Snow Ball

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Snow Ball Page 10

by Kerry Sparks

  Chapter 8- The Fashion Show

  Winter break had come to an end. I was more than ready to go back to school. I missed Tom carrying my books for me and kissing me on the cheek. I was super excited about the fashion show. We had just two weeks to complete our looks.

  “It’s in the bag,” I said to Lindy.

  “In the shopping bag!” she said.

  I smiled and let the hum of the sewing machine take over the conversation. I had to concentrate on making my stitches perfect. Mrs. Oaks told us that the stitching was going to be a huge part of determining the winner. We were also going to be judged on creativity, whether our outfits were wearable, the applause of the audience and catwalk points. Lindy practiced her walk over break, and we were both confident that she had her walk down.

  The skirt was three fourths done, and Lindy’s turtleneck was almost done. We would most likely finish a few days early. Mrs. Oaks already told us that she’d give us passes to go to the library and read if we finished early. That was totally fine with me because I love to read.

  I snuck a peek at Francesca’s dress. It was hot pink and looked like a hot mess. Her sewing station looked like the inside of a garbage receptacle. I’m not sure what was going on in that big head of hers. Maybe she knew what she was doing. I don’t know. Good luck with that.

  “It’s time to clean up! Put your scraps in the trash. Sewing machines off,” our teacher ordered.

  “Just one more minute,” Francesca begged.

  “I’m sorry Miss Clearwater. Everyone gets the same amount of time to complete this project. Sewing machine off,” said Mrs. Oaks.

  Francesca continued to work.

  “Francesca, turn your machine off. Now! And clean up that mess!” shouted Mrs. Oaks.

  Francesca scowled but shut off her machine and took the trashcan from the corner of the room and brought it over to her table. Her scraps filled the trashcan. I looked at Sadie, her partner. She had the simple task of making black dressy gloves to go with the hot pink dress. She was already done and had come back from the library five minutes ago. Maybe I should’ve worked with Francesca then I would’ve already been done. Na. I’d rather work with Lindy.

  The bell rang. I walked outside the classroom, and there was good ol’ Tom, cute as ever, waiting for me.

  “Hey Babe! How was your vacation?” he asked.

  “It was fabulous,” I said, grinning.

  “Are you sure about that?” he asked. “I heard about your little ice skating adventure.”

  He laughed. I smiled. Lindy, who walked beside us, frowned. I didn’t have to ask who told him that. He was friends with Scott so I’m sure Scott called him as soon as he got the chance.

  “He didn’t get anything he didn’t deserve,” I said, coming to Lindy’s defense.

  “Well, just stay out of his way Lindy. He wants to get you back,” Tom warned.

  “What’s he going to do?” she asked worried.

  “I’m not sure. But just stick with Jen. You live by Scott so don’t go anywhere in your neighborhood by yourself. And keep your eyes open,” he advised.

  “Thanks for warning us,” I said.

  “No problem. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said.

  “Bye,” I said.

  Lindy looked like she had seen a ghost.

  “What is he going to do?” she asked, chewing on a fingernail.

  “I don’t know,” I said, “But at least we’re ready for him.”

  I took her fingernail out of her mouth.

  “Don’t bite your nails. You need them for the fashion show,” I said.

  Lindy looked like she didn’t feel too well, and I was starting to feel a little queasy myself. Just what was Scott Parker going to do?


  Finally, the day of the fashion show came. Mrs. Oaks instructed us to put our outfits on our sewing machine tables so that she could examine the stitches. She explained that the stitches may rip or stretch out when the model puts on the outfit so she wanted to grade the stitching before our models put the outfits on. Once she jotted down all of the scores, she instructed the models to go to the restrooms and put the outfits on then meet in the gym.

  “Those of you who are not modeling may come with me to the gym. The rest of you change quickly and meet me in the gym. I will line you up accordingly.”

  “You’ll do fine,” I assured Lindy.

  She nodded and left the room with the other models. We followed Mrs. Oaks to the gym. I sat on the bleachers next to Sadie. Of course Francesca had to be the model. Of course!

  “Everyone stay put and not a word!” Mrs. Oaks warned.

  She arranged the models so that Roger Lenore was first, Lindy was second, some other students followed and then Francesca was last. The lights in the gymnasium went down so that it was almost pitch black. Just when I wondered how they were going to see, Mrs. Oaks laid out a long, thin purple carpet and then placed several spotlights along the carpet. She turned on the spotlights. The catwalk music came on.

  “Alright!” said one of the parents, jumping up and clapping to the music.

  I turned around to look at her. She looked extremely well put together in a pink business suit and skirt and silver pumps with silver jewelry on her neck, ears and wrist. It was Scott Parker’s mom. I hurried up and turned around before she recognized me. Why was she here? Scott Parker wasn’t in our Home-Ec class. Maybe she just likes fashion shows. Hmm…

  “First up we have Mr. Roger Lenore,” announced Mrs. Oaks, “Roger is wearing a navy blue sweater vest made by student Calvin James. He is wearing a sky blue shirt underneath that is his own. The navy blue corduroys are made by student Roger Lenore. The brown shoes are the models own.”

  The crowd erupted in cheers. Roger would get really good scores on the audience reaction category. The seventh grade girls were going wild. I had to admit, he did look fabulous. Roger’s walk was also very good. He walked so smoothly on the runway it looked as though he were gliding on ice. I found myself clapping then I told myself to stop and save my applause for Lindy.

  “Thank you Roger,” said Mrs. Oaks.

  Roger sat in one of the ten folding chairs Mrs. Oaks had put out for the models.

  “Next we have Lindy Masters. Lindy is wearing a black turtleneck made by student Lindy Masters. Her plaid skirt is made by student Jennifer Logan. Her adorable little beret is also made by student Lindy Masters. The knee high socks and Mary Jane shoes are the model’s own.”

  “Whoo-hoo!” I cheered. “Go Lindy!”

  The audience clapped, but it seemed to be a lot quieter than it had been for Roger.

  “Next we have Destiny Walden…”

  I wasn’t the least bit worried about Destiny’s outfit. Mrs. Oaks already gave Destiny a hard time about her stitching in the classroom. The crowd’s applause was low so it looked like Roger was our biggest competition so far. More students walked the catwalk then it was Francesca’s turn.

  It was pretty fabulous. It looked like something out of a fashion magazine. It was a really fancy evening gown that looked like something someone would wear to prom. The design of the dress actually reminded me of my Snow Ball gown only it was hot pink instead of pale pink, and there wasn’t a flower on the shoulder. Instead, Francesca had attached a large black flower to the back of the dress. The black flower matched the black dress gloves that Sadie had made.

  “Francesca is wearing a prom inspired dress that was made by student Francesca Clearwater. The gloves are made by student Sadie Flowers. The shoes are the model’s own.”

  “Nice gloves,” I said to Sadie.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled.

  The crowd went crazy. Mrs. Parker was clapping furiously. Everyone was applauding, and I could tell it was going to be really close between Roger and Francesca. I wanted to win, but unless our stitching scores were through the roof, I didn’t believe that it was going to be us. I wasn’t trying to be negative just realistic.
  All of the models were seated then Mrs. Oaks walked over to them and told them to strut their stuff one more time as an encore. So they did, and the roar of the gymnasium continued until the models sat back down. Mrs. Oaks stepped up to the microphone.

  “I would just like to say that I’m very proud of our students. This fashion show was such a success that I plan on having it again next year. (Applause from the audience) Now I would like to announce the top three designs.”

  A hush came over the gymnasium.

  “Third place goes to…Francesca Clearwater!”

  Some people cheered. Others booed.

  “I have to explain that while Francesca did a fantastic job, and she looks fabulous…her dress was not complete. The flower in the back is disguising the stitching in the back, which was not finished. The students are graded on their stitching as well as overall design. Francesca will still get an A on her design, and I’m also including two free movie passes for Francesca and her partner Sadie.”

  “Congratulations Sadie!” I said.

  “Thanks,” she said, shyly.

  “Second place goes to…Lindy Masters!”

  “Whoo-hoo!” I cheered, “Way to go Lindy!”

  “Lindy and Jennifer’s design had flawless stitching and a very wearable design. Why I wouldn’t mind wearing this if it came in red. (Some laughter from the faculty) Lindy and Jennifer you also get an A and will get two free movie passes,” Mrs. Oaks announced.

  I cheered some more. Lindy looked at me and smiled. She waved the movie passes, excitedly, at me.

  “And now…the moment we’ve all been waiting for…The first place winners and winners of a one hundred dollar mall gift card…Roger Lenore and Calvin James!”

  The seventh grade girls screamed in delight. I laughed. Well, I think Roger Lenore has found his calling. He’s going to be a male supermodel.

  After the show, I ran over to Lindy.

  “You did great!” I said.

  “Thanks. I’m sorry we didn’t get first place,” she apologized.

  “It’s ok. I love going to the movies!” I said.

  “Me too,” she said.

  “Hey why is Scott Parker’s mom fussing all over Francesca like that?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t even know that was his mom. I guess they know each other.”

  I walked over to Francesca. I wanted to see if I could find anything out.

  “Nice job Francesca,” I congratulated, “I love your dress.”

  “Thanks,” she said shortly.

  But being the polite person that she is, she introduced me to Scott’s mom, which is exactly what I was hoping she would do.

  “This is my aunt, Mrs. Parker,” she said.

  “I think we’ve met,” said Mrs. Parker with a wink.

  I managed to crack a smile.

  “Well, it was nice meeting you. Um…again. I have to go,” I said.

  I grabbed Lindy by the arm and dragged her to the girl’s bathroom and told her what I had discovered.

  “Are you serious? That means Francesca and Scott are cousins!” she said.

  “Don’t have a total freak out. If you think about it they weren’t acting like a couple at the skating rink at all. We just assumed they were a couple. All he said was that Francesca got some serious air on her jump, and they were just sitting there drinking hot chocolate. They weren’t holding hands. They were also skating separately. Lindy, we have to face the music. We made the mistake.”

  “I feel like a total idiot right now. I jumped to the conclusion that they were dating, and now Scott says he’s going to get me back, and I don’t know when or what he’s going to do,” she wailed.

  “Maybe you should try and apologize. Maybe he’ll change his mind about wanting revenge,” I said.

  “Maybe,” she said.

  We could only hope.


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