Home World: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 2)

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Home World: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 2) Page 7

by Erin Raegan

  Uthyf nodded and looked to Haytu. “Which of them do you know that conspire?”

  My father sighed regrettably. “All of them. Though, Hull is behind what drives the others. He gains their support to take the throne.”

  “He will fail.” Uthyf spat and stood from the throne. “My brother was a fool to have them on the Council. Even as he rose Klando and Jirt, his judgment was driven by that of Hull’s and the other’s influence, their plotting. My brother was far too gullible. He could not see them for the serpents they are.”

  “Your father allowed his mam too much of a hand. She is too soft-hearted, and it weakened him.” Father sighed and ignored my warning growl. “Your mam was not so. She taught you to be a warrior, to serve the kingdom as her mate did. Aryx should have never been on the throne.”

  “My brother may be a fool, but he still wished the kingdom well. You will not sully his name.”

  “I meant no offense my King, but he has placed you on a perilous throne because of his actions. He did many great things for the Dahk, but he was no warrior. The Dahk need a warrior ruling.”

  As much as I wished my father silenced, he was right. Aryx was no warrior, and the Dahk held little respect for him for it. Uthyf knew this for he did not reprimand my father again.

  “I will not be here for Aryx’s rites,” I said to Uthyf in apology. I did not wish it so, but I could not stay. The Earth had been left too long without proper defense already. I only hoped Fihk managed to keep more Vitat from entering, to interfere where he could.

  “I know this. The humans need our aid, as hard-minded as they are. We owe them nothing, save you, but I will not have my first command as King be to abandon a defenseless species. It was my brother's last wish to save them, and I will see it through.” Uthyf quieted a moment, studying Haytu. “Though, I wish to know what drove him so fiercely when his Council advised against it. He did not defer from their direction often.”

  Haytu flushed and studied a claw. “We were made aware of their compatibility.”

  “How?” Uthyf demanded.

  I too wished to know. We had not seen any human on Home World or out in the galaxy, though we heard of their occasional slavery amongst other species. Their value.

  “The Juldo Master has been seeking one. Our few allies left inside the Master’s army sent word. He knows of the human females ability to bear young of other species, and he seeks one for himself. Aryx hoped to form an agreement with the humans in order to bear an heir. It was a foolish hope, not only would the Dahk refuse to accept such an heir, but too many laws and obstacles of the Galactic Council would make it near impossible, but the need of an heir and his unsuccessful couplings drove him to interfere when word came of the Vitat’s plan to invade. Aryx believed the Master wished to capture a human for his own for other reasons.”

  “What reasons?”

  “He did not divulge that information, but if I had to guess, I’d say Aryx was wrong, and the Master wished to test it, see if it were possible to birth a Juldo.”

  I scoffed. “Juldo do not birth young. They are made. As it has always been.”

  Uthyf looked equally as doubtful. “Even if it were possible, the Juldo have no need of heirs. They gain the throne through challenge.”

  “The New Master did not gain the throne through any challenge himself. You know this. He stole it through trickery and had another, perhaps more than one, challenge the Old Master.”

  “Even so, it does not matter now. Aryx knew and sent us to save the human species so we may mate with them and gain numbers. Perhaps the last wise command from him. He would have faced great scorn suggesting such a change.” Uthyf gazed off, perhaps remembering his brother and wondering why he had not told him of it.

  “It would be beneficial, although, not many Dahk would support it. Off-world mating is frowned upon already.” Haytu smiled grimly at Tahk in apology. He hadn’t needed to. He spoke the truth.

  “Perhaps why he kept it from me. He worried I would not support it.” Uthyf murmured pensively.

  “You have followed the Dahk way, my King, it was not a careless thought. Would you have supported him?” Haytu boldly asked.

  Uthyf would have looked ashamed if his face were not so stiff with anger. “Dahk are Dahk, mating any other would pollute our origins, but our numbers are low, the climates aiding in the dwindling life. I would have seen the intelligence of such an endeavor and supported him. If we are to survive, we must increase our numbers.”

  I stiffened at the ridiculous view in opinion. Dahk and humans were different, yes, but we had not survived our dying yula by not evolving. We must evolve in these beliefs as well. Any dahkling my mate and I created would be Dahk but also human, but they would be a gift nonetheless as any young should be. Uthyf’s way of thinking was ancient and stifled. I was glad to see he saw the prudence in his brother's ideals even if he did not agree with them. My anger must have shown through for Uthyf sighed and apologized. “I mean no offense for your mating, Commander. You are my closest friend as you were to Aryx, I feel nothing but happiness for you. In the past, I have thought only of the Dahk-way as I was raised by my first father. Not as Aryx did of growth, his forethought was perhaps a boon from Josyd’s interference. Though, even Aryx could not have anticipated a true mating with the humans. This has made me think past my own prejudice.”

  Yes, Uthyf would make a fine King. I knew this witnessing him reconsider his own folly beliefs that would stifle our species. A great King acted for the greater good and used new knowledge to benefit his Dahk. Uthyf saw this early on, and it was a good sign he did not hesitate to alter his thoughts for his Dahk.

  “All Dahk will see the new way in time. We must change our beliefs and prejudices if we are to prosper and defend our home. A true mating will entice many.” Haytu bowed and left the room.

  “Fihk will be waiting for word from you, do you intend to send him aid?” Uthyf asked, once again referring to my judgment.

  “He has my fleet with him. I have full faith in his capabilities. However, I do fear he will not handle negotiation with the humans well. He is calmer than Olynth, but the two of them together do not handle ignorance well, and they fuel the others’ irritation. My Council will be no help. I believe it may be wise to send a negotiator, perhaps Dyadus.”

  Uthyf nodded. “I will inform him to be ready for travel as soon as you return. What of the human warriors?”

  “Gryo has them in the vats, most of their injuries should be healed in a few sunrings, though Hyctoor will possibly take longer due to the scrap impaling him.”

  “Perhaps they will accompany Dyadus back to Earth and aid in the negotiations.”

  I did not think Vivian would agree with her mate returning, but the King had no reason to worry over such things. “Fihk does not have the time it would take for any to travel, I intend to send word to him immediately upon gaining their agreement. The humans will cease to be if we wait much longer.”

  “I agree, they cannot wait for Dyadus’ arrival, but perhaps he can aid them in other ways when he does arrive.”

  “If we gain agreement from the Council the humans do not need to be informed, we will simply interfere and save them from themselves,” I growled, irritated they had not cooperated from the beginning, placing innocent lives in harm's way. Killing Bryahn and the others. There were a few humans I did not mind perishing in the fallout. I would slay them myself if given the opportunity.

  “Why did Aryx not send a skilled negotiator from the beginning?” Uthyf mused to himself. I had no answer. We should have anticipated the complication from the beginning, but the humans were unpredictable and self-destructive. It was the trait of a young species, too young. The humans were not far from achieving many advances in space travel. How could they be so far developed in those areas, and so underdeveloped in others?

  “What will you do in my absence?” I asked him, much needed to be done with the humans, yes, but the Kingdom was in danger on many fronts. We had a war develop
ing with the Juldo, and an assassin that will no doubt return for the new King if the Master wished to cause conflict in our Dahk, and the conflict that was already brewing for the throne.

  “I will weed out the traitors and hunt my brother's slayer. The armies must prepare for war. This was the Juldo. I have no doubt. They seek to destroy us. We must be ready.”

  “Agreed. We cannot afford to have Dahk One far from Home World long.” It was much to settle on the shoulders of a new King. But it could not be helped. “What of our allies?”

  “I will send word. The Guhuvins will request a personal meeting, as well as the Chutary.”

  “Do not the let the Guhuvin soft-bellied Captain refuse.” It was out of line for me to demand a thing from my King, but Uthyf had been under my command and on my Council for many sunspins. We would both be adjusting to the change in circumstance and position.

  He nodded and turned to the door. “I will have the battleship ready for your departure. Do not take long, the Galactic Council expects you in three sunrings.”

  I thumped my chest respectively and bowed, leaving my King.

  I would travel in most of that time. It did not leave long to settle my mate in her new home. It did not leave much time to speak with my consorts’ Houses. I would need to make haste to accomplish it all.

  Haytu waited outside the doors for me.

  “Son, you leave for your House now?”

  “Yes,” I replied curtly. I had no more care for talking, I sought my mate, whether she wished it or not.

  “I thought it strange you had not shared the Dahk way of taking multiple mates, but I should have anticipated it. The humans are not the first species to find such practices eccentric.”

  “She was upset.”

  Haytu snorted. “I could have gathered that from her shouting, Son.”

  “Do not mock me. She was already angry I took her from her Earth, this will only cause her more pain, and me more torment.” I snarled, hastening to the staircase.

  Haytu sighed, “All females struggle at first. She will come around to our ways.”

  “There is no need. I intend to release my consorts and not take another.”

  Haytu choked, “You what?”

  “My Pythe will not be happy sharing.” I grinned to myself. It would cause many disgruntled opinions in the Dahk, but I found myself rather pleased that my yula wanted me to herself. I wanted her to myself as well. I could not be upset she did not wish another to touch me when I would disembowel any who dare touch her. She was mine alone, as I was now hers.

  “Tahk! No, you cannot.” Haytu growled and grabbed my arm, halting me.

  I did with a snarl. “It is not your place to say.”

  “You do her no service bringing such hatred from others. Your consorts’ ire alone will stifle her settlement here.”

  “I will not let that happen. If I keep them, she will never be mine again, and I do not want them.”

  “What about dahkling? You would deny your First Mother this? Me?”

  I sighed and scowled at him. “Who is to say Pehytohn will not birth many babes?”

  “You know to conceive is difficult on Home World. Our climate deprives us of the proper environment. Gryo had assured me humans are far more fertile, but it may still be difficult.”

  “Father, I will not have my mate’s love kept from me because we refuse to relocate to another habitable planet. If she conceives, it will be my greatest happiness. If she does not…she is mine, and I will be just as content.”

  My father paled and stepped back. “What is this? You would discard our cultures for her comfort? It is not done. How are the Dahk to accept her if she causes you to abandon your ideals?”

  I stepped into him threateningly. “Have you not thought of what she is? She is my Pythe. We have not had such a mating in many sunspins. She is a miracle, you cannot hold our mating to the standards that are in practice now. You must think in the old ways. We did not have multiple matings then. Perhaps it is as it should be, one Pythe for a Pythen and no other.”

  He watched me a moment, driving my impatience and anger high.

  “Very well.” He grinned reluctantly. “I will support you in this, but your mam will not.”

  He was very pleased with the idea of my mam scolding me. He was growing bored on the King’s Council.

  I left him and rushed up to the second floor to my mate. I followed the long corridors to where her rooms would be. I only wished she was there now, and not still cowering behind my second, whom I would be speaking to before I left. And if Wohn continued to badger me and interfere where he was not permitted, he would find himself enduring the retirement he avoided.

  My mate and her reservations were no one’s business but our own. I would not allow another to come between us again. If I found her turning to another Dahk, there would be punishment for both her and the fool, as Ryt and Dao now knew as they tended to the injuries I inflicted upon them for their interference.

  I needn’t have worried. My mate was in her rooms―as well as my consorts.

  I growled in rage.

  Not another would come between us be they male or female.

  Chapter 8


  I stood stunned as a gang of Tahk’s past and present lovers snarled and flashed wicked fangs at me. I would not step back. Nope. Not even if Vivian wasn’t plastered to my back. I could handle them, at least I hoped so. I would need to in the future, seeing as Tahk wasn’t going to let me go. These girls and I would be super close if he had any say. Which he didn’t.

  “Who are they?” Viv whispered in my ear. Right, Viv hadn’t met Filiya and knew nothing about Tahk’s harem.

  “We belong to the Commander.” Nonya snarled, looking both Viv and me up and down derisively. We must have looked grubby to them dressed in oversized coats, stuffed full in all the embarrassing places. I sighed and shared a glance with Viv. These mean girls most likely wouldn’t know the meaning of stuffing one's bra―in our case, asses―seeing as they were straight as a board and already looked at our lumps and rolls in disgust, but I still felt embarrassed about it anyway.

  Viv’s face flushed as bright as mine in the face of the three beautiful Dahk dressed in long sparkly gowns. She shifted and tugged at her frumpy coat. I quickly brushed back the knotted mess hanging from my head. I needed a full-scale makeover to face my competition, and I doubted I’d find a tube of chapstick in this place, let alone a pair of tweezers. Hell, I needed a full-on salon. I snorted, Viv had to practically drag me to one back home, and here I was, wishing I had access to a professional makeup artist. Tahk was an ass, but he sure picked some beautiful aliens.

  “What does she mean, belong?” Viv whispered lower, but the females heard anyway.

  “I mean, we are his consorts,” Nonya sneered. “I am to be his second mate. I will satisfy him in ways a human cannot.” She looked proud and way too happy to be the cause of my high sound of distress. But it wasn’t because she hurt me, no, only Tahk could do that. I was more worried for the idiots grinning like they just won some great mean-girl throw-down. I wanted to tell Vivian on my own, where I could break it to her gently. Viv had my back, just like I had hers. Like we always had. There was no holding her back now.

  “The fuck she say?” Viv stiffened and glared at Nonya.

  “Viv,” I reached for her, but it was too late. She reached for her ears then made a sound of frustration not finding any earrings before tearing at the coat Yilt lovingly made her.

  “He’s not yours.” Viv huffed throwing her coat off. “Tahk’s Peyton’s man.” Vivian rolled her sleeves up and took a threatening step forward. The consorts looked on amused.

  “Viv,” I rushed in front of her and held her back.

  “No, Pey, I’ll handle this bitch. No one disses my girl like that.”

  “Vivian, she’s not lying.” It hurt to admit it. My face flushed even more from embarrassment. I was going to die from humiliation if I had to talk to her about this in fro
nt of these witches.

  Viv stopped shoving me aside and looked at me closely. “What?”

  I winced and looked to my feet. “The Dahk don’t do the whole monogamy thing.”

  “You’re shitting me,” she whispered, horrified.

  “What is this kyddyng?” Nonya snarled. “We are here because Filiya has told us of how you have pushed her away from Tahk. We will not allow this. You may be his Pythe, but he does not belong to you. We are all his, and I will have my time with him.”

  “Peyton, what the hell is she talking about?”

  “Viv, not here, okay?”

  Vivian’s eyes roamed my face irritably and in disbelief. “Fine. But that wench better get the fuck out.”

  “I will not until I have her agreement she will not capitalize his attention.”

  “That is not a problem,” I whispered scathingly. She could have him.

  The door slammed open with a crash, and we all jumped in place. Tahk stormed in and took one look at his harem and thundered, “What is this?”

  “My lord, you did not come to me,” Nonya whined childishly.




  Nonya snarled and stormed from the room, Filiya hot on her heels. Only Anya stayed. She was as tall as Nonya, and just as beautifully exotic. Her ridges were thin and flowing to the back of her crown, braided together. Her delicate face was a pale lavender and just as thin as her figure.

  “Anya,” Tahk warned menacingly.

  “You have not greeted me,” she replied simply. Her face not angry nor sad. Cold.

  “I will speak with you later,” he said just as coldly.

  “Will you?”

  “Do not question me, go.”

  She looked away from him and studied me emotionlessly. Whatever she saw must have satisfied her, because she looked away and walked to him. “Goodbye, my lord,” she told him meaningfully. Some of the cold left Tahk’s face as he nodded to her just as meaningfully.

  “Don’t even think about it.” Viv threatened as Tahk took a step towards me.


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