Wolflord: A Dark Shifter Romance

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Wolflord: A Dark Shifter Romance Page 11

by Delta James

  “I would think taking the warlord of Calon Onest unawares would take some doing.”

  Ruari nodded. “It would, but I want to be sure. That’s Arielle’s home and her sister is mistress there.”

  “I think you should know, my alpha, that your lady bade me to smuggle something on board with a message for you.”

  Ruari spun around as Connor offered him a sword wrapped in linen and silk. He took it and unwrapped it carefully. It was the sword Arielle had brought with her... her father’s sword. Connor handed him the note.


  If I had the skill, I would follow

  you onto the battlefield and wield

  it myself. But I don’t and I don’t

  fancy having you use it across my


  I’m sure you are thinking the sword

  isn’t mine to give. But you are wrong.

  Rowan always intended the sword to

  go to my fated alpha mate. That is


  Bring it home to me.

  Always yours,


  The size of Ruari’s smile was exceeded only by the size of his heart as it expanded beyond anything he had ever imagined.

  “Your mate’s gift seems to please you, my lord.”

  “It does indeed and solves a problem I was having.”

  Ruari drew his brother’s sword from his scabbard and extended it to Connor.

  Shaking his head, Connor said, “No, Ruari, I couldn’t.”

  “You can if I order it... and I do. Had you not picked up the sword when my brother fell, our clan would have lost the battle. He said you saved them all and got him home to Bridget so he could see her and their daughter once more. I want you to take it. My mate has seen that I have no use for it.”

  “It would be my honor,” said Connor, taking the sword from him.

  Ruari smiled and placed what had once been the alpha’s sword of Calon Onest in his scabbard. His son would carry the sword given to his father by his mother.

  * * *

  Arielle spent the next week getting to know her people. She asked to meet with Seamus and the head of the household staff, Aisling, who was Seamus’ mate.

  “If Milady wishes to have another in my place...”

  “Why ever would I want to do that? Bridget has nothing but high praise for you. She says that without you the whole place, and this great oaf who shares your bed, would fall to ruin within a week. I can’t very well have Ruari come home victorious only to find I let his castle fall, now can I?”

  Aisling smiled. “Nay, Milady, we can’t have that.”

  “Then it’s settled,” said Arielle as she linked her arm with Aisling’s. “Why don’t you show me our kitchen?”

  Arielle was impressed with how well-run Castle Dundalk was. Not only was the castle itself in fine shape and working order, but their people seemed happy and greeted her with genuine pleasure. After getting a tour of the keep, she asked Seamus to show her the rest of the castle.

  “There’s no need for you to get your hands dirty...” he started.

  “Dear Seamus, Calon Onest was not nearly this grand. As mistress when my sister ruled as alpha, I learned everything there was to know about running the entire estate, especially in my sister’s absence. I mean to relieve Ruari of that burden and work as his help mate. I am not some pampered princess who only does needlework and plays musical instruments.”

  “My alpha has chosen well...”

  “According to him, fate chose to place him between my legs,” she teased, enjoying watching the large bear of a man blush.

  “As you wish, Milady.”

  Arielle and Seamus started with the castle itself and then at Arielle’s insistence, and with a small escort, they rode throughout their farmlands. She listened to people’s issues, made note of things to be done, and then asked to go into the harbor town.

  “Perhaps we should leave that for another day,” he offered. “Ruari bade me to watch over you and see that you rested.”

  Arielle pulled her horse to a stop. “And he told me that I ruled Castle Dundalk in his absence. I mean to do just that. I am grateful for your concern but wish to see the town before returning to the keep.”

  Seamus hesitated before inclining his head. “As you wish, Milady.”

  Arielle was impressed by the thriving town. She saw many improvements she could suggest to Rowan. People were friendly and pleased to meet her. Several teased her about how Ruari had taken her off the ship wrapped only in a bedsheet.

  “You were being a most naughty mate,” joshed one of the fishermen.

  Arielle placed her hand on Seamus’ arm to prevent him from chastising the young man.

  “Me? Naughty? Never! I was simply making it easier for my mate to ravish me, claiming me as his fated mate and bestowing his mark on me,” she said lightheartedly, lifting her hair away so the healing wound could be easily seen.

  All those in attendance joined in the joke and she accepted their good wishes for a long and happy pairing.

  “I worried that there were those who might think you were trying to usurp Bridget’s place. Not that it isn’t yours, but Bridget was well-loved,” said Seamus as they rode back to the castle.

  “I’m glad Bridget is here and would not see her leave unless she chose to.”

  “Your mate feels the same way, unless of course she is called to another.”

  “Not even then, Seamus. She has been mate to an alpha. She has earned the right to choose her own destiny.”

  “Your mate would say otherwise, and while you may rule in his absence, he will not always be gone,” Seamus said with authority.

  “Perhaps not, but I will have my way in this,” she stated adamantly.

  “As you did in the matter of taking your vows?” he said heatedly.

  “And what makes you think that I didn’t want Ruari all along and wasn’t just playing hard to get?” Arielle taunted as she galloped off ahead of him.

  She glanced over her shoulder to see him shake his head before he and the escort tried to keep pace.

  * * *

  Ruari disembarked and sent out his scouts. After getting his men organized, Ruari had the warship anchor in the harbor at Blackpool. They turned toward Ravenscar and rode for what had once been his home. As they neared the town, a lone rider approached. It was Edan. Ruari smiled as he knew it must mean Gareth had offered him the position of beta.

  “Ruari, we’ve been expecting you. Gareth is already on the move and asked me to wait for you.”

  “I take it Gareth’s mate is in no shape to ride?” he asked with amusement.

  “Gareth was none too pleased with her, even though he and Tyler maneuvered her into going to you instead of Alaric.”

  “I thought that might be the case. You are now beta of Ravenscar?”

  “Yes. I will try to be worthy to follow in your footsteps.”

  Ruari shook his head. “Make your own path, Edan. If you weren’t worthy, Gareth wouldn’t have offered to make you his beta. How goes his taming of that wildcat he chose to mate?”

  “Sloan was his fated mate,” the young man said, defending his alpha.

  Ruari shook his head. “Remind me to offer him and Alaric my apologies for the many laughs I’ve had at their expense for the difficult she-wolves fate gave them. I fear I now know the allure of a mate with a fiery spirit that will need a lifetime to quell.”

  “We had heard that Arielle was with you. Did she refuse you?”

  “She did; I took her to mate anyway.”

  “But Arielle is a lovely, sweet girl.”

  “My alpha’s mate is a she-wolf of rare beauty, courage, and determination. She is now the mistress of Dundalk,” interjected Connor.

  Edan looked at Ruari, who nodded.

  “So let’s be quick about routing Edwyn. My mate would like to spend some time in seclusion, as would I.”

  Edan chuckled. “Sloan said she thought she saw a side of Arielle
that she had only previously guessed at.”

  “By the way, Fallon is with us. I figured Gareth would be pleased to see her.”

  Edan turned and Ruari and Connor pulled alongside him. With the complement of men at his back, they rode toward battle.

  * * *

  Much to Seamus’ chagrin, Bridget and Arielle had taken to riding out each morning... without an escort. The two she-wolves had taken great pleasure in discovering various ways to elude any measures put in place to keep them safe.

  “I had no idea that the tunnel system under the castle was so extensive,” said Bridget as they galloped into the bailey.

  “I’m not surprised. It seems that many believe we are kept safer if we are ignorant. My father scolded Rowan and me many times for exploring under the keep and outward. One of the first things Rowan did was repair all of the main escape routes so that we could keep our people safe.”

  As they came to a stop, Seamus came blustering out of the kitchen, wagging his finger at them.

  “You two are going to be the death of me. Either I will die fretting over your whereabouts, or something will happen to you, and Ruari will kill me when he returns.”

  Arielle swung off her horse and handed the reins to one of the stable boys. “Stop fussing, Seamus. We’re both fine. I swear there isn’t a horse on this earth that could catch that stallion. He’s an amazing ride,” she said, clearly intent on ignoring him.

  “Arielle, you and Bridget need to cease this nonsense.”

  “Or what?” challenged Arielle.

  “You and your cohort in crime over there will find yourselves punished for your misbehavior. I may not be able to take you over my knee as the mistress of Dundalk, but Bridget,” he said, turning to her, “no longer holds that position and was far better behaved when she had a mate to see to her correction.”

  Seamus turned back to Arielle to find a rather impressive dagger pointed at him. She tapped his nose lightly as she traced a line down the center of his body, stopping at the spot here his cock joined his body.

  “My sister may not have insisted I learn to use a sword, but she did teach me to how to use a knife. Bridget rides with me at my request and will not be punished for doing so.”

  “Your mate will take a dim view of your threatening his omega while he is off at war.”

  “If he doesn’t like it, perhaps he shouldn’t have left me...” Arielle hated the catch in her voice. She was managing to fill her days with productive things to do, but the nights were long and torturous. She missed Ruari; she ached for him. Turning from Seamus, she ran toward their chamber and flung herself on the bed sobbing.

  “It’s all right, Ari,” said Bridget, coming through the door.

  Arielle rolled over, sitting up and slapping her hands down on the mattress. “I’m a mess. I can’t handle his being gone. I’m in agony and I’m not exaggerating.”

  “I know. Being parted from a fated mate is never easy. But when that mate is an alpha, it is almost unbearable.”

  “I need to be with him. Does he suffer at all being parted from me?”

  Bridget’s eyes shone with amusement. “If he is half as well-endowed as his brother, what you may be missing between your legs is hard and painful between his.”

  “How did you bear it?”

  “After Ciara was born it was harder.”

  “Why did the birth of your daughter make it more difficult?”

  “Because before she was born, I used to sneak off and join him. There is nothing quite like watching an angry mate losing a fight with himself over what to do with you and choosing to vent his anger between your legs. Mind you, I usually got spanked afterwards, but then he’d fuck me again. By the time I got to him, my need was so great that I welcomed all of it just to be with him.”

  “How did you manage it?”

  “You’re not the first mistress of Dundalk to make use of the escape tunnels from this room, although I’m not sure that’s what the designers had in mind.”

  “But how would I get across the sea to Britannia?”

  “You’d need someone to take you who knows how to handle a small boat.”

  “Do you think I could pay for one of our fishermen to help me?”

  “And face their alpha’s rage? No, there isn’t enough coin in Eire. It’s a shame you don’t know a she-wolf who grew up on boats, knows how to sail, and is just itching for an adventure.”

  Arielle’s face brightened. “You’d take me?”

  “Do you think I’d suggest it and then turn you down?”

  Arielle threw her arms around Bridget. “Of course you wouldn’t. When do we leave?”

  “Easiest to slip away with the evening tide...”

  “We can go tonight?”

  Bridget grinned at her. “I’ve been watching the skies. Tonight would be a good time to go. I know where one of my brothers keeps a small skiff—large enough to be on the open sea, but easily handled. I say we try to get to bed early, but not so much as to be suspicious.”

  Arielle nodded. “Wouldn’t it be easier to take breeches? I never understood Rowan’s preference for them until I left Calon Onest.”

  “I thought at some point you and I might need some. Curiously enough, several pairs have gone missing from the laundry. Have the rest of your things ready to go, but keep your pack small and hidden until we leave. Once the keep starts to settle, we can get out and to the horses. Are you sure you want to do this? Ruari will be furious with you on several levels.”

  “I don’t care. I won’t be left behind. In the future, you can fill in for me, but I have no intention of not being with him.”

  It was difficult to get through the rest of the day and wait until she could leave for the privacy of her bedchamber. At least there she could pace back and forth as she waited for it to get dark enough that they could escape the castle and get to the boat Bridget was sure would be waiting for them. Arielle changed into breeches and a shirt and waited. Finally, night had fallen, and she heard Bridget’s knock on the door leading in from the tunnel.

  “Ready?” Bridget said in a conspiratorial whisper.

  Arielle nodded, picked up her pack, and made her way past Bridget into the tunnels. They made it to the stables with ease and readied two horses. They opted to lead the horses back down into the tunnels and make a stealthy escape from the castle. Once they had exited the close passageway, they mounted and rode for the harbor.

  “We can take one of two boats. I suggest the larger as we will be able to take our horses with us and it is faster. You may have to help me with the sails, but if you think you can, I believe it will serve us better. For one thing, we can find a dock outside Blackpool instead of in the town proper.”

  “I bow to your expertise. I got caught when I tried to leave home.”

  “Only because you had to stow away.”

  They located the boat, a smuggler’s boat as it turned out, and left the safety of the harbor at Dundalk for the open sea. Arielle found she seemed to have a natural affinity for sailing and she and Bridget made a good team. They looked for a place to tie up as the dawn kissed the horizon.

  “That went better than I thought,” commented Bridget as they led the horses off the boat. “As this is my first time outside of Eire, you’re going to have to act as guide. Do you have any idea where we’re going?”

  Arielle nodded. “Sloan said that Ravenscar was almost due east and then a bit north. Calon Onest is south down the coastline. I’m sure Ruari will head for Ravenscar, but will have sent scouts to get a good idea of where Edwyn’s army is.”

  Arielle stopped speaking when she saw the look of shock on Bridget’s face. “What?”

  “That’s all well and good to know where they are, but do you know how to get there?”

  “I do. Another of those pesky things my sister made sure I could do was navigate.” Arielle swung up on her horse. “Come on. Follow me. It’s this way.”

  Bridget mounted her horse and fell in behind her.

>   “I think, Arielle of Dundalk, you are far more like your sister than anyone ever realized.”

  “I’m going to take that as a compliment.”

  “Good. It was meant as one.”

  “I may know where we are headed and how to wield a knife, but if we can’t evade Edwyn’s scouts or his army, we’ll be in a lot of trouble. We need to ride, and ride hard, but we need to keep an eye out.”

  They picked up a ground-covering canter and headed to Ravenscar. They rode for the better part of the day and made good time. When they came across a river with some shade and good forage for the horses, they stopped for a rest. Arielle had Bridget stay with the horses and went on foot to the top of a nearby hill.

  Arielle could see the tracks of a large group of horses and wagons moving in a direction that looked to be away from Ravenscar.

  “Bridget, if you and the horses are rested, there looks to be a trail left by a good-sized group of people. I’m fairly certain that it’s new enough to be Ruari. I think we should follow it.”

  They got their horses ready and headed toward what Arielle was sure was the route Ruari had taken. Once they had made their way over the hill and turned in the direction to follow, Arielle felt the remnants of the tell-tale presence of her mate.

  Smiling at Bridget, she said, “This is it. Ruari has been here recently.”

  They picked up a lope and headed down the pathway left behind by Ruari and those who rode with him. As the sun rose higher in the sky, Arielle felt the effects of her ever-decreasing distance from Ruari. It was as though an electrical charge, similar to being too close to a lightning strike, surged throughout her body. What had once been disconcerting now brought a sense of peace and belonging. She wasn’t so foolish as to think that Ruari wouldn’t be furious with her and express his displeasure by spanking her. But as Sloan had pointed out, sometimes what needed to be done was worth incurring your mate’s wrath.

  As they cantered down the path, they heard the sounds of battle. Glancing at each other, they urged their horses to a hard gallop.


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