Her Panther: An Urban Fantasy Romance (Silver Shifter Book 4)

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Her Panther: An Urban Fantasy Romance (Silver Shifter Book 4) Page 9

by Katherine Bogle

  Though no one had been happy when I returned to the party last night alone with Jett. I cringed at the memory. Maximus had been beside himself, and Owen and Cash weren’t much better. I had calmed them down quickly enough once the party-goers had emptied, but I had a feeling they’d all still be a little sour until I explained the whole final claiming thing.

  “The vampires aren’t behind this,” Jett said after a minute of scrolling through his messages. “They’re as pissed as we are about the monsters. After all, it’s their people who are being lost to this…virus, or whatever it is. Unfortunately, they think we created them, so they’re pissed at us.”

  “Great,” I said, slumping back with a sigh. “Okay, well, the best idea we’ve had so far is to go back to wolf territory. We can greet our reinforcements and get ready to hunt down the mutants. I don’t see any option other than to find them and kill them one by one.”

  The thought sent a shudder through me, but I couldn’t see an alternative.

  Half an hour later, we were flying over the Brooklyn Bridge. Despite all that had happened lately, or maybe because of it, I still found an incredible thrill in going ninety in one of Cash’s convertibles.

  “Put the top down,” I whooped as we flew along.

  “It’s cold,” Cash said, laughing.

  “I don’t care,” I said, tapping on the roof. A second later, it retracted. I reached my arms up, whooping as the cold air rushed between my fingers. I lay my head back on the seat, taking in the sparkling city sprawling out in both directions. The purr of the engine vibrated under us and surrounded us like a cushion from the sounds of the other cars honking and revving their engines in the distance. The cold air burned across my cheeks, and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could feel my wolf inside me, healed at last, excited by the speed and the air. My bear was hunkering down, less excited but still awake and alert. My dragon had finally recovered from the poisoning and longed to spread her wings and fly out of the car, over the city. I understood how Cash felt, why he liked to fly in his car when he couldn’t shift as often as he wanted.

  And there was my fourth beastie, a quiet, dark part of myself that had yet to be explored waiting silently inside me. She was curled as if to pounce, every one of her senses on high alert. I realized then that all my senses were heightened even more by having a fourth beast inside me. My senses were infinitely powerful—four times as powerful as any one of my mates. I inhaled, marveling at all I could find in the city. When I really concentrated, I could smell a million scents—tires burning rubber, oil dripping from the bottom of them, smoke and exhaust, food from the street vendors, and people. So many people it almost overwhelmed me. And the ashy, nasty smell of vampires, and… A different smell, one that was almost vampiric but slightly different. If I hadn’t smelled it in the lab, I’d never have known what it was. But now I knew. It was the monsters.

  I could smell the monsters.

  Suddenly, I knew how we were going to hunt them down. It might take a while, but I could do it.

  I decided to wait and tell my mates when we’d reached pack land and were all together. I dozed for a while, but soon, we had turned onto a bumpy dirt road, and I sat up.

  “Good morning,” Cash joked, reaching over to squeeze my knee.

  I yawned and stretched, inhaling hugely. That’s when I smelled it again—the monsters. And vampires.

  “Fuck,” I yelled, lurching forward against my seatbelt.

  “What is it?” Cash asked, shooting me a look of concern.

  “Hurry,” I urged, fighting the urge to leap out of the moving car. “The vampires are already here. And so are the monsters.”



  The car skidded to a stop at the end of the driveway, throwing up rocks as I took in the battle raging around the main cabin.

  “No,” I breathed. “This can’t be happening.”

  Vampires and monsters fought our people. Wolves, panthers, and bears transformed left and right, flying into the frenzy against the bloodsuckers. My heart pounded as the Dragon Guard in the SUV behind us leapt out to join the fray. In bursts of fiery heat they charged in, some in beast form and others with only their wings out. They tossed fireballs, raining hellfire down upon the vampires slowly overcoming our forces.

  “Stay here!” Maximus barked as he leapt out of Owen’s truck, half shifted before his feet hit the ground. His clothes exploded into shreds as a massive grey wolf charged into battle.

  “Like hell,” I growled. I grabbed the door handle, but a hand on my shoulder made me pause. I looked up to find Jett standing outside the convertible.

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Maximus is right,” Jett said. He squeezed my shoulder, his fingers hot even through my shirt. “We can’t lose you.”

  I twisted to meet his eyes. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I am,” Jett said. His jaw was set, and he narrowed his eyes at me in warning. “Stay in the car. We’ll protect you.”

  I rolled my eyes as Jett took a quick look around to make sure it was safe before he shed his clothes and transformed. My cheeks heated at seeing my panther mate entirely naked for the first time. Despite the fact we’d already claimed each other, our first fuck had been quick, with our clothes still mostly on. I took a quick moment to appreciate him. He was ripped, muscles bulging from every part of him, though his frame was not built as hugely as Owen’s. I gulped and shook my head to clear my mind. Now was so not the time.

  I turned back to face forward as Owen ran by the side of the car. He shot me a look over his shoulder, silently telling me to stay put. Heat built in my chest, and my beasties roared for freedom.

  “Majority rules,” Cash said, hitting a button to raise the top of the car. He leaned over, gave me a quick kiss, and hopped out of the car. “You stay here.”

  “You’re all fucking crazy if you think I’m staying in this car,” I muttered, but Cash had already slammed his door and run to join the fight. As soon as my mates were a good twenty feet out, I threw open the door and jumped out.

  The car had muffled the sounds of battle but outside it, the hisses, growls, and roars were all too loud. I winced at the sounds, the fluctuating heat, and the general animosity pressing in on me.

  A scream pierced the air, and my eyes widened as I watched a tan wolf fly through the air, thrown by a vampire. My fists clenched as I calculated its trajectory. It landed somewhere in the fray, which encompassed the entire clearing right up to the trees. I hoped the wolf was okay, but I didn’t have time to check the pack bond before a monster was on me.

  The creature’s lips pulled back to reveal hideous rows of teeth. It growled, a deep rumble that vibrated up its throat. I took a step back. I needed to transform now. The beast dropped back on its haunches before launching at me.

  I ducked its massive body and rolled, calling to my wolf, who leapt right out of my skin.

  With a quick flash of pain, I landed on all fours. I shook, taking a second to settle into my fur before the monster was on me. It landed on my back, forcing me to the ground. I yelped in surprise and tried to twist around with all my might.

  Agony seared my skin as claws raked my spine. It was too heavy and strong. I couldn’t get it off of me.

  My heart raced with panic, but my fear was short lived. The pressure on my back disappeared, and I leapt to my feet. Two panthers bit and clawed the beast. Together, they’d pinned it to the ground. With their massive claws, they tore out its throat while the beast wailed beneath them.

  A vampire jumped out at me, then another. I flashed my fangs and nipped at his heels, but he was too fast for me. Warmth spread through my body as my dragon fought for the limelight. But before she could free herself, the vampires flew at me.

  I clawed at the female, flaying the skin of her calf as she darted away. Her shriek of rage was haunting, reminding me all too much of Helena’s. I shook it off and spun to bite the male, but he was faster. He grabbed my tail and sent me flying
across the ground, right into the side of a bear.

  The bear paused, steadying me and nudging me to my feet with its massive snout. It waited until I was steady before lumbering toward a screeching monster attacking a much smaller bear.

  Again faced with two vampires, I knew I had to be faster. I called on the new beastie in my mind, and she readily responded. My panther leapt forward. I didn’t even need to return to my human form for her to unleash. Excitement thrummed in my veins as I tore across the yard and leapt right on the female vampire. I closed my teeth around her throat, but barely clamped down before the male ripped me off her chest. He tossed me high, and I fell fucking hard.

  The impact jarred my bones. My neck snapped back, and stars flew across my vision from the impact.

  I lost my panther. She receded into my skin, exposing my human to the world. I groaned as I held my head. My hand came away bloody. That wasn’t good.

  The male vampire grabbed my arm and wrenched me upward. He leaned forward, his fangs flashing, but before he could bite me, the female screamed.

  “Stop,” she shrieked. “That’s her! Don’t bite her unless you want to end up like them.” She gestured at the monsters, and the male’s eyes widened in fear.

  His pause gave me just enough time to shift. My bear surged forward, throwing him off. I clawed through his chest, sending blood spraying across the grass. He collapsed to his knees, and I finished him off with a chomp to the throat.

  The female screamed. I thought at first that it was in fear, but as her voice was quickly choked off, I swung around in time to see the flames of a dragon turn her to ash.

  I gave the dragon overhead a grateful nod, and he flew off to raze another pack of vampires closer to the main cabin. I took a moment to catch my breath. In animal form my headache had disappeared. There was faint pain from the cut to my back, but other than that, I was healing quick enough to combat my smaller injuries.

  I took stock of the field. Ash fluttered through the air and blood soaked the packed earth. We were winning, I realized. I was so surprised I didn’t register the flash of green eyes in front of me until the monster was on me.


  I rolled sideways, sending the monster flying as I lumbered back to my feet. I let my bear fall from my skin, replaced with my wolf as I raced across the grass.

  The monster lurched to its feet and swung its massive clawed hand for my head. I ducked low and then leapt up, slamming my entire body into Jade’s chest. The monster fell back, giving me full access to its underbelly.

  I let my wolf instincts guide me as I tore into its stomach with my hind claws and snapped at its throat with my jaws.

  Jade screeched, and my eardrums rattled. I yelped as pain burst in my head. I clawed more desperately until her fist slammed into my side. I rolled across the ground, only stopping them I finally hit something.

  Climbing to my feet, I shook out my sticky fur. I realized then that I’d hit another bear. But this bear was laying down, its sides heaving. I tasted the air. My heart raced as I recognized the scent. My insides turned, and I nearly collapsed at Owen’s side.

  My mate was hurt. His blood coated the grass, his fur, and mine. His breathing was labored and his heartbeat was growing faint.

  This couldn’t be happening. I couldn’t lose him.

  Rage consumed me as the ashen stench of the monster grew closer. I rounded on the creature, my dragon roaring to life. Flames flew across my skin as I transformed. I had to protect my mate. I would save him. I would flay this bitch alive if I had to.

  As my body grew, heat accumulated in my chest. The monster looked up as I rose above it, a silver dragon crouching over her mate. I opened my jaw and let loose a roar. Jade backpedalled a step or two, but it was too late for her.

  I cupped my wings down around me, guarding Owen as fire lanced up my throat and burned the monster before me to a crisp.

  I barely registered a screech in the night before pain hit my skull like a wrecking ball. I was thrown to the side, and my fire died in my throat. I landed hard, squashing more than one vampire beneath my massive body.

  I flexed my wings, gathering air beneath them as I lurched to my feet. By the time I got a look at my attacker, she was already bent over the crisp remains of her lover.

  Helena stroked a hand down Jade’s blackened cheek, her eyes wide and water leaking down her face. “My love,” she whispered.

  Tears fell from her cheeks onto her lover’s face.

  I paused. I couldn’t help it. Part of me felt for her. She’d just lost the love of her life. But the rest of me felt nothing but rage. If it hadn’t of been for this stupid vampire, none of this would have happened. My mate wouldn’t be bleeding out on the grass, and dozens of vampires and shifters wouldn’t be dying all around us.

  A growl rumbled in my belly and rose into my throat with my flames. Smoke wafted from my nostrils, and my claws dug into the earth.

  Helena stiffened. Slowly, she turned her gaze from Jade and up to meet mine. Her tears had stopped, and in her eyes was fury like I’d never seen. Her blonde hair whipped around her face as magic burned through the air.

  I gasped in a breath, and the oxygen ignited my building flames.

  Helena screamed as she leapt off her lover’s body, flying straight at me. I opened my massive jaws to burn her alive, but she threw her hands out. Purple mist, sparkling like the void of space, flew from her fingers and created a barrier between my flames and her.

  My flames bent around her shield, dousing the grass instead of my opponent. Helena surged through and slammed her fist against the side of my head.

  The impact jarred me, throwing my head sideways. I might have laughed that a tiny woman just punched a massive dragon if it weren’t for the pain lancing through my skull.

  “Ari!” Cash roared. I felt his presence and then his flames as he charged through the sky, half shifted with his wings and claws out.

  As he threw a fireball, Helena hissed and leapt back, dodging the flames. “I’ve had enough of these wretched mates of yours,” she howled.

  She threw out her hand like she was backhanding someone. The wind shifted, slamming into Cash and throwing him across the field. The wind startled everyone nearby, tossing them with my mate.

  While she was distracted, I shifted, slipping into the form of a lithe panther. I raced across the grass and launched at her, a snarl on my lips.

  Helena raised her arm in time to stop my attack, but I bit down on her arm as hard as I could. Blood burst into my mouth, the disgusting ashy taste of bloodsuckers mingled with the floral taste of magic. She yowled in pain and slammed her fist into my shoulder.

  I winced and lost my grip. I fell to my feet and quickly moved around her, trying to get behind her so I could attack once more. Helena spun, following my movements.

  I shifted again and slammed my massive bear body into hers, sending her flying. Helena rolled across the ground until her fingers caught the earth, and she flipped onto her hands and feet. I raced after her, not allowing her a moment’s rest as I shifted into my wolf. I leapt on top of her, but she used my momentum against me, rolling me over and kicking me off.

  By the time I was back on my feet, Helena was kneeling, panting as heavily as I was. I took a moment to glance around the field. Bodies of shifters and vampires alike were strewn across it. Monsters lay dying, and though my people had suffered heavy losses, hers had fared much worse.

  I looked back at Helena and realized she had been doing the same. This was over, and she knew it. Against my better judgement, I shifted. I had enough space between us that I could turn back in time to stop any assault, but I needed her to see this fight was done.

  I kneeled in human form, my silver hair brushing my shoulders in the breeze as I faced off against the Lamia Queen.

  “It’s over, Helena,” I said. “You’ve lost.”

  Helena snarled and narrowed her eyes. “I might have lost the fight today, but I’ll win the war, Silver Shifter. You took my
wife from me, and for that you will pay with your life.”

  I didn’t answer. She could come at me all she wanted, but as the battle today had proven, shifters wouldn’t go down without a fight.

  Helena gave me one last withering stare before she straightened. She picked her way over to Jade’s dead body and plucked her from the ground. I watched as the Lamia Queen lifted the blackened body into her arms and disappeared from sight.

  As soon as the magic faded from the air, my shoulders sagged, and exhaustion set in. I’d never transformed so much in my life, and I knew it’d take days for my body to fully recover. But I couldn’t rest yet.

  I pushed to my feet, groaning as I did so. Limping my way through the battlefield, I collapsed on my knees at Owen’s side. I pushed my fingers through his fur and buried my face in his side.

  “You’re going to be okay,” I whispered. “We won, Owen.” Tears burned the back of my eyes and I closed them before any could fall. “We won.”



  For the next few hours, I didn’t stop moving. So many were injured. As soon as I had dressed and made sure Owen would be okay, I rushed around the house tending to as many people as I could.

  With so many extra shifters in the lodge, our home was way overcrowded. I’d given up my bed and room to the injured. We all had. Aside from Owen’s major injuries, my mates were all safe. They were covered in scratches, bruises, and even a few bite marks, but nothing that wouldn’t heal with time.

  Despite the tired haze clinging to my mind, I raced around the house, bringing Tupperware bowls of water—we’d run out of actual bowls awhile ago—to whoever requested one and ripping up shirts to use as bandages.


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