Sophia's Hero

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Sophia's Hero Page 3

by Angela Franklin

  “I don’t know.” His voice was low.

  “Clothes will be easiest. You can box what you don’t want, and send it to good will, or a homeless shelter.” She looked up at him and she could see his heart breaking. Sophia wrapped her arms around him offering whatever comfort she could. The first time she had cleaned in here, she had sat on the bed and cried for an hour.

  “It’s been six years, but it seems like yesterday.” He whispered, his face buried in her hair.

  “It gets easier. This is the first time you’ve came face to face with it since the funeral.” She rubbed his back trying to sooth him.

  “I think they would prefer the homeless shelter.” He said.

  “Okay. We will start there. Do you want to keep any of their clothes?” She asked pulling back to look at him.

  “I might keep a few of dad’s shirts. If there’s any thing of mom’s you want, take it.” She smiled and nodded at him. An hour later, the closet was finished and he looked at her pile. “You want mom’s wedding dress?” He raised his eyebrows.

  “Unless you want it. She showed it to me years ago and told me the story of how she fell in love with your father. I can’t let something that meant so much to her go.” Sophia fought the tears back.

  “Then it’s yours.” Tanner said kissing her forehead again. “Do you need to go?”

  “No. I had time off built up, so I took tomorrow off. I have the next four days off.” It was the first day Sophia had taken off since she started. “Want to do the dressers next?” Tanner nodded and they got back to work.

  “How’s it going?” Jackson said an hour later when he came in.

  “Good.” Sophia nodded at the boxes stacked against the wall.

  “Wow. I brought pizza.” Jackson announced.

  “Yay.” Sophia looked up and Tanner was standing over her, holding out his hand to help her up. “Thanks.” She put her hand in his.

  “Why didn’t you say you were hungry?” He asked softly.

  “I wasn’t, but Jackson has pizza. I always need pizza.” Sophia laughed and turned to see Jackson watching from the doorway. “Everything okay?” She asked him.

  “Yep.” He said turning to leave. Her phone rang.

  “Hello.” She answered.

  “Where are you?” Steven growled and Sophia froze. “Answer me.” He snarled and she threw her phone down.

  “Soph, what’s wrong?” Tanner asked wrapping his arm around her.

  “Who was it?” Her brother asked looking at the number.

  “S-Steven.” She shivered.

  “You’re okay. You’re safe.” Tanner said spinning her around and pulling her close.

  “How long has he been calling?” Jackson asked going through her phone.

  “Since the first date. I answered the first time, but not since. I should have checked the caller ID.” She turned her head to look at Jackson.

  “Why did you give him your phone number?” Tanner asked her.

  “I didn’t. The one time I answer he said mom gave it to him.” Sophia looked up at Tanner. The phone rang again and she jerked.

  “It’s okay. You’re safe.” Tanner kissed her forehead and tucked her head under his chin. When the phone stopped ringing, she looked at Jackson. His eyes were narrowed and he was looking at Tanner.

  “Was it him again?” She pulled back from Tanner.

  “Yes, he left a voicemail.” Jackson handed her the phone. “Put it on speaker.”

  Sophia nodded and pulled up the message. She felt Tanner’s arm go around her as she pushed play. “So, you’re whoring yourself out now. I saw you on the couch with him last night. Your mom was happy to give me your address. I’m sure she will help me find you again. See you soon.” Her legs went weak, but Tanner caught her before she could fall.

  “Sophia, we have to call the cops.” Tanner said holding her tight.

  “He’s right. This man is dangerous. You need a restraining order.” Jackson told her.

  “Why would mom tell him where I live?” Sophia couldn’t wrap her head around it.

  “Did you tell her about the date?” Jackson asked her.

  “No. I was mad at her for making me go.” Sophia shook her head.

  “What do you mean?” Tanner said pulling her back to him.

  “That was the fifth blind date this year. I told her I had plenty of time to settle down, but…” Sophia trailed of not wanting them to judge her too.

  “But what?” Tanner tipped her chin up so she was looking at him.

  “She said a girl my size doesn’t have time.” Sophia whispered.

  “She what?” Jackson’s voice was a low growl.

  “I’m used to her saying things about my weight, but that she doesn’t think I’m good enough to wait for somebody that loves all of me really hurt.” Sophia felt the tears fall.

  “How could she.” Jackson fumed.

  “You’re beautiful, Sophia, inside and out you are prefect.” Tanner said cupping her jaw. Sophia leaned into his hand, and he kissed her forehead.

  “Soph, we need to call the cops and see what they need, then we will deal with mom.” Jackson walked over and pulled her out of Tanner’s hold and into his. Sophia nodded.

  An hour later they were on their way to her parents’ house. The cops had taken her statement, and taken pictures of the bruises. They said the judge would issue the restraining order tomorrow. It was after nine and she had asked the guys to go home, but Jackson refused. He was furious. Her mother had always been critical of her, but apparently it had gotten worse while Jackson was in the army and he wasn’t having it.

  “Jackson, what are y’all doing here so late?” Her dad asked looking around at all of them.

  “Is mom up?” Sophia asked softly, hoping to keep the peace.

  “Yeah, she’s in the living room. Is everything alright?” Her dad asked, but she shook her head and led the way to her mom.

  “What’s going on?” Diana asked as they all filed in.

  “Did you tell Steven where Sophia lives?” Jackson snarled.

  “Jackson, you will keep a civil tone with your mother.” Her dad wasn’t happy.

  “Not when she gave Sophia’s address to a man who is leaving bruises on her I won’t.” Jackson wasn’t backing down. Sophia bit her lip, wishing the guys wouldn’t have found out.

  “What?” Her dad’s face filled with fury.

  “Steven is a good man. She would be lucky to land a guy like him.” Her mother shrugged.

  “Sophia is this true?” Her dad demanded, and she nodded.

  “I don’t believe you.” Her mother said, her dad narrowed his eyes and looked back at her.

  “You have to show him Soph.” Jackson said quietly.

  “We are right here. Everything will be fine.” Tanner rubbed her arm, then stepped back.

  Sophia didn’t want to do this. She had a feeling her mother wouldn’t believe her even with the bruises. Her dad stepped closer, and she lifted the edge of her shirt, and pushed her scrubs lower on her hips. Her father gasped, and she took a deep breath and turned to show him the other side.

  “Tom, you know she’s clumsy. She probably bumped into a dresser.” Her mom sighed. Sophia blinked, she had to keep the tears in.

  “Diana, shut up.” Tom snapped.

  “He also called and left a message on her cell phone.” Jackson said and played the message for them. Tanner had his arms wrapped around Sophia, she was barely holding it together.

  “Why have you been seeing him if he hurt you?” Her father asked her.

  “I haven’t. I snuck out of the restaurant when he told me a girl my size should only eat salads with fat free dressing. I hadn’t even given him my number. He called the next day and said mom gave it to him.” Sophia curled herself in closer to Tanner.

  “He’s right. I’ve been telling you to eat better and watch your weight. You should be happy any man is looking your way.” Diana sipped her sweet tea as if this was an everyday conversation.

>   “What the hell?” Jackson roared. Sophia pulled out of Tanner’s arms and ran out of the house. Even from the porch she could hear Jackson and her dad yelling. It sounded like they were both yelling at her mother. She wished she had never come here. Right now, she wished she had never been born. How could a mother think it’s okay for her child to be hurt?

  “It’s okay, Soph, I’m right here.” Tanner whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her from behind. His touch comforted her and she relaxed back into him. She felt him kiss the top of her head as the door opened.

  “Sophia, I’m sorry this is happening. I think it would be best if you stayed with Jackson and Tanner for a while. You are perfect just as you are. I’m sorry I didn’t step in sooner. I didn’t know it was this bad.” Her dad said hanging his head.

  “It’s okay, dad. She never did it around anyone.” Sophia said from the safety of Tanner’s arms.

  “Jackson said this happened here yesterday, is that true?” Tom asked. She knew he wasn’t accusing Jackson of lying, but just needed her to tell him. She looked over at him and nodded. “Why didn’t I see it?” He sounded disgusted with himself.

  “I didn’t let anyone see it.” She whispered.

  “Then how did they figure it out?” Her dad, Tom, looked puzzled.

  “It was Tanner.” Jackson said. “He told me something wasn’t right and he went to check on her, then stayed at her place last night.”

  “Thank you. Please keep my baby safe. Call me if you need anything.” Her dad said. She pulled away from Tanner and hugged her dad. The ride back to Tanner’s house was made in silence. She knew they were both very angry, it was like a living breathing thing in the truck with them.

  “Soph, why didn’t you tell me how bad things were with mom?” She could see the guilt on Jackson’s face as they walked in the house.

  “Stop it, Jackson. I didn’t want you worrying about me. You had bigger things to worry about. I’m fine.” Sophia walked to the kitchen and got her a piece of the now room temperature pizza. After eating two slices, she yawned.

  “Take my bed tonight, Soph.” Tanner said watching her.

  “No, thanks. I will be fine on the couch.” Sophia smiled at him.

  “Why don’t one of you sleep in the other room?” Jackson asked them. The house had four bedrooms, but one of them was an office. The one Jackson was talking about was Tanner’s parents’ room.

  “No.” They said at the same time.

  “Okay. Do you want my room Soph? I’m sure you’re tired after you worked all day, then had to deal with this.” Jackson was in the extra room, but she didn’t want to stay in there either.

  “Guys, I don’t mind the couch. I’m shorter than y’all, so I will fit better.” Sophia could imagine how sore Tanner had to be from sleeping on her couch last night.

  “Come on, Soph.” Tanner put his arm around her, and guided her to his room.

  “Tanner, no.” Sophia tried to turn but he stopped her.

  “Please. I won’t be able to sleep knowing I left you on the couch.” Tanner had always worried more about others than himself.

  “Okay, but I need a shower. I should have went home and got some clothes.” Sophia said not looking forward to sleeping in her scrubs, at least she didn’t have anything nasty on them. Tanner turned around and went to his dresser.

  “Here, this should be good enough to sleep in. We’ll go get some of your clothes tomorrow.” Tanner handed her a t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts.

  “Thanks.” He kissed her forehead, then left her alone.

  As she showered, she wondered why this man was after her. The date hadn’t gone well, and she hadn’t done anything to encourage him. Thank God, Jackson and Tanner were here. If it wasn’t for them, there’s no telling what would have happened.

  Chapter 4

  “Did she take your room?” Jackson asked Tanner as he come back to the living room.

  “Yeah. I gave her at shirt and some shorts for tonight, but we need to get her some clothes from her place tomorrow. I don’t want her going anywhere by herself.” Tanner sat on the couch with Jackson. Tanner had always cared for Sophia, but something felt different.

  “Me neither. I got us both a beer, let’s go sit on the porch.” Jackson stood and went to the door.

  “Thanks.” Tanner accepted the beer as he sat in the chair beside Jackson.

  “Tanner, we need to talk.” Jackson took a deep breath and looked over at Tanner.

  “Okay, what’s on your mind?” Tanner watched Jackson, his body was stiff with tension.

  “It’s about Sophia.” Jackson said.

  “Relax Jackson. We will keep her safe.” Tanner could see the worry in Jackson’s eyes.

  “I know, it’s not about Steven, it’s…” Jackson took a deep breath, then continued. “Is there something going on with you and Sophia?”

  “What?” Tanner asked confused.

  “I’ve been watching y’all, and I don’t understand what I see.” Jackson shook his head.

  “What are you talking about?” Tanner asked him.

  “You knew yesterday. We were all there, but you are the one that noticed something was wrong.” Jackson told him.

  “She wasn’t eating, and when I got her attention, I saw pain in her eyes. You were catching up with your parents.” Tanner shrugged.

  “You stayed with her last night.” Jackson whispered looking up at him.

  “Nothing happened. She cried, and then she fell asleep watching TV and I put her in her bed and slept on the couch.” Did Jackson think he would take advantage of her?

  “I know you wouldn’t do anything, but you wouldn’t leave her either. Then there’s tonight.” Jackson looked at him close.

  “What about tonight?” Tanner narrowed his eyes.

  “You really don’t see it do you?” Jackson asked confused.

  “Spit it out, Jackson.” Tanner was running out of patience for this.

  “Y’all are like magnets. She takes a step and so do you. If she even blinked wrong, you were there holding her. It’s like you had to touch her, and she only wanted your comfort. I’m her brother, but when she was upset, she turned to you. I lost count of all the times you kissed her.” Jackson never looked away from Tanner.

  “I never kissed her.” Tanner had to admit it sounded off, but it was his natural reaction to her.

  “You kissed her forehead several times, and the top of her head.” Jackson reminded him. “She is in a bad situation. I need to know if this is more than friends. I don’t want her hurt any worse.” Jackson said and held up his hand when Tanner started to talk. “I know you wouldn’t intentionally hurt her, and I also know you don’t play around, so tell me what’s going on.”

  “I don’t know. It’s like I react to her without thought. I need to touch her, and keep her safe. I don’t want to hurt her, or our friendship, but I don’t think I can stop. It’s like when it comes to her, my instincts kick in and I react to whatever she needs.” Tanner put his head in his hands.

  “Do you think of her as a sister?” Jackson asked him and he shook his head. “I didn’t think so. Is her size a problem for you?”

  “No! She is beautiful, absolutely perfect.” Tanner’s head snapped up to glare to Jackson.

  “Calm down. After how mom has been treating her, I had to be sure. I won’t interfere, but please be careful with her.” Jackson told him.

  “I will. I think she tried to tell me about your mom.” Tanner shook his head. He should have written her back.

  “When?” Jackson asked confused.

  “While we were in the army. She wrote me at least once a month.” Tanner said staring into the darkness of the yard.

  “I knew she sent packages, but I didn’t know she was writing you. She never mentioned how mom was treating her to me.” Jackson whispered.

  “She never came out and said how bad it was, just that your mom was trying to get her to join a gym, and she said she always made her eat s
alads when they went out.” Tanner took a deep breath. “I never wrote her back.”

  “Sophia is stubborn. I think she was ignoring mom until tonight. It’s harder to ignore when she said it in front of everyone. I have no idea what dad is going to do. He had no clue this was going on. How could she think it’s okay for Sophia to be abused because of her size?” Jackson’s anger was building again.

  “I have no idea, but I won’t let Sophia get hurt again.” Tanner promised.

  “I know you won’t. Let’s get some rest. I have meetings tomorrow to get our business going.” Jackson stood up going to the door.

  “I’ll take Soph to get some clothes tomorrow and we can finish cleaning things out.” Tanner locked the door, then stretched out in one of the reclining ends of the couch. Knowing Sophia was safe down the hall from him, let him rest easier.

  The next morning Tanner was the first one up. He put on a pot of coffee, then pulled out bacon and eggs to cook for breakfast. His talk with Jackson last night made him feel better. He hadn’t noticed that the pull he felt for her was more than him wanting to protect her. After Jackson laid it out for him, he realized it was so much more. He hoped she felt some of the same things he did.

  “Mornin’.” Jackson mumbled shuffling into the kitchen going straight for the coffee.

  “Mornin’.” Tanner chuckled. Not even eight years in the army had made Jackson a morning person.

  “Hey Sis.” Jackson smiled making Tanner turn and look at her. His heart skipped a beat seeing her in his clothes. His t-shirt stretched across her chest, but hung down to her mid-thigh. His shorts fell just passed her knees and her hair was trying to come out of the braid she must have put it in after her shower.

  “Hey guys.” She smiled.

  “Breakfast is ready. Grab plates and let’s eat.” Tanner said as he turned off the stove.

  “Thanks.” Sophia said handing him a plate.

  “Anytime. You want coffee or milk?” He asked as he put his now full plate on the table.

  “Coffee would be great.” She beamed at him.

  “How do you take it?” Tanner asked.

  “Just a little milk to cool it down.” She said sitting at the table.


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