The Iron Heart

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The Iron Heart Page 11

by Leslie Dicken

  Bennett groaned. Lord, how close was he to going fully mad?

  He rolled from the bed and pressed the button to open the curtains. Slowly, noisily, light filled the room. He blinked against it, recoiled, as if light would burn him.

  Several more hours of sleep would energize him but he hadn’t that luxury today. No, he’d promised to take Ella, her uncle and Lady Westerling up in the dirigible.

  By the time he was dressed, Craft was at his door announcing the arrival of guests.

  Bennett sighed, took a quick swig of brandy, and descended the stairs to continue his torture.

  Bennett tried to stay in the main parlor cabin with Mr. Cooper. The old man, though he loved flying, was feeling the effects of too much wine and could not stomach being out in the open air.

  Through the windows, Bennett watched Ella and Lady Westerling at the rail. They laughed with ease, pointed to the scenery, and stared at the clouds.

  He wanted to join them, yet from the moment his gaze settled upon Ella, he knew he had to stay as far away as possible.

  The half day since he’d seen her had not rid him of the burning desire throbbing in his veins. He’d denied himself release by his hand the last few weeks. He’d denied himself release in a whore the last few years. If his nightly visits to Lundun didn’t make him insane, this denial of lust certainly would.

  But if he gave in to it he would descend into the psychosis that claimed his brother. He couldn’t allow that. Ever.

  The door to the cabin swung open. Lady Westerling stepped in, her white hair whipped in a mass of wild strands.

  “Joseph, my dear, don’t you want to see the horizon?”

  Mr. Cooper shook his head. “As much as I would love to, I’m afraid I am challenging myself enough with sitting in here.”

  Her long skirt swished as she crossed the small cabin. “Then I shall stay in here with you and keep you company.” She looked over. “Lord Barrington, please don’t keep Miss Ella alone out there for long.”

  Bennett sighed. The meddling old woman. Now his plan to remain apart from Ella was ruined. He’d look like a cad if he kept her out there alone, especially after being asked.

  He smiled at the older couple and motioned to the table nailed to the side wall. “Do enjoy some refreshments while you are in here.”

  Then he drew in a deep breath and headed for the door. He could control himself. He wasn’t a lad on the prowl for an easy thrust. He was a grown man, by God, and he would not allow that woman—that insufferable woman—to bring him to his knees.

  Once he was outside, the breeze instantly caught his hair and blew against his coat.

  He didn’t cross to the rail immediately. Instead he watched as Ella reached out and held her hand against the wind. She moved it up and down like a fish against the current.

  Several blonde strands of hair whipped wildly about her neck. A pulsating urge struck to slip those strands in a bobby pin. Or wrap them around his fingers.

  He took a step forward. She didn’t know he was behind her. Her hand continued to wave against the wind stream, her face lifted to the sun.

  Were he another man, he would come right up behind her and wrap his arms around her delicious body. He would nuzzle against the silken curve of her neck, press his chest to her back.

  Instead he joined her at the railing, more than an arm’s length away.

  Ella lowered her hand and cocked her head at him. “You look as though you’d rather jump straight from this gondola than stand here with me.”

  “I would.”

  She laughed. “For once, you are honest.”

  His lips quirked. “When have you found me not to be honest?”

  She crossed her arms. He would not look down at those now framed and lifted breasts. He would not. “Well—” she raised an eyebrow, “—you clearly lied at the Syndicate of Provinces when you said no one had been killed.”

  “Yes, but that was for good reason and was not directed solely upon you.”

  Ella shrugged. “Well, it would not be a pretty sight to have you leap down from this far up, so I promise not to throw myself at you.”

  His breath halted. Lord, what could be more heavenly than to have Ella throw herself at him? To have her smother his lips with kisses and slip her fingers under his clothes!

  Blood stirred hot, heart galloped, knees weakened.

  She took no notice and instead leaned over the railing. “Oh my, could it be? There!” She pointed down the side of a grassy hill. “Do you see that heap of rocks?”

  Bennett looked to the east and saw an ancient, collapsed croft. “Yes, what of it?”

  But Ella stared down at it, her face turning whiter the closer they got to it. Then tears filled her eyes.

  He quickly looked at the croft again. Sure enough, it was only a pile of rubble now. The roof had long ago caved and grass had sprouted through the stones.

  She would weep over a mound of stones?

  Helpless, he moved a little closer to her. At once, her lavender scent washed over him. He swallowed.

  She sniffled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t expect to see that.”

  Bennett cleared his throat. “Do you care to explain why the sight of it has made you upset?” He regretted the question the moment it was out of his mouth. To know what hurt her, brought her joy, gave her passion, would mean to know the soul of who she was. He wasn’t worthy of knowing what stirred her heart. She’d already made that clear.

  “I went in that house once.”

  They were directly above it now and Ella couldn’t take her gaze from it.

  He waited to see if there was more. But she only said, “I’m the reason it fell.”

  The next few moments held silence between them. He listened to the occasional bird, the wind, the flapping of her skirts.

  A part of him knew she wanted comfort. Her eyes had dried and color returned to her face, but she still frowned. It was sad and awkward: this feeling of recognizing exactly what she hoped he would do and yet knowing he would not do it. He’d not ask her about her life, nor would he pull her into an embrace.

  Yes, he longed for her, ached for a taste of her. But that was not the same as comfort and peace.

  She turned suddenly and glared at him. “I had a fitful night of sleep because of you.”

  He coughed. He could say the same!

  “That’s twice now you’ve left me with an unfulfilled ache.”

  So quickly her mood could change, as could her thoughts. A moment ago she was weeping and now she was thinking of their encounter in the study.

  What he should say is that he promised not to do it again. But it would be a lie. He was only a man. One who had long ago fallen from grace.

  So instead he replied, “You could fulfill that ache yourself.”

  The blush which crept up her cheeks charmed him into a grin. “Ladies don’t do that!”

  “No? Why not too long ago I saw a device created for women to help with moments of hysteria.” Her face grew ever more red. “It seemed the perfect mechanism to ease the ache you have just described.”

  By the open-eyed look of wonder on her face, it was clear she knew exactly the device he referenced. The thought of her actually using it flashed through his brain.

  Lord, that was a mistake! His trousers tightened as fire blazed at his groin.

  She blinked a few times. “I have no desire for an impersonal ‘hysteria device’ to soothe my need.”

  Bennett swallowed, but his mouth remained dry.

  “I prefer warm skin, heated kisses and powerful hands.”

  Electricity sizzled through his veins. He didn’t know whether to laugh at the matter-of-fact way in which she said it or drag her into his arms and devour her with heated kisses.

  He clenched his hands, forced himself to remain still. Even if he were to give in to his impulses, the elder couple would immediately be outside to rebuke him.

  And so he could do nothing more but continue the torturous banter with Ella. “
You could find a man rather easily to help you with your quest.”

  “Yes, I could. Have you an idea where I should search?”

  Ah, so she intended to play his game. “Do you prefer the powerful hands of men from Lundun or the warm skin of men from the Greenlands?”

  “I need to give that some thought.” She tapped her fingernails on the rail. “I’ll agree that the men in Lundun have strong hands. After all, they work hard every day. They are brown from the small amount of sun that filters through the fog. I do like to see a man working hard.”

  The corner of her lip curled. “Then again, there are men in the Greenlands who have soft, warm skin from being inside their houses, tinkering away on some inventive creations.”

  He lifted a brow. “Ah, so you have a choice to make. Unless you would care to have one of each.”

  She laughed and shook her head. Blowing strands of hair caught on her eyelashes. “Tolerating one man will be difficult enough. Are you saying, then, that there is no man who lives in either location who possesses all of the qualities I listed?”

  Bennett stared at those taunting green eyes. She wanted him to confess that he was the man for her. But as he told her last night, he had more sense. He knew when to leave well enough alone.

  “No man could possibly meet all of your needs,” he conceded with a shrug.

  She drew in a deep breath. “Most likely not. Perhaps then I should have you create an automaton to do just that.”

  Once they landed, Uncle Joseph begged off from other afternoon activities. Lady Westerling took him back to Hilltop Hall and promised to come back in several hours for Ellie.

  It was just as well. Ellie had no intentions of leaving. She was determined to push Bennett as far as he would go. Both in learning his secrets and having his hands on her.

  Now that she was intimately aware of his touch, she had no thoughts of any other man. Nor had she thoughts of carrying on without reaching the bliss just beyond her reach.

  Hysteria machine. Ha. She would rather give herself to one of his automatons than be personally touched with a strange, cold box of gears and levers.

  However, once the two of them were alone on the front steps, Bennett did not know what to do. He glanced down at her and then back at the long drive. He put a hand through his hair and then in his pocket.

  He was like a nervous schoolboy. It was endearing. And annoying.

  She would have to take matters into her own hands. “What else are you working on?”

  His dark eyes blinked at her. “Pardon?”

  “In your workroom? There must be other inventions you have hidden in there.”

  Like a simpleton, he stood there staring down at her. Ellie licked her lips, flashed her eyes at time or two. Then she slid her gaze down the length of him. From his mysterious eyes to his full lips to the hard planes of his chest. She followed the lines of his clothes down his stomach to his waist, then along the very male part of his body. When, at last, she ended her assessment at the bottom of his long legs, she heard his breath catch.

  “There…” he cleared his throat, “there is something I could show you.”

  Anticipation billowed through her bloodstream with each step. Already she could feel the heat between them. The air crackled with electricity. It was so charged, a mere spark could set off a blaze.

  By the time they’d reached the small workroom, Ellie could not fathom a coherent thought. Her skin hungered for his stroke.

  Bennett shut the door with an irrational calm then turned to face her. The stark need in his gaze made her gasp. His lips curled into a near feral grin.

  “You asked this of me.” Each gravelly word was punctuated with accused longing. “You remember that if I fail to stop.”

  Ellie swallowed, but still her mouth parched, ached for the taste of him. “I shall not want you to stop.”

  In a flash he pushed her up against the door and pressed his hard body against her. His large hands cupped her breasts, kneaded and squeezed them. One of his legs shoved between hers and Ellie bucked her hips against his strong thigh.

  Sparks shot to her toes and circled up to her nipples. She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him toward her, as if that alone would end this madness.

  Instead he took a hold of her lips and plunged his tongue inside. They fought for dominance, each thrusting and parrying inside the other’s mouth. He tasted warm and spicy and delectable.

  She felt him fumble behind her, unstring the laces, while the other hand continued to clutch her breast. When the dress was loose, he yanked it from her shoulders then tore his mouth away.

  A hot tongue swirled over her nipple. Ellie cried out, pressed the throbbing spot between her legs on his thigh.

  Bennett moaned but did not let up. He licked one nipple then the other. Meanwhile his hands roamed down her back and inside the dress. Urgent fingers pressed upon her bottom.

  The fire of a thousand suns danced in her blood. She had never longed for something so desperately. At this moment, she might very well take that blasted hysteria machine if Bennett didn’t satisfy her.

  “Ella…” He took a step back then began stripping his clothes from his body. First his jacket, then his white shirt.

  He stood just a few inches from her, bare from the waist up. Her fingers reached out, marveled at the firm contours of his chest and stomach. His breath halted as she brushed along his damp skin and over the fine curls of hair.

  She swept her hands down his arms, then back to his chest, where she circled his nipple with a slight fairy touch. He shook but then steadied himself.

  Ellie glanced up at his face and what she saw there made her more desperate than any of his caresses. Cheeks were ruddy, smoldering eyes half-closed, lips bright and slightly swollen. Black hair clung to his forehead with sweat-covered curls.

  He was deliriously beautiful.

  She leaned forward to kiss his neck, but he took control again. He gathered her wrists in one hand and held her arms above her head. With the other hand, he bunched up her skirts until he could reach beneath them.

  Ellie threw her head back. Once his thick fingers breached the slit in her drawers, she was lost. Ecstasy and yearning built with a feverish speed as his hands worked magic. Her body tensed at each stroke of a well-placed finger, each press of a strong palm.

  She was rushing to a crash, a steam engine lost of its driver. Any moment now, Ellie would fall headlong off that bridge and see stars on her way down to the rushing river.

  Bennett pushed his body against her. His arousal dug against her thigh. Wanton and overcome with lust, she craved the feel of it inside her. But instead his thick fingers flicked her sensitive nub and then thrust inside her wet opening.

  “Bennett, yes, please.” Whimpers escaped from her in a heedless abandon. But she wouldn’t be denied. Couldn’t be denied. He must finish what he started.

  She leaned forward, her forehead against chest. The frantic rush of his heartbeat slammed against her skin.

  Just a little longer. “Yes, yes, more.”

  Bennett growled and shifted so that fingers were both inside of her and rubbing her sensitive knot. She bucked against him as the heat spiraled through every inch.

  He let go of her wrists and Ellie clutched his shoulders, dug her fingernails into his skin. She was almost…almost there.

  Bennett captured her mouth again, driving his tongue between her lips to the rhythm of his fingers.

  She burst.

  The steam engine dropped from that bridge and she fell into the open air, whimpering and moaning as she went. Her body shuddered over and over again until she finally came to rest, clinging to Bennett with her very life.

  He gently extracted his hand from between her legs. His other hand brushed strands of hair from her neck.

  “Lord Barrington.”

  They both jumped at the face-less voice. Then Bennett sighed and separated from her. Her knees, unsteady at best, nearly buckled. Ellie leaned back against the door for sup

  He was now over at the side bench, pressing a lever near two large pipes.

  “Can…can this wait?” he said into a pipe.

  “I think not. Are you alone?”

  Bennett raised his eyebrows at her. “Not at present.”

  “Ah,” the voice responded, “I suggest you come upstairs then.”

  A slow grin spread across his face as Barrington glanced down at his groin. The obvious swelling seemed to have no intentions of disappearing. Ellie’s pulse continued to gallop at the sight of it. She swallowed.

  “That is not possible at the moment.”

  “My lord…”

  Bennett wiped his forehead with the back of his arm. “Out with it, Craft, this is all you will hear from me for a short while.”

  Ellie giggled. So the man had more planned for them, did he?

  A loud sigh through the speak-pipes and then, “Very well. I have been informed of another attack.”

  Immediately Bennett stood upright. Ellie tensed, then pulled her dress up onto her shoulders.

  “Another attack? Last night?”

  “Yes, in District Four.”

  Barrington hung his head. “No.”

  “I’m afraid so, my lord.”

  Ellie straightened the remainder of her clothes. She stepped forward and whispered, “How is she? Is she hurt badly?”

  He nodded at her and turned to the pipes. “Have you been told if she was injured?”

  “I’m sorry,” came the response. “She is dead. As you informed me, I have requested her body be sent to the house. It should be here within the hour.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Ella stared at him. The brilliant, heated color drained from her face. Her mouth dropped open and those once playful eyes dampened.

  All fire scorching his blood suddenly froze and pricked under his skin like pelting needles. His erection shrank until he felt nothing but the cool air hissing over his skin.

  “My lord?”

  Craft still awaited a response. Bennett swallowed, his throat tight. Aching.

  “Yes, of course. Notify me once the body arrives.”


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