.”

  The girls looked awestruck, but nine-year-old Jack put out protective vibes. He checked out Lukus before shouting to the group of men on the porch about twenty feet away. “His name is Lukus, Papa.”

  Lukus stuck his hand out for a grown-up handshake. “Nice to meet you, Jack. I hope you don’t mind sharing your aunt with me today.”

  Jack seemed surprised, but as he slipped his small hand into Lukus’s, a broad grin filled his cute face. “I like him, Papa.”

  His grandma chastised him. “Well, you’d better like him. He’s important to your aunt so we’re all going to like him.”

  Lukus suspected she was saying it loudly as a warning to the adults lined up along the porch railing. They seemed to be forming an informal barrier, subconsciously telling him he was going to need to run their gauntlet if he planned on dating their sister.

  As Lukus approached the steps to the wide porch, one man walked out of the long line of onlookers, taking a defensive stance at the top of the steps. He was too young to be Tiff’s dad so Lukus presumed he was about to meet Aiden. It was no accident that Aiden had on his leather shoulder holster, proudly displaying his locked pistol as if to say, “Mess with my sister and you’ll be sorry.”

  Taking a chance, Lukus walked ahead of the women to scale the steps two at a time, stopping directly in front of Aiden. He was happy to find himself a few inches taller, but Aiden was no slouch. He’d practiced his intimidating cop stance. The men stared each other down before Lukus went on offense again.

  Sticking his hand out as a welcoming olive branch, Lukus made the first move. “You must be Aiden. Tiffany’s told me how close you are. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Aiden’s eyes flashed a brief surprise, but he quickly recovered. He may have reached out to shake Lukus’s hand as an outward sign of acceptance, but he leaned in to talk softly, too quietly for anyone else to hear. “We need to talk.”

  The penetrating anger in Aiden’s eyes told Lukus the cop had already done his homework on his sister’s boyfriend. There would be no time to win him over before he found out the full story. “I look forward to it. I’d like to meet the rest of the family first, if you don’t mind.”

  Aiden’s eyes blue eyes narrowed, and for a brief moment Lukus worried he’d choose to pick a fight. The hard squeeze of his hand matched his hard glare. The fact that he wasn’t making a scene told Lukus that he hadn’t shared his knowledge with the rest of the family.

  Tiffany moved between the two men, hugging her brother. “Be nice, Aiden. I’ve missed you.”

  Aiden finally turned his attention to his sister. Lukus tapped down a pang of jealously as he watched how close Tiffany was to her brother. She slipped into his arms easily as her closest sibling hugged her tightly. Her brother turned his attention from Lukus to Tiffany, and the look on Aiden’s face changed from anger to love. Lukus tried not to take it personally as he twirled Tiff around, as if to check her from head to toe to make sure she was okay.

  Aiden eventually stepped aside, allowing Lukus to meet the rest of the family, but he felt the dagger of Aiden’s stare. Isabella rushed them forward to meet the crew surrounding them.

  Lukus reached for Tiffany’s hand as they walked toward everyone else. In a whirlwind, he was introduced to her oldest sister Angelina and her husband Bob, parents to twins Jack and Jill, and two older teenagers staring at their cell phones nearby.

  Next came Colleen and Tom, both teachers and parents to a fawning Kate and two older boys who were also ignoring the adults as best they could. Next, Lukus met the brother who was a district attorney in Detroit. His name was Colin, and he was a recent widower, left to single parent a fourteen-year-old daughter, Alex, who was hugging her aunt. Lukus was relieved at the warm welcome he received from everyone else.

  Finally, the only person left on the porch was an older gentleman he’d known as Tiffany’s dad without an introduction. Tiff clearly had gotten her blonde hair and blue eyes from Mr. O’Sullivan.

  He was swinging on a large porch swing, observing the festivities. When her dad failed to stand to greet them, Tiff pulled her hand away from Lukus to go greet her father, trying to smooth over the slight. “Hi, Daddy. How are you doing today?”

  The men’s eyes met. Lukus got the message loud and clear. Her dad was defensive. Lukus would need to prove himself worthy of this man’s daughter.

  Mr. O’Sullivan stood and greeted Tiff. His Irish accent was surprisingly thick for having lived in Michigan all his adult life. “Let me get a look at my wayward lass. Ye finally decided to come home, did you? And sporting a guest I see.”

  Tiffany pulled out of their embrace and introduced the men officially. “Yes, Daddy. I wouldn’t miss Liam and Lisa’s bridal shower. I want to introduce you to someone very important to me. This is Lukus. Lukus, this is my dad, Patrick.”

  “Nice to meet you, sir. You have an amazing daughter.”

  His shake was strong as the men sized each other up. “I agree. I do have an amazing daughter. I’d like to know just how well you know my amazing daughter, young man.”

  Lukus didn’t flinch. “I know her very well, sir.” The innuendo hung in the air. Lukus didn’t want a pissing contest, but he also knew he needed to make his claim very clear. These people were important to Tiff, which made them important to him, but in the end, he wasn’t going to let them scare him off.

  “Very well, you say. I look forward to hearing more about that after the ladies leave for their luncheon.”

  “Daddy, stop it.” Tiff was trying to make light of the strained conversation.

  “So, your mama named you
Lukus. What do you do for a living, Lukus?”

  He’d prepared for this question. “I own several businesses, but my primary focus is on my security business, Titan Security. It’s one of the bigger firms in Chicago. I know you and your sons are all in law enforcement.”

  He saw he scored a few points with that answer, right up until Aiden joined them and chimed in. “I’m anxious to hear more about some of those other businesses, Lukus. It sounds like you’re a busy man. I’m surprised you have time for a relationship with an innocent young woman like our Tiffany.”

  The men’s stare-down became obvious to the crowd. Surprisingly, Tiff’s oldest brother Colin stepped between them.

  “There’s plenty of time for that later. I’m starving, and I’ve been looking forward to Mom’s lunch all morning.” Taking Lukus’s arm, Colin shuffled them towards the screen door to the house. “You like corned beef and cabbage?”


  “See, Aiden? You need to lighten up. Anyone who likes corned beef and cabbage can’t be too bad,” Colin said.

  The family poured into the house behind them, children running and laughing, adults talking over each other. Lukus knew he’d made it through the first test.

  They passed through a spacious, open living room with multiple seating areas. It resembled the lobby of a quaint hotel, which in many ways it was, although the only people present seemed to be Tiffany’s family.

  Next, they passed through an expansive dining room that sported a half dozen smaller tables and one long banquet table down the middle that seated a dozen. Knowing they were about to eat, Lukus was surprised when they passed though the dining room to go into the kitchen.

  It was easily the largest private kitchen he’d ever been in, dwarfing his open loft kitchen. His eyes met Tiffany’s from across the room. He smiled broadly and he saw her relax.

  Lukus was dragged along with the men to sit at the mammoth table that seated at least twenty. It had benches in place of chairs, allowing more people to squeeze in when necessary. Tiffany’s mom looked in seventh heaven as she moved through her kitchen preparing food, surrounded by her family. Tiff and her sisters all helped, while the men and kids settled in for lunch.


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