Home World: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 2)

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Home World: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 2) Page 18

by Erin Raegan

  “No.” My mate bit her lip and squinted her eyes at the King in clear accusation. “His other allies.”

  Uthyf chuckled and grinned at her with new respect. “They are aware of the situation and are ready at my word to hold back the Order.”

  “Who do you speak of?” I glared between him and Haytu. What more were they keeping from me?

  My father flushed and refused to meet my eyes. I chuckled humorously, “Ah, I see.”

  “What, you know who they are?” My mate asked in surprise.

  “I suspect,” I told her, and braced for the confirmation and betrayal. I dared Uthyf to say their name in my presence.

  He nodded once, and I snarled.

  “Son.” Haytu stepped before me, blocking me from tearing the King to pieces.

  “Move.” I snarled as Uthyf stood, bracing.

  “What’s going on?” My mate pulled on my arm impatiently.

  “His allies are not a species holding membership in the Order. They are a despicable species, disloyal, selfish, and consumed with greed. They will not aid us without a price.”

  “They will.” Uthyf declared boldly.

  “No, you are a fool if you believe so.”

  “It is true, Son, the Kilbus have agreed.”

  “Who are the Kilbus? Tahk?” My mate dug her little blunt claws into my arm. I did not look away from my spineless King.

  “They are ancient and hold no value for life outside their own and those that join them. They slaughtered my Commander, and if I meet their Lord again, I will tear his hearts from his body.” I snarled and lunged for Uthyf. My mate screamed as I slammed into Uthyf, throwing him from the chair. Haytu shouted and held her back. I wrapped my hand around Uthyf’s throat, my claws piercing his skin.

  “When? When did you build this alliance?” I snarled down at him.

  Uthyf did not fight me. He held his hands aloft, his gaze beseeching me to understand what I would never. “Their Lord sought me out after my First Father died. I did not build the alliance. I had already been made.”

  “And it was broken the day he slaughtered my Commander.”

  “No, Tahk, it was not the lord that betrayed him, but the Juldo,” Haytu shouted. “We have told you this, but you will not listen to the truth.”

  “It is not the truth. It is a lie! Not even Aryx would entertain the Lord. Yet you run to him the moment you inherit the throne?”

  “My brother was weak. He could not have gained the Lord’s respect through battle.” Uthyf flashed his fangs, his neck straining in my grip.

  “And you did? When?” I bared my own fangs, “When?”

  Uthyf thumped his head back against the floor. “When you sent me to infiltrate their ranks.”

  I pushed off of him in disgust. “You were to slay him if given the chance. Did you get down on your knees and beg him to take you under his command?”

  “Do not insult me.” Uthyf spat and stood with me. “I watched and listened. It was not he who killed the Old Commander, but the Juldo. He did not discover me. I revealed myself and accused him. We battled, and he did what has been said the Lord of Kilbus would never do. He bowed Tahk.”

  I looked away from him and clenched my fists.

  “He bowed before me and swore on his honor he did not betray him. He was heartsick from loss.”

  “You believed him.” I accused.

  “I did.”

  “Then you are a fool. Do as you wish. I will remain here and search for the Queen but heed my word. The Kilbus Lord will not aid you for nothing in return. He will come for something. I pray you and all Dahk are prepared to suffer the cost.”


  I left with my mate. There was much to be done. I had planned to return to Earth and somehow stop the Order from enslavement. It was a fools hope, but I could not leave them to suffer. Not only for my mate but because none deserved such a fate. Now those plans were thwarted.

  Uthyf and my First Father may trust in the Kilbus now, but that would soon change. Though now, I could not deny that the human's chances of survival had just grown exponentially. If the Kilbus intervened with the Order, the Council might very well back off entirely before we had to declare war.

  They were frightened of the Kilbus’ abilities and advancements. Their only match, the Juldo. And even if the Juldo corrupted the Council, the new Juldo Master would not risk a war with the Kilbus.

  My skull throbbed. I was beginning to believe my Dahk and the Kingdom were riddled in lies and betrayal. It was no longer the home I trusted above any other. Aryx’s schemes were the hardest to take. I would never have anticipated it from him, and I was furious with myself. I should have seen that his Council had changed him so.

  I would interrogate the Council, and Hull would answer to me before any other. I knew he was behind the bulk of corruption.

  “Tahk, are you okay?” My mate stopped me before our doors and pulled my hand to her chest. I sighed and lifted her against me. “I am racked with indecision and stunned at my own species corruption. I am sorry they are at fault for the Vitat invasion. You must hear me mate. I would have never sanctioned such an order.” I mumbled into the warmth of her neck.

  “Oh, Tahk, I know that.” She hugged my shoulders and kyssd my neck. I clutched her tighter. “I’m sorry you’re hurting.”

  “I am not hurt. I am angry. Full of wrath. I will see these injustices answered for.”

  She chuckled. “The big bad Tahk could never be hurt.”

  “I am big and bahd.” I agreed and growled playfully into her neck, earning a joyful giggle. It nearly brought me to my knees in relief. I worried my species betrayal had harmed her in a way I could never hope to heal.

  “What happens now?” Her smile fell as she looked up, her eyes searching and anxious.

  “Now, we wait for word from Fihk. We wait and watch the King’s Council until it is time to intervene, and we have first meal with my Father’s House.”

  “That’s it? Wait and eat?” She shook her head in frustration, her long fur shaking as it swung down her spine.

  “Let me worry over things of war and corruption. Trust me to care for you and both our species,” I murmured and clawed through the soft fur at her crown.

  “That’s quite a burden your taking on yourself, Tahk.” She tightened her arms around my middle and squeezed.

  “Maybe so, but I am honored to do so. Now come, your belly growls for sustenance, and I wish to hear all about your visit with the King’s House companion.”

  She winced and shot wary eyes around the hall we stood in. “Who told you about that?”

  I chuckled, “Isin met me as I departed from the ship, as you were preoccupied. He could not wait to tell me.”

  A surprised laugh shook her shoulders, and she grinned up at the staircase. “He was so proud of himself for scaring us.”

  She entertained me with her tale of Mantu, the giant spyhdher, on the walk to the great hall. I noticed the change in her demeanor as she talked of Veeveen’s fright and Hyctoor’s surprise. I wished to take her pain and worry away, but I could not. Only time would heal those wounds.

  My mam and sister Kudeyas awaited us when we arrived. My mam was anxious to greet me and immediately rushed over. “Son.” She grinned and clutched my arm. “Kudeyas has returned to meet your Pythe.” She waved to my sister who grinned devilishly.

  “Brother, I am glad to see you well.”

  “As I am you. Father tells me you have been off in search of a House.” I bent and touched her hand to my brow.

  “He only wishes for me to settle so he does not have to facilitate a pairing. He is becoming indolent in his age.” She grinned and looked to my mate curiously when she made a sound of protest.

  Pehytohn coughed and bit her lip. “Sorry, it’s just you want him to set you up? Why not choose a mate yourself?”

  Kudeyas smiled bewilderedly. “It is not done. I am female. I do not choose.”

  Pehytohn made another frustrated noise and cleared
her throat, her eyes widening as she turned to me. She was trying to convey some meaning to me with her eyes. I squinted my own. I could not read her thoughts, but I suspected she was becoming frustrated with me.

  She sighed and turned back to Kudeyas, “Sorry, it’s just that, that hasn’t been done on Earth for a very long time. Now humans choose who they mate, male or female. It goes both ways.”

  My mam and sister looked shocked and fascinated with this statement. “The female chooses?” Kudeyas’ voice dropped low, in awe.

  Pehytohn grinned. “Oh yeah, females hold all the power on Earth. We don’t settle. A male must shower us in gifts and take us out. Human females want to be courted by a male, and they better deliver a damn good date if they expect to get anywhere near second base.”

  “Fascinating.” Kudeyas eyes danced with excitement.

  “Where is second base?” I asked confused. Did my mate wish for me to visit there? Was it a mating custom?

  My mam sighed. “That is not done here.”

  “Well, it should be.” My mate murmured and flushed. She wished for these things, I realized. Gifts, and deets. I would need to speak with Veeveen. I had not given my mate any of those things, and I worried she held it against me. I used her lust and need to woo her when I should have looked for human customs to settle her into our mating. To gain access to first and second base. Perhaps there were many more.

  “Vyndor has arrived with Wayka and Pyntera.” Myrna waved us to a table in the back of the great hall. My father had already joined them. He watched us move closer warily. But it did not last long. He fidgeted only briefly before jumping from the table and clutching my mate to his chest. My mam gasped and tripped back, along with Pyntera and Wayka. Even Kudeyas looked shocked with their blatant display of matehood. I tried not to tackle my own father.

  Pehytohn smiled and patted him, “I know it’s not your fault,” she whispered to him. He sighed gustily and squeezed her tighter. My mam made a noise of alarm. Pehytohn looked to her and wrinkled her brow. Haytu cleared his throat and released my mate, smiling sheepishly at his infuriated House. “What’s―? Oh, crap. I wasn’t supposed to hug him, was I?” Her cheeks flooded with color, and I pulled her to my side.

  “It is a human custom,” I told my Mothers. They did not seem appeased.

  Vyndor jumped from the table and held his arms aloft. “I will partake in this custom gladly.”

  I growled and shoved him down, pulling my mate to an empty seat. “Do not feel embarrassed, my yula, my father hoogd you first.” She released a startled laugh and sat.

  “Sorry, I’ll keep my hooging to myself from here on out.” Wayka and Pyntera smiled guardedly, but my mam was not so easily soothed. She scowled and sat next to my father, turning her ire on him.

  A servant delivered our meals during an uncomfortable silence. My father attempted to ease his mate’s discomfort by sharing his time spent playing games with my mate while I was away. This only seemed to drive their discomfort furiously. I grinned and leaned back, dropping my arm around my mate. I knew my father’s interest in my mate was purely affection for a new daughter, but his mates had not spent enough time with her to know her customs as he had. I enjoyed watching him struggle to explain his strange behavior to his mates.

  Pehytohn looked up and pinched my side. “You should help him out.”

  “Why? I am enjoying this.”

  Kudeyas grinned at my mate. “It is only fair he struggles. Don’t you think sister? He has taken on so many females.”

  “And you do not approve of our ways any longer, Kudeyas?” Vyndor scowled at her. “The humans arrive, and now you do not wish to mate with the Dahk in the ways we have always done?”

  “Dear brother, you are a male, so you will not understand. You strive to surpass father and gain more mates than he has.”

  Pehytohn gasped low, “five?”

  “I have only three, new sister. I seek another, but I have no such goals.”

  “Only?” Pehytohn gasped again and widened her eyes at Kudeyas, who tossed her head back and roared with laughter, startling my mate.

  “Sister, oh what fun we shall have.” Kudeyas leaned across the table and patted my mate's limp hand. “Human mating practices are fascinating. One female to one male? Perhaps, I will visit this Earth to find my mate.”

  All three of my Mothers gasped and abandoned their silent argument with my father. Peyton grinned and winked at Kudeyas.

  Vyndor coughed uncomfortably. Watching our mams with worry. He scowled at Kudeyas as he finished swallowing a goliv berry. “Pehytohn, I am told there is a recording of your Pythen mating, I wish to view it after first meal.”

  My mate had been sipping a warm mug of tea, which she promptly spit across my brother’s face.

  “There’s a what?!”

  Chapter 18


  First meal was an uncomfortable affair after my brother's request. It was normal for the Dahk closest to a mated pair to view a first mating and give their blessing. It was rarely done now, but it was a vital part of the ceremony in a Pythen mating. My Mothers and siblings did not understand Pehytohn’s discomfort. Our mating was the first ever known to be done outside of Home World. We had no choice but to mate without a proper ceremony. The recording was only taken so my House and the King may bless it. I realized immediately after explaining this I had only managed to upset her further.

  “You knew?”

  I grinned sheepishly. “Yes, I did not realize it would upset you or I would have told you sooner.”

  “You didn’t think it would upset me? Tahk, your family has a damn porno of us!”

  “Pohrnoh?” Vyndor looked to the others in confusion, dabbing liquid from his face.

  “Oh my god.” Pehytohn’s face flushed an alarming shade of red. She smacked her hands against her burning cheeks. “This is not happening,” she whispered frantically. “It’s a dream. I’m just going to wake up.” She pinched her cheek and yelped.

  I scowled and clutched her hands. “You will not harm yourself.”

  “Where is it?” She scrunched her eyes closed tightly. “Have any of you seen it?”

  “I have it.” Myrna murmured, watching my mate closely. “None have seen it.”

  Pehytohn sighed heavily and slouched against the table. I scowled at my mam. She was not truthful. Haytu looked particularly suspicious of his First Mate. I glared in warning. She would not speak of this, ever. She nodded subtly in understanding.

  “I’m sorry, I know this is another custom I’m messing up for you guys, but I just can’t let you watch it.” My mate was distressed, and she kept her eyes from those around us, looking down on her clutched hands.

  It was Pyntera that comforted her when my attempts only seemed to cause her more distress. “Do not worry, daughter. We will learn to understand one another, and this is a request that we have no issue granting. I too was alarmed when I mated Haytu. My House had requested a viewing at my mating, and though it was not a Pythen mating, I believe I still would have refused.”

  “Really?” Pehytohn cast her eyes up and looked so hopeful, Pyntera blinked away her wary expression and smiled genuinely.

  “Yes. Some things are private, yes?”

  “Yeah.” Pehytohn nodded and laughed. “God, I would have never been able to look at any of you guys ever again.”

  Myrna stiffened and widened her eyes at Wayka. The two of them blinked away guilty expressions and swallowed heavily.

  “Well, now you have nothing to fear.” Haytu boomed and clutched Myrna and Wayka on either side of him. “The recording will be turned over to you.” The two females murmured immediate agreements. I was surprised by my mam’s docile behavior. I had thought, of all of them, she would have demanded a proper blessing be bestowed on our mating, especially due to the nature and rarity of it.

  Veeveen was escorted into the great hall by Yilt, distracting my mate from the frightened look my father gave me. I nearly grinned. My mate may not have realize
d it, but she had won over her new family. They were so alarmed at the very idea of her not being able to bear the embarrassment of them seeing her in the recording, I knew they would keep the truth from her for all time as not to risk their new tentative relationship with her.

  “Hey,” Pehytohn stood and clutched her friend tightly. “Come and eat something.” Veeveen nodded and allowed Yilt to guide her to an empty seat.

  “Veeveen.” I bowed my head in greeting. She smiled and blinked tired eyes. I introduced Wayka, Pyntera, and Vyndor by name, and each of them greeted her back. Haytu, Myrna, and Kudeyas greeted her with warmth, having already been introduced.

  “Yilt said it’ll be days before Hector wakes up. He said I needed to get out of the room.” She scowled at the Dahk who stared back at her with clear determination.

  “He’s right. It’s not good for you to hole up in that room for so long. You need to eat something.” Pehytohn pushed her full plate in front of Veeveen.

  “I know. I’m going crazy in there, but I don’t feel well.” Veeveen pushed the plate back.

  “Try okay, you didn’t eat a thing yesterday.” Pehytohn pushed the plate back to her. I scowled and replaced her plate with my own. She needed to eat as well. She sighed and pushed it back between us. “Share with me?” I could not refuse her request. I picked up a hunk of meat and held it out to her lips. She wrinkled her nose adorably but bit into the tender meat.

  First meal was finished quickly amongst quiet conversation. Mentions of Veeveen’s mate was avoided by all parties. And I was glad to see her answering simple questions when asked.

  We were standing from our seats when a guard barreled through the doors. “Haytu, my lord!” He cried and nearly ran into a servant clearing our plates, he spun to avoid her and stopped, huffing through a wild grin. “It is lady Byda! Your dahkling comes!”

  My father hooted and clutched all three of his mates in his excitement. My siblings cheered with the happy mates. I slapped his shoulder, “We shall accompany you.”


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