Immoral Obsession

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Immoral Obsession Page 6

by Theresa Papa

  He grabs my arm and swivels me back to face him. Tony’s angry but restrained.

  “Liz, you’re in danger and need to be cautious as to who you trust. From your email, I guess that you know someone has offered money for your kidnapping. It is in the form of an online game. There are three players after you, and Jake is one of them!”

  I pull my arm from his grasp and turn away again. After a few steps, I turn back angrily while I ram my hair behind my ears.

  “You’re wrong! Jake saved me from one of the scumbags at a restaurant last night. The guy hit me over the head and knocked me out cold. Jake beat him up and took care of me. I know about the game; Richard Harrington is behind it. There are four players after me.”

  “You know for sure it’s Harrington behind the game? We haven’t been able to establish confirmation as of the time I left the office,” Tony asks while he stands there looking so hot that I have a hard time staying angry with him. I rip my eyes away and stare out at the lake when I realize that we better leave soon or Jake will come look for me.

  “Where’s your car?” I ask as I turn to Tony’s confused expression. “I’m coming with you, and I’ll explain everything I know while we drive.”

  A small smile comes across his face when he starts up the path.

  “Why didn’t you say so in the first place? My car is over this way.”

  The path is only wide enough to walk single file before it meanders through an empty lot that leads to the side streets. I follow Tony when he says with a smile in his voice, “Now don’t secretly check out my ass back there unless you don’t intend to keep it a secret.”

  “You wish, hot stuff!” I giggle and slap him on his ass. Tony does have a sexy body that makes me think some very dirty thoughts. Speaking of orgasms, I’ve been known to get off pretty well with just an imaginary Tony in my bed. I would probably end up a puddle if I ever really slept with him.

  My hands have a mind of their own as I caress the soft supple cream leather interior of the Range Rover that Tony helps me into. He walks around the front and gets in, gazing over at me. His eyes are soft, and his expression is warm.

  “What?” I ask with one raised brow. He reaches over me, grabs the seat belt, and clicks it to secure me into my seat. The light scent of his cologne comes back to me like a familiar decadent indulgence. I didn’t know how much I yearned for it until just now. Tony chuckles, and I realize I sniffed him with my eyes closed. He caught me! I need to get my head on straight and summon my tough girl persona so I can resist all these things I’ve always loved about him. It’s better if I stay angry or we argue so I can keep my distance.

  “I can buckle myself from now on, thank you,” I declare rigidly.

  He just shakes his head with a smirk as he pulls onto the main road that leads around to the other side of the lake.

  “Did you have anything else with you besides the clothes you’re wearing?” Tony asks.

  “I took some clothes off The Pulse of Pope that Nico had there for Samantha. But just now, I left everything at Jake’s so he wouldn’t catch on that I wasn’t returning.”

  “Don’t worry. We have Mimi’s clothes at the house you can borrow, and tomorrow, I’ll take you shopping. But what I’m worried about is if you have anything else on your person. You’re being tracked by the game somehow.”

  “Tony, I know I was being tracked. I had Marcus’s phone. I took it at first because he destroyed mine and I needed a phone until I could get one. But then I discovered the app open on his screen, and I could see where all the players were. I assumed I could stay a step ahead of them. I didn’t know for sure if they could track it when it was turned off, so I kept it off.”

  “It doesn’t matter now if you left it there, and you have nothing on you but the clothes you’re wearing. Open that.” He gestures with his chin. I open the compartment and find a brand-new smartphone completely charged with some contacts already entered into it. “I took the liberty of replacing your phone. If he tracked your phone, we’d have to destroy it. The contacts are there for you so you can call for help if you need it.”

  “Thank you, Tony. My phone never made it out of the club. It might take a while because, of course, you bought me the most expensive top-of-the-line model, but I’ll pay you back.” I hold the phone to my chest sincerely grateful.

  “You’ll do no such thing!” Tony declares as he waves a forefinger at me. “Now how do you know for sure Harrington is behind the game?”

  I twist in my seat and turn toward him so I can explain.

  “Marcus Dent was Harrington’s illegitimate son who wanted to cash in on the money. He believed he deserved it since dear old Daddy never acknowledged him as a rightful heir. He made no bones about letting me know the whole sordid story while he held me hostage in wait for word from Harrington.”

  Tony’s eyes are wide, his mouth a grim line. His fingers grip the steering wheel firmer then fan out and clasp tight again. I know what he wants to ask me next. The death of Marcus Dent is not something I want to talk about, so I change the subject quickly.

  “Why did you accuse Jake of being one of the players? Do you have any proof?” I have to know if Tony came to his conclusion about Jake out of jealousy or if he knows for sure. Boy, I’m gonna look stupid if he has proof.

  He shakes his head as though he’s disappointed in me for some reason, then he takes his time with an answer to my question. It’s as if there’s some internal wrestling match going on inside his head.

  “What were you thinking by putting yourself in such a vulnerable position with that guy when you know that all these sick players are after you? He’s lucky I have too much respect for you to break up, uh … what you were allowing him to do to you. I paid the boy next door to ring the bell and ask if he could do any landscape work for him. But trust me, I waited until your bell was rung.”

  “Oh, my God! I can’t believe you just said that to me. How long did you watch? It’s none of your damn business with whom I choose to ring my bell! You’re just jealous it wasn’t you doing the ringing!” I scream.

  We pull into his parents’ summer home as I finish that last sentence on an exasperated growl. The seat belt and car door won’t release fast enough for me to get away from him before I slap him. Mrs. Dragonetti sees us drive up and waits by the front door for us to get out of the car. She catches on immediately that I’m upset and runs down the steps over to me. Her arms wrap me in a big ole motherly hug, and I am home. I don’t even know why, but tears stream down my face.

  “Sweetie, everything is going to be okay. You’re safe here with the security team and us. And you can stay as long as you like,” she sympathizes as her hands smooth my hair lovingly like a caring mother should.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Dragonetti. It’s very kind of all of you to have me here,” I whimper.

  She pulls back and looks me in the eyes, her arms still lovingly embracing me.

  “Elizabeth, we’ve known each other for many years since you and Anthony dated. Don’t you remember what I told you when you came to Sunday dinners? You are always welcome in our home. It wasn’t just because you were the only one who would help me with the dishes.” She winks, and I give her a watery smile. “We will always consider you a part of our family. Please, we are all adults now, so call me Lucia.” She hugs me again quickly, and we walk arm in arm into the house together.

  Chapter 11

  Anthony Dragonetti

  My mother asked my brothers and sister to come up to the summer home and join us for the weekend, so I want to make sure I have some time alone with Liz today before they all descend on us tomorrow. But that has proved to be very difficult when she is still angry with me and won’t talk to me. My mother, of course, blames me because she can sense Elizabeth’s anger toward me even though she has no idea the reason.

  I wake up early, swim laps in the pool, and then shower. By the time I come down, my dad is already working in his study. His workspace
here at the summer home is much more casual compared to the one in Winnetka. It has large windows that look out on the lake like all the rooms at the back of the house. Personally, it would be difficult for me to get any work done at all. I would just stare at the sparkling blue water all day. I pop my head in to say good morning, and he waves me in as he hangs up the phone.

  “Good morning, son, how are things going with the investigation? Charlie Owens called me yesterday with an update, but I wanted to know if you found out anything more. I also talked to Elizabeth’s Uncle Charles yesterday to let him know she had arrived safely. Have you called Nico yet?” He leans back in his high-back leather chair as he flips a pen from one finger to the next. His dexterity is still as good as mine.

  “We now know for sure Richard Harrington runs the game. Apparently, one of the players had Liz fooled, and she traveled with him. I found her at a house on the other side of the lake registered to a Jake Balcom. She won’t believe me that he’s one of the players, so that’s why she’s not speaking to me. But he did fight off another more dangerous player who was violent with her. The other guy had actually hit her over the head and knocked her unconscious.” I walk in from leaning against the doorframe and sit in one of the chairs across from my dad. “I’m really worried about her. These players are all psychos, and if any of them get to her again, we may not be so lucky next time.”

  “I’ve already briefed the security here, and if she leaves the house, you make sure you go with her and have your weapon with you. She will be fine, son.”

  “The only way to make sure she will be safe is to rid the free world of Richard Harrington III. I already have my men following leads to find him, and when we do, I’m going to be the one to make sure my Liz is safe from now on, Dad.”

  My dad gets up, comes around the desk, and stands next to me; he puts his hand on my shoulder.

  “Your Liz? Now, son, don’t go off doing something stupid because your heart is all tied up in knots over this girl. When they find out where the bastard is hiding, come to me, and you and I will come up with a rational and reasonable plan. Okay?”

  “Okay, thanks for understanding.” I stand and walk to the door. He follows behind me and puts one arm around my shoulders.

  “I was young and in love once, too. Stay strong… she’ll come around when she realizes how much you care for her.”

  We both look up at the same time and frozen at the bottom of the stairs is Elizabeth. Mom must have given her some of my sister Amelia’s clothes to wear. My eyes peruse her form in a pair of jean shorts that show off her toned legs while they hug her ass just right. The button-down sleeveless blouse is just a little snug across her breasts. It looks hot on Liz. The green in the top brings out the color of her emerald eyes as they meet mine. Her face is red as a beet, which proves to me that she heard what my father just said to me.

  My mother interrupts the awkward moment as she walks in from the kitchen. We all turn to look at her. She has her hair pulled up into a clip along with her usual working around the house comfortable clothes on. I would bet on the fact that she plans on cooking for Sunday dinner all day today.

  “Good morning, everyone! Breakfast will be ready in twenty minutes. Elizabeth, would you like to help me in the kitchen?”

  “Of course I would, lead the way.” She clears her throat and looks back at both of us. “Good morning, gentlemen.” Then she follows my mom into the kitchen.

  Breakfast is interesting since my mom and dad have to keep up most of the conversation.

  “Anthony, would you like me to make manicotti or lasagna for Sunday dinner?”

  “Either one would be fine, Mom. Let’s let Elizabeth choose. Liz, what dish do you prefer?” I smile at her in hopes she is less angry toward me this morning.

  Before she answers, she takes a sip of orange juice and clears her throat daintily.

  “Since Lucia offered to teach me how to make all the food for Sunday dinner, I would love to learn to make the lasagna. I’ve never had anyone offer to teach me how to cook, so I’m excited.” Liz smiles at my mom.

  “Lasagna it is!” Mom exclaims, patting Liz’s hand with her own. “After I clear the breakfast dishes, we will make the gravy and meatballs first.”

  “Will you make braciole? I have a taste for it, Lucia,” pleads Dad.

  “I didn’t plan for it, so either you or Anthony will have to go to the store for the flank steak, then pound the steak thin when you get back,” Mom says as she looks mostly at me for an answer.

  So much for spending the day alone with Liz. My mom has no clue she’s a major cock blocker. Unless I work it so Liz has to come with me …

  “I promised Liz I would take her into town for some clothes and other essentials today. How about we go this afternoon after you finish showing her how to make the gravy and meatballs? Then when we get back, we can do the braciole,” I suggest to no one in particular and hope they agree.

  Liz looks at me with tolerance in her gaze and nods her head in agreement. My mother smiles her approval of the plan and the fact that Liz’s anger toward me has softened. Then she and my dad get up and clear the table. Mom walks back over to Elizabeth and hands her an apron. Liz notices my mother’s charm bracelet and asks her to see it up close. Mom unclasps the bracelet and hands it to Liz.

  “Vincent bought it for me last year for my birthday. Everyone knows how I collect dragons in all kinds of mediums. Now he has created the dragon jewelry collection,” Mom says as she walks back into the kitchen. “Just leave it on the table, dear. I take it off when I wash dishes anyway.”

  Liz examines the diamond and ruby studded dragon as she turns it over in her hand.

  “This is really stunning and so different. I love how it’s a symbol of your family name, and at the same time, it represents so much more; a special bond of love and respect that Lucia and Vincent radiate toward one another. Your mom and dad are so impeccable together and have raised the perfect, loving family. You, your brothers, and sister are very lucky to grow up like this. Your parents are great role models.”

  From the look on Liz’s face, I know she’s remembering how she grew up the polar opposite of what she just described my family to be. So I dissuade her and quickly bring her back to the present.

  “Here, let me help you with that apron. It has some stubborn Velcro on the straps by the neck that catch in everyone’s hair,” I suggest. Coming up close behind Liz, I wrap my arms around her front and take the apron straps in one hand. With the other hand, I pull all her velvet brown hair to the side as she tilts her head to expose her sensitive, smooth neck. Her scent wafts through my senses and brings back my familiar longing for my Liz. She inhales, holding her breath, when my fingers glide over her nape to fasten the straps so they don’t tangle in her hair. Then I can’t resist fanning her chocolate silk waves back over her petite shoulders and end with my hands sweeping slowly down her arms. A slight shiver flows through her as she looks back at me.

  “Thank you. I’ll see you later then?”

  I nod my head in affirmation. She leaves my grasp and heads into the kitchen.

  I go into my dad’s study and decide to get some things done. The scent of leather and my father’s Cool Water cologne reminds me of my childhood when I played with his antique Matchbox cars under this desk. I glance at the abundant pictures of my brothers, sister, and I on the walls and the mantle. My dad loves pictures and displays them everywhere around the room. When I sit in his chair, the one photo front and center is of my mom and dad together. They are gazing at each other as opposed to into the camera, and the love in their eyes is unmistakable. It is what Elizabeth just described in the dining room. I’m very blessed to have witnessed this unwavering love all my life, and I know how precious it is because most of my friends’ parents are divorced. I can only hope one day to experience the same level of love and devotion from the woman I love.

  My cell phone vibrates in my pocket to bring me out of my daydrea
m. It’s my office; let’s see how much more Charlie Owens has found out about Richard Harrington and the game.

  “Hey, Charlie, how are you?”

  “I’m doing fine, Tone. How about you? I know you have Elizabeth safely there with you.”

  “I’m well, and Liz is here and fine, too. My mom is teaching her how to make gravy and meatballs as we speak. Is there anything new on Richard Harrington?”

  “I love your mom’s Italian cooking! You lucky bastard.” He chuckles. “There is a new revelation on Harrington. It turns out, he owns Club Beta. It was pretty covered up behind some dummy corporations and fake names, but we figured it out when he recently put it up for sale. I guess there was too much heat on the place after the murderess manager Giselle Gourdan’s mental breakdown and accidental death.”

  “Is that so? Well, that explains some things I wondered about. Anything else?” I ask.

  “You probably already know from the app that the trace on Liz ended at the house you found her in with Shadow Walker, aka Jake Balcom,” Charlie says.

  “I hoped that would be the case, and it worked in our favor. I already gave her the cell phone with our tracking device installed just in case we need it.”

  “All right, let me know if you need anything else, Tone.”

  “I will. Have a great day.”

  Liz has a birthday coming up next week, and I want to get her something special. I call my jeweler in the city and ask him to send me some pictures of my ideas. She won’t accept or wear anything extravagant, so I decide on a simple charm bracelet. My mother’s is much flashier, but I make Liz’s special by having two charms designed to my specifications. The first is a platinum dragon encrusted with emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. It will be the centerpiece of the bracelet. The second is a small hockey stick with just a few diamonds. This is to symbolize the day Liz and I first met at the hockey game. I was on a team with her cousins Nico and Jaxson.


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