Ancient One: Paranormal Romance (Protectors of the Veil Book 1)

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Ancient One: Paranormal Romance (Protectors of the Veil Book 1) Page 8

by Ruby Wilder

  A growl started from the other side of the room. It wasn't Conri, he was hanging his head in shame, it was Levi, and he was glaring at Mr Green.

  Mr Green turned to look at him. 'Growl all you want, Levi, every word I am saying is true. And you know it. You all knew what you were getting into when you signed up. All of you were careless and weak last night allowing three creatures to escape. We are still weeks away from Samhain when the veil will be a lot thinner. How will you deal with it then? You all need to focus. Stop the jealousy. Work as a team. Increase your powers. Only when you are all bonded as one will you be strong enough to control this thing. Do you understand?'

  There were shuffles and murmurs around the room.

  'Do you understand?' Mr Green shouted.

  There were some nods and some verbal agreements, but it didn't sound enthusiastic.

  'Maeve,' he said, looking at me, 'you know the danger, you have had a warning, haven't you?'

  All eyes turned to me.

  I nodded.

  'When?' Fiona asked, without a hint of sarcasm.

  'The day we all froze at the circle.'

  'What happened?'

  'I heard a terrible screeching sound and saw a blinding light. I almost passed out. I wrapped myself in my magic and it stopped. Then an awful childish voice told me we would fail because none of you wants to be bound to me. Some of you are gay, some want to murder and torture me, some are too jealous, and well, some of you just plain old don't fancy me.'

  There I'd said it.

  There was a lot of coughing and awkwardness around the room as what I said sunk in. So it was true then.

  'If any of you don't want to be bound to me, please leave. I'm sure I will find other Protectors who do.'

  Fiona gasped. 'You can't kick people off the team!'

  'Yes, I can. You all knew what you were getting into when you signed up. Whereas I didn't, but I've come to terms with it. Anyone who doesn't want to be with me is a danger to all of us. We have to connect, have to pledge ourselves to each other, or we will fail - just like my mum did. Half of you have done this before. Why is it so bad this time? Am I that disgusting?'

  More shuffling and awkward looks. Mr Green was trying not to grin, he chose to look at his feet instead.

  Drago stood up and was the first to speak. 'I pledge myself to you, Ancient One,' he said bowing.

  'Thank you, Drago.'

  Conri was next, 'I pledge myself to you, Ancient One,' he said, also bowing.

  'Thank you, Conri,' I said smiling.

  Adam, Vig and Levi followed, pledging themselves to me. That just left Fiona.

  Fiona stood glaring at me, I didn't look away, even though I wanted to. We stared at each other for what seemed like hours. Something told me if I looked away now, she'd be lost to me.

  'Okay,' she said finally, averting her eyes, 'I pledge myself to you, Ancient One.'

  Was that the smallest hint of a bow? That must've hurt.

  'Why do you think that happened?' I said, partly to change the tense atmosphere.

  Drago, as wise and as knowledgeable as usual, answered. 'I think it test you, Maeve. Try to get in your head. Also, the veil is very thin. Only few weeks to Samhain. They prod magic, see if it still strong.'

  I nodded, it made sense.

  'Well, we are just going to have to be ready when they try to push through,' I said, a lot more confident than I felt.

  'Yes, this happens,' Fiona continued, 'just before Halloween there are small breaks in the veil and bad Fae escape. As we saw last night,' she said, raising her eyebrows. 'That's why we all turn up here a few weeks early, Maeve - to make sure they don't get past us and into the world. It used to be just the weaker ones - I don't know why - they seem to be able to push through the veil easier than the stronger ones. But last night was different, some heavy hitters got through,' she said, smiling at me.

  Was Fiona coming around to me? She almost seemed... nice. I should ask her out for lunch or something. Do some girl bonding.

  We may never be bound to each other, but if we were good friends it would be better for all of us.



  This whole situation was as awkward as fuck.

  She was straight, and I... well, I was straight too - most days. How was I going to bond with Maeve? Be her fated mate?

  She was right of course. We all knew what we were getting into when we signed up.

  But I was hoping for a male Ancient One this time. I'd only had two Ancient Ones, Maeve and her mum - and her mum was in a monogamous relationship with her dad.

  We all know it's why they died, why she didn't have the power of all of us running through her magic. She hadn't bonded.

  It sits heavy with Drago, Vig and me. The new Protectors don't understand - but we do.

  She wasn't unattractive, on the contrary, she was fucking gorgeous. I was jealous of her good looks and fit body.

  I'd transform into her sometimes and walk about town, just to see what it felt like. It felt good. I got a lot of attention. She didn't even notice it. But for someone like me, who doesn't warrant a passing glance, it was obvious.

  I'd stay in her body when I got home. I could only imagine the bits I hadn't seen, so that was a bit disappointing, but I knew what her face and hands looked like, and I'd make myself cum while looking in the full-length mirror in my bedroom.

  I'm glad she wanted to go for lunch. I didn't have any friends - too much of a bitch - so it would be nice to have a friend date, and we were the only girls on the team. I was determined to try with her and not be my usual standoffish, bitchy self.

  Here she was, walking down the street toward the cafe, with not a care in the world.

  Did she not know all hell was breaking loose under our very feet?

  Stop it, Fiona. Stop being negative. You don't know what she's thinking. That gorgeous face might not have an ugly worried expression, unlike yours.

  She waved at me and I almost didn't wave back. I forced a smile on my lips and waved a stupid, girly wave. I almost shouted 'Hiya.'


  She sat down in front of me, and I could smell her newly washed hair. She had no makeup on and her skin glowed.

  Her white vest top showed her perky breast off, no bra I thought. Black jeans, boots and a khaki boy's style cardigan. Being an Ancient One suited her.

  She looked amazing as she put her bag on the floor and made small talk at me.

  How was I?

  The weather is nice for this time of year, wasn't it?

  Have you been here before? I've always wanted to try it, but never have.

  Come on, Fiona, try harder. Answer her.

  'Have a look at the menu, it's... interesting,' I said.

  Maeve picked it up and began reading. A slow smile spread across her face, and she looked at me, wide-eyed.

  'I don't know what any of this is!' she laughed.

  I had to admire her honesty, I would've pretended to know if I'd been her.

  'Me neither,' I confessed.

  'Pub?' she asked.

  'Definitely,' I said, standing up.

  We stood up just as the waiter approached, Maeve linked my arm with hers and started pulling me, it turned into a half run as we bolted out of the cafe, giggling.

  We stood outside laughing together. Maeve was beautiful when she laughed, I couldn't take my eyes off her.

  We walked along the street, arm in arm, still laughing like teenagers.

  So this was what it felt like to have a friend.

  We were almost at the pub door when we both felt it. It was like a pull from inside our stomach. An urge that was almost irresistible.

  Maeve looked at me, the laugh gone from her face.

  'How do we get there quickly?’ she asked.

  'Follow me,' I said, leading her into a secluded back lane.

  'Get on my back, hold on tight,'

  She didn't question me, she did as I said.

  When I was sure she had a good
grip, I transformed into the biggest eagle I dared. It was daylight, and one of the rules was to not alert the humans to our presence amongst them.

  I struggled to take off, but once I was in the air, it was easy. We weren't that far away from the stone circle, and I soon got my sight on it.

  I put my wings back and swooped down towards the stones.

  Maeve was squealing with delight on my back, I wanted to sore high with her, show off. I wanted to take her to the mountains, or the coast, have fun and be free. Pretend we didn't have monsters to fight.

  But I couldn't. We had a job to do.

  We landed and before I could transform back Maeve had summoned her magic up all around her. She looked incredible.

  She was floating a foot off the floor. The blue lightning was all around her, it was coming from her fingers, toes, even the ends of her red locks. Her eyes glowed green, she was stunning.

  She began spreading her arms apart and throwing her head back, it looked like she was struggling with it, but winning.

  I looked around, still with my eagle vision, but nothing had escaped. Yet.

  Then I saw it.

  A small bulge appears through the magic, inconsequential at first, but then it grew. I saw Maeve notice it. She yelled at it and threw her magic in its direction.

  It screamed but kept pushing. What was it?

  For the first time in a long time, I didn't know what to do.

  If it came through the veil, I would attack it. But it hadn't, yet, and I didn't want to get in the way of Maeve's magic.

  So I just stood there, like an idiot.

  It began spitting through the veil at Maeve. She was having to dodge whatever it was.

  I had an idea.

  I transformed into Maeve and stood next to her.

  After her initial surprise, she encased me in her magic, and we stood two feet apart from each other. I copied her pose. The thing trying to get through wouldn't know who was Maeve and who was me now.

  It began to work. Maeve pushed it back as it spat at both of us, wasting its energy. The bulge in the veil grew smaller and smaller until it was gone.

  'What the fuck was that?' Maeve said, eventually.

  'Where are the others?' I asked, shrugging.

  'Did it only call to us?'

  'I guess so. I wonder why?'

  'Drago might know,' she replied.

  Maeve looked exhausted. She didn't have a drop of colour in her face and her hair was damp with sweat.

  'That looks like hard work, Maeve,' I said.

  'Yes, it is.'

  'Come on, I'll get you home. You should rest.'

  It wasn't long before I had her home and tucked into bed - I don't why I took her back to her gran's house instead of the cottage - that's a lie, it was because I wanted to be alone with her.

  She asked for a sugary tea, said it helps as she gets a headache after using her magic.

  I took the tea back upstairs, but she was already asleep when I got back up to her. I put the tea on the side table and sat next to her. Her damp red locks were cascading over her pillow.

  I took a lock in my fingers. It had golden, auburn, red, brown and even orange strands to it. I twiddled it around my fingers.

  Maeve muttered quietly, 'Conri?'

  I had an idea. A stupid, crazy, ridiculous idea. I shifted into Conri.

  'Yes, Maeve, it's me.'

  She smiled up at me, 'Where did you come from?' she asked, still half asleep.

  'Fiona asked me to come,' I lied.

  She smiled a sleepy smile, I couldn't resist. I bent down and kissed her. She responded immediately, hot and passionate.

  'You smell different,' she said.

  I had to distract her, so I gently put my hand under the covers and reached for her nipple. A little twist, and she let out a moan of pleasure.

  'You like that?' I asked.

  She nodded and hungrily kissed me.

  I rubbed and twisted her nipple some more. Maeve was putty in my hands. This would be easy. And fun.

  I stood up and pulled off my jumper. I hadn't seen Conri naked, but he was big and muscular, easy to replicate. As I took off my jeans, I thought about his cock.

  Now if I made it huge, and he wasn't, he'd be a disappointment to her when he finally had her. So I was kind and made him average.

  Besides, I wasn't well practiced in shagging as a man, and a smaller cock is easier to handle.

  I'd shifted into men before to get girls. I loved how a hard-on made me feel.

  I felt powerful. No, invincible. I understood how men wanted to stick their dicks in things or wiggle them about, or even just thrust them in your face. I certainly did and I didn't even have any testosterone.

  I stood there naked, and she smiled at me and pulled the quilt back.

  Her naked body looked delicious, she was pale and perfect.

  I slipped into bed beside her, kissing her full mouth.

  She was hungry for me, her hands were everywhere. She rubbed them over my chest, shoulders and back, little moans of pleasure leaving her hot lips. She rubbed my stomach and sighed, slowly moving down to grasp my swollen cock.

  All the while I was kissing and rubbing her nipples.

  She grabbed me and slowly started pulling backwards and forward I gasped - I'd forgotten quite what it felt like to be a man, it had been a while. I moved my hand down and parted her grinding legs. She was hot and slick.

  I didn't think I could hold on any longer, so I rolled on to her and slid my cock inside. The heat was fantastic. I'd forgotten the best bit. How hot it feels.

  Slowly, at first, I started moving, driving up inside her, then faster, until she began to moan and pant.

  'Harder,' she screamed.

  I couldn't go any faster or harder.

  She was gripping onto my buttocks now, her nails biting into my flesh.

  'Harder,' she demanded.

  I couldn't. I didn't have the technique!

  I kept going until I felt her quiver beneath me. A few more thrusts and I'd be there.

  She kissed my neck and said, 'Conri.' I felt myself climax, and at that moment I wondered if I'd ejaculate. It seemed impossible. I'd have to check that out later.

  I lay on top her, too exhausted to get off.

  Women had it easier when it came to sex. That was for sure.

  I put my head on the pillow next to her and fell fast asleep, content and fulfilled.

  I woke to the sound of her screaming.



  Did I dream it? It seemed so vague. Did I have sex with Conri last night?

  It takes it out of me, blasting my magic around like that, and I didn't have my cup of sugary tea. Maybe I did dream it. No, wait...

  Someone was sleeping in the bed next to me, their arm was draped over my chest, their breath steady and deep.

  Conri. I smiled to myself. I turned to look, opening my sleepy eyes.

  Oh, my God, no! It's a girl! It's Fiona!

  I jumped up pulling the sheets with me and wrapped them around myself. A shocked and naked Fiona jolted bolt upright.

  'You fucking rapist,' I shouted, 'You shifted into Conri last night and fucked me, didn't you?'

  I didn't believe the words as they came out of my mouth.

  Was it true?

  It had to be. Why else was there a naked Fiona in my bed?

  Her initial shock turned into her usual arrogance, and she didn't even try to cover her nakedness.

  'You weren't saying that last night,' she sneered.

  'I thought you were Conri,' I screamed, pulling the sheet tighter around myself.

  We glared at each other.

  She'd tricked me into having sex with her. I should be furious, but I wasn't. She'd done it. She'd bound us together as I'd asked.

  How could I be angry at her? I was bound now - the magic wouldn't let me be mad with her, we were one. It was what had to be done, and if that meant tricking me, well...

  Something in my fac
e must've changed, because hers reflected it, and she started grinning.

  'Harder,' she said.

  I picked up the pillow and hit her with it.

  She grinned and grabbed at my legs causing me to fall onto the bed. We were both giggling now, her warm soft breast pressed into mine.

  It was an unusual feeling, but not awful.

  I stopped laughing and looked at her.

  She had beautiful pale blue eyes. I stared into them and she licked her lips. It was all it took. We were in each other's arms kissing, our hot soft bodies pressed against each other.

  I didn't know what to do. I knew what I liked, so I started there.

  I kissed down her slim neck and across her breastbones, over the swell of her breasts and found a tight pink nipple. I licked it and she arched her back, groaning.

  She liked it too.

  I put my lips around and sucked hard. My hand sought out her other nipple and began rubbing and gently nipping. She was breathing more heavily now. Her hands found my nipples and began caressing them.

  Yes, this would be easier than I thought.

  I would just do to Fiona what I liked doing to me.

  So, I moved my head slowly down her stomach kissing her all the way, until I reached her hot, wet place. I licked it gently, but she wrapped her legs around my head and roughly forced my face into her.

  Yes, this would be easy, she was just like me.

  It was after lunch when we came downstairs. Gran was at the kitchen table and the pantry door was open. The forest was there.

  Fiona looked at me with wide eyes, but I shook my head. Too complicated.

  'Ah,' gran said, as she looked at us. 'Your magic is stronger already - I can feel it.'

  'What do you mean?' I asked.

  'Now that you have bonded with one of the Protectors, it's stronger,' she said, simply. 'Try it.'

  I pulled a ball up from beneath my feet - the energy wasn't particularly strong here - but it came to me quicker than usual and shone brighter in my hands.

  'See?' she said.

  'Oh, wow! Does that happen every time?'

  'Yes,' she nodded and went back to her baking.

  'C'mon,' I said, 'let's go to the cottage, I wonder if the rest of them know what we've done too.'


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