Wolflord: A Dark Shifter Romance

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Wolflord: A Dark Shifter Romance Page 13

by Delta James

  “No, Ruari. Spank me if you must, but please...”

  “There’s no need to beg, cushla macree. I think a good welting followed by my use of your bottom hole before I take you beneath me to be knotted and tied to me should put you in a more obedient frame of mind by morning.”

  “Will it be safe for you to be tied to me so soon after a battle? What about those who might have escaped and would want to do us harm?” she squeaked.

  Some of the anger in his deep rumbling had been replaced with desire. She could feel her body respond to him immediately. It was hard for her to reconcile the dread his words had created with the tendril of carnal need that wove itself throughout her body. She felt her skin go flushed, as her nipples beaded and her feminine dew pooled between her legs.

  “You forget that Ravenscar was once my home. There is an ancient signal station not far from here. Gareth would have left it manned to ensure that any stragglers were taken prisoner and that if there was a second wave from this direction, he knew about it. So you see, it is a perfect place for you to be punished.”

  “You wouldn’t...”

  “I would and I mean to.”

  “Don’t you care about me at all?” she cried, trying to ignore her ever-growing desire and feign tears.

  “Do not play the innocent maid, mate. The sweet scent of your arousal has already assailed my senses. Even now, my cock grows harder in anticipation of the surrender of your final hole.”

  Arielle blushed. As much as she hated to admit it, Ruari was right. She wasn’t looking forward to his welting her, but Bridget had assured her that the other wasn’t as bad as she might imagine.

  They rode in silence until they came to a lone signal tower with a detached barracks. One of the men came out and hailed Ruari.

  “What brings the great alpha of the Dundalk clan to our tower?” asked the captain of the guard.

  “The battle ended not far from here. I need to come to a meeting of the minds with my mate. I knew the tower would offer us some privacy.”

  “There’s not much in there... We usually only use it if someone needs to be isolated.”

  “As I recall, there’s a bed, a brazier for heat, a table and chair. That will be all I need.”

  The man glanced between Arielle and Ruari. “I’ll get you some bedding and see some wood stacked next to the heater for your use. Do you need me to post someone outside the door?”

  “No. If I need something, I can get it. I wanted a private place where I didn’t need to worry about our safety.”

  The captain of the guard smiled. “I will ensure you have what you need to deal with your mate. And may I wish you both a long and happy pairing.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Ruari helped her off the horse and handed both sets of reins to one of the men who had come out of the barracks. Several men transferred split logs from their quarters to the tower. He led a reluctant Arielle into the main room and indicated she sit on the bed. He smiled as she sat gingerly.

  He thanked the men once they had finished loading in provisions for them.

  “Mateo,” Ruari said, speaking to the captain of the guard. “I’m in need of a good leather strap if there’s one that’s handy. My mate is to have her first taste of leather. I had thought to use my sword scabbard or my sword belt, but that seemed overly harsh for her first welting.”

  “You would know, Ruari. I think our she-wolves were better behaved when you were beta here. As I recall, it rarely took more than a trip or two over your knee for them to decide it was better to behave and stay on your good side.”

  “Does he have one?” quipped Arielle.

  “I do indeed and one that you seemed to embrace and enjoy when I marked and claimed you. If you’d prefer, I can tie your hands overhead to that ring embedded in the wall and lay my sword belt across your bottom instead of just giving you a welting with a strap before I remind you what it is to be mate to the alpha of your clan.”

  Mateo almost managed to muffle his guffaw as he left the room.

  “Must you humiliate me at every opportunity?” she cried.

  “Not humiliate, humble. And you could use some humbling. Why is it she-wolves seem to think that it is perfectly all right to act up and embarrass their mate by parading their naughty behavior as if it were something to be proud of, but cry foul if they are given a dose of their own medicine? If I wanted to truly shame you, I’d put your bottom on display for those men outside. Nothing brings a smile to a wolf quicker than the sight and scent of a properly chastised, defiant she-wolf. Strip, Arielle.”

  “Ruari, please? Can’t you forego beating me and just get between my legs?”

  He laughed and clapped his hands together. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? My wantonly passionate mate would like nothing better than to be put on her back and fucked long and hard. And before we leave here, cushla macree, you will get what you desire. But first, you and I will have a reckoning about your willful disobedience. Now strip. The sight of you in breeches is offensive to me.”

  He leaned against the door and watched her struggle with whether or not to do as she’d been told. Finally, she stood and removed her clothes.

  “That’s the first smart thing you’ve done since I left you at Dundalk. Now go stand in the corner until Mateo brings me the strap and I can get on with your welting.”

  The words were no sooner out of his mouth than there was a discreet knock on the door. Arielle froze and snatched up the shirt.

  “No, Arielle. Put the shirt down and go stand naked in the corner.”

  “Ruari, do you really want whoever that is to see me naked?”

  “It will be Mateo, whose mate also has a proclivity for misbehavior. Yours is not the first naked backside he’s seen.”

  He stood and waited for her to comply. When she did with a cry in her throat, he crossed over to her, rumbling affectionately as he stroked her back and fondled her backside.

  “Good girl,” he said, giving her rump a friendly pat.

  He walked back over to the door and opened it only wide enough to accept a razor strap from Mateo. He locked the door, putting the heavy bar in the brackets—not so much to keep someone from getting in, as to keep Arielle from trying to escape. He walked back to the bed and sat down on the edge.

  “All right, Arielle, let’s get your welting seen to.”

  “Ruari, please, no.”

  “Nay, lass. You need me to be strong enough to see to your correction in spite of the fact that I’d like nothing better than to sink balls deep in your bottom hole and empty myself there.”

  * * *

  Arielle remembered what Bridget had said about having him use her that way was not the worst thing. She knew it had to be better than having him spank her, especially with a leather strap. Arielle stilled her mind and leaned against the wall arching her back, widening her stance and offering him what he said he wanted. She purred at him and was gratified to hear and feel his lustful answering rumble.

  She managed to keep from jumping when he came alongside her, slipping his hand between her legs and stroked her, running his finger from her nubbin through her swollen labia, dragging it through the opening to her core and collecting some of her nectar before traveling up to her puckered entrance and rubbing it into the tight ring, slipping his digit just inside its opening.

  Arielle gasped, not from pain but from the shot of arousal that blossomed throughout her body.

  Ruari reached up and took her breast in his hand at it hung away from her body. He felt the full measure of it before rolling the nipple between his finger and thumb and tugged on it. Arielle moaned in pure hedonistic response. The peak he pulled on was distended and she needed him to provide her with more relief.

  “More,” she sighed.

  The sound he made was part purr, part snarl, and all predatory male. It spoke to the deepest part of her and she could feel herself becoming wetter and her rear entrance relaxing and allowing him easier access. Arielle was lost in the sensa
tions that flooded her being—physical and emotional. Ruari withdrew his finger from her back passage before scooping up more of her feminine slick, rubbing it inside and outside of the entrance to her rear sheath before inserting two fingers and gently stroking her there, as he continued to rumble to her.

  “So, you’re offering me your beautiful ass?” he growled seductively.

  Arielle was not sure what to say and so merely nodded, pushing her derriere back against his hand allowing him to further probe her forbidden hole. Her reverie was broken when he simultaneously pinched her nipple, withdrew his fingers, and spanked her swollen vulva with three sharp, staccato swats. She yowled.

  “I mean to make use of your offer... as soon as I see to your punishment.”

  Ruari took a fistful of hair at the nape of her neck and led her back to the bed. Unceremoniously, he tipped her over his hard thigh, placing his hand in the small of her back to hold her in place and rained a number of hard swats all over her buttocks. The sting and heat spread quickly across both of her cheeks. There was nothing loving or arousing in the blows he landed on her upturned rump.

  “Ruari,” she cried as she begged him to stop.

  “You are going to learn to obey me, Arielle. If you think your pretty, rosy cheeks hurt now, you wait until they get a sample of what a good welting entails.”

  The punishment let up and she expected him to rub and perhaps fondle her as he had always done previously. Instead, he picked up the strap that Mateo had brought. She shrieked and tried to get away.

  “Arielle, you have given me cause to punish you several times and should know by now that you cannot avoid whatever I have deemed you deserve. I promised to welt you if you put yourself in danger and that was when I thought it would only be you venturing out of the castle. But you did far more than that, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, Ruari, but I saved your life.”

  “And for that, instead of ten with the strap, you will only get three, but three you will receive. If you don’t settle down, it’ll be five or more.”

  Arielle could hear the grim determination in his voice and knew he was not to be dissuaded. She forced herself to go still. He rumbled his approval before picking up the strap. Later on, she would be grateful that he didn’t drag it out. Ruari raised the strap and brought it down across her rump. The leather cut into her tender flesh and Arielle screamed. Again, he didn’t hold back or delay landing the next two weals across her derriere. Arielle began sobbing.

  “You let that be a lesson to you. You do not leave Dundalk without my permission and a proper escort, you do not disobey me, and you do not put yourself in danger. Do you understand me, cushla macree?”

  She nodded, trying to stifle her weeping. Surely he couldn’t mean to use her to satisfy the lust that was rolling off of him in waves. What was mortifying was the longer she laid across his lap and felt his cock becoming more rampant, the more she wanted to feel his exquisite possession. Her nipples were becoming even more rigid and pebbled and she was in danger of leaking her wet heat onto his leg.

  “You go back to the corner, Ari. Stand like you did before. I want to see your welted behind as well as your swollen labia and dripping pussy... and you are dripping for me, aren’t you?”

  In embarrassed capitulation to his dominance, she nodded.

  Ruari patted her bottom, helped her to her feet, and gave her a nudge in the direction of the corner. Arielle tried to rise and stumble to the corner with as much dignity as possible. She collapsed against the wall.

  “Is that how I told you to position yourself?”

  “Ruari, please? You can’t mean to pleasure yourself...”

  “Nay, lass... I mean to pleasure us both. Now, put yourself in position or I’ll lay the next welt between your legs. Push that pretty red backside out and spread your legs. Show your alpha the stripes he gifted you with and that you wish to please him.”

  She could feel the weight of his dominance. Realizing she had no real choice, she bent at the hips, pushed her derriere out, and spread her legs so that he could see how needy his punishment had left her. Her breasts hung down, her nipples standing out from her areola; the viscous fluid that always resulted from his handling threatened to leak down the inside of her leg. She sighed when she heard him leave the bed and cross over to her.

  He ran his hand down possessively over her flank and back up again, trailing his fingers through the cleft in her buttocks and slipping his finger into her dark passage. It slipped in more easily than she had imagined it would. She wasn’t sure if it was exhaustion, surrender, or desire. She feared it was the latter.

  Ruari nuzzled her neck as he squared himself behind her and continued to finger her before moving his hands down to grasp her hips. Arielle’s breathing became erratic as she anticipated him taking her ass for the first time. She felt the head of his cock begin to probe her bottom hole and sighed as her puckered entrance gave way and his cock began to take purchase inch by delicious inch.

  She tried to tell herself this was wrong, that she should make at least some token resistance, but the discomfort was becoming pleasurable the deeper his shaft sank into her dark tunnel. Not having had anything up inside that particular passage, she felt stretched and overfull. That was offset by hearing him groan in sensual gratification. Her body’s natural resistance to being possessed in this way gave way to carnal indulgence and a need to provide him with what he wanted.

  The almost overpowering feeling was one of submission to his authority. Knowing that by accepting his dominance, she was able to provide him with such profound pleasure, was intoxicating and in an odd way, empowering.

  Slowly he pushed forward, allowing her private passage to expand enough to accommodate both his length and girth. The sound of his moaning was music to her ravaged soul. He groaned in a quiet kind of ecstasy. She thought it was both from the tight feel of her dark channel, but also from her total capitulation to his will. Once he had seated himself completely, he reached under her with one hand and rubbed her clit. She cried out in hedonistic rapture.

  “There’s my good mate,” he crooned.

  Slowly Ruari worked his cock in and out of her, thrusting gently, but deeply, and she writhed in wanton pleasure at his use. Arielle tried to remind herself that this was shameful, and she should be stoically enduring his use, but that was not the case. Instead, what she was feeling was a different kind of rapture. Repeatedly he plunged in and out of her, reveling in her response. Arielle came with a cry that was a kind of startled bliss. She felt not only her back channel convulse around him, but her empty pussy trembled in need and want.

  “Oh, my God,” she gasped.

  Her climax triggered a complete physical acceptance of his cock as it drove in and out of her. He responded to her climax by grasping her more firmly and increasing the depth and power with which he plunged into her. She felt her inner walls grasping him again as he came calling her name and gushing his semen into her.

  He grunted in rhythm to the spurts of his cum filling her ass. When he was done, he stroked her back and then slowly withdrew with a heavy groan.

  “Stay,” he commanded in a low, deep voice.

  She glanced under her arm to watch him wipe off his cock, which seemed to still be retaining most of its rigidity. After cleaning himself he returned to her side. He began to fondle her breasts and their turgid tips with one hand as he stroked himself with the other, quickly returning his staff to a completely erect state.

  Once more, he walked behind her. Reaching between her legs, he penetrated her core with two fingers. Arielle felt the banked embers of her arousal burst back into a wildfire that threatened to consume them both. She could scarcely catch her breath as he prepared her to be mounted. She leaned heavily on the wall. He placed the head of his staff just inside her core.

  Seizing her hips, he surged forward, encasing himself completely within her sheath. He plunged to her depths and withdrew before driving back into her. Arielle arched her back and her entire bo
dy shook with the power of her orgasm. She felt her pussy tremble all along his length as her body quivered.

  Ruari continued to thrust. He slid his hand underneath her breasts and began to milk them in the same rhythm he was using in her pussy. Arielle screamed as her body soared to that place that only Ruari could take her. She could feel her pussy begin to convulse around him as she climaxed again calling his name. He ceased to move and allowed her to experience the full measure of her orgasm.

  “Ruari?” she mewled.

  “Who is your lord and master?”

  “You are, my alpha.”

  “And how will I take my pleasure with you?”

  “However you wish. Please, Ruari.”

  He chuckled malevolently. “Does my mate need me to fill her pussy with my cum?”

  “Yes,” she cried piteously.

  She felt him draw back and then propel himself forward with strength and force. This time as he drove his staff deep into her core, his pelvis made harsh contact with her welted ass, causing her to cry out and rise up on her toes. Ruari pinched her nipples.

  “Nay, mate, you will offer your pussy to me for my pleasure without trying to evade the discomfort from your punishment.”

  He thrust in her furiously, slamming into her punished buttocks as he growled and groaned, enjoying the feel of his cock ravaging her sheath. She knew he was deliberately making her sore—that his hard use of her was both punishment and reward for her behavior. Not only did she not resent his treatment of her, she relished it.

  Harder and faster he plunged into her. One hand went to the nape of her neck to both hold her in place and pull her back onto his cock. The other hand tweaked her nipples before moving down to tug her clit in rhythm to his pounding. She felt the heat of desire burning inside her and spreading out to engulf them both in its flame.

  Ruari grunted and groaned. She felt his cock swell within her only moments before he gave one last violent thrust and she felt him empty his essence into her waiting vessel. His cock twitched as it deposited the last of his seed within her. He stayed coupled to her for several minutes, nipping her neck and shoulders before finally withdrawing.


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