Captive of the Orc King

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Captive of the Orc King Page 2

by Trevor Zex

  The warmth of the thick fur felt good against her inner legs and reached through her boots. She took a deep breath and adjusted her position on the saddle, edging back from the animal’s head.

  Teza looked down to the ground far below at the cloven-hoofed feet—and at the cliff edge a mere foot from the trail. Her vision wavered.

  “Close your eyes and hold on.” Her captor vaulted into the saddle and encircled her with his brawny arm.

  It struck her there were no reins, yet he got the animal moving. With a lurch and a snort, it thudded down the road bearing her on its back.

  There was nothing she could do. She was on her way through the treacherous pass in the arms of an ogre. That’s what her nurse called orcs. He looked a great deal like she imagined ogres, except for his lively, compelling eyes. His skin looked warm and smooth to touch. It lacked the wiry hair and scaly patches she pictured for an ogre’s hide. Those old tales of ogres carrying off maidens and bad girls troubled her. She gripped the front of the saddle and fought the urge to look down.

  The chill of waning daylight encroached early in the high pass. Jagged peaks surrounded them. Snow-capped sharp boulders stuck up like rotted dragon’s teeth from the barren ground. Aside from the call of a great bird, nothing moved.

  Teza jumped as a load of snow fell from a tall tree to the trail. Fatigue gripped her, but she dared not relax her vigilance. She held herself upright to avoid coming into contact with the ogre’s burly body right behind her. As it was, she felt his strong thighs against her legs. At times, his arms brushed her arms as he patted his mount.

  They rode higher into the mountains. The peaks cast bone-chilling shadows across the narrow track. Finally, she could be still no longer.

  “Won’t you please release us?”

  “No, I wont. What would be the sense of that?”

  His reasonable tone galled her, the way her cousin Karn’s did when they argued. Karn was much older and treated her as nothing other than a student. The orc wore such great authority, he seemed older than Karn, as old as her king father.

  “My royal parents or my bridegroom the crown prince would pay you for my return.”

  He chortled and his body shook hers with his deep-toned amusement. “Orcs don’t negotiate. We do not accept your rule. We will not be game pieces for your royalty. You are behaving like a spoiled princess. That will do you no good with me. You are in my territory now, under my rule.”

  She could picture his grin and his tusks by the sound of his voice.

  Teza jolted awake on the plodding animal. She straightened herself. She’d leaned back against the orc’s strong body. How long had she been resting on her captor? So strange, his scent felt as familiar as the creek bank at home.

  A star shot a trail through the ink-dark sky. A rumble made her start and clutch the saddle.

  The orc shouted. “Hard to the inside. Take shelter.”

  His mount edged against the mountain. A massive rush of snow and rocks fell to the road and over the cliff.

  Her heart hammered like the thunder god. Somehow, her captor’s arm held her, his hand sheltering her face.

  “It’s all right now. The nagha is past.”

  She dug her nails into her palms, steadying herself. “Thank you.” A story flickered through her mind like hearth flame. A goddess enraged at her husband who tried to seduce their daughter pelted him with stones. Avalanches bore the divine name Nagha in her honor.

  The voices of her people reached Teza. They were alive.

  “I’m well,” she called. “We are safe.”

  “Divine ones bless us,” Zenar called to her.

  “Blessings and skill kept us safe.” She rested her hand between her breasts.

  She stole a look over her shoulder at her captor. The orc saved her life. He saved everyone’s lives. He heard and reacted to the avalanche so fast, all escaped the crushing death. One man in her realm survived a Nagha. His legs bore scars small ones thought came from dragon teeth.

  The pass filled with orc grunts and their animals’ keening calls. A vibration went through her legs as Shellaq sang with the others of her kind.

  “Make camp,” the leader called.

  He slipped down from the saddle with great agility for such a big creature. He stepped to his mounts head, petting the animal and murmuring to it.

  Orc, she corrected herself, not creature. As strange as he was, the way he patted the animal to comfort and praise it raised him in her esteem. She treated her horse the same. The way he cared for her and kept her safe during the nagha surprised her. His character forced her to reevaluate orcs lore. He was not a beast.

  “Wait here,” he said.

  She nodded. “Yes, I will.” The promise cost her no effort now.

  Her gut knotted. He’d spoken the truth. She and her people were safer in the pass with the orcs than without them.

  The orc plodded away with an odd grace for such a huge being.

  She shivered without his warmth at her back. The normal sounds of people unpacking animals and making camp comforted her.

  There was no question now of escape. It humbled her to admit it, but she could not get through the mountains without his help. Her journey to her bridegroom echoed sacrificial rites of old. It wasn’t a wedding celebration. Her chest ached with a sense of betrayal. She held herself, rubbing her arms against the icy chill.

  Was the ritual of the winter bride more important than her life? Why did so many tales demand a maiden sacrifice? If not her life or her body, she must sacrifice her happiness to decrees made before her birth.

  Her mind echoed the orc’s words. What sense was there in that? Her powerlessness, as though she were an expendable game piece, galled her. She came from a line of warrior queens, and yet she was a pawn used to gain favor with a rival realm.

  The tales that entranced her in the lilting voice of her nurse betrayed her as her parents had. They filled her with longing for a prince who would cherish her. The few letters she received from prince Harsah bore the cold tone of duty, no more. He no more looked forward to her arrival than she did. If he felt anything, it was anticipation of piercing her maidenhead and using her to carry his heir.

  She mastered three swords, two bows, and unarmed fighting against heavier combatants. All for nothing. She grew into chattel for a stranger.

  She flung her hair back. It wasn’t like her to be bitter. It must be the shocks, and the cold. She was a captive now. She couldn’t stand it. Of course she needed to rail against her lot. Who wouldn’t? She wouldn’t accept it. She’d get free, and she’d make her own damned story.

  She ignored other orcs edging closer while her protector was away. She sensed their desire. Heavy bulges in their pants proclaimed their arousal.

  One battle-scarred orc with a missing tusk limped within reach.

  Shellaq whipped her head at him, hissing.

  He jumped back so fast he fell and slid on his ass on the ice. Other orcs howled with laughter. They growled what sounded like raunchy curses at the clumsy one’s expense.

  Teza kept her face a mask, giving the lustful orcs nothing to enjoy. She breathed slow, even breaths. With a hesitant touch, she patted Shellaq in thanks.

  The orc leader returned and relief flooded her.

  “Come.” He reached for her hand, and she gave it without hesitation.

  She kept a wary eye on his animal, not sure if Shellaq protected her or attacked anyone within reach.

  He helped her down and kept hold of her hand.

  His warmth extended up her arm and down to her belly. It took all her concentration to keep her footing on the ice as she stood so close to him. He’d removed his armor and his nipples were at eye level.

  “Here, hold this over yourself.” He unrolled a blanket from behind the saddle and draped it around her. “We have shelter for the night. It isn’t far.” He took two packs from the saddle and hefted them.

  Anxiety stabbed her. They weren’t going to make it through the pass toni
ght. She had to spend the night with him.

  “Walk where I walk,” he ordered.

  “I will.” She obeyed him, finding her footing in his deep footprints as he made his way off the animal track into deeper snow.

  It was strange to go from giving orders to taking them, but he was the master here. She believed him now that the high reaches held greater dangers than orcs.

  Shellaq followed them, prompting Teza to move as fast as she could.

  He led her to a cave. She hesitated to enter it, but he knew the terrain better than she did. If she stayed out in the snow, she would die.

  Shellaq entered behind her and settled with a sigh in a nook near the entrance. The orc’s fearsome mount looked like a sentry.

  Behind a windbreak of boulders deep in the cave, the orc spread out thick blankets. He pulled dry wood and kindling out of a pack. His fingers made expert use of the fire kit, striking the stones only twice to make fire.

  She drew near, still cautious of him, but drawn by the growing heat. As it warmed her fingers, she realized her nose and toes felt numb.

  “Undress,” he ordered.

  “I don’t want to,” she blurted. She felt vulnerable and small.

  He towered over her next to the nest of blankets he’d created.

  Teza was grateful to him for her life. She did not want to die. Inhaling, she entered her stillness inside. We do not lose fear, we defeat it. She centered as Yolo taught her to do before battle. To overcome our enemies, we must understand them, he’d said. Her truth rose.

  She did not want the orc to stab her to death with his too-large cock.

  “Obey.” His voice rumbled, but the tone remained calm, not angry.

  A flare of something that might have been pain darkened his starry pupils.

  “Yes. I’m sorry.” Mastering her fear, Teza yanked off her travel tunic.

  Her hair came loose and spilled over her breasts and down to her ass. She tossed the garment on the ground. She stood before him in nothing but her thin slip. It clung to her hard nipples and the prominent swells of her V and ass.

  The orc sucked in his breath. The firelight made his tucks shine like gold. Deep in the cave, bat wings rustled.

  She wanted to go home and sleep in her own bed. With great effort, she raised her chin and met his intense eyes.

  “How do you know my language?”

  “We’ve captured many of you over the generations.” He cocked his head, “although never one so beautiful and fiery. You are the first warrior queen taken by my kind.” His smile broadened and he stretched his big fingers. “Why do you think you have so many scary nursery tales about orcs and ogres?” He brandished his porcine tusks and growled.

  She squealed. She couldn’t help it. Her face reddened.

  He grabbed her in mock ferocity and threw her on her back on the blanket nest. Hard enough to startle and arouse her, but not to hurt her.

  The thick blankets insulated the cave floor. The fire’s heat reached her. She kept her eyes off the orc. Swallowing, she gripped the blankets and clamped her teeth, willing not to scream.

  He mounted her. His pants parted as though by magic, revealing his arousal. His cock stood engorged, dark and dripping.

  She saw in his face that he would take her. She whimpered at the disproportion. How could he take her without splitting her?

  He’d excited her from the first time she saw him. The strange feelings he’d roused rushed through her and centered between her legs. Teza surrendered. More than that, she ached inside, wanting it, wanting what he’d do to her, wanting him.

  She wanted him to ravage her. Her desire shamed her. She shook her head, wanton, sensual with arousal. Why should she feel shame? It was a natural act.

  His broad shoulders blocked out the cave roof. He cast a massive shadow against a cave wall painting of orcs chasing a woman of her kind. She knew how that story ended.

  He was her captor. She was afraid. Centering within, she drew on the strength of the battle maids who came before her. She might yet help her people. She’d gain influence with this powerful orc. All she had to to was survive his lust.

  If not for him, she’d be dead, they’d all be dead. What could be more right than to celebrate life?

  Emboldened, defying her nurse and the whispering ladies at court, she pulled up her slip. She slid it up her legs with a delicious, slow touch, watching his pupils widen in the firelight.

  Wriggling, she showed herself to him. Her strong thighs, her curly triangle, her navel, the taut skin of her waist lay exposed.

  She pulled the garment above her breasts. The rolled fabric pressed into them, making them stand out and swell.

  Moaning, he pressed his face to them.

  His musk enveloped her, familiar and enticing. She opened her legs.

  His tusks grazed her nipple.

  She drew in her breath, hissing.

  He growled, he bit her breast. He squeezed them. Pulling and tonguing her nipple, he hummed, sending shocks through her. The orc took a long breath, pressing his claws into her firm flesh. His erection nudged at her inner knee. He covered all over her, far too big for her kind.

  She panted in fear and heat. Reaching to her secret place, she touched herself. Shaking, she spread her slickness and rubbed herself right there. She willed herself to open for him.

  Writhing, she licked her lips. Her nipples tightened so hard they ached.

  His long, thick tongue slid across the undersides of her breasts. It snaked over her nipples and made her feel him in her bud.

  Heat flared between her legs.

  The massive orc grabbed her hips. He pressed his cock along her folds. His eyes glittered. He stroked her breasts and sides. His tusks pulled at his upper lip, as he slid down her body.

  Eyes glowing, he lowered his head to her body. His hair felt thick and heavy brushing her ribs.

  His tusks grazed her firm belly. His long tongue slipped a trail around her naval.

  Wily ogre fingers slid under her ass.

  She moaned, arching to his exploring mouth.

  He kissed her V. His tongue slid along her folds. He tasted her and found her bud. He circled it and worked it, bringing her home.

  With his hands gripping her ass in place, he worked his lips and the tip of his tongue where no one but she had ever touched. Vibrating her, he made her legs tremble, made her quiver to her core, and he slid his tongue to her virgin opening.

  He probed her. His huge hands released her ass. He gripped her wrists and pinned her to the ground.

  She gasped. Her juices welled. It felt good to thrash and buck, secured by his strength.

  He tested pushing deeper. He stopped his tongue at her tightest spot inside. He held her down, making her captive to wicked pleasure, not letting her go. Licking her good, his eager mouth imprisoned her. He made her shake, climbing to her peak.

  She couldn’t hold back all the feelings rising. She writhed against his face and bit her lip. He didn’t stop licking her right there. She couldn’t hold back. Her cries went wild into the night and she came on his mouth for the first time.

  He pressed his face there and released her hands. He moaned against her V, holding her, breathing with her.

  The massive orc rose over her. His radiant smile stretched his face as he mounted her with his erection pulsing in his fist. He aimed his swollen green cock at her virginity. Big nubs studded it.

  She rose up on her elbows and strained for a better look.

  “By the goddess of love and the ruler of Hell,” she breathed.

  Her captor was going to fuck her with a cock studded like a horned toad.

  “I will make you enjoy it. I will make you quake until you can’t come any more.” His commanding voice turned her liquid inside.

  Teza grabbed his bulging arms, her eyes wide, her hair tangled over her face. She drew in her breath. She arched to meet his cock. The head looked too big.

  Stretching her legs open as wide as they’d go, she dug her hee
ls into the blankets. Orna and Frinn, help me. She needed all the powers of love and Hell to take that monster cock in her virgin body.

  He imprisoned her wrists in one hand. His lips pulled back, he drove his knob into her. His cock plundered her, claiming her maidenhead.

  The orc ravaged her with his full power, the way she secretly longed for him to do it.

  She cried out. Her toes gripped the blankets, and her body tightened.

  His huge hand kept her wrists trapped. His powerful knees kept her spread wide open to him.

  Shocked, she collapsed in full surrender. His immensity shocked her inside, stretching her to her limits. He made her hot for completion.

  Her head whipped from side to side, wild sounds erupted from her.

  He rode high on her body, his hard body tugging at her bud.

  She shook and jolted. His cock’s roughness roused and burned her. She fucked him back hard. Juices ran down her ass. She cried with pleasure.

  Hot tears ran down the sides of her face.

  He kissed her tears. He kissed her mouth.

  She tasted her salt from his lips and tusks.

  He claimed her farther, driving full-depth to her womb. He pounded her with bruising force.

  Growling, claiming her for his own, he broke her deep and hard the way she needed it. She’d imagined Karn or Yolo would one day end a fight this way, but they left her a virgin bride.

  “Yes, oh, yes.” She arched, slamming up against him. She fucked him back, fucked him with all her fighting strength.

  His eyes widened. “Good, you are good.” He gave her a short thrust with each word. “You are unlike any other virgin captive, Princess.” He powered his cock so deep she gasped.

  She shook under his fierce fucking, bucking to match him as though in battle.

  He ground hard inside her, keeping her pinned, mashing against her,. His heavy, calculated moves flattened her breasts and pulled at her bud, taking her to the edge.

  She surrendered to a fit of shaking and crying out. “Fuck me, fuck me hard with your orc cock.”

  He pushed full-depth, aiming at the back of her throat from the inside. Banging her all the way.


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