Savage Love

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Savage Love Page 3

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  The back way tonight had two people waiting for him. Lev made out the silhouette of Samson Demarco first. Lev swallowed hard. He couldn’t identify the other goon.

  “Samson.” Lev nodded. “What are you doing here?”

  “Mario found a new benefactor, so we don’t need Chaz Savage anymore.”

  “Yeah, we don’t need you, either.”

  Lev spun around and found a gun in his face. He ducked out of the way as the gun went off. The silenced pistol gave off a muffled pop and Lev punched the guy in the face.

  “You little fucker!” the man hissed. “Just for that, I’m going to kill your fucking buttboy!”

  Lev’s heart raced and he lunged for the gun. Something sharp entered his shoulder blade and he cried out as fire erupted in his spine. He managed to get the gun and fire it. He whirled around to find Samson pointing a gun at him.

  “Well, this is interesting.” Samson eyed the gun pointed at him.

  “What did he do?” Lev panted.

  “He bit you.” Samson leaned over and stared at Lev’s face. “You’re going to change.”

  “Change?” Lev tried to keep the gun leveled on Samson, but the pain was excruciating. The man he had shot began to moan on the ground and Lev’s pulse raced. What the hell? He’d shot the guy!

  Samson leaned over the other man and shot him point blank in the heart. Lev backed up, still pointing the gun at Samson.

  “Leave Chaz alone,” he rasped.

  “You need to run, Lev. I’m going to let you go.”


  “Because what they did to your dad was fucked up. You’re going to become a werewolf now, just like the rest of us. Mario’s new benefactor isn’t a nice guy.” Samson straightened and glared at Chaz. “Now shoot me in the stomach.”


  “Do it, Lev!”

  Lev aimed for Samson’s stomach and pulled the trigger. The big guy doubled over, holding his gut.

  “Now,” Samson panted. “Give me the gun.”


  “Because it has your fingerprints on it. I’m going back to Mario and tell him you got away from me.” Samson pulled out a stack of bills and thrust them at Lev. “I knew it would come down to this tonight. Mario wanted you dead, regardless of whether you got the football player, Lev. Get out of town and lie low. Stay away from people as much as possible. Go north, you’ll find people like us.”

  Lev looked toward the house. “But Chaz…”

  “Don’t even think about it. You have no control over anything during your first few changes, and you might bite him. Not only that, but then what? You’re going to tell him Mario Bonini sent you to blackmail him?”

  “Oh God.” Lev slumped to the ground. His arm twitched and then his spine stiffened.

  “You need to go now. You’re going to shift.” Samson grabbed the body on the ground and started walking down the road.

  Lev looked towards Chaz’s house. His shadow was visible on one of the top floor shades. Lev crept to his car and unlocked it, sliding into the backseat. His body was like a furnace. He took one long last look at the house.

  “I love you, Chaz Savage,” he whispered. “I’ll always love you.”

  Chapter One

  Seattle, six years later

  Chaz stomped out the remaining embers of a fire they’d spent hours trying to get under control. His partner and best friend, Cole Ryker, stomped beside him. Cole’s mate, Ross Collins, had turned him into a werewolf. Cole had almost died of injuries sustained in a fire. He would have died if Ross hadn’t given him some of his own lifesaving werewolf blood with its healing properties. It wasn’t an easy road for them when Cole discovered — and was horrified by — Ross’ secret. In the end, love trumped fear. Eventually, Cole made the choice to be bitten and changed into a werewolf.

  Chaz elbowed Cole and got a shove back. They left the ruined house and leaned against the rig. Lev Chirkoff had returned to Chaz’s orbit; he had recently found out that Lev was also a werewolf.

  Lev Chirkoff.

  Even now, the name invoked a strong response in his body. He had loved Lev so damned much, and the man had just disappeared without a word. Nothing. No call. No explanation. He’d spent months trying to find Lev after that night.

  That was the night his whole life had changed.

  Chaz closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath of fresh air.

  Lev’s disappearance had caused him to freefall into depression. He’d even come out as gay in a televised interview, in the hope that his being in the closet was the reason Lev had left.

  The interview changed things for him. Although his team had been supportive, he was roughed up more than usual by other teams.

  After winning the Super Bowl and getting the MVP trophy, he retired from football. Nothing made him happy anymore.

  That’s when Cole suggested he become a firefighter. It had brought new meaning to his life; maybe it would give Chaz purpose, too.

  It took well over two years for Chaz to hear the name ‘Lev’ without breaking down.

  And now, Lev was back in his life. And he was a werewolf.

  Was that why he’d left? Because somehow, someway, he’d been changed into a werewolf? Chaz balled his fists. He would have loved Lev, werewolf or not.

  Was it strange? Hell, yes. Was it something he’d be disgusted by? Hell, no. Yes, Cole had struggled with Ross’ revelation and distanced himself before coming around. But Chaz just knew his reaction would have been different.

  The more Chaz thought about it, the surer he was that Lev disappeared because of that secret. He’d been positive that Lev knew how he felt; it was in every kiss, every caress.

  He sighed and stared at the Seattle sky. He missed Lev so damned much, and having him back in his life was confusing the fuck out of him. He had dated over the last six years, but sex?

  No. Just — no.

  None of them was Lev. He’d never gotten over him, and he never would. He knew that now. When Lev came back into his life, Chaz was stunned by the level of anger he felt. Somehow, he knew that if he had actually gotten over Lev, he would have felt nothing at seeing the man again.

  But feel something he had.

  He had screamed at him the first time he saw him again. It was at the outreach center Halloween party.

  Damned asshole was dressed as delicious-looking bacon.

  Chaz snorted and got a sideways glance from Cole.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. Just thinking.”

  “About Lev?” Cole eyed his best friend. “Have you talked to him?”

  Chaz sighed. “I asked Ross about him; he said he’s out on a mission now.”

  Cole nodded. “Yes, since the Twelve Olympians need protection, James has been asking anyone who’s free to help out with the Skull Blasters’ other assignments.”

  Over the past several years, the original group of Skull Blasters, an elite military assassin unit, had married, had children, continued to rid the world of human garbage — and discovered that werewolves were real. As their circle of family and friends grew, they discovered that the teens they had mentored and befriended from the outreach center were actually children of the Twelve Olympians.

  The kids he’d been hanging out with were demi-gods. How weird was that?

  Chaz had also met James Pruitt-Jacobs. The man was the head honcho of the Skull Blasters, of which Cole was now a member. James also had government power so far-reaching that even his husband, Derek Jacobs, wasn’t quite sure what they were.

  “So, he’s, like, a trained soldier now?”

  “Yep. Nikolai Markov trained him himself.”

  Nikolai Markov, son of the notorious Vicious Vince Markov, was a trained assassin — and a very efficient one. And the kid was fucking crazy as all hell.

  Chaz shivered. “That’s so damn sexy.”

  Cole laughed. “You’re too funny.” He sobered and studied Chaz. “Are you going to try to talk to him?”
r />   Chaz nodded. “Yeah. I need to know what happened. There are so many unanswered questions.”

  “You never got over him. I know you haven’t been with anyone in that way since him.”

  “I just … I couldn’t.”

  “I get it; you don’t have to explain it to me. I love Ross so fucking much it hurts.”

  “I know how you feel.” Chaz closed his eyes. “I’ve never stopped loving him.”

  Cole wrapped an arm around Chaz’s shoulder. “I think this will be good for you. Finally finding out why Lev left will give you some closure.”

  “I don’t want closure. I still want him.” Chaz rubbed his face.

  “Well then, seems to me you need to track him down and make him talk.”

  “And that went so well six years ago.” Chaz snapped his fingers. “Hey, maybe Scooby and the gang will let me borrow the Mystery Machine! Zoinks! I’ll have him in my clutches in no time!”

  “Idiot. Why don’t you come by for dinner tonight? It will keep your mind off of stuff.”

  “That sounds good. Can I bring those meddling kids?”

  Cole rolled his eyes and finished stowing his gear. “If I see Scrappy Doo, I’m going to shift and eat him.”


  Chaz entered his house and took a long look around. He should have sold it years ago, but he couldn’t.

  He and Lev had first kissed in this place.

  Chaz climbed the stairs and made his way to his room. He opened the closet and reached to the back, taking down an old box. Placing it on the bed, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He lifted the lid and looked inside.

  Lev’s Giants jersey was on top. He picked it up and held it to his nose. Even now, it still smelled like Lev. Movie tickets and dinner menus were tucked inside, along with a dried white rose. Chaz held it up carefully. It was the first rose he’d ever gotten from Lev. He tried so many times to burn the box and all its contents, but could never go through with it.

  Chaz sat on the bed and looked around the room. He’d made love to Lev here, on this bed. It had been one of the best nights of his life. Lev had been so scared and Chaz had held him, soothed him, loved him. Lev was a natural-born bottom; the man had driven him nuts during their first time.

  He sighed and leaned back on the bed. God, he missed Lev.

  After showering and changing, Chaz headed to Ross and Cole’s house. There were times he missed having Cole as a roommate, but he knew how much Cole loved Ross; they needed to be together. After all the bitching, worrying and moaning Cole had done about not being able to pay his full share of everything when he lived with Chaz, the man was now rich as Croesus. As it turned out, not only had he invested wisely for his clients, he’d done quite well with his own portfolio and made millions.

  Chaz smiled and shook his head as he drove. He was really looking forward to having some company. Pulling into Ross’ driveway, he grabbed the wine he’d brought and took the steps two at a time. He pushed the doorbell and cocked a brow as a strange sound echoed through the house. Cole opened it with a smile.

  “What do you think of the new doorbell?”

  “What the hell was that supposed to be?”

  “A light saber noise.” Cole grinned.

  “Oh God, you two are SO meant for each other!” Chaz laughed and stepped by Cole when he motioned him in. He turned and his jaw dropped. “Are those footie pajamas?”

  “Yep!” Cole grinned. He turned and showed off his ass. “Look! It’s even got a butt flap for when I drop a death star.”

  “That’s the perfect description,” Chaz drawled.

  “Well? Get in here and eat!”


  Dinner consisted of Cole and Ross trying to keep Chaz’s mind off Lev. It was cute, but obvious. They talked about the firehouse, Ross’ work, the rogues who terrorized the world, and the battle against the Titans. Chaz knew they were a real threat to the Twelve Olympians, but right now he was getting the idea that the boys were getting pretty good at defending themselves.

  “Damn. Like, poof?” Chaz gaped.

  “Yup. Turned him right into ash. Poof.” Cole threw his hands in the air to demonstrate. “Bye-bye asshole rogue. Wayne said Stone was in a rage, and that’s what happens.”

  Chaz whistled.

  “How about we clean up and sit on the deck?” Cole asked.

  “Oh, you two go ahead. I’m going to shower.” Ross kissed Cole’s temple. He smiled over at Chaz. “I’ll be back down in a few.”

  Chaz waited for Ross to leave before turning his attention to Cole. “He didn’t have to do that.”

  “He knows that. He just wants us to have time together.”

  “He’s a good guy.” Chaz smiled.

  “Yes, he is.” Cole took Chaz’s hand. “How have you been? How’s your mom?”

  “She’s doing as well as can be expected. Sometimes she knows who I am and others she doesn’t.”

  “I’m sorry, man.” Cole shook his head.

  “It’s okay. I’m going to go see her next week. The nurses say she talks a lot. Mostly to herself — or the corner.” Chaz reclined in his seat with a sigh. “I wish I could do more.”

  “You do. You see her as often as possible and she gets the best care. You’re a good son, Chaz.”

  Chaz smiled. “How are your folks? Dad getting better?”

  “He really is. He finally approves of my new career. He’s great with Ross. He still doesn’t know anything about werewolves; neither does Mom. I think that’s for the best. Calvin is having a hard time not using his abilities at home. He’s got so much strength and speed, but he has to play it cool around them.” Cole’s little brother was bitten during a rogue attack; a bite from Wayne’s bloodline saved his life, but he was a werewolf now.

  “What’s it like? You know, being changed?”

  “Hurts like hell at first, but then, the power takes over and your wolf takes the brunt of the pain. It gets easier with each shift.” Cole narrowed his eyes at Chaz. “Why? You thinking about making the change?”

  “If that’s what it takes to get Lev? Yeah, I’ll do it.”

  “Oh, Chaz.” Cole shook his head sadly. “You do still love him.”

  “Always will.”

  They sat and talked for an hour or so. Ross came downstairs but stayed quiet, just listening. Chaz thanked them for dinner and headed home. The house was quiet and dark as he entered and his eyes strayed to the foyer, where he’d first kissed Lev. He placed his hand on the wall and sighed.

  “You and me, Lev. We’re going to talk and we are finally going to straighten out this mess.”


  In the morning, Chaz headed to Caden Fournier’s office building. The billionaire businessman was married to Kellan Brady, an EMT who was also a werewolf. Caden had been changed later, during an attempt on his life by Carson Drake. His office building doubled as the Skull Blasters’ Seattle headquarters. James Jacobs and his husband, Derek, were in charge of the day-to-day operations.

  James had already debriefed him. Once Chaz became aware of the existence of werewolves, it became a necessity to let him in on everything. It was strange. He’d worked side by side with the men, partied with others and had never known the secret beneath the surface.

  Now that he had access to the secure building, he frequently made use of the workout room. Once he’d done his minimal workout, which ran about two hours, Chaz showered and decided to check out the other levels. The top floors were for Caden’s businesses, the bottom were all Skull Blasters territory.

  Chaz rounded the corner of an extremely long hallway and stopped. To his right was a very large room with windows instead of walls. It looked like the arctic. Mounds of snow filled one side and a very large pool took up most of the other. Chaz placed his hand on the glass and was surprised by how cold it was. Footsteps echoed down the hall and Chaz turned to find a dark-haired man running toward him. He seemed to be holding … a fish?

  “Hey! You may want to take cover!” the ma
n yelled. “I took Zane’s lunch!”

  “Zane would be?” Chaz held up his hands in question.

  “The very angry polar bear about two seconds behind me!”

  Chaz’s mouth dropped open as, indeed, a very large polar bear rounded the same corner the man had. A loud roar filled the hall and Chaz pressed himself against the wall.

  “You’re that Chaz guy, right?”

  “Yeah.” Chaz nodded, as the man got closer.


  Chaz watched in amazement as the man threw the fish over his shoulder and leapt into the air. A flash almost blinded him, and then a black panther hit the floor on Chaz’s other side. The polar bear was still bounding down the hall, and Chaz pressed impossibly closer to the wall as it got closer. It slid to a stop in front of the fish and sniffed it.

  “This is what we do for fun.”

  Chaz jumped at the voice to his left. The dark-haired man was grinning next to him.

  “You are?” Chaz asked.

  “Oh, sorry. I’m Wraith.”

  “You’re a black panther,” Chaz said slowly.

  “Yep. You’re Chaz Savage. James told me all about you. You played football for Seattle. He also said you weren’t freaked out about us shifters.”

  “No, not until just now.” Chaz smiled as the polar bear flipped the fish in the air, caught it in his mouth and then swallowed it whole.

  “Sorry. Zane and I get bored. But I’m getting a tutor soon.” Wraith grinned again.

  “Really? Why?”

  “Um.” Wraith toed the tile with his sneaker. “I can’t read or write.”

  “Well, you’ll love it when you learn. Reading takes you to a whole new place. It’s escapism for me.”

  “You like to read?”

  “Love it.” Chaz nodded. “You will, too.”

  “I see you’ve met the freaks.”

  Chaz glanced over his shoulder to see another man making his way down the hall. Chaz eyed Wraith, who was grinning from ear to ear.


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