Fake It For Daddy: Sugar Daddy Series 1

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Fake It For Daddy: Sugar Daddy Series 1 Page 12

by Hamel, B. B.

  “Good.” He takes a breath and lets it out. “I hope I won’t have to go through with this.”

  I nod once and lean my head against his shoulder.

  We sit like that in silence for a while, just sipping coffee and looking out at the beautiful city of Monaco.

  Yesterday, this place felt magical. It felt like the future, like a beautiful possibility.

  But today, it’s just another collection of buildings and boats.

  It’s hard to see the romance in a place when you’re being held captive, even if you’re a captive in a beautiful hotel room with a nearly perfect man.

  Leon finally finishes his coffee and smiles at me. “So, what are we going to do today?”

  “I assume what we did yesterday.”

  He grins at me. “Can you handle it?” he asks.

  “Physically or mentally?”


  I laugh as he grabs me. I grin and struggle to get away as he kisses me. I laugh and he wrestles me over to the couch, laughing along with me. I end up on top of him, kissing him deep and slow, his hands on my hips.

  When there’s a knock at the door.

  He lets out a frustrated breath. “Great. Timing.”

  I laugh and slap him gently on the cheek. “Get it together.”

  He rolls his eyes and pushes me off him. I fall onto the couch and laugh at him. He gives me a look, still smiling, and gets to his feet.

  “Coming!” he says, then looks back at me. “You stay there. I’m not through with you yet.”

  “Ooh, scary,” I say, rolling my eyes.

  He walks over to the door and opens it.

  I watch as his whole body stiffens in shock. It’s like a wave passes over him. One second, he’s loose and happy, and the next…

  He steps backward. “Princess Charlotte,” he says. “This is a… big surprise.”

  A woman steps into the room. One of the guards closes the door behind her.

  She’s tall and thin and strikingly beautiful. She almost looks like Cerise, but where Cerise is thin and severe, Charlotte looks gentle and kind. Her hair is cropped short and bleached blonde. Her eyes are blue and her cheeks are high with a long, lean body that a swimmer would envy. She’s wearing simple clothes, just a light white blouse and navy-blue slacks.

  “Hello, Leon Price,” she says in perfect English with a very slight British accent. “I’m very sorry that we’re meeting under these… circumstance.”

  They shake hands and her eyes move over to me as I sit bolt upright on the couch.

  “And you must be Paige.” She drifts over to me like walking on a cloud. “On behalf of the Monegasque Monarchy, I extend my deepest apologies for this little… mistake.”

  I stand and shake her hand, glancing over at Leon. He looks as perplexed as I feel.

  “Thank…. Thank you, Princess,” I manage.

  She smiles. “Call me Charlie.” She turns back to Leon. “And you too, Leon. Call me Charlie. This has gotten far too out of hand already and I truly hope we can fix it.”

  Leon steps over to her, looking hesitant. “Well, ah, Charlie. I’d like to fix it as well. You’re aware of why we’re still here?”

  She nods once. “May I sit?”

  “Please,” he says, gesturing for the chair.

  She takes it and Leon joins me on the couch.

  “I’ve been briefed on this whole affair,” Princess Charlotte says. “I must say, I never thought Cerise would go to such lengths, but she…”

  “Cerise?” Leon says.

  Charlotte blinks and nods. “Yes, of course. You didn’t think it was Maxime?”

  “He was the one…” Leon trails off.

  Charlotte laughs lightly. “Ah, yes, well. He is the face, isn’t he, but no. Cerise is the one with closer ties to my family. She is the one that orchestrated this whole fiasco. Maxime was just following orders as always.”

  Leon’s face clouds. “I see.”

  “Please, don’t misunderstand. Maxime is at fault as well. The man should know better, but he can’t help himself. He’s plain stupid when it comes to his conniving wife.”

  “Princess— Charlie, I was hoping we could simply go home,” Leon says. “I’m not asking anything else of you or your family.”

  “You are free to leave this instant if you want,” she replies. “Both of you. But I have one other thing.”

  Leon cocks his head. “I don’t want anything else,” he says. “I’ve wasted your time enough as it is. I only regret that I ever got involved with Cerise and Maxime.”

  “Ah, well, now,” Charlotte says with a little smile. “I disagree with you there.” She reaches into her handbag and takes out some folded pages, handing them over to Leon.

  He frowns as he takes them. “Contract?” he asks.

  “Yes, indeed. For your hotel.”

  He hesitates a moment. “Maxime showed these and told me about the changes. I’m sorry, Princess. I no longer wish to pursue this deal with those proposed amendments.”

  Charlotte’s eyes sparkle. “Leon, dear, do you think I’d come out here only to give you that garbage deal Maxime tried to force on you?”

  Leon looks briefly confused. “Then this is?”

  “The original deal you negotiated. Slightly better, actually, I’d say. Dropped our cut of the profits by three percent as a little apology for all this. I think you’ll find everything else is satisfactory.” She stands and smiles down at us. “Take your time, send a copy to your lawyer. My people will be in touch.”

  “Princess,” Leon says softly, clearly as shocked as I am.

  “Please,” she says, smiling broadly. “It’s Charlie. You’re going to be a part of the Monacan family now. You’d better get used to me.”

  He smiles and laughs, a real laugh. He stands and shakes her hand. “Thank you,” he says. “I look forward to doing business with you.”

  “And you as well,” she says. She nods to me and turns to leave.

  “Wait,” Leon says suddenly.

  She hesitates and looks back. “Yes?”

  “I have one more request.”

  She frowns a bit and clearly this is about to go too far, but she just nods. “I’m listening.”

  He glances back at me with a mischievous little smile then turns back to the princess, his eyes ablaze.



  The same old Rolls Royce that drove us out to the building site the first time is waiting for us this time, and I can’t help but smile a little bit at that.

  Paige stands next to me, a little agitated. I don’t blame her. This probably isn’t going to be a pretty sight.

  And god, sweet revenge never is easy, but it’s always worth it.

  We slide into the back. The driver looks over his shoulder and gives us an easy smile before pulling out into traffic. I almost wish Claude were with us right now, but I suspect the poor man is somewhere looking for a new job.

  I reach out on instinct and take Paige’s hand. She smiles at me, a tight little smile. “Are you sure about this?” she asks me.

  “I’m sure,” I say.

  “We can always back out, you know. Charlie made that clear.”

  The driver glances back in the rearview mirror. For a second, I know he knows who we’re talking about that.

  “Charlie also made it clear that she was going out on a limb for us a little bit here,” I point out. “Do you really want to disappoint royalty?”

  The driver’s eyes go wide then snap back to the road. If he didn’t know, he does now.

  “I guess not,” Paige says and sighs. She holds my hand and leans her head on my shoulder. “I just almost feel bad.”

  “Why?” I say, laughing a little. “You remember what happened, right?”

  “Of course I do. I hated it, but…” She trails off. “I don’t know. It feels a little harsh.”

  “It’s not that harsh,” I say, making a face. “Frankly, I wanted much worse.”

  She sighs. “
I know you did. I was there when Charlie talked you down.”

  I let out a scoff and watch as the buildings flash by. “She’s too nice,” I say.

  “Maybe, or maybe you’re just a hard, bitter man.”

  “That’s more likely.”

  She laughs and we go the rest of the ride in silence. I smile to myself, just enjoying her head on my shoulder and her hand in mine. It’s the little things with her that I’m growing to appreciate, the little human gestures that I’ve missed for so long.

  With her, I feel like I can finally have some of that again. Maybe not all at once, but sooner or later. Maybe I actually deserve it for once in my life.

  This time, as we pull up outside of the fenced-off dirt lot, I can’t help but think about the possibilities. And it’s not just the building I’m imagining.

  I’m seeing myself years from now. And for once, I’m actually happy. Instead of sitting on a pile of amassed wealth, obsessing over my image, my ego, my empire, I’m happy. I’m smiling and maybe there are kids, lots of kids. And of course, there’s Paige, sitting in my lap or leaning over a table or standing up on her toes to kiss me with a stupid grin on her face.

  That’s Paige, my Paige.

  This was supposed to be fake. Just another screen, another image. Something to keep this deal going.

  Now it’s much, much more.

  We park and I climb out before helping Paige out behind me. We stand there and she takes a breath.

  “Okay,” she says. “I’m ready. Are you?”

  I clear my throat. “I think so.” I look up and down the block. “Do you see them? Charlie promised they’d be here.”

  “Come on,” she says. “Let’s go find out.”

  We head down the block and toward the doorway that enters into the lot. The lock is undone and the door is partially open. Paige gives me a look and grins before pushing it open and stepping through.

  I follow her and find Maxime leaning against an abandoned yellow digger, smoking a cigarette. He’s wearing a baggy black suit and looks exhausted, his hair slicked back, his eyes red-rimmed and bloodshot.

  I smile at him. “Hello, friend,” I call out.

  He glares and flicks his cigarette on the ground. “Friend,” he answers like the word is poison. “So glad you could make it.”

  He ambles over, hands shoved in his pockets, looking glum.

  “Where’s Cerise?” I ask him.

  “She’s over there,” he says, gesturing across the lot. “You know her. Being a miserable bitch.”

  I grin at him. “Sounds like you deserve each other.”

  He shoots me a look. “I don’t know why you want us here. This has nothing to do with us anymore.”

  “Oh, but it does. Can you please go get your wife?”

  “Get her yourself,” he snaps.

  I give him a long look.

  “Oh, fine, you cock,” he says. He walks a few feet away, cups his hands around his mouth, and shouts, “CERISE!”

  His voice echoes across the empty lot.

  I glance at Paige and she stifles a laugh.

  “CERISE, DAMN YOU!” Maxime screams again. “GET OVER HERE!”

  A figure disengages from the far wall and steps forward. It’s Cerise, all right, wearing white trousers and a white blouse. She walks toward us slowly, almost lazily. Maxime grumbles something as she approaches.

  I smile at Cerise. She looks fine, much better than Maxime, and I suspect she doesn’t know what’s coming. Oh, she knows part of it…. But not everything.

  “Leon,” she says, “and you brought your whore.”

  “Hello,” Paige says. “Nice to see you too.”

  “It’s funny, you talking about whores.” I give Cerise a withering look. “If I remember right, you wanted to sleep with me to seal with deal.”

  Maxime spits on the ground.

  Cerise just laughs. “Oh, you arrogant man. I just wanted a little fun. I didn’t really need it, do you understand?”

  I smile at her. “Well, either way. Do you want to know something?”

  “No,” she says. “Honestly, I do not. I’m angry enough as it is. I’m annoyed I’m here. I’d rather just go.”

  “Paige and I were never really together.”

  She narrows her eyes. “Excuse me?”

  “I made it up,” I say.

  “I played along,” Paige adds. “Gracefully, I might add.”

  I nod at her with a smile and turn back to Cerise. The woman is turning red and I can see the rage in her face.

  “You lied… just to avoid sleeping with me?” She lets out a throaty groan. “I knew it from the start. I was suspicious of you both from the start.”

  “I wanted to avoid damaging your ego. And you were right all along.”

  “Am I so… disgusting? Am I so repulsive?”

  “Darling, no,” Maxime says but Cerise shushes him with a gesture.

  “You fucker, you pig,” she says to me. “And you, you, you truly are a whore, aren’t you?”

  Paige smiles sweetly at her and takes my hand. “Don’t be a sore loser,” she says.

  I grin and raise an eyebrow. “She’s right, Cerise. You are a loser, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, you cut me from this deal. You and that bitch Charlotte. Are you happy? Are you so proud?”

  “I am, actually,” I say, still smiling. “You don’t deserve a cent from this, but that’s not all I’m doing to you.”

  Cerise’s eyes narrow. “What else could you do?”

  I step forward, releasing Paige’s hand. I stare into Cerise’s eyes.

  “Your cousin decided to banish you from the kingdom,” I say softly. “You will be deported…” I check my watch. “In five minutes, actually. That’s why I wanted you here.”

  Her eyes go wide. “You’re kidding?”

  “Nope. Five minutes from now, your own police force will find you and kick you out of the country. Oh, it’s only for a year. I wanted much, much longer… but Charlie wouldn’t allow it.”

  Cerise practically gags. “They’re coming now?”

  “Right now. Are you packed and ready?” I laugh at her, malicious and gleeful.

  “He’s bluffing,” Maxime says.

  “He’s not, you stupid shit,” Cerise spits at her husband. “Run to the car. Run now!”

  The man hesitates, glares at me, but does as his wife commands, like he always does.

  That’s the last time I’ll ever see him, I hope.

  Maxime disappears back out onto the street. I look at Cerise with a big smile again.

  “You never should’ve fucked with me, Cerise,” I say softly.

  “It is only a year,” she says, waving her hand. “Charlotte has done worse, I think. I will be back and when I am, I will make your life hell.”

  “I doubt it. I suspect Charlie and I are going to get along swimmingly. Goodbye, Cerise.”

  The woman looks at us with a snide expression then walks off. I watch as her walk turns into a run as soon as she’s out of the door. I smile to myself, savoring that moment.

  “She’s right though,” Paige says to me, taking my hand again. “She’ll be back in a year.”

  “That’s okay. I think this whole fiasco has really diminished her power with the royals. I doubt she’ll be a problem anytime soon.”

  “Still, better keep an eye on her.”

  “Oh, I will.” I turn to Paige and squeeze her hand. “Here, come with me.”

  I lead her out into the center of the lot. There’s nothing around us but abandoned digging machines and building materials, but there’s so much possibility.

  “What do you think?” she asks. “Everything you wanted?”

  “More,” I admit. “Much, much more.” I’m not looking at the lot though.

  I’m looking at her, at my darling little Paige.

  She smiles up at me. “What?”

  “I want you to know something,” I say softly. I tilt her chin up to me and look into her eyes before kis
sing her gently. “I love you, Paige. You know that, right?”

  “I love you too,” she whispers.

  I kiss her longer, letting it linger.

  I let those words sink in deep before finally breaking away.

  “I want to be with you,” I say softly. “For real. No games, no hiding, none of that shit. And I want us to do this hotel together for real.”

  “I want that too,” she says.

  I pull her against me, holding her tight in my arms.

  Finally, my eyes slowly close and the world around us completely disappears.

  There’s nothing else I want or need. I have my Paige and everything else is a bonus. This hotel, my fortune, everything. I could live without it all if I had to.

  If I only had my Paige. My life, my woman, my perfection. She gives me more purpose than I ever thought I’d have. I feel like something locks up tight inside of me and I can stand taller, walk stronger, run faster.

  I have my woman, my love, my light.

  I kiss her again and taste her, taste my future.

  I’m never letting that go.



  Two Years Later

  I can hear the sea birds squawking out over the bay as I stretch and open the door to the veranda.

  The light drifts down lazily from the early morning sun. There are several yachts out on the ocean and I wave to them, although I know they can’t see me. I suspect I know who they are, but can’t be sure from this distance.

  Doesn’t matter. I’m sure they’re friends either way.

  I put a hand on my belly. Six months pregnant and not much longer to go. I can’t wait for it to be over, but I hate the idea of wishing away time.

  I just want my baby. I want my family.

  Leon’s moving around inside but I stay where I am. I breathe deep of the fresh salt air and smile broadly.

  It took me a long time to feel like Monaco was home. I’m not sure it really is yet, not entirely at least. But we’ve been living here ever since we made that trip two years ago. We came, admitted our love, and started building. We haven’t left since.


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