Sophia's Hero

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Sophia's Hero Page 11

by Angela Franklin

  “But we had fun.” She purred.

  “Not like you’re implying. I don’t deal with liars.” He said firmly.

  “Whatever. Who are you engaged to?” She said again.

  “That is none of your business.” Tanner growled.

  “Oh, so you are too ashamed of her, or are you with Jackson.” She sneered.

  “Look, you need to back off. My fiancée is absolutely perfect, but none of your business. Jackson has been my best friend my whole life. You have already caused a scene, and I suggest you walk away now.” Tanner stood glaring down at her.

  “Men like you are a dime a dozen.” She huffed.

  “Then I suggest you go pay your dime and try the next dozen.” He said calmly.

  “How dare you!” She screamed and tried to slap him.

  “I don’t hit women, but I’m not going to let you hit me either. It’s time for you to walk away from this table.” He snarled. Not even his mom had hit him, and he wasn’t going to let her. She huffed and stomped away.

  “That was fun.” Jackson laughed.

  “Yeah, a barrel of laughs.” Tanner said sarcastically.

  “Sophia would have hit her.” Jackson smiled.

  “Probably, she never liked her.” Tanner shrugged.

  “Did you ever know why?” Jackson asked raising an eyebrow.

  “No, never really thought about it.” Tanner said honestly.

  “Did you ever wonder why Sophia didn’t hang out with us much senior year?” Jackson narrowed his eyes.

  “She always wanted to stay with mom.” Tanner told him.

  “Yeah, because of your girlfriend.” Jackson informed him.

  “She’s not my anything.” Tanner growled.

  “Not now she isn’t. She told Sophia she would tell the whole school she was in love with you, and that she had slept with everyone on the football team.” Jackson’s face was bright red with his anger.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Tanner would have dumped her like a ton of bricks.

  “I didn’t know until a couple years ago. When I was here on leave, me and Soph came in here and she came in. She said something to Sophia about always being a tag along. I asked her later that day and she told me everything.” Jackson told him.

  “I never knew.” Tanner shook his head.

  “Sophia kept a lot from us.” Jackson told him.

  “She still is, at least from me.” Tanner sighed.

  “I hate that she feels like she can’t lean of us. She has been through so much.” Jackson pushed his plate away.

  “Is she alright?” Tanner needed to hear she was okay.

  “Honestly, I don’t know. Other than saying thank you, she didn’t speak yesterday.” Jackson folded his hands in the table.

  “She’s trying to push you out. Don’t let her. She has been alone for way too long. Fight through whatever she does and make her let you in.” Tanner knew her well enough to know she was building walls around herself.

  “Shouldn’t you be taking your own advice?” Jackson asked.

  “I pushed too much. You are her brother, she can’t push you out of her life.” Tanner left to pay their bill. He was tired of being around people.

  Chapter 12

  Jackson was right, she should have stayed home. Her face was bruised and her head hurt. The beeping of the call buttons made it feel like her head was splitting open. Her toast hadn’t set well in her stomach, but now she was hungry. She didn’t feel like going to the cafeteria. She had just turned to go to the break room when someone asked for her. She turned around to find a pizza delivery guy.

  “Sorry, but I didn’t order pizza.” She told him, wishing she had.

  “Someone ordered it and asked us to bring it to you. It’s paid for, so just enjoy.” The guy said handing it to her.

  “Thank you.” She said to his back as he left.

  “Who sent you a pizza?” The nurse at the desk asked.

  “I have no idea. Probably my brother.” She shrugged.

  “That’s way better that flowers. Nice brother. If he needs a date, I am available.” She joked.

  Sophia took the delicious smelling pizza and went to the break room. She opened it to find her favorite pizza. She ate three pieces, then leaned back. She would still have plenty left for her next break. She looked at the box, but only her name was on it. She texted her brother to say thanks.

  Sophia: Thanks.

  Jackson: For what?

  Sophia: pizza

  Jackson: Where did you get pizza?

  Sophia: You didn’t send it?

  Jackson: No, but I’m glad you are earing.

  Sophia: There’s no way Steven sent it from jail is there? Sophia was panicking. It tasted okay.

  Jackson: No, relax. It was probably Tanner.

  Sophia: Why would he send me pizza?

  Jackson: That’s a stupid question

  Sophia: I can’t do this

  Jackson: Jeez, it’s just pizza. I dragged him to breakfast, the least you can do is eat the pizza.

  Sophia: Fine.

  She was done dealing with Jackson. She didn’t talk to him yesterday, and she wasn’t in the mood now. She still needed to be polite and say thank you, so she texted Tanner.

  Sophia: Thanks.

  Tanner: Anytime.

  She sat her phone on the table. Even texting him made her jittery. She hadn’t slept well. Between the nightmares, and waking up reaching for Tanner, it had been a long night. Her phone buzzed and she picked it up.

  Tanner: I know we are through, but you need to know I will always love you. I hope we can be friends again someday, but no matter what I am here anytime for anything.

  Sophia felt the tears and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t push them back. Didn’t he understand she did this for him. He deserved to find a strong beautiful woman to love.

  “Did you hear Tanner Stone is back in town?” The nurse at the desk asked her an hour before her shift ended.

  “Yeah, he’s the one that saved me. Jackson and he came back together.” Sophia didn’t want to talk about him.

  “Oh, sorry. I heard he just told off his ex and told her he was engaged.” The nurse said.

  “Did he say who he’s engaged too?” Surely, he wouldn’t do that knowing she called it off.

  “No, he said it wasn’t her business. He even called her a liar when she implied they had slept together. She even tried to slap him.” The nurse loved gossip.

  “How dare she.” Sophia fumed, she snuck around the corner and texted him.

  Sophia: You okay?

  Tanner: Huh?

  Sophia: Heard about the diner.

  Tanner: Oh. I’m good.

  Sophia: Want me to take care of her?

  Tanner: No baby, I stopped her before she hit me. Her hand shook, she shouldn’t be texting him.

  Sophia: Why did you lie to her?

  Tanner: I didn’t

  Sophia: You told her you are engaged

  Tanner: I am

  Sophia: No, you aren’t

  Tanner: I know you broke it off, but my heart doesn’t care. You don’t love me, and that’s… your choice, but you are all I will ever want. Even though you broke it off, you still own my heart and all my love.

  Sophia: Tanner…

  Tanner: Please try to sleep tonight.

  Sophia spent the rest of her shift fighting tears. She had never cried so much in her life. Jackson was a tattle tale. She would deal with him when she got home. She asked a security guard to walk her out. She felt ridiculous but she wasn’t ready to walk by herself. She drove home in silence. As expected when she pulled in, Jackson’s truck was there. Thanks to the blinds and curtains, she could barely see any light.

  “Jackson.” She snapped closing and locking the door.

  “Hey Soph.” He said from the couch.

  “Don’t you, hey Soph, me you tattle tale.” She glared at him.

  “Okay, how about telling me why I’m in trouble and go from
there.” He said calmly.

  “You know what you did.” She stomped her foot.

  “There’s where you’re wrong. Tanner is the one who can read you. I would be glad to call him.” He said pulling out his phone.

  “Don’t you dare.” She jerked the phone out of his hand.

  “What’s the matter, afraid you won’t be able to push him away if you talk to him?” Jackson locked eyes with her.

  “What difference does it make?” She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Hello, can anyone hear me?” She looked down at the phone and gasped.

  “Try it and see.” He dared her.

  “I hate you.” She screamed and threw his phone.

  Sophia ran to her room and locked herself inside. Jackson had no idea what she was going through. Just hearing him through the phone made her ache to be near him. Spotting his duffle bag on the floor, she took one of his shirts out and curled up on the bed with it. She cried herself to sleep, thankful she had already taken the next day off work.


  “Jackson, what did you do to her?” Tanner said when he heard silence on the other end.

  “You need to get over here.” Jackson told him.

  “She doesn’t want me, Jackson.” Tanner sighed.

  “Then why is she in her room crying?” Jackson asked.

  “Because you were mean to her. She needs time.” Tanner snapped at him.

  “You gave me advice, now it’s time for you to listen to me. I need you to come over and trust me.” Jackson demanded.

  “What are you planning?” Tanner knew Jackson was up to something.

  “If you love her, get here. If not, leave her alone.” Jackson snapped.

  “I am almost there. I got in the truck as soon as I heard y’all arguing. You need to chill out. She has been through enough.” Tanner snapped at him.

  As he pulled in he noticed how dark it was. Sophia was sunshine and light, it broke his heart to see how closed off she had made her house. Jackson met him on the porch and walked in with him.

  “What are you doing?” Tanner asked. Jackson was up to something, and it looked like Tanner was a victim not the help.

  “Fix it.” Jackson snarled. “Sophia, I need you. I cut my hand!” He ran out the door before Tanner could stop him. Tanner tried the knob, but it wouldn’t turn.

  “Where’s Jackson? What are you doing here?” Sophia asked looking around the room.

  “The weasel locked us in.” Tanner knew she wouldn’t be happy.

  “No.” She gasped and moved to try the door. He stepped aside to give her room. She pulled and tugged, but nothing. She ran to the kitchen to check the back door, nothing. “Why?” She screamed. His phone buzzed and he looked at it.

  Jackson: Ring is in your shaving kit in her room.

  Tanner: Just let us out. This isn’t what she wants.

  Jackson: Yes, it is, but she’s scared, fix it

  Tanner: This is just scaring her worse.

  Jackson: You are the only one that can help her. I know she took tomorrow off, and she has the next three days off according to her schedule. There is plenty of food. I will leave you locked in as long as necessary.

  Tanner: Windows…

  Jackson: I put locks on those today too.

  Tanner: I could break a window.

  Jackson: you won’t

  Tanner: Fine, but no promises.

  Jackson: Good luck.

  “Is he going to let us out?” She stood at the counter with her arms crossed.

  “No.” He shook his head.

  “The windows.” She turned, but he caught her arm.

  “He fixed those too.” He told her.

  “I can break one. Y’all are contractors, you can fix it.” She nodded at him.

  “Is being with me really that bad?” He didn’t think she would be willing to break a window with in minutes.

  “Tanner, I can’t do this.” She turned away from him.

  “Why not?” He asked catching her and pulling her back against him.

  “Tanner, please, let me go.” She whispered.

  “Am I scaring you?” He asked softly.

  “Yes.” She nodded.

  “I never want to scare you.” He said releasing her. “Jackson isn’t going to let us out any time soon. I will stay to myself. I will try to get him to let us out in the morning. If he won’t, I will break the window.” He promised her.

  He turned away, and went to the couch. Jackson thought he was helping, but it was only making things worse. He ran his hands through his hair. He heard her go to her room and shut the door. It was only a minute till he heard her crying. He couldn’t take her tears. He hadn’t been able to handle them when they were kids. He walked to her door and slid down it.

  “I’m so sorry, Sophia. I had no idea he was planning this. I will make it better, I promise. Please don’t cry. I hate knowing I have done this to you. I cherish every moment we spent together, but I would trade them all to take away the pain you are feeling. It was never my intent to hurt you. I thought if I pushed you enough you would see how much I love you, and how good we were together. I will break the window, and once I fix it tomorrow, you won’t have to deal with me. I don’t want to leave you with a broken window all night. I will break one near the driveway so that I can watch it from my truck tonight. I’m sorry.” He wiped his hand over his face and stood up.

  Tanner: I’m breaking the window by the driveway. I will stay in the truck and watch it tonight.

  Jackson: No just talk to her.

  Tanner: She was just assaulted. She is scared, and she is in her room crying.

  Jackson: Just wait her out.

  Tanner: Leave it alone. I will fix the window tomorrow. I suggest you stay away. Give us some space. I know you are trying to help, but it doesn’t help.

  After pocketing his phone, he went in search of something to break the window. He found a baseball bat in the hall closet and smiled. If she had it the other night, Steven wouldn’t have been able to walk. He found the window closest to the driveway. After pulling back the curtain and pulling the blind up, he drew the bat back ready to swing. Arms wrapped around him and he froze.

  “Please don’t.” She whispered.

  “Soph, breaking the window is the only way to get out. I will fix it first thing tomorrow.” Tanner promised wishing he could hold her.

  “I don’t want you to.” She whispered.

  “Okay, I will have Jackson fix it then.” He told her.

  “I don’t want you to go.” She cried and he felt her tears soak through his t-shirt.

  “I will do anything you want, Soph, just please stop crying.” He dropped the bat and held still.

  “Close the blinds and the curtain.” She whispered and he did as she commanded.

  She released him and he was both thankful and sad at the same time. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He turned around and saw her sitting on the couch. She smiled up at him and patted the couch beside her. Like a little puppy he walked over and sat awaiting her next command.

  “I told you that you scared me.” She started. He immediately tried to move away and give her more room, but she put her hand on his leg to stop him. “I didn’t tell you why you scare me, or how you scare me. You scare me with how sure and steady you are. You act like we have been together our whole lives, and in a way, we have, but not like this. You scare me because I get lost when we’re together. I lose the sensible tough girl I am, and become whatever you want me to be. I’m afraid I will disappear trying to be what you want so you won’t leave me.” She told him honestly.

  “I am sure about us because I do know you. I won’t let you lose yourself because you are all I want. I would like to shake the stubborn out of you sometimes, but I love the look on your face when you stand up to me. You’re not a different person with me, you just let down your walls. When you let go like that, you let me in. You let me see all of you. You don’t always have to be tough. I can be that for you. I
only want to be with you Sophia.” Tanner took a chance and put his hand over hers.

  “What if you wake up in a year and don’t want me? What if we do have a family and I gain more weight?” She bit her lip.

  “I don’t care how much you weigh. You have known me your whole life, have the things I wanted ever changed?” He felt like he was close to getting a second chance with her.

  “You’re right. You never change your mind.” She gave him a watery smile.

  “There is nothing I want more than to be with you, but if we do this, you have to go all in. I feel like the only time you wanted me was when I was pushing you.” Tanner kept his eyes locked on hers.

  “I always want you, but I’m afraid of getting pushed away.” She told him.

  “Are we doing this? Are you mine forever? No more running and hiding?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

  “Yes, forever.” She smiled so bright it lit up the whole house.

  “Wait here.” He said and went to her room. The ring was right where Jackson told him it would be. He walked back to her and got on his knees in front of her. “This time, I’m giving you a choice. Will you marry me, Sophia?”

  “Yes.” She squealed and jumped into his arms. In his surprise, he fell back with her giggling on top of him.

  “That’s the response a man wants.” He smiled. She held her hand out and he slid the ring back in place. “Don’t take it off again.”

  “I won’t.” She promised then kissed him.

  “Jeez, really? You texted you were breaking a window.” Jackson said turning away from them.

  “She changed her mind.” Tanner grinned at her.

  “So where am I going to be safe from seeing more of this.” Jackson still faced away from them.

  “Can we go home, Tanner?” Sophia smiled at him.

  “I will take you anywhere you want.” He promised.

  “Let’s go home, to your house. Maybe tomorrow we can get our marriage license, or just run away to Vegas.” She giggled.

  “What?” Jackson whirled around to face them.

  “I was thinking Gatlinburg. It’s closer, and we could set it all up online tonight.” Tanner hugged her close.

  “You’re serious?” Jackson asked them.


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